Most war is blood sacrifice of those who are wanting none of it.

The only ones who WIN wars are those who create it and profit from it, while playing both sides.

What I find most interesting is just how tone deaf the puppeticians are, even the spokes holes that we thought were "conservative" and "anti war."

For example; it's disturbing to watch Glenn Beck anymore, not that I do anyway.

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Yes, when I say that all wars are empire vs. sovereignty, those who create it and profit from it are on both sides, and those who spill their blood are on both sides too. We have the 'sides' exactly wrong. And thanks for watching and commenting on Rumble, Nefahotep!

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It’s all lies orchestrated by the billionaire bankers

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Certainly agreed. As Ma Rothschilds said, "If my sons did not want war, there would be no wars."

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Wow, never heard that quote. New level of 'creepy'.

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That was Mayer Amschel Rothschild's wife, wasn't it, Tereza?

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That sounds right but you probably know better than me. I read it and it was shocking that she'd put the truth so succinctly.

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It's really not complicated. It's a re-run of the 9/11, etc, etc, etc playbook: you commit an atrocity or act of war in order to provide a pretext for going to war against the enemy du jour. In this case, our predators want a war with Iran, for which a Hamas false flag provides ignition and gets the ball rolling. War against Iran will provide an effective distraction from the imminent defeat of Ukraine plus financial and political collapse in The West.

I can't help but be reminded of the Madonna ritual magic at the 2019 Eurovision and the words "Watch what happens to Israel in the next five years."

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I missed those words. Where were they?

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They are in the notes I wrote on the video. Sorry, I didn't record the time stamp.

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Link to the video on Rumble, please.

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I'm not aware that the video is on Rumble. Here's the YT link:


This is Madonna's Eurovision performance:


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Unfortunately "I was wrong" is an extremely rare admission in public. I tried googling it once and found only references to a song by that title, plus a few mentions of Jimmy Bakker (Tammy Fae's husband).

Nobody that Google counts as worth quoting has ever said it.


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Great post, polistra! Yes, I think that's why we need to start that ball rolling.

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I shared these with my family and friends asking them to please try and watch at least one of these – I always watch at speed x2 and have watched and read all angles of these latest events (tens of hours)

Max Igan includes an amazing history lesson ...

• Max Igan Balfour’s Time Bomb - The Other Side of the News - 10/13/23 – the crowhouse


Very informative from Max Igan with a compilation of topical clips (can ignore the last ten minutes)



I hadn't watched Jeff Berwick for several years but this was quite good.

• FALSE FLAG: We Just Had Another 9/11 Inside Job in Israel And Everyone Is Falling For It Again – Dollar Vigilante (Jeff Berwick)


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Thanks Julius, I have them open and will check them out. You always add such deep research that I'm honored you're reading me.

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Tereza it is me that is honoured. I am just trying to keep up by hanging on to the caboose of a high-speed bullet train. :-)

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Thank you for links. Saw the Max Igan one, not Berwick's. (Same, haven't watched him for awhile).

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Tereza, are you familiar with the 1967 atrocity by the Israelis against the American ship? The USS Liberty was listening during the war with Egypt, and when the Israeli Air Force flew over the ship, the guys were sunning on deck with a giant American Flag flying above. The pilots waved their wings in recognition that they were an American vestal, then a few minutes later they came under attack by these same fighter as well as torpedo boats for ninety minutes. They killed around seventy sailors, wounded another hundred or so. They shot up the lifeboats they were trying to escape in so they could not get away. They targeted the antennas for the radio communication to keep them from calling in and reporting what was happening. This was a deliberate attack, and they planned to sink the ship with all hands dead, and then blame it on Egypt. It would have worked except that a savvy radio operator was sable to rigg up a radio and call it in. Johnson stated that he was not going to embarrass an ally. Israel stated that it was a case of mistaken identity. The men aboard were sworn to secrecy that they would be prosecuted if they made any public statements about what happened. They have been trying to get justice ever since, without any luck. One of them received a purple heart in the mail! I imagine Johnson was aware of this ploy to blame Egypt, due to his response. If it is still available, there is a documentary film available. It is stunning, as well as sad that these people were to be discarded by murder by their own government, but then again why wouldn't a corrupt globalist cabal of anti-humanist not do something as despicable as this. This was not a mistake at all, it was a deliberate plan! A few of these men are still alive today and have been trying to get justice to this day. I ask people if they are aware of the Liberty. I get blank stares, followed by no I haven't. No surprise there. Jack Williams.

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Several sources but I think Corbett was the most recent I listened to on this.

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Tereza, thank goodness for someone with the ability to look at the world with a critical eye. I have been studying the disconnects between world events that supposedly all happen individually, and not connected. The fact is that this has been a long game by the Malthusians for hundreds of years. There is an excellent book by Robert Ingraham, The Modern Anglo-Dutch Empire, Its Origins, Evolution, and Antihuman Outlook that traces these eugenics movements for several hundred years by the elites of the globe. When viewed by all the element's involved it becomes clear that they have played the long game. Now that technology has caught up with their dreams, they are putting it to use, as in the covid fraud. After capturing all the health agencies on the planet, they make pronouncements that defy logic. The Rockefellers gained control over the American Medical, and educational systems early, so that what was taught in both were dictated by them and their nefarious self-serving motives. Their motive was profit over people, plain and simply put, they did not care what harm they did to the cattle as long as they made money and make it, they did. Allopathic medicine was forced into place, and naturopathic healing was marked as quackery. They control the medical schools, the drug companies, the regulatory agencies et al and this is how you can fool the sheep into buying the rope they will hang with. All the supposed agencies that were created to keep us safe from spies, terrorists. communists, socialists were deployed to control us. They have brainwashed the public to the point that they are able to murder us by injection. As Dr. Benjamin Rush, Washingtons personal Physican stated, "if we are not diligent, we could develop into a medical Tiereny." How right he was! All the psychological studies that have been don by the universities over the decades were done for the agencies, and not for scientific or humanitarian reasons, they were to discover how humans behave in certain situations. They know we are predictable beings when faced with fear. Thes scientists were given grants by these agencies for just this porpoise. They had no interest in humanity other than how to control us. It worked pretty well, right? I questioned everything I was ever told about America, reality, et al. I found that it was all lies, and then I started down the dark path to some semblance of truth. Not a journey that most would or could make but one I had to make. It has taken me several decades to find the connections between all worldwide events to see the big picture, and it is ugly. Are you familiar with Mackinder's world island? It was the former British Empires wet dream of gaining control over this vast land mass. This was around the beginning of the 20th century. The area I am speaking of encompasses the entire middle east, Russia, China. This vast area is where all the worlds remaining resources are contained to the present day. The history book by Ingraham covers this as well as the Interference by British Intelligence during the civil war. This is another example of history down the memory hole. I suggest you read this important book, as well as the book by Eustice Mullins, Murder by injection. Sorry to ramble on as I did not intend to write a book, but I thank you for being awake and involved, Respectfully, Jack Williams.

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Thanks for the kind words, Jack, and well written book--I mean yours! Nice summary. I'm guessing you already know Matt Ehret and Cynthia Chung, who also write about a lot of this.

Funny synchronicity that you quote Benjamin Rush! Geoff, who comments here, has been a recent devotee of his. Everything I know about him I know from Geoff.

I know Eustace Mullins but not Ingraham or Mackinder. Thanks for introducing me to them.

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You are welcome. Yes, I am aware of Matt and Cynthia. I have read their series on the real history of the almost united states, that never happened due to this influence. It is still with us to this day. As one volume points out, the lol royal family occupying the lol throne is not legitimate to begin with. Another example of world events that appear to be disconnected, but not really. I was wondering if you are aware of Fauci's involvement in the HIV-AIDS fraud? It continues to the present day as well. and yet the public are not aware of this fact. again, no surprise. I was at a visit to my VA doctor, and he asked me if I had my lol vaccine yet, and he stated just like a commercial, its safe and effective, I had mine! I told him that it was neither safe nor effective. I said to him do not mention it to me again. I also stated that if he had a couple of hours, I would explain the ant-science behind it. I knew of course that he didn't have five minutes much less hours for a layman to explain what he should know himself, but I like to poke the bear in the nose if you know what I mean. So, the medical cartel that should know what real scientific method looks like, do not know, or they pretend so as not to upset their careers, lose their license and be vilified to the world for telling the truth, and as we know, truth tellers are punished to the max in a world that is as dystopian as this one. Still the sheep go on believing the Sheppard loves them and cares for them because he is, well a loving and caring person. The end of the good Sheppard story is never revealed. He will save them, so he can fatten them, shear them and slaughter them for their flesh. Jack.

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I have a couple of videos, pre-Substack so no text, on the Real Anthony Fauci and HIV-AIDS. It was a real shock to me. Infodemic: RKF & the RAF https://youtu.be/ifRlBglQvXA and Conspiracy Theorist as the New Heretic https://youtu.be/UJI1X7l48vM. The second looks specifically at Peter Duesberg.

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Tereza, thank you for these links. I was not familiar with you at all until yesterday. I was so happy that you commented on my own comments. I want to begin with the fact that Tulsi Gabbard is not only a dedicated Israel apologist no matter what they do but was a graduate of the WEF young world leaders' program, a fact that she will not discuss, acknowledge, or respond to. I have contacted her about twenty times asking the question, and as of today, no response at all. I was surprised to see an email from her team this morning stating her unwavering support of Israel. Now mind you I have never received anything from her for the last two years of inquiry, then out of the blue she sends me this ridicules email. I answered her, but not in the way they expected. I also sent it to my own Representative, that also does not respond to inquiries that I send her lol. I am so full of questions for you as well as information I want to impart that I cannot think straight when commenting to you. I also am not an English major, have no formal education past the tenth grade so please bear with me when I write without proper punctuation. I do not know what or when the lights came on for you, but for me it was the Vietnam war. I think I always questioned authority but had no reference for it until after the war. I was out of the military in 1968 and saw the lies firsthand. It has taken another forty-five years to connect the dots. The system is so captured that many dead ends were followed, and then other directions explored until I found the unified facts, not theory behind world events. So many connections, leading to people like you, and I thank you for this. Please forgive me for rambling on without direction but I have so many things to say that it gets jumbled. I am the fifth son of a West Virginia coal miner, married to a McCoy of the Fude fame, or infamous I should say. I have a list of people I have found, and many I am sure you may already know but maybe not, right? Andrew Bacevich, Dr. Samantha Bailey, Ellen Brown, Michael Hudson, Dr. David Martin, Ray McGovern, Astrud Stiekelberger, James Corbett, Kerri Mullis, Lynden Larouche books and videos on economics, Cathren Austin Fitts, Nicholas of Cusa, his Concordantia Catholica, stop world control.com, Dr. Carrie Madej, James Howard Kunstler, and many more I cannot think of at present. Oh, F. William Engdahl on geopolitics, Global research, Harold Pinter lecture on state crimes and media lying, Vera Sharav. I am so used to closed minds that I find it hard to communicate with most people on these subjects, so thanks again for your insightful videos and your willingness to accommodate my ramblings, Jack Williams.

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Hi, Jack. I write about Tulsi in one of these episodes but I don't remember which. Rather than directing questions to me and sources, many of which I quote (Ellen Brown and Michael Hudson are the primary foundation for my book, along with David Graeber) why don't you look at the archives and figure out where we're already in alignment or where I'm missing something? The comment thread of the current episode has people whose knowledge goes far beyond mine, and is worth reading. So it would be more productive, I think, to join in the conversation/ thinktank than to divert. I think you'll find many like minds there. Oh and here's my book: https://www.amazon.com/How-Dismantle-Empire-2020-Vision/dp/1733347607.

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Ok, thanks! I was just hoping for some conversation with likeminded people, sorry.

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Hahaha! I am in the kid category then.

Loved your reviews. Thanks. Glad you reconsider your opinion on Max.

I completely agree with your assessment 'idiots' - for some reason I wanted to remain polite. Not sure why as it's not always the case!

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Hola, Tereza.

Enjoyed this a lot. And I laughed about your 50 year struggle with being fact-check-mated by your mother! The problems with facts are a fact to numerous to enumerate! David Byrne did a great job of that in 'Crosseyed and Painless' https://youtu.be/z92avHmgDRA

"Isn't it weird? Looks too obscure to me

Wasting away, that was their policy

I'm ready to leave, I push the facts in front of me

Facts lost, facts are never what they seem to be

Nothing there, no information left of any kind

Li-lifting my head, lo-lo-looking for the danger signs

There was a line, there was a formula

Sharp as a knife, facts cut a hole in us

There was a line, there was a formula

Sharp as a knife, facts cut a hole in us"


"...and facts are a very inferior form of fiction." Woolf, Virginia. "How Should One Read a Book?" from Gateway to the Great Books Volume 5, Critical Essays, eds. Robert M. Hutchins and Mortimer J. Adler, Toronto: Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., 1963, p.9.


"Everywhere we find traces that point to a turning of man toward the inner reality of the psyche, toward his true and only foundation of creative fantasy – while rationalism and materialism speed to their downfall in the hands of crazy power-devils and state leaders. But the power of rationalism lives not only in such people; its demonic power still lives in us all. Wherever planning is done only rationally under the compulsion of so-called outer facts (I would rather call it compulsion neurosis!), a destructive devil is at work. Whenever we think we must alter outer nature or manipulate human beings or change them technically, we work for the destruction of our soul and our own life."

Franz, Marie-Louise von. Psyche and Matter . Boston: Shambhala Publications, Inc. 1992, p. 158.-15

"And now that truth is a fact, it is not surprising that facts have become like rabbits, "user friendly," prone to copulation, rapid multiplication and jumping about, to the point where the planet lies metres deep beneath their hopping mass. Nor is it surprising that as a result truth has become as arbitrary as paper money in an inflated economy. The same truth alters endlessly according to the choice of facts. That choice is in the hands of every expert, of every individual who controls a file or signs a letter."

Saul, John Ralston. Voltaire's Bastards: The Dictatorship of Reason in the West. Toronto: Viking 1992, pp. 298-9

"Nothing is easier than to affect a consciousness of the present. As a matter of fact, a great horde of worthless people give themselves the air of being modern by overleaping the various stages of development and the tasks of life they represent. They appear suddenly by the side of the truly modern man as uprooted human beings, blood-sucking ghosts, whose emptiness is taken for the unenviable loneliness of the modern man and casts discredit upon him. He and his kind, few in number as they are, are hidden from the undiscerning eyes of mass-men by those clouds of ghosts, the pseudo-moderns. It cannot be helped; the 'modern' man is questionable and suspect, and has always been so, even in the past."

Jung, C.G. "The Spiritual Problem of Modern Man," from Modern Man in Search of a Soul. Edited and translated by Cary F. Baynes and W.S. Dell, New York: Harcourt Brace & Word Inc, undated. Originally published in 1933, p. 198.

Great work! Thank you.

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Haha! I don't know if you listened to the episode or are responding to the description that my mother didn't believe in the existence of facts. Two examples I give are me quoting the Bible and her saying "That's not in my Bible" and showing her on the internet that Mother's Day started as an anti-war proclamation. But, "You can find anything you want on the internet."

Elie Wiesel is another quote you could add. When asked by his rabbi whether the events in Night really happened. He writes in his autobiography that he answered, "In literature, Rebbe, certain things are true though they didn’t happen, while others are not, even if they did.” https://www.eliewieseltattoo.com/elie-admits-his-true-stories-never-happened/.

Does it matter if the events in Night, that scarred your childhood Jewish friends, are fact or is fiction sometimes more true? I think fiction when it's presented as fact is a lie. And fiction that's based on false facts is emotional manipulation.

We've been taught, as my mother personified, that there is no such thing as true or false, only one opinion vs. another. What that amounts to is your authority vs. mine, because there's no measuring stick of reality to gauge against. For my parents, that authority was the Catholic Church.

Even quotes are a way of doing that, my friend. They don't argue the point on its own merits, in your own words. They supply an authority, an author, who's put their opinion nicely, in compelling words that sound authoritative. Who am I to go up against Jung, Voltaire, Woolf, Byrne with great music on his side? You'd have to have a lot of nerve to disagree with them. Fortunately, that was something my parents armed me with, through inverse conditioning ;-)

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Thank you, Guy. What extraordinary quotes you chose.

Facts do not equal truth and that misperception has been imposed and then wielded by deceivers for a long time. It's so much easier to manipulate someone's mind than their heart and body.

Facts have their place in the fabric of knowing, but they will never reveal the full reality of our human experience nor our multi-dimensional selves. The emphasis and elevation of the mental body over our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies (as if more valuable), is a key means of distortion and worse, it weakens our ability to integrate these essential components into a whole self. Individually and of course, collectively. (So many people now fully disconnected from their body and its warming mechanism, from their hearts which perceive faster than the mind can. (As shown by Heartmath research.) )

The rise of experts - well, we see where we are. I have to re-quote the following its so damn insightful. (Which I received like a welcome breeze on a hot day.)

"And now that truth is a fact, it is not surprising that facts have become like rabbits, "user friendly," prone to copulation, rapid multiplication and jumping about, to the point where the planet lies metres deep beneath their hopping mass. Nor is it surprising that as a result truth has become as arbitrary as paper money in an inflated economy. The same truth alters endlessly according to the choice of facts. That choice is in the hands of every expert, of every individual who controls a file or signs a letter."


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While everyone is entitled to choose sides in this hugely polarising matter (though it is not exactly like choosing sides at a football game), I found some of the divisive and polarising comments thrown at those who might have a different opinion very distasteful, eg:

"You think whatever power tells you to think and you have no internal value system of your own..."

Speaking for myself, I am feeling my way in all the ideas floating around in the noosphere, but I have a couple of anchor points.

The first, that this was a terrorist attack by Hamas, that cannot be celebrated, or even justified. Yes, some of the images being released might be fake, and all of them are being used to generate a response - but even taking all this into account, it was horrific.

The second, that there is something very sinister about the way that the IDF relocated many of their forces away from Gaza, and somehow both their intel and their military defence warning system failed - to the point where it took 7 hours for anyone to respond.

The third, from my earlier reading about Israel around my visit there in 1981, and reinforced by some things I have heard again recently from Israelis: the Israeli settlers mostly did not kick the resident Arabs off their land - they settled land that was hostile and barren - and made the desert bloom. That was one of the reasons I was fascinated by Israel back then, the regenerative agricultural practices, and their experiments in communal living.

The Arab peoples (and most of the current Palestinians are descended from people who moved there in the early part of the 20th century to work for the British, or are refugees from other Arab countries) have done way less in terms of working the land, or any sort of construction.

The Palestinians in Gaza get huge amounts of aid from the UN, and what do they do with it? Build hospitals? Education? Other infrastructure or industry? No, they use it to build tunnels and buy weapons.

The Palestine apologists say that the Israelis have put them in this position by their blockades and other cruel & restrictive treatment. The Israelis say that this has been because of all the Palestinian attacks on Israeli settlers.

I am in no position to argue that either side is more in the wrong, though I am sure that criticism can be thrown at both sides.

Others say that the whole Balfour Declaration thing was part of a Zionist (or Rotheschild) plot, some claim to set up a third world war, others talk about Biblical prophecy. Some of that is probably true too.

But as with any country, the government does not always have the best interests of the people first and foremost.

Eight days ago, I was fairly evenly divided in my views of both Israel and Palestine. Over the past 40 years, I have found myself becoming less and less sympathetic towards Israel, and more sympathetic towards the Palestinians.

That has now changed.

As I view the pro-Palestinian rallies, including here in Australia, and hear people chanting "Gas the Jews!" and other anti-semitic slogans - and keep hearing the justifications and minimisation and sheer denial of the Hamas terrorist massacre - I feel less and less sympathy towards the Palestinians.

And articles like this one only polarise me further.

I could equally say that the pro-Palestinian sympathisers are brain-washed by the Islamic and communist propaganda - because I have not encountered any of them who are able to step back and take a nuanced view of the situation. Or even a multi-dimensional view.

That is sad, because I so want to keep compassion for those Palestinians who have lost, and will lose, their children, their family, their friends and their own lives to this war that is being brokered by the usual war-mongers.

I respect those who come to their ideological positions through careful consideration of the facts and the issues. None of us have complete information, and we all have our intrinsic biases.

And I also must honour my own critical thinking process - and in particular, call out attempts at emotive manipulation. (Haven't we had enough of this over the past 3 years?)

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Hi, Mara. I'm not sure if you read my last episode on Gaza: Jailbreak or Trap? I think you're exactly right that the place we need to start is with the critical thinking process and call out attempts at emotive manipulation. Since Kathleen already addressed Middle Nation's snarky remark on virtue signalers--which is not where you're coming from--let's look at critical thinking.

1. The last episode said that any ethical statement can't contain proper nouns. So "this was a terrorist attack by Hamas" needs to be qualified. How do you define a terrorist attack? I don't believe that anyone can be a terrorist in or at the borders of their own home when defending themselves, their families or their community from violence.

2. A military occupation is inherently unstable because it's a war zone with one side winning.

3. Completely agreed about the IDF being called off to allow this to happen. When you say that was sinister, why do you think that happened? I think it goes to Middle Nation's point in the first paragraph that it was either incompetence or treachery by Netanyahu.

4. In the last episode I also talked about The Transfer Agreement where 20,000 Jews, who were 1% of the German population but owned 30% of the wealth, were sent to Palestine with $100M of farm equipment to turn that desert green. So it was stolen wealth from Germans who died in the starvation blockage designed by Rothschilds to force them into the vicious Treaty of Versailles, making WWII inevitable.

5. It's hard to know where to begin with your low opinion of the Palestinian Arabs. My go-to charity has been Grassroots Int'l specifically because they help regenerative farmers in Palestine (where other charities won't go). Did you know the wall was built intentionally between farmers and their fields and orchards? And that 30% of water was monopolized by the handful of Jews who lived in Gaza, before it was turned into a prison with Hamas guards?

6. In that episode I included a photo of the Balfour Declaration addressed to Lord Rothschild to "bring to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation." Is that what you're calling a plot?

7. With critical thinking, it's not hard to see which side is wrong. There are only two sides: empire vs. sovereignty. Which side are you on?

8. Anyone yelling 'Gas the Jews' is a covert agent. Of course. Really, Mara, you're going to fall for that?

9. I don't think that the Palestinians want your sympathy or compassion. They're not victims, they're a sovereign people whose land is under military occupation. Facts exist if you take out the proper nouns and replace or reverse the variables. Would you accept being kept as a prisoner in your own land, with your children growing up in a cage? Would the UN's handouts be sufficient for you? I don't think so.

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Beautifully said, Tereza.

The Transfer Agreement and the Balfour Declaration are topics most of us know nothing about. Hidden doings, which is always the case, when the narratives offered don't gle with the facts and vice versa.

How many Americans understand the role the DoD has played in the bioweapon? How many are simply believing the lies offered - and hey, it's a whole lot easier than questioning and living with the answers.

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1. Semantics aside, and allowing for some degree of exaggeration, even fakery, in the reporting of the Hamas attack, can you truly deny that people - civilians, including elderly people, women, and children - were slaughtered in their own homes, most of them sleeping peacefully in their own beds? And others taken hostage?

I'd call that a "terrorist attack". Or a "horrific attack". Or perhaps "horrific slaughter". Whichever you prefer.

Using the term "terrorist" for me encapsulates the rationale behind it, which is most likely to create terror. Perhaps to get international attention, perhaps to provoke Israel into a retaliation that escalates into further war that brings other countries into the conflict, eg a proxy war between the US and Iran. We will see.

But one thing is for sure, it will not benefit the Palestinian people, nor their cause, and Hamas does not show any signs of caring about that.

And it was an attack, not a act of defence. Not an "unprovoked attack", no. But an attack nonetheless.

And to me, anyone who tries to justify, excuse, or minimise that is someone lost to propaganda.

Framing an attack on sleeping civilians by referring to it as "defending themselves, their families or their community from violence" is one way of doing this.

I am finding this thought manipulation as shocking as the attack itself, in some ways even more so. The number of people who think it is ok to condone and justify such slaughter.

Equally, of course, if we abhor violence, then we should condemn the Israeli bombing of Gaza - but equally, not primarily. And I do. It is the biased nature of the framing in this article that I am objecting to.

4-9. I have been reviewing the history of this region, from different sources. And yes I know, history is written by the victors and is often (usually) one-sided.

But there are some facts.

Both the Jewish people and the Arab peoples have arguable historical claims to this land, and once you start to give validity to those claims, you run into trouble and an impossible situation.

But let's start in the early 20th century, when the Ottoman Turks controlled all this part of the Middle East. There were Jewish settlers, and Arab settlers, and most of the time in those days they co-existed fairly peacefully together. At the time of WW1, the British enlisted the help of both Jews and Arabs to fight the Turks, promising the land to both groups. The British withdrew, leaving the UN to sort it out, and a plan for partition was proposed. The Jews accepted, the Arabs did not. Then a coalition of Arab countries launched at attack on the newly formed state of Israel - but the Israelis won that war, and claimed more territory as buffer zones in order to protect their own lands (a bit like Russia in Ukraine).

This was the "Six-Day War" in 1967.

And so it continued, with sporadic fighting and eventually the Yom Kippur war in 1973, which resulted in another redrawing of Israel's borders (this time relinquishing the Sinai back to Egypt, etc).

Both parties - Israel and Palestine - have also had to deal with huge influxes of refugees, Jewish refugees not just from Europe after WW2 but from other Arab countries, and Arab refugees from all the various wars in the region (not all of them caused by Israel). This has had a further destabilising effect.

The current situation in Gaza is horrible, but it's a lot more complicated than simply an oppressed people trying to fight for their homeland (though it's more popular these days to frame it that way).

And whether overt expressions of anti-semitism are organic or triggered by covert agents, I find them horrifying. As I do the overt calling for the destruction of Gaza.

Yes, this is being stirred up by provocateurs - but it is creating a lot of nastiness and bad feeling that most likely will generate some very real violence.

I'm not particularly pro-Israel. I don't have an Israeli flag on my profile, and I don't think the Australian government should have lit up the Sydney Opera House with blue and white in support of Israel (conveniently, they still had the blue from lighting it up for Ukraine). And then allowing a pro-Palestine rally, and telling Jews to stay home. If they wanted to deliberately provoke and escalate conflict, they couldn't have chosen a better way to do it.

I don't have any definitive answers, but personally, I'm not going to get caught up in the current popular thinking about Palestinians as blameless victims (I'm sure many of them are, but not all, no).

And sure, Israel is a proxy for US imperial interests and was created for nefarious reasons. But should the Israeli people carry the blame for that? Any more than any of us should carry the blame for the actions of our governments?

I find it sad - and alarming - that so many people who have shown good critical thinking in other divisive issues are now getting swept away in crowd thinking. And I say this not because I disagree with their conclusions, but because somehow, the nuances of this very complex situation are being ignored.

Full disclosure: my thoughts and feelings about Palestine have been strongly influenced by my own experiences travelling in the region. In 1981, after 6 months in SE Asia and India, I travelled by bus down from Turkey, through Syria to Jordan (where I stayed with some Bedouins in the caves at Petra for a few days) and thence to Israel via the Allenby Bridge. On my travels I encountered kindness everywhere, especially from women - but in the Arab countries, it was very rough as an unaccompanied young woman with a 3 year old child (yes, crazy!)

Many years later I travelled through Egypt, and it was also rough.

Personal experience has both advantages and disadvantages, but it leads to deeper and more lasting impression than simply reading or hearing about the issues. And I do not apologise for my distrust of Arab men. (The Bedouins were lovely but in a very sad situation, the children the most under-nourished I have ever seen anywhere.)

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Your lengthy reply, Mara, is because you can't answer the question. There's no way in which you can define terrorist without proper nouns that won't apply a thousand-fold to Israel ... or the US or the UK or France. That, of course, isn't a complete list.

Hamas works for the same people as Mossad and the founder lives in Qatar. So their actions should be included under Israeli terrorism as intentional provocations to justify the genocide occurring now. I'll be talking about these two videos today that Julius recommended above. I completely agree with you that anyone who justifies, excuses or minimizes what's happening without doing the research is lost to propaganda and is complicit in these harms. Watch the videos.

• Max Igan Balfour’s Time Bomb - The Other Side of the News - 10/13/23 – the crowhouse https://odysee.com/@thecrowhouse:2/Max-Igan-Balfours-Time-Bomb---The-Other-Side-of-the-News:a

• ISRAELI FALSE FLAG = GENOCIDE GAZA – Max Igan Crowhouse https://www.bitchute.com/video/SucecjE47s93/

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Well then, Tereza, I'll keep it brief.

Obviously, we are talking at cross-purposes, because I won't play your games of verbal sophistry. And now you want me to watch two of Max Igan's lengthy rants, as though that will somehow convince me of something.

Ok, it's your substack, and you can continue your own little virtue-signalling bubble with your own little group of like-minded followers and feel superior and smug believing that you have all the answers.

But count me out.

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RE: I found some of the divisive and polarising comments thrown at those who might have a different opinion very distasteful, eg: "You think whatever power tells you to think and you have no internal value system of your own..."

He was speaking in terms of virtue signaling - that was the context - and if you are someone who changed your profile pic to the Israel flag, he knew who you were. Because there are many people out there who believe what they have been told to believe, follow orders and that's the larger point he's making. You can't argue with that - we've seen a ton of it with Covid. Then Ukraine.

Can someone who is not doing that come to conclude a different p.o.v? Of course. He never said otherwise.

It's not about the sides we've been presented - that's the playbook, that's how division is endlessly perpetuated. It's about seeing past that and who is actually behind all wars.

Its' Us -humanity - against them (central bankers, those families we're all come to know, the cult as Icke refers to them) the ones who cast the spells, who have no loyalty and spit out realities to keep us fighting each other.

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I'd love know who is the man speaking on Middle Nation!

I hear his subtle accent so I know where he's from originally but I have never seen/heard of him before.


Easy! https://www.youtube.com/@MiddleNation

And, I was dead wrong about his origins (I put him in a European country).

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Different topic but I thought you might enjoy this:


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Oct 13, 2023
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I thought you'd get a kick out of Middle Nation's line about the Israeli flag profile pic. That needs to be a meme, don't you think? I mean terrible things are happening, for sure, but they've been happening for 75 yrs and no one cared. The attention on it now, if I can make a prediction, is going to bring the whole wall of Jericho down.

Yes to the text on false flags!

And yes to fun with family! My life keeps proving it's all going to work out. I hope that yours is too.

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"My life keeps proving it's all going to work out."

Thanks, so good to hear this sentiment expressed during these times.

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When I saw that you'd liked that comment (before I saw your reply) I thought that particular sentence was one we both resonate with. Yes, it may seem like the world's going to hell but I'm here meeting my neighbor's daughter for the first time and we're going through the case file later. She wants to go into law and make sure what happened to her can't happen to anyone else. That one's the most astonishing miracle but other evidence comes in by the hour that things are not what they seem, but much, much better.

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