Mar 25Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Hi Tereza,

I'm glad you went there.

You mentioned sacrament. After everything that has been discovered about the church vs Jesus's teachings I find it so strange that most Christians, especially Catholics, put so much emphasis on taking communion. Can you imagine how they would feel if they realized that they celebrating child torture, andrenechrome consumption and cannibalism. The apocalypse needs to happen soon so these things can be revealed.

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Mar 26Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Love the title of your piece. The irony reminds me of one of the titles of a Guyenot book I read and recommend, ""Our God is Your God Too, But He Has Chosen Us."

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Mar 26Liked by Tereza Coraggio

I’m playing music for Palm Sunday and Holy Week and Easter services and your articles are bringing a whole new light to the affair. It’s been many years of distaste of how the high point in the Christian year is celebrating the gruesome death and magical resurrection. And now that it all might be a myth to support empire. Blah, even harder to take.

But I enjoy playing the organ and making music and there is a seed of something powerful in church music for me.

That guy Rurik sounds like a piece of work and I plan to stay far away from him.

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Thanks for the links to my work, Tereza!

I actually did cover the Yahweh = Set connection. I have a whole series of articles on metaphysics where I get pretty deep into all of this. It is all under the Metaphysical Marcion section.

BTW, your "friend" has no sense of humor and it was pure slander to claim I was discrediting Guyenot with my interviews. I am on good terms with Laurent and promote his work whole-heartedly. If he felt that way, he wouldnt come on my podcast. Fuck that bitch and her so-called intuition. I thought I was arguing with a gay man who was attacking my work, how was I supposed to know it was just some dumb, nagging shrew?

My work and the ideas I raise are so intriguing and so resonant that even ppl who hate my writing style and worldview can't help but engage with them. I enjoy the feelings that I invoke in these people and the discomfort I cause in their cozy, self-serving worldviews.

Tereza, you said you didnt know what my beliefs were so let me explain: Marcionism + Gnosticism + Nationalism is close enough to explain my worldview. Also, feel free to resub, you don't belong on a fat pyre! (That is a joke). I give fellow writers who like my work a free paid sub if they want it. Let me know.

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As a "he", I feel microaggressed and misgendered. Calling the woke police:)

On a somewhat more important note, I actually replied: for the quote and his "Christianity is a psyop against Europeans", like north Africa and parts of Asia weren't also initially affected, before much of the world as well. https://open.substack.com/pub/nefahotep/p/origin-of-the-term-nazi-an-etymological?r=3avvdp&utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=52260296

Just to give better context. I didn't like the anti-jewish generalization and the eurocentric hypocrisy. He's a smart man, I think he got it. He even considers being called wrong worse than being called racist after all.

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Mar 25·edited Mar 26Liked by Tereza Coraggio

hola, tereza.

this was fun to listen to and i did smile with rurik's cant. i've also subscribed after listening to him and jasun and haven't actually gone into his posts since then — busy with other stuff — so didn't read that. we humans are often complex inter-leavings of stuff. and my own spidey-sense twinkled a little at the beginning of the jasun-rurik talk because of the protectiveness i felt from rurik, that jasun was there to take something from him and that rurik needed to organise/prepare himself for the exchange. at the same time, i love rurik's research and so... babies and bathwaters, and all that.

now to get back to my current essay — i'm behind again. this time following up on 'superstition'. once again, thank you for the suggestion! love it.

and thank you for more deconstruction of the bible. (looking forward to you tying in clif high's elohim to the whole thing!)

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> I’ve been known to shamelessly waylay women rabbis at The Jesus Seminars and try to pin down the earliest carbon-dated texts of the Torah.

While you're at it, try waylaying Rurik and asking him to pin down the earliest carbon-dated texts of Plato.

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As usual, you're asking all the right questions. I've always wondered if the Bible's real purpose was to subjugate the masses.

You also never disappoint -- this line made me laugh out loud: "I’m now looking for a fat pyre on which to immolate myself." 😂

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Mar 26Liked by Tereza Coraggio

It looks like this guy, Rurik is getting quite a few things right. His attitude is a bit unfortunate.

Religion has been a psyop to instill obedience to an unnatural type of Hierarchy.

I'm always very impressed with your way of deconstruction on the Bible. It seems that very similar experiences took place in Ancient Egypt. As an example; Akenaten was likely trying to undo the Temple of Amoyn, by breaking away from the Temple, he was trying to get rid of the power of the Priest. These Priest were the ones who Ruled from behind the Throne. They controlled the grain allocation and had a strangle hold on the king. In the process of the Temple becoming powerful, similar psychological manipulation was in play. I think the Bible illustrates the same types of psyop for gaining control of the populations it was pushed on. I'll continue to study your breakdown of all this, it is quite interesting.

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Mar 25Liked by Tereza Coraggio

such a great stack...I so look forward to digging in some more when time permits...thx, so interesting...

and I can almost hear Casandra farting...hysterical!

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Mar 31Liked by Tereza Coraggio


The scope of your knowledge is wondrous. Your analysis is thoughtful and provocative. The span and breadth of your focus is magnificent to behold though humbling for me to even attempt to perceive. I could wish I had a printer to put it all to paper to study, to read and reread. I could take notes and write the questions and perceptions of my own that arise, and they do arise when I read your work. Perhaps time will allow for such an event to happen. For even now my Toynbee remains an unfinished read. Ah yes, his is another with a ubiquitous lense that is wondrous to behold. Until then, I have but to remain in awe of your words upon a screen. Keep going and go you!

For this particular article, one provocation arose in me, perhaps in defense of my perceptions. Who wrote the Bible? Jeremiah 8:8 indicates an answer. Though most interpretations extol the lying hand of scribes. There is another that might say the errant hand of a humble scribe.

Thank you

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