You give such wonderful life-advice 💕 you definitely outdo ALL of the self-help gurus. I love the humor in all your videos, you keep me laughing at myself and the craziness of the world.
I'm late to reply because I spent the day hiking in the woods with my oldest daughter but inbetween read her these lovely comments. Thank you Anneke and Rosemary. It does make me want to go back to my ex and say, "See! I am funny!"
I loved this so much, Tereza! Laughter saved me during (as my sister liked to call it) The Covid. 😂 Even making myself laugh was therapeutic. I got kicked out of the farmer's market for not wearing a mask 😂 and one time I was standing outside the yellow plastic tape (placed there so people could only enter in one spot and be scrutinized) telling my farmer friend what I needed and slipping him some money. All of a sudden, I don't know what got into me (a former rule-following Catholic school girl) but I slowly ripped the plastic tape and it fell to the ground so everyone started streaming in. The mask Nazi went berserk but I went unnoticed, took my veggies and laughed all the way home. 😂😂
The cocaine meme was hilarious! Thx for the laughs, Tereza. It truly is the best medicine. 😂😂
I LOVE that story, Barbara. Guerrilla warfare in the produce aisle! My raw milk vendor got kicked out of the FM too and ended up distributing out of my driveway. We had the unmasked underground every Weds, the raw milk speakeasy. Raw milk people are definitely ahead of the curve that gov't is not on your side. Great source of trading info and we had the covid care kit that got passed around whenever someone got sick. Definitely helped keep me sane.
It was guerrilla warfare in the open air farmer's market! One of my (few) favorite things about my stint in Jersey City was that I could get raw milk. One day in the little market down my block, a woman whispered to me that she knew a guy... Enter Ahmed, the sweet man who would park his white unmarked van down the block (he had to keep moving around after getting busted a few times) filled with all kinds of raw dairy, organic grass fed meat, etc. etc. from the Pennsylvania Amish farmers. The company is called Udder Milk and you placed your order online and met up with Ahmed at night. He even discovered a spring and started selling spring water to a few of us.
I'm blessed now (in New Hampshire) to have a farmer's market with a dear farmer who sells raw dairy. He loves his cows and gives them a nice long break from milking. It's insanity that getting raw milk is a covert operation when the grocery stores are so filled with garbage.
This might have been my favorite post of yours, Tereza! xo
OMG! That's hilarious! Sounds like something I'd do. And I'd have done it with a super goofy grin (which my 9 yo grandson has down perfectly) and an overplayed look of innocence. And you got away with it; what a sweet victory! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the recognition, Geoff! I was swallowing my glee when the bandana-wearing mask Nazi came running over yelling "Who did this??" 😂😂 Just the week before he'd bullied me and threatened to have my favorite farmer's license revoked if he sold his veggies to me. That's when I left. But, my temporary victory was sweet and just weeks later I up and moved to the country in New Hampshire where two weeks later the mask bs began here, too. I just carried on as usual. Kudos to your grandson. :)
I pretty much carried on as usual as well and that's why I was so shocked at the sudden loss of humor around here during the peak craziness. Joking was about as appropriate as laughing at a sad funeral back then.
I have a laughing at a funeral story as well! Are you surprised? 😂 My friend and I lost it (thank God we were in the lobby of the funeral home, not standing before the casket!). I don't even remember what was so funny but it was that laughter where you think you're going to throw up and we had to take it to the parking lot! Great analogy, Goeff! 😂
Not surprised a bit. I hope they throw a huge, rollicking party when I depart! I want there to be laughing, joking and dancing in the streets and everywhere else, too!
I'm with Rabelais, "Close the curtain, the farce is ended."
Hahahaha that was me until I bonded with a friend during the PLandemic. I'm still amazed when she says how funny I am! I'll bet you're really funny and no one is sharp enough to get your jokes. 😂
For me, people who withhold laughter are jealous of people who laugh and make others laugh. It’s a SuperPower, and i believe humor is a coveted connection with and expression of God. People like my late hub. just begrudged the ladies having that joyful connect and comical outlet - jealous he didn’t have it. I agree many males are socialized to not giggle in the schoolyard, so they suppressed it. I figure testosterone levels are part of the equation, as is that mean humor that is clearly from the ego. Thanks for posting this, I thought I was the only one.
"...I agree many males are socialized to not giggle in the schoolyard..."
Glad I missed that lesson!
I had a kollitch friend who was always easily located by his characteristic and constant very loud guffaws. Even the girls laughed and they all loved him. Dammit! ; )
I like your contrast of cultural appropriate vs. appreciation. To me, the "appropriation" idea seems dangerously close to racism. It's like saying, for example, that you can't play other people's music because your skin is the wrong color. That actually happened to a friend of mine who's in a drumming circle. They were invited to play at a weekly farmer's market, but after one gig they were told to stop coming back. That's because a black woman complained that they shouldn't be allowed to play Jamaican music because they were white. Can you imagine the uproar that would ensue if people told Awadagin Pratt that he shouldn't play Brahms?
Yes, exactly Mark! Like the rules for swapping out proper nouns in an ethical equation, it would be seen as racist immediately to say that black people can't play European composers. In fact, that's what motivated Suzuki to develop his method of teaching violin. It was said that Asians weren't capable of playing classical composers because they didn't have the innate talent for it. He developed a method of listening and repetition that enabled anyone to have the skill up to the last level of nuance, when distinctions in talent would manifest. But he completely blew the 'cultural superiority and talent' argument out of the water.
This might be my favorite articles of yours because this is a topic that I've oddly thought about a lot over the years. While you make some points here in ways different than I might, I agree with most all your observations, and it's a surprisingly important topic when you think about it. In this age of rapidly dividing classes, humor does many things at once. It's a power dynamic, and it's also signaling at times.
One worry that I've had since maybe 2016 when I retired my last school and started paying attention to geopolitics, but that it took me a while to start putting into words, is that the Trump era was clearly defined by humor. And what pained me was that while Team Meme that was the magic behind Trump seemed incisive (anal expulsive, perhaps, but incisive), the humor from the Blue Crew seemed more focused on class warfare, punching down (despite admonishments about punching down, which is how you know it's a power dynamic). I eventually came to the conclusion that it was all scripted, but that's another story. The end result is still pain, depression, and anxiety---and without a lot of results. All our problems keep getting worse no matter what politicians we "elect".
Those who can share laughter with the whole group succeed on a different level. Sadly, this can also be used as a tool for sociopaths, but now I'm going down the twisted game theory of this moment...
You put that so well, Mathew, and I'm so touched that this one spoke to you. I worry that these will be seen as 'lightweight' by my serious audience but I'm going to stop worrying.
You would like my youngest daughter, I think. Like both of us, she analyzes things and looks for patterns. So when she told me her theory about withholding laughter as a power dynamic, it struck me that she was on to something.
My oldest just called it The Chandler Syndrome. Matthew Perry's character was always the one to joke, never the one to laugh. It put him as top dog on the hierarchy.
Really interesting observation about Trump and Team Blue. I remember Matt Taibbi saying about Trump, that whatever else he was, he was funny. I saw an article recently about liberal comedians all toeing the line. And yes, punching down is an apt way to put it. It made me cringe to see. And yes, certainly scripted although that took me years to see!
One of the things that shocked me as I tried to do my usual humor despite the foolishness was the general lack of humor during that time. I have found it just as shocking that a lot of the receptivity to humor seems to have returned just as quickly as it had vanished.
I was just at a Bingo fund raiser for the local fire crews and I told a group of them that I had this uncontrollable urge to holler "FIre! I got what I was looking for... a whole bunch of twinkling eyes and big grins. I didn't dare do that, but I did yell "Bingo" about 5 plays into "cover the board" and I'm still chuckling at the gasps of incredulity as well as the sourpuss frowns. Apparently some folks take their Bingo as well as Gates and Fauci seriously! I had no idea and I an old (ahem).
On a serious note, you probably know that Mao was a Yali and that he and his antics were backed by the usual suspects aka the international banking mafiosi. I always wondered why the clowns named Nixon and Kissinger went to China many decades ago. I now have some suspicions and they ain't funny.
This article has its flaws, but seems to have some value nevertheless.
Communism was created by the Rothchilds in order to ensure control over the vacuum created by killing the Russian tsar and the Chinese Emperor / Imperial.
Mao Lenin Trotzky... even Xi... they are all related Khazaars that were paid to do what they did.
Ther Manchu are Chinese Jews.
The CCP is 100% Manchu.
The Rothchilds work on divide and conquer... that is why they created Religion and Communism.
Methinketh you's on de right track. The article mentions how traditional Chinese culture was destroyed on purpose by the moneybags crew and it's quite plain that our own culture is being treated to the same end and that only the means are somewhat different.
Kinda helps put the origins of the BIg Wars in perspective, I think. What were they but an overt destruction of Western societies under the guise of protecting them, as usual?
You are correct on every point. I am not Asian, but I deeply respect Asian people and cultures in general and I have more than a few Asian friends and many acquaintances. Have been all over SE Asia, but not to China. I only know basic phrases in Cantonese...enough to put a smile on the faces of restaraunt workers.
I have read translations of Confucius and Mencius and found them both interesting and of value.
I have long suspected that Native Americans were of Asiatic origin. I live in an area that was once occupied by the Ojibway and Dakotas and very much admire them and their ways as well. If you want to read something particularly charming, go to page 6 ( ) and read "Characterization," which contains, inter alia, this pleasant comment," The Chippewa have a strong sense of humor and are fond of exchanging jokes among themselves."
Hey, did you know that the US Navy was "protecting US interests in Asia" by patrolling the Yangtze River way back in the 1830s? It's true. And that the famous Wuhan is located on the banks of the river? Did you knw that one of FDR's grandfathers, Warren Delano II, was an opium trader who ran opium on clipper ships from Turkey to China? The opium trade was a significnt factor in WW2 especially since Japan wanted Asia to catch up to the West and part of their program was to get control of the opium trade. I suspect, but have no proof, that the Japanese militarists who terroized their own leaders into a war with the US were well paid agents of the global opium mafiosi. US meddling in Asia goes waaay back.
I hope that the people of China remember the Opium Wars and that the American people understand what you stated in the first two lines of your comment.
Bless you and please stay in touch and don't be shy about sharing info.
The Chinese don't remember the Opium Wars because they been indoctrinated (just like we) by a political system (Government) that works as a Global Mafia against the people.
The WEF is central to this Mafia's objective which is Zionist in Nature and World Government is the aim.
The current pre WW3 scenario is staged by them.
The Russel family who owns skull & Bones made their money by shipping Opium.
HSBC was founded upon the Opium trade.
Skull & Bones and the Secret Societies are founded on Drug Money.
The same families who are behind the WEF and the downfall of Humanity are Jewish Opium traders.
Afghanistan was a war for Opium by the Clinton Obama Bush admin who are all deeply entrenched in this spiritual war against Humanity.
I've thought men don't like to laugh in appreciation with women comics because they don't want to be associated with women, since sincere laughter is wholesome affinity. See the tropes about how "women aren't funny" - I generally find the female comics on popular media to be more honest and clever than the men. Denigration is never wholesome affinity though. Thank you for the reminder about ridicule, and how even if it has a place must treat with great care. I didn't think of this.
I am broken and hurting, and just trying to lay low. I long for a bunch of silly friends to dance with.
I have had a busy dozen years caring for my parents, they lived to their late 90s and dad passed in June at 99.5. It has been a wonderful experience for me. My siblings and even my daughters have no acknowledgement or given me any encouragement over the past years. It hurts but I do not cry about it. Your statement about pouring it all out sounds so very enticing and necessary. Additionally, I was cancelled with severe consequences (complete blanking and firmly informed that I am not part of their family any longer) This includes my husband because he is married to such a horrible person. I sent out an email to several family members about getting more information before vaxxing your babies with the covid shot. My stupid son in law, as you describe with people who are funny or joke.... Jerome just tore me up and down again.
I'm so sorry for your experience, Rosemary. Caring for parents is hard enough without being ostracized also. One of my theories is that guilt makes people behave badly. At some level, your family knows they've treated you badly. The justify it by turning on you, doubling the hurt.
thank you for linking this from your most recent tonic masculinity essay (2024.09.22).
humour is life. i've been exploring this from a completely different direction, and your insights here are informing my own exploration.
i've come to see morals and moralism as the mechanism by which we, the society, remove humour form ourselves and from life. this allows us to make everything deadly serious. notice that it is the tyrants of all sorts who want to ban humour in all forms so that their gaslighting morality can be safely applied. it is when we are moral that we can seriously justify the spanish-inquisition, guantanamo bay torture, injecting infants with toxins, using babies as shields from bombing, rationalise and be gaslit by the importance of war, etc. seriously!
question: i've questioned the effectiveness of george carlin's 'humour' in large part because it seems to me that he was coming from a perspective of hurting people and hoping to shock them. in a way, he was a caustic/sarcastic moralist. i think this aligns with your noting that both Glenn Greenwald and Jon Stewart are alluding to. your thoughts?
an uplifting read to the heart of entering into life with expanded compassion.
all the best with what is changing. everything changes.
I've had many relationships (far too many some might say) but by a country mile the best and most loving - and we are still the greatest of friends - was with a woman who used to make me fall of my chair with laughter. I'm a British straight white male who went to an all boys school, so am I a deviant? (Said in jest.)
You give such wonderful life-advice 💕 you definitely outdo ALL of the self-help gurus. I love the humor in all your videos, you keep me laughing at myself and the craziness of the world.
I'm late to reply because I spent the day hiking in the woods with my oldest daughter but inbetween read her these lovely comments. Thank you Anneke and Rosemary. It does make me want to go back to my ex and say, "See! I am funny!"
I do too. The humor is what keeps me hopeful
"I think the wet blanket cancel culture is another way of asserting your superiority, your authority. It’s a power play..."
Yes and yes. WIthout a doubt you are correct and that's no joke!
Bravo again...another good one. And I'm being serious here. : )
I loved this so much, Tereza! Laughter saved me during (as my sister liked to call it) The Covid. 😂 Even making myself laugh was therapeutic. I got kicked out of the farmer's market for not wearing a mask 😂 and one time I was standing outside the yellow plastic tape (placed there so people could only enter in one spot and be scrutinized) telling my farmer friend what I needed and slipping him some money. All of a sudden, I don't know what got into me (a former rule-following Catholic school girl) but I slowly ripped the plastic tape and it fell to the ground so everyone started streaming in. The mask Nazi went berserk but I went unnoticed, took my veggies and laughed all the way home. 😂😂
The cocaine meme was hilarious! Thx for the laughs, Tereza. It truly is the best medicine. 😂😂
I LOVE that story, Barbara. Guerrilla warfare in the produce aisle! My raw milk vendor got kicked out of the FM too and ended up distributing out of my driveway. We had the unmasked underground every Weds, the raw milk speakeasy. Raw milk people are definitely ahead of the curve that gov't is not on your side. Great source of trading info and we had the covid care kit that got passed around whenever someone got sick. Definitely helped keep me sane.
It was guerrilla warfare in the open air farmer's market! One of my (few) favorite things about my stint in Jersey City was that I could get raw milk. One day in the little market down my block, a woman whispered to me that she knew a guy... Enter Ahmed, the sweet man who would park his white unmarked van down the block (he had to keep moving around after getting busted a few times) filled with all kinds of raw dairy, organic grass fed meat, etc. etc. from the Pennsylvania Amish farmers. The company is called Udder Milk and you placed your order online and met up with Ahmed at night. He even discovered a spring and started selling spring water to a few of us.
I'm blessed now (in New Hampshire) to have a farmer's market with a dear farmer who sells raw dairy. He loves his cows and gives them a nice long break from milking. It's insanity that getting raw milk is a covert operation when the grocery stores are so filled with garbage.
This might have been my favorite post of yours, Tereza! xo
You've a raw milk vendor?! Get outta here! I cannot find one closer than~75 miles away. I'm so dying to make some Cambozola knock off!
I always suspected I live in a half frozen desert, and it ain't a bit funny.
Barbara, this is terrific. I would have done that too. Yay for being bold and naughty
It still makes me laugh, Rosemary! 🤭
I'll be passing your story around and it'll make others laugh too.
Naughty girls are hilarious.
I'll be 70 next month. I don't think anyone has ever called me naughty before. 😂
Well, just try to deny it now! : )
Why would I want to?? 🤭😂
Indeed and why would you not be naughty at your age? : )
My own mother was not only naughty, but lippy as well, and she lived to 97. Proof that stuff is good foer ya, I think!
OMG! That's hilarious! Sounds like something I'd do. And I'd have done it with a super goofy grin (which my 9 yo grandson has down perfectly) and an overplayed look of innocence. And you got away with it; what a sweet victory! Thanks for sharing.
Keep on chucklin' mama!
Thanks for the recognition, Geoff! I was swallowing my glee when the bandana-wearing mask Nazi came running over yelling "Who did this??" 😂😂 Just the week before he'd bullied me and threatened to have my favorite farmer's license revoked if he sold his veggies to me. That's when I left. But, my temporary victory was sweet and just weeks later I up and moved to the country in New Hampshire where two weeks later the mask bs began here, too. I just carried on as usual. Kudos to your grandson. :)
I pretty much carried on as usual as well and that's why I was so shocked at the sudden loss of humor around here during the peak craziness. Joking was about as appropriate as laughing at a sad funeral back then.
I have a laughing at a funeral story as well! Are you surprised? 😂 My friend and I lost it (thank God we were in the lobby of the funeral home, not standing before the casket!). I don't even remember what was so funny but it was that laughter where you think you're going to throw up and we had to take it to the parking lot! Great analogy, Goeff! 😂
Not surprised a bit. I hope they throw a huge, rollicking party when I depart! I want there to be laughing, joking and dancing in the streets and everywhere else, too!
I'm with Rabelais, "Close the curtain, the farce is ended."
my mom and dad and I went to a Quaker funeral service. Have you been to one of those?
My dad and I were laughing inside so hard I almost peed my pants.
My eyes were watering like a faucet from laughing. then my nose got stuffy from holding in the laugh that I sneezed.
I honestly do not know what was so funny.
No, I've never been, but guessing silence was involved? There's your clue... 🤭
I'm the only one who laughs at my jokes.
Yes but we keep ourselves amused, don't we?
OMG again! That's my most used excuse!
Hahahaha that was me until I bonded with a friend during the PLandemic. I'm still amazed when she says how funny I am! I'll bet you're really funny and no one is sharp enough to get your jokes. 😂
That happens to me as well despite my specialties of making faces and fun of myself.
For me, people who withhold laughter are jealous of people who laugh and make others laugh. It’s a SuperPower, and i believe humor is a coveted connection with and expression of God. People like my late hub. just begrudged the ladies having that joyful connect and comical outlet - jealous he didn’t have it. I agree many males are socialized to not giggle in the schoolyard, so they suppressed it. I figure testosterone levels are part of the equation, as is that mean humor that is clearly from the ego. Thanks for posting this, I thought I was the only one.
"...I agree many males are socialized to not giggle in the schoolyard..."
Glad I missed that lesson!
I had a kollitch friend who was always easily located by his characteristic and constant very loud guffaws. Even the girls laughed and they all loved him. Dammit! ; )
I like your contrast of cultural appropriate vs. appreciation. To me, the "appropriation" idea seems dangerously close to racism. It's like saying, for example, that you can't play other people's music because your skin is the wrong color. That actually happened to a friend of mine who's in a drumming circle. They were invited to play at a weekly farmer's market, but after one gig they were told to stop coming back. That's because a black woman complained that they shouldn't be allowed to play Jamaican music because they were white. Can you imagine the uproar that would ensue if people told Awadagin Pratt that he shouldn't play Brahms?
Yes, exactly Mark! Like the rules for swapping out proper nouns in an ethical equation, it would be seen as racist immediately to say that black people can't play European composers. In fact, that's what motivated Suzuki to develop his method of teaching violin. It was said that Asians weren't capable of playing classical composers because they didn't have the innate talent for it. He developed a method of listening and repetition that enabled anyone to have the skill up to the last level of nuance, when distinctions in talent would manifest. But he completely blew the 'cultural superiority and talent' argument out of the water.
Interesting about Suzuki's motivation, didn't know that. Lang Lang and Yuja Wang totally blow up that argument, too (to name just two).
This might be my favorite articles of yours because this is a topic that I've oddly thought about a lot over the years. While you make some points here in ways different than I might, I agree with most all your observations, and it's a surprisingly important topic when you think about it. In this age of rapidly dividing classes, humor does many things at once. It's a power dynamic, and it's also signaling at times.
One worry that I've had since maybe 2016 when I retired my last school and started paying attention to geopolitics, but that it took me a while to start putting into words, is that the Trump era was clearly defined by humor. And what pained me was that while Team Meme that was the magic behind Trump seemed incisive (anal expulsive, perhaps, but incisive), the humor from the Blue Crew seemed more focused on class warfare, punching down (despite admonishments about punching down, which is how you know it's a power dynamic). I eventually came to the conclusion that it was all scripted, but that's another story. The end result is still pain, depression, and anxiety---and without a lot of results. All our problems keep getting worse no matter what politicians we "elect".
Those who can share laughter with the whole group succeed on a different level. Sadly, this can also be used as a tool for sociopaths, but now I'm going down the twisted game theory of this moment...
You put that so well, Mathew, and I'm so touched that this one spoke to you. I worry that these will be seen as 'lightweight' by my serious audience but I'm going to stop worrying.
You would like my youngest daughter, I think. Like both of us, she analyzes things and looks for patterns. So when she told me her theory about withholding laughter as a power dynamic, it struck me that she was on to something.
My oldest just called it The Chandler Syndrome. Matthew Perry's character was always the one to joke, never the one to laugh. It put him as top dog on the hierarchy.
Really interesting observation about Trump and Team Blue. I remember Matt Taibbi saying about Trump, that whatever else he was, he was funny. I saw an article recently about liberal comedians all toeing the line. And yes, punching down is an apt way to put it. It made me cringe to see. And yes, certainly scripted although that took me years to see!
One of the things that shocked me as I tried to do my usual humor despite the foolishness was the general lack of humor during that time. I have found it just as shocking that a lot of the receptivity to humor seems to have returned just as quickly as it had vanished.
I was just at a Bingo fund raiser for the local fire crews and I told a group of them that I had this uncontrollable urge to holler "FIre! I got what I was looking for... a whole bunch of twinkling eyes and big grins. I didn't dare do that, but I did yell "Bingo" about 5 plays into "cover the board" and I'm still chuckling at the gasps of incredulity as well as the sourpuss frowns. Apparently some folks take their Bingo as well as Gates and Fauci seriously! I had no idea and I an old (ahem).
Anyway, lesson learned.
Funny... I like it
Cancel culture is not a culture... it is a movement to cancel culture.
It is Mao's Cultural Revolution to cancel the culture we build.
Also... Men and women are Opposites and opposites attract each other.
Men and women are meant to compliment... not to contest.
Women who "train" their men find them boring after some time... and throw them away... next.
Men who are domesticated I find boring... I am a Fire Horse... no one can conquer me.
But my love I give freely only to those who deserve it... I am like no other.
I think you find this clip funny...
It is from SG-1 and one of the "Heroes" gets a ticket for a show...
Also this is interesting... a conversation between Harvey Weinstein and Pol Pot.
How To Brand Genocide
Loved How to Brand Genocide. Great example of humor to say what you can't.
Authority demands the absolute right to be true.
Humor is the grease that makes the Emperor slip.
I don't know if you ever heard of Max & Moritz by Willhelm Busch.
It was written in the 1800 and it is a great example how mischief is both good and bad.
On a serious note, you probably know that Mao was a Yali and that he and his antics were backed by the usual suspects aka the international banking mafiosi. I always wondered why the clowns named Nixon and Kissinger went to China many decades ago. I now have some suspicions and they ain't funny.
This article has its flaws, but seems to have some value nevertheless.,contact%20with%20leftist%20intellectuals%2C%20like%20Jew%20Chen%20Duxiu.
I will read it but here are my 2 cents.
Communism = State Capitalism.
The same shit... different package.
Communism was created by the Rothchilds in order to ensure control over the vacuum created by killing the Russian tsar and the Chinese Emperor / Imperial.
Mao Lenin Trotzky... even Xi... they are all related Khazaars that were paid to do what they did.
Ther Manchu are Chinese Jews.
The CCP is 100% Manchu.
The Rothchilds work on divide and conquer... that is why they created Religion and Communism.
Because a world divided is easy to be controlled.
Thems the shiniest 2 pennies I ever saw, Sir!
Methinketh you's on de right track. The article mentions how traditional Chinese culture was destroyed on purpose by the moneybags crew and it's quite plain that our own culture is being treated to the same end and that only the means are somewhat different.
Kinda helps put the origins of the BIg Wars in perspective, I think. What were they but an overt destruction of Western societies under the guise of protecting them, as usual?
They did the same to Germany.
They do the same now to the USA.
I was married in China and i speak Chinese.
I am also a great admire of Chinese culture...n old Chinese culture that is.
ZEN & Gung Fu.
Did you know that the Native Americans are actually genetic Chinese?
You are correct on every point. I am not Asian, but I deeply respect Asian people and cultures in general and I have more than a few Asian friends and many acquaintances. Have been all over SE Asia, but not to China. I only know basic phrases in Cantonese...enough to put a smile on the faces of restaraunt workers.
I have read translations of Confucius and Mencius and found them both interesting and of value.
I have long suspected that Native Americans were of Asiatic origin. I live in an area that was once occupied by the Ojibway and Dakotas and very much admire them and their ways as well. If you want to read something particularly charming, go to page 6 ( ) and read "Characterization," which contains, inter alia, this pleasant comment," The Chippewa have a strong sense of humor and are fond of exchanging jokes among themselves."
Hey, did you know that the US Navy was "protecting US interests in Asia" by patrolling the Yangtze River way back in the 1830s? It's true. And that the famous Wuhan is located on the banks of the river? Did you knw that one of FDR's grandfathers, Warren Delano II, was an opium trader who ran opium on clipper ships from Turkey to China? The opium trade was a significnt factor in WW2 especially since Japan wanted Asia to catch up to the West and part of their program was to get control of the opium trade. I suspect, but have no proof, that the Japanese militarists who terroized their own leaders into a war with the US were well paid agents of the global opium mafiosi. US meddling in Asia goes waaay back.
I hope that the people of China remember the Opium Wars and that the American people understand what you stated in the first two lines of your comment.
Bless you and please stay in touch and don't be shy about sharing info.
The Chinese don't remember the Opium Wars because they been indoctrinated (just like we) by a political system (Government) that works as a Global Mafia against the people.
The WEF is central to this Mafia's objective which is Zionist in Nature and World Government is the aim.
The current pre WW3 scenario is staged by them.
The Russel family who owns skull & Bones made their money by shipping Opium.
HSBC was founded upon the Opium trade.
Skull & Bones and the Secret Societies are founded on Drug Money.
The same families who are behind the WEF and the downfall of Humanity are Jewish Opium traders.
Afghanistan was a war for Opium by the Clinton Obama Bush admin who are all deeply entrenched in this spiritual war against Humanity.
The article is spot on.
We're on related wavelengths. Many thanks for letting me know that you found it of value.
I've thought men don't like to laugh in appreciation with women comics because they don't want to be associated with women, since sincere laughter is wholesome affinity. See the tropes about how "women aren't funny" - I generally find the female comics on popular media to be more honest and clever than the men. Denigration is never wholesome affinity though. Thank you for the reminder about ridicule, and how even if it has a place must treat with great care. I didn't think of this.
This is a lovely essay to read this morning.
I am broken and hurting, and just trying to lay low. I long for a bunch of silly friends to dance with.
I have had a busy dozen years caring for my parents, they lived to their late 90s and dad passed in June at 99.5. It has been a wonderful experience for me. My siblings and even my daughters have no acknowledgement or given me any encouragement over the past years. It hurts but I do not cry about it. Your statement about pouring it all out sounds so very enticing and necessary. Additionally, I was cancelled with severe consequences (complete blanking and firmly informed that I am not part of their family any longer) This includes my husband because he is married to such a horrible person. I sent out an email to several family members about getting more information before vaxxing your babies with the covid shot. My stupid son in law, as you describe with people who are funny or joke.... Jerome just tore me up and down again.
I'm so sorry for your experience, Rosemary. Caring for parents is hard enough without being ostracized also. One of my theories is that guilt makes people behave badly. At some level, your family knows they've treated you badly. The justify it by turning on you, doubling the hurt.
thank you. I am grateful for my hubbs.
I am learning to choose the people I want to be with. we can do that.
Oh Rosemary, what a touching tale. I am dancing with you in spirit.
Thank you dear.
I can dance too, and I will. <3
hola, tereza.
thank you for linking this from your most recent tonic masculinity essay (2024.09.22).
humour is life. i've been exploring this from a completely different direction, and your insights here are informing my own exploration.
i've come to see morals and moralism as the mechanism by which we, the society, remove humour form ourselves and from life. this allows us to make everything deadly serious. notice that it is the tyrants of all sorts who want to ban humour in all forms so that their gaslighting morality can be safely applied. it is when we are moral that we can seriously justify the spanish-inquisition, guantanamo bay torture, injecting infants with toxins, using babies as shields from bombing, rationalise and be gaslit by the importance of war, etc. seriously!
question: i've questioned the effectiveness of george carlin's 'humour' in large part because it seems to me that he was coming from a perspective of hurting people and hoping to shock them. in a way, he was a caustic/sarcastic moralist. i think this aligns with your noting that both Glenn Greenwald and Jon Stewart are alluding to. your thoughts?
an uplifting read to the heart of entering into life with expanded compassion.
all the best with what is changing. everything changes.
Tereza, that is so true about 1st child baby books. I wonder why grandmas don't step in to make sure it doesn't happen.
I did show my oldest daughter that meme but she's the only daughter who could laugh at it ;-)
I've had many relationships (far too many some might say) but by a country mile the best and most loving - and we are still the greatest of friends - was with a woman who used to make me fall of my chair with laughter. I'm a British straight white male who went to an all boys school, so am I a deviant? (Said in jest.)
Haha, I will let my daughter know there are escapees from the Limey humor court. You scallywag!