WOW!! Tereza, this was not only powerfully written but was absolutely BRILLIANT!!!! Man, did you ever put these god-complex psychopaths in their places, all while using the utmost of common sense...BIG GRIN:D I wanted to read it first, so now I will go back and listen, perhaps more than once, as it was that good. Thank you so much for sharing!! I'll be back:)

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I'd written this over ten years ago, before I switched my focus to economics. I was going to put in all the new information you and I have been discovering instead. And then I read it over and couldn't stop laughing. So I'll follow up with our new revelations in another episode. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I thought of you particularly when reading it, of course.

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Love it Tereza! Thank you for so masterfully and humorously

pointing out the self serving narcissism and crudeness of those eminent family members.

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I just finished listening to the video, so wanted to make a few comments before I listened again. First let me say, it's amazing you had written this over ten years ago, and further, there was no need to add anything I've commented about, since it was perfect, as is:) It spoke to the very core of my soul. Further, I had never thought about the real reason for changing Jacob's name to Israel, and then you said, "shrewd move, angel:)" That made me laugh out loud. I wonder if he changed his hair color and/or shaved his beard, as well. Lol. Another LOL moment was when you pondered how all those "godless" people speak with god. I suppose if the real victims are speaking with other god-complex tribal brethren who are relaying messages for the omnipotent priestly class, it could be construed as such. I still like your take:)

Now, here are a few tidbits of interest that go along with what you wrote:)

Perhaps Joseph's "enforcement agency" given to him by the Pharaoh was called the "Bureau of Correspondence of Pharaoh," which was alleged to be during Akhenaten's reign. "Correspondence = Crop En Corn Seed." (En means within). That also reminds me of Corporation = Crop Ration +O. I really liked your "enforcement agency" idea, as it immediately reminded me of the above.


Then, it is of my opinion that perhaps we have become enslaved due to many leaders' enslavement, such as King Artaxerxes in Ezra 7:23 (KJV) indicates, when he states;

"Whatsoever is commanded by the God of heaven, let it be diligently done for the house of the God of heaven: for why should there be wrath against the realm of the king and his sons?"

It sounds like this king had no choice but to hand over the kingdom's riches, or he, his family, and his realm would suffer their god-complex psychopathic wrath. And perhaps, when those that bless Israel will be blessed, or those that curse Israel will be cursed, is a blatant threat, as well.

Then the word "Famine = In Fame." So, was this "famine" story and infiltration possibly about building up their fame - a name for themselves - as Gen. 46:3 states (to Jacob/Israel): "And he said, I am God, the God of thy father: fear not to go down into Egypt; for I will there make of thee a great nation:" What better way to become famous than to be the ones who control the food/seeds/crops. Most would become Pavlovian dogs, even lapping the master's crumbs from beneath his table, while licking the dust of his boots, "to boot:)" (Now I see "to boot," more as a command for Fido, the human dog).

Again, thank you for this masterpiece!! I sorely needed the humor, as well.

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Your tidbits are manna from heaven, Rhonda ;-) In the post-911 years, when my edifice of illusion came crashing down, it was religion and economics that were the 'Twin Towers' I examined. But my discoveries were as lonely as yours. I never found a single person (other than Joe Atwill on Jesus) who validated my conclusions, even if they were with me for every step of research along the way. (I'll have to consider what my Building 7 would be.)

Woah on the Bureau of Correspondence! The link says that this is now known as Amarna. It's the Amarna letters that show Abdi-Ashirta as the jackal poaching the Pharaoh's lands, who I think Abram represents.

Since you pointed me in that direction, I've been researching Seth, aka Set the Egyptian diety who kills his brother Osiris, and Seth who inherits the world after 'Cain' kills Abel. And even though Seth is supposedly conceived after Abel's death, it's Eve who says that Seth is the chosen heir. Why not Adam if he's still alive?

Does Genesis say that God says Cain slew Abel, or is it the narrator?

In my reply to Kathleen, I talk about this as the literal reading and the next as the psychopathic delusion of would-be rulers who believe themselves to be embodiments of the gods, where all the sub-characters represent territories with the same mythological themes repeated in every story.

Investigating Ham as Hammurabi has been fascinating. His son or father was named Sin. So that's another dynasty. I'm trying to guess at the timeframe when things were written, but there's no doubt they were re-written when 'Josephus' got Caesar's 'permission' to preserve the Hebrew scriptures.

That's why all the Josephs of the OT were especially significant. They all have the same elements--Joseph left down a well, Josephus hiding in a well, Joseph going from a captive slave to Pharaoh's right hand man, Josephus going from a captured 'general' to Caesar's adopted son. I think this keeps pointing to him being the son of God and superior to his 'brother' Titus.

And great find on Gen 47:21. The urbanization of self-reliant rural people has been an agenda for five millennia. Amazing!

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Josephus, ancient Egyptian transliteration: Ye -she -fus. There is no "j" in their pronunciation, so they have an adaptation for the sound.

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Which makes it even closer to Yeshua or Neshua. But the author who wrote as Josephus and Matthew, Mark and Luke wrote in Greek. They did have the 'j' pronunciation, is that right? So I think all the 'j' names are another clue they've left for us that the literal reading is a puzzle to be solved, not history.

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I began running into this trying to find out how they established a glyph for the sound.

I have been trying to figure out how to revitalize the Ancient Egyptian Language, Maudu Netur. Also interesting is the fact that Ancient Hebrew and Maudu Netur are written without vowel signs. This is due to their people having converged into the Nile area from all over, people having many different dialects of the same language base, needed a system of writing that would be easy to read for all.

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Nef, I think the words that are currently presented to us now are how the language has evolved to reveal the truth. That doesn't mean we still shouldn't compare the words as to how they were first presented, b/c those have clues, as well, as I've certainly found:)

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Completely agree.

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First, I wanted to correct what I had previously and mistakenly said. Salomon's 9/11 building was not #47, like I stated. I'm not sure why I had that number in my head, other than the building of Solomon's temple beginning in the 4th year and taking "7" to build. So, you're right about #7:) Btw, I loved your analogy of your "Twin Towers." How fitting is that:) Covid and poisons may have been my 3rd bldg., as I agree, the money system and religion are two very large Towers!

Second, you make a good point about the narrator claiming Cain killed Abel, so it's hard to know. Perhaps, like I've mentioned before, Abel represents the lies being told to "kill" our Abel-ity/Ability of knowing the truth, due to the complexities and amount of lies we've been led to believe.

Then, interesting that Eve was the one that said "God" had appointed her another seed, also seeing as it was said that Cain was from the "LORD." I decoded "Cain, Abel, Baal = A Cabballa Lien." (alternative spelling of Kabballah). That always reminds me of Cabal, meaning a secret plot or organization. Perhaps "A Lien = Alien," like I spoke about in my comment to Kathleen. "Revelation = Overt Alien = A Overt Lien."

In regard to Joseph and "Gaius Julius Caesar = Augural Isaic Jesus = Isiacal Jesus Augur," where Isaic/al means relating to Isis and Augur/al means "Roman History. A religious official who predicted future events and gave advice on public matters on the basis of the observation and interpretation." Doesn't that sound like biblical Joseph, as well. OMG! I still need to do a lot more studying about Josephus, as I didn't know the correlations you pointed out, which are amazing!


It definitely gives me the chills with having a Joseph as president right now, and then seeing where everything is heading. Although this Joseph is not a prophet by any stretch. Who's the Joseph behind the scenes, I wonder?

Oh, and maybe we should start calling it the intuitive "Wo-Manna":) You are flooding me with that, of which I'm eating up. Lol. I definitely thirst for knowledge, but finding the time to study is my problem, WITHOUT interruptions, like texts, which are the bane of my existence, even though I love those on the other end of them. Ok, I'll stop for now...

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Thanks for pointing that out. I had read it but when I didn't have internet to respond. So much to chew on!

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Tereza, did you see the above comment about the code of Caesar's name, as it's easy to miss, in how these threads work?

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I had a few thoughts come to mind, pertaining to this comment and the one with the code of Caesar. I was looking into Abdi-Ashirta, where one thing led to another:) What I’ve found so far about Abdi-Ashirta, who was in conflict with Rib-Hadda, was the latter was pleading for help from Akhenaten, who wasn’t helping. In past studies, some think Akhenaten was Moses, and so that would make sense that Rib wasn’t getting help, b/c Abdi and Moses worked together. It also makes more sense that Joseph and Moses/Akhenaten worked as a team, as well. Remember, Joseph’s wife “Asenath Potipherah On = Atenist Pharaoh Pheon = Pharaoh Pantheon Site.” A pheon is a broad-arrow, or government marker, like for staking the new cities Akhenaten was building, to his god, Aten. Strangely, through other archaeological digs, I’ve found Joseph and Levi’s sons to be during the Ptolemaic reign of Egypt. It is my hypothetical opinion that some of these tribal scribes sat in the Alexandria Library, reading over ancient texts, and then changing them to fit their narratives, while filling in the gaps with their past conquering escapades, maybe even repeating stories with name changes, which makes it quite difficult to know when exactly things happened and by whom. Then when done, they burned the library. Anyway, here are some of my notes.

1. Baal and Bael sound the same. Abel = Bael/Baal. So, was he/she representative of either killing/doing away with the god Baal or perhaps the feminine goddess/spirit of Baal?

2. I found this quote on Wiki, regarding Asherah, but the links were a dead-end. Quote: "Goddess "aspect creep" can even lap upon male figures like Jacob or Jesus." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asherah#cite_note-34

3. Jesus said in the 9th hour, "Eli Eli lama sabachthani = I Baal Heil Michael Satan." (Those names could be rearranged, and I've previously shown this. Also, if you change the word Heil to Hail then Baal becomes Bael/Abel).

4. If Jesus were a feminine spirit, then "Gaius Julius Caesar – Isiacal Jesus Augur" makes more sense as Jesus representing Isis. What I mean, is that Caesar may have worshipped Isis and then Jesus took her place, where Josephus infiltrated Caesar’s belief/religious system.

5. You said Hammurabi's father or son was named Sin. "Cain Seth = Teach Sin." Perhaps Cain and Seth, or their offspring, formed an alliance to teach/infiltrate/brainwash Sin?? Maybe that could explain both Cain’s and Seth’s descendants' names having such similarities, if not the exact same names, such as Lamech. I do find it strange that Seth’s firstborn son, Enos, bore Cainan, and that Cain’s firstborn son was named Enoch.

6. The phrase, “unto this day,” is used 87 times in the Bible, with 6 being in the NT. So, it’s as if the Buy Bull was all written at the same time, like mentioned above, with numerous chapters written by the same person. Extending the timeline, from the Library of Alexandria to Josephus, is maybe when the NT began.

7. Rather than using Babel, “Tower of Babylon = Webb of Onolatry.” Webb/Web means trap or maybe weaving a web of deceit, and Onolatry means worship of an ass or donkey, or devotion to something foolish. Perhaps that’s what Seth/Cain were ultimately doing to Hammurabi or Sin? Also, in Laurent Guyenot’s book, “From Yahweh to Zion,” he stated that ancient Israelites worshipped donkeys and had them in temples or synagogues (going off memory of location). I’ve always found it odd that the Democratic party’s symbol is a donkey, as well. I personally think the donkey/ass symbol is used as mockery, for when they’re pulling the wool over the sheep’s’ eyes. Btw, it was Democrat Woodrow Wilson, and the Democratic House and Senate that voted in the Federal Reserve Act. Talk about duped asses. That’s not saying that all parties aren’t duped, b/c they are.

Anyway, that’s all for now:)

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Thank you Rhonda, for doing so much of my research for me! I've had the same question as to whether the OT is the same story written again and again. I think the timeframe for the rewriting was 70-100 AD. The rabbi said to be saved from Jerusalem to preserve the Hebrew scriptures was this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yohanan_ben_Zakkai. But his story of telling Vespasian that he was the Messiah and would be Caesar parallels the story of Josephus, and by the time of the siege Vespasian was in his second year as Caesar. So something's fishy and I think both characters might be invented.

2. Interesting that Asherah was the consort of El and also of Yahweh.

4. In that transposition, I'd guess Isaical represents Isaac.

5. I was looking at those genealogies too. If you take out a few of Cain's, it seemed like the last five were the same. In other words, if people only remembered the last five generations, the ancestor could have been switched from Cain to Seth.

6. Fascinating. I wonder how many other tells there are that they were written at the same time. That's how Joe Atwill figured out that Josephus and the gospels were the same author, looking at word order analysis and the chances that a particular pattern would happen by accident.

7. I'm going to do a video on a different topic tomorrow and tackle this one when I'm back in CA. I want to put together the timeline. Here's my suspicion: Cain and Abel was written retroactively to show the descent from the gods, so that all ties into Egyptian mythology. Noah is the seminal story and that ties into Hammarabi and Babylon and geopolitics.

Abram is Abdi-Ashirta so we can date his story from the Amarna letters. I don't think the jackal was in with the pharaoh yet, or he wouldn't have been poaching the lands. The Abram stories were written later, to justify the lands as gifts rather than stolen.

The Joseph story mythologizes the role of the Shemite dynasty as priests and tax-masters (thank you for that!) for the Pharaoh, after they'd gotten in with their jackal trickery. For Moses, was there a time when Egypt revolted against their rulers? Or the Syrians? Somewhere I think this was a separate incident where they were ousted for taking advantage of the people and had to go back to Canaan. To Jericho? I don't understand why all these supposedly Hebrew names and place-names have J's in them if that wasn't in their language.

And I write in my book about Wilson and how he got in because of the divide-and-conquer strategy with Teddy Roosevelt and the Bull Moose Party. Taft was a Rockefeller man and wouldn't have signed the FRA, and was a shoo-in to win. So they ran Teddy to split the vote and get in Wilson, a Morgan man. He wasn't duped, he was in on it all along.

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I can't respond to all your points, but here's what has come to mind thus far. First, a jackal is a "Canine = En Cain." So, perhaps that's the reason and origin of the word canine - top dog/god - Alpha, leader of the pack syndrome?

Then, Abdi-Ashirta's name has been perplexing, as it wasn't revealing much at all, regarding codes. Then when lying in bed last night, I worked out the name Ishtar within "Ashirta." Ishtar had other names, like Inanna and Astart/e. Her major “cult” centers were Uruk, Agade, and Nineveh. ‘Ur’uk reminded me of the Ur of Chaldees (Chaldeans = Hades Clan), where Abraham came from, (perhaps after his infiltration and destruction of Babylon?), and Ham-UR-rabi. According to the Bible, Nineveh was built by one of Ham’s descendants, Assh’ur.’ The name ‘Ass’hur brought me back to the above, “Tower of Babylon = Webb of Onolatry,” and their possible mockery of using the ass/donkey code/symbol amongst themselves. They are mocking Asshur, a descendant of Ham, by using that phony name, like a marking of a conquered territory. Dogs/canines like to mark their territory, too.

Further, regarding Isaic vs Isiac, my first thought went to Isaac, as well, but there is no word, Isaic. But I do find it interesting that goddess Ishtar is in Ashirta’s name and Isiac/al and Jesus, in Caesar’s name, meaning worship of Isis, another goddess. We both know they don’t typically like women, other goddesses, like Asherah, or other gods for that matter, so I think Caesar’s name is their code talk for killing Isis and implanting Jesus, as a Josephus infiltration marker. And remember, Augur/al, also in Caesar’s name, means exactly what Josephus would have done - Roman History: A religious official who predicted future events and gave advice on public matters based on the observation and interpretation – and like what Joseph did to the Pharaoh.

Bottom line, they are not only destroying territories and their belief systems in their maniacal paths of destruction, but it’s as if they are marking them with their coded words/names. “Nineveh = He Venin,” with venin meaning venom. I’m convinced they poisoned the Egyptians with leavened bread, something I haven’t completely shared yet, but I also think they may have poisoned the inhabitants of Nineveh, perhaps using venom, b/c their words tell me this. Look up Nakam or Operation Cast Thy Bread.

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I forgot one thing. Gen. 47:21 "And as for the people, he removed them to cities from one end of the borders of Egypt even to the other end thereof."

Were those like the 15 min. cities they are proposing today? The Joseph story is really like today's Climate Change aka Famine today, isn't it. I think it's the most important story in the Bible to take heed of, in our current times. Maybe it will wake more people up that are enslaved by the god-spells/gospels.

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Oh, one more thing. I was wondering if Canaan somehow combined Cain, Abel and Baal. That seemed to be the god that Is Ra El saw as rival.

And I don't know, Nef, I think the God Spells include the spell that's money. But maybe Religion actually means Ra Legion, or the worshippers of Ra, romanized as Re: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra.

Check this out, he's believed to have ruled as the first Pharaoh and is represented as a falcon, sometimes merged as 'Horus of the Two Horizons'--from the river to the sea? Heliopolis is his center of worship and sacrifice. He's embodied as a bull--Baal, right?--and humans are believed to have been formed from his sweat and tears as Ra's cattle!

Sounds like an indentured labor force to me.

Re is a falcon as the sun god and becomes a ram when he travels through the underworld by night where every time he has to defeat the serpent. Ba'al, who replaced El as the Canaanite god of kings, also defeated snakes including Leviathan and the seven-headed snake from the book of Daniel.

And get this: "The title baʿal was a synonym in some contexts of the Hebrew adon ("Lord") and adonai ("My Lord") still used as aliases of the Lord of Israel Yahweh. According to some scholars, the early Hebrews did use the names Baʿal ("Lord") and Baʿali ("My Lord") in reference to the Lord of Israel."

There are three threads that need to be untangled and compared: the Bible, the history of rulers, and the mythology of gods. Such a rich vein of discovery, my fellow spelunkers!

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"Fellow spelunkers:)" Too funny! We may have to hide in caves if we figure out their game/mage.

As for cattle and indentured laborers, in Gen. 1:24-26, I always wondered about why it states cattle after his and then their kind. Who is "Their?"

Also, you brought up Leviathan, so I thought I'd share this. The name, William Henry Gates, is an interesting one, b/c the letter “W” used to be written as a double “V” or “VV.” In German, the “W” sounds like a “V.” So, if we spell Gates name, with double “V’s” as "VVilliam Henry Gates = Sly Leviathan IV Germ," (IV is acronym for intravenous and GERM is Gates acronym for “Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization.”). If we spell his name using the German sound, Villiam Henry Gates = I Sly Leviathan Germ. So, in the case of Gates and his massive push for all kinds of vaccines, Leviathan is representative of that "piercing" intravenous/IV serpent in the sea of spike injected, germ and poison infected blood, (Isaiah 27:1).

https://www.gatesnotes.com/Health/Meet-the-GERM-team https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W

How uncanny is that?

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Only people who are in a Re- Legion, religion (of Rome) will be affected by the God- Spells, gospels.

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Perhaps that's where the Pharisees rule from? These are a few codes I found, some in regard to Cain:

Vatican = Cain Vat (vessel).

Vaccinations = Cain's Coin Vat = Vatican's Coin.

Seth Cain = Teach Sin.

Akhenaten = Aten Khane (Cain ?).

Monarchy = My Archon.

Ankh = Khan (Cain / Con ?).

Ordinance = Rod En Cain (staff/Rod of Asclepius - medical symbol?).

Asclepius = As Spicule (with the snake wrapped around rod/spicule/needle).

Magicians = Cain's Magi.

Those in Rome's Re - Legions are many. Mark 5:9: "And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many."

Also, note to Tereza. Gen. 4:8 (KJV) does state that Cain "slew him." I suppose "slew" can mean to strike and then it causes someone to bleed onto the ground, where the lord spoke about Abel's blood that "crieth...from the ground," however, it goes on to say that Lamech did the same to two men, as well, and wondered if the lord's vengeance would be seventy and sevenfold. Also, of interest, is when Cain was born, Adam said, "I have gotten a man from the Lord." It doesn't say that about Abel. I do know that elsewhere in the Bible, it's stated that all the first born belongs to the LORD. (Exo. 13).

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Etymology is getting to be a fun hobby of mine. Causing meaning to be revealed from where it was hidden.

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Love that.

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Glad you've spun back out of economics (been an abysmal last 10 years anyway) and skipping back into the insanity of religion(s). Just reading your article brought rounds of laughter imaging all the insanity and hubris that Genesis holds. I am not Jewish, so understanding Judaism is only now in beginning phases for me, but how the Torah can be read/studied in weekly Synagogs must be painful as I understand it to be equal to the first 5 chapters of the OT.

With over 450 versions of the Bible (that's just the ones that are written in English) and over 3,000 in all languages. Add to that "denominations" of Christians, there are roughly 10,000

For "Bibles" there’s the

King James Version (KJV),

New King James Version (NKJV),

Revised Standard Version (RSV).

Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

English Standard Version (ESV)

New Living Translation (NLT)

New International Version (NIV).

And then, to top it all off, many of these have other editions,

like the military edition,

the sports edition,

the men’s and women’s and teenagers’ and students’ and businessperson’s editions. Why?

What a mess.

Are LBGTQ, E.I E.I. O versions on their way?

Add to all that the Tanakh and the Oral Torah as well as the Talmud

Book of Mormon

Islam has the Qur'an and the Hadith. All Muslims use the Qur'an but different groups have different positions on the various hadith. Some do not use hadith at all.

The Baha'i Faith has the Book of Certitude, the Book of Law, and various other writings by Baha'u'llah.

Calling "Hinduism" one religion is, to a degree, like combining Judaism, Christianity, Islam, the Baha'i Faith and Rastafarianism and calling it one religion, but common texts referred to by Hindus include the Upanishads and Vedas.

Theravada Buddhists refer to the Pali Canon, a large collection of scriptures.

Somebody, please shoot me now. How do I decide? I thought picking out snack foods with the least amount of "Trans Fats" was difficult.

Please keep the good times rolling with your in-depth/well articulated/well researched articles. I'm on fixed income, but if/when you charge, I think I'll step up and buy your subscription. Thus far, appears well worth it.

Can't say I understand the personal pic with each article, but who am I to judge?

Being non-photogenic (my likely best pics were of me on the back of a milk carton,,,,,,,or down at the local precinct), I'd prefer the sunflowers, dandelions, hydrangeas, exotic lamps/lamp shades, etc (good practice for guys to keep up on all the types of flowers/plants out there, as well as home decor).

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Oh and I don't have any plans to do paid subs but your kind intention means the world to me!

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Thank you, WtD for such an informative, funny and appreciative note! I just noticed that Synagogue is Sin-Agog, thanks to your spelling. Appropriate!

You do realize the personal pics are the videos of the episodes, yes? I'd never go to that much trouble of arranging a background just to put my face out there. It's hard enough trying to find one frame out of the video that doesn't look ridiculous--doing your own editing and seeing your face in all states of disarray while talking is a humbling experience.

I've been painting a stairway to try to do the next one there, but it's tricky. I do keep myself amused, however. Glad you're laughing too.

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even though I'm signed up for auto-spell correct, Synagog passed through undetected/uncorrected. For all the humiliation I burden myself not being a "speller", I'm also challenged with slow reading, poor comprehension, lack of adequate vocabulary (brain typically locks up when looking inside for just the right word at the right time), I plod onward and keep pushing the learning curve.

Sorry, I've never been into videos, so I missed the pic "thing". Makes sense, but prefer to always read, plus I'm too cheap to purchase the extra data streaming/bandwidth. Video doesn't add that much more for me, but I'm guessing for others it's a real "+". Regardless, I thoroughly enjoy your writings and work.

You now have me plowing through "Conjuring Hitler" (https://ia801705.us.archive.org/2/items/ConjuringHitler/ConjuringHitler.pdf) 200 Years Together (A. Solzhenitsyn) and I just finished Churchill's 1920 writing about the three tiers of Jews in the World (provided by one of your readers <https://archive.org/details/WinstonChurchillZionismVsBolshevismStruggleForTheSoulOfTheJewishPeople1920>).

All great stuff and really opens (and cleans out) the propaganda filled mind.

I'm still trying to answer your earlier question to readers; that being was Hitler linked (directly, or in any way) to the Rothchilds? To me the answer (clearly with the financial backing of the renewal of the Third Reich) is at a minimum, yes, indirectly. I'm only 137 pages in (as stated earlier, I'm a slow reader, LOL) with still 196 pages to go, but will let you know if I find a direct link/quote supporting the hypothesis.

Thank you for all you do.

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I would never have mentioned it but Rhonda is deciphering words and phonetically that seems like it has potential. I am certainly agog and agag at what I'm finding.

That's so helpful! I'm just writing an episode about a conversation between Peter Duke and Jasun Horsley, and Peter keeps mentioning and quoting Guido. I didn't catch the last name, but he said he wrote Conjuring Hitler, The Ideology of Tyranny and The Incubation of Naziism. So you saved me the search!

I'll be interested in what you think of CH. I just read the ToC and the Preface. As an economist, I don't know if Guido considers that Germany could have built back its economy with labor-backed money rather than loans. If they repudiated the WWI debt, that would have meant evicting Rothschild. I just don't see him taking that laying down. Thanks again!

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Guido Giacomo Preparata is an independent writer, researcher, and publisher born in Boston, Massachusetts, raised in the USA, France, and Italy. He has taught political economy, history, criminology, and sociology in the United States, Canada, and the Middle East.23 From 2000 to 2008, he was an Associate Professor of Political Economy at the University of Washington, USA. He has also worked as a research associate at the Electric Power Research Institute and the research division of Bank of Italy's Department of Supervision and Regulation.0 He is currently a Senior Lecturer of Social Sciences at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Italy.3 Preparata is the author of several books, including Conjuring Hitler, The Ideology of Tyranny, and Righteous Actors on Satan's Stage.

Might be the same person here on LinkedIn (one might ask "why"?).


Maybe he and Celia Farber can knock out some Flamenco dance/music together. LOL. https://celiafarber.substack.com/

Says Guido is currently (amongst other things) Instructor of Jazz and Classical/Flamenco Guitar

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Love your head in between those flowers and massive dandelion head!

Broken record alert: Think the OT is not about God at all. Agree here with Mauro Biglino and Paul Wallis.

(So much makes so much more sense with this piece - for me at any rate.)

But brilliant! Genesis of Dysfunctional families going back to Genesis make SO much sense. Yes, a lot has unfolded via these religions and our acceptance of sheer insanity. Pray, Pay and Obey as Wallis would say.

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From one aesthetic to another, I have your purple crops as my desktop now and it's beautiful! But it won't last long because Amy's coming in strong with her AI art, so things are fluid. But yes, I love that dandelion picture! It was a commercial piece from a furniture store but dandelion seeds have always had a metaphorical spot in my heart, so I couldn't resist.

And yes! This piece was taking the Genesis stories at their literal level. For those who do that, I'm confronting them with having to take the bad with the good--we are God's chosen people and this was given to us because our patriarchs were daughter-raping, brother-cheating, son enslaving psychopaths. Taken as a story of men who were 'righteous to God', it falls apart with a superficial (surface level) analysis.

In the next one I do on this topic, I'm going to look at it as a retroactive mythology of conquest and political trickery by a group of men who believed themselves to be descended from gods. In a way, this reconciles Biglino and Wallis with my hypothesis. Yes, it's a coded script that reveals the machinations of a superior otherworldly race. But is the hidden mythology true or a psyops within a psyops? Is this the justification for people who are enacting child sacrifice and deceit and the enslavement and destruction of all other people for their megalomanic fantasy that they're gods?

So it's sheer insanity for sure. But how deep does it go?

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"In a way, this reconciles Biglino and Wallis with my hypothesis. Yes, it's a coded script that reveals the machinations of a superior otherworldly race. But is the hidden mythology true or a psyops within a psyops?"

That is the question isn't it? Shredding continues!! What else are we going to learn as this world unravels? I still suspect other non-humans beings have been present, perhaps continue to be, on this planet. But I'm happy to discover I'm wrong.

Confront away, Tereza, with your gentle mischievousness in the mix. It's one of your (many) gifts to be sure.

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Kathleen, Interesting you bring up Mauro Biglino and otherworldly beings, as back in Sept. 2012, when visiting my mom in Scottsdale, AZ, we had an unforgettable experience. (She passed in 2016).

It was about 9:30pm on a Sunday and was a beautiful starlit night against a black sky. We were facing north and sitting on the semi-covered patio talking, when suddenly and out of nowhere, a fully lit-up craft appears from the west, heading east, and shooting across the sky. I pointed up and screamed to my mom, “LOOK!” She looked up and then replied, “Oh My Gosh!” We both got up and ran out to get a better view and then just watched. Within a few seconds it just disappeared, like a light switch had been turned off, and my mom asked, “Where did it go?” I had NO idea but talk about a major adrenaline rush to see it, as it was nothing we had ever seen before. It didn’t have blinking lights, but was fully lit, so we could easily see its shape.

It was curved on the front, like a perfect semi-circle, and on the back, it had 3 protruding points, with inward curves between the points. The following days and weeks, I searched online for anyone that had seen it or any information I could find out, to no avail, so filed it away in the back of my mind.

About 6 months later, someone randomly sent me a YT video of Mauro Biglino, whom I’d never heard of, and so I watched it. He started talking about his interpretations of the Bible, and spoke about the interpreted word Ruach, which he stated meant to hover over the water. He compared it to Gen. 1:2, “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Then, I about fell off my chair when he showed a petroglyph carved on a rock from Sumerian times. It was almost exactly what we had seen, except it had a different protrusion at the center of the curved backside of the craft. I was like WTH?! THEN, a few weeks later, another person sent me a UFO video, and it spoke about crafts passing in and out of the 33rd degree parallel. I first thought about the number 33 and freemasons: “Freemason = Semen of Ra.” I then decided to look up the location of my mom’s home in Scottsdale. It was on the 33rd degree parallel! That was another “WTH?” moment! Then I found this, in my decoding.

Eucharist = Ruach Site = ET is Ruach = The Icarus.

The father of Icarus had made wax wings and told him to not fly too close to the sun or the wings would melt. I also found that a scientific space journal was called Icarus, and the Greek Hellenistic Airforce Academy was called The Icarus School. Also, there is an island called Icaria, named after Icarus. Something else I just noticed is the inhabitants are called Icariots (Tereza, that reminds me of Iscariot. Is Judas or Judah an ET? ;-)





Lastly, I also later found that Kenneth Arnold had seen 9 craft flying around Mt. Rainer, in WA state, in 1947. The pictures show the same shaped craft we saw, except the center point on the back of what we saw was a little bit longer. Here’s the link. Scroll down to Project Bluebeam:


Anyway, my apologies for the long comment, but I was compelled to share:)

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Okay, I can see that I need to hold my preconceptions lightly. They may spontaneously combust at any time. Gavin Mounsey, who writes on regenerative agriculture, also did a thoughtful post awhile back on his experience. Like yours, Rhonda, non-sensationalized, just reporting the facts. I will go back to Biglino and listen in more detail.

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That was an interesting read, by Mounsey and funny about your spontaneous combustion comment. Lol. I almost combusted after reading and listening to your video.

To have something pass over you that's about 200 ft. above your head would have been awe-inspiring, and perhaps scary, as well. I had no way of judging how large or far up the craft was that we saw, b/c there was no reference point to gauge it. It was an open desert and sky with the Black Mtn. behind the house, but it's not that tall. The craft was almost right above us, as well. I've had some unusual things happen in my life, that defy explaining, but that was at the top of my wow-moments. I really think that when we're connected or start connecting to the Universe, anything is possible:)

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Rhonda, that's so great that you found Gavin's first-hand account. Yes, it did seem awe-inspiring and scary. Both he and you are completely credible people, and we haven't connected on some UFO site but around totally different topics. And do you read Diva Drops by Pasheen Stonebrooke? Once again, someone I connect with on other things but who also has first-hand experience. So I would say that I, as well as you, are destined to understand something here.

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Fascinating experiences! I think you were destined to understand something here.

Thank you for sharing. It's also been speculated - not sure if by Biglino or Wallis - that the burning bush story, is about a craft taking off. Clif High has discussed this as well and the meaning of language, and its persistence today.

We def need to make room for what's possible that we've been kept ignorant of.

And lets not forget ancient art that included what looked like flying craft. (Can't remember the artists and painting now.)

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Thank you, Kathleen:) I sure hope I get more understanding, as I'd really love to know what exactly is going on! I think any of us asking questions would want the same.

Yes, I've seen that ancient art, as well, but don't know what it's called either. I hadn't heard about the burning bush theory, but that could make sense, although the craft I saw was not emitting any kind of combustion. The Ezekiel story of a wheel within a wheel sure sounded like a UFO, as well. It's amazing how many different kinds of craft people have seen. It's like the Universe is teeming with life. Maybe we are a place that mines for resources, to keep their fleets fueled and their occupants fed:) And as we're slaving away, when we start learning and questioning, we get promoted to a different place, to run one of the craft. Lol. Who the heck knows!

Nice speaking with you, Kathleen, and thank you for the reply and the comment that led me to share:)

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A Sleep of Prisoners- excellent poem

"Joseph and his miserable coat." Nice one.

It is a dysfunctional family indeed. My, oh my.

"So, Noah, tell me about the time....." And it just gets worse from there.

Your "ERRRR ....a little bit of an overreaction"

and your "no pun intended", little remark joke. PAAAAAAAAhaha.

I was just innocently listening and the next thing you know, you are cracking me up again.

I mean, when you put everything like THAT it does seem PRETTY ridiculous.

"I would only hope that my daughters became pillars of salt with me" - :)

That would have been their most beneficial end.

"...............rather than bit players, territories being represented, that's very interesting." I see what you did there. That's very interesting.

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On YT, Julius posted a HAHA to that 'little remark' and I told him I almost took it out because I didn't think anyone would get it. Winston Smith 1984 wrote, "Oh, we get it!"

I'm glad you had as much fun with this as I did, Amy. Yes, PRETTY ridiculous. And now that I've turned the literal interpretation on its head, I'll move on to the even more damning political reading. It's even juicier.

So happy to have you listening to me! And yes, A Sleep of Prisoners seemed even more pertinent to our time than when I chose it originally.

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Wow, Tereza, your insights, your commentary, your wit! I love this post so much! I grew up in a very religious family, so all these stories are familiar to me - and normalized that the weird old men would offer their daughters and wives. I knew something was off about Joseph, "helping" his family by providing them food when they were starving - and I have wondered how that "help" ended up making his family into slaves.

I played for a church service yesterday and the readings were about Abram and Sarai becoming Abraham and Sarah. I both laughed and seethed at the story, seeing it through fresh eyes. I'm usually pretty good at connecting to an essence of energy that helps me when playing at churches (Christ consciousness perhaps? The Essence of music?), but yesterday, with thick lenten messages, and the Abram-Sarai trick - I just felt more of the yuck of the old messaging.

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I'm glad to have your good company in this, marta. Often those who really know the stories are the believers, so it's hard to find people who really 'get it.'

When I'd take my mom to Mass when visiting, I'd have to translate in my mind to keep from seething. Every where it praised Jesus, I substituted 'all of us.' It still rhymed and got in that Christ consciousness. Thanks for your kind, appreciative words!

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