I was just thinking of your book and the Caret system this morning as I watched the following, particularly at around 28:40 where he outlines Point #4: “The creation of ["something like"] a barter system, facilitated by interconnected central hubs (one in each community?)”

I think this hazy spot is where “something like” your Community Caret system would slot right in

• A Call to Return to the Land - AshaLogos


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I agree! I'm hoping that comes up when I interview with Sigmar Academy. He's very like-minded with Zach of AshaLogos.

Events are certainly conspiring to make my system--or something like it--feel inevitable. The status quo is getting intolerable at a rapid pace. Everywhere I turn there are more people I know out of work, out of housing, and unable to find either. As the poem goes, 'The center cannot hold ...'

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