Observation: Malone takes a ton of his messaging from *my* articles. This includes the discussion on psychopaths, which I've been on since 2020.


I started collecting information in documents that I called Chaos Agents months ago.


In this article...


I point out the the Ghosts in the Machine video


At 24:00 into this talk, Robert uses it:


There are actually a bunch of other examples. For a year, I saw him taking up a lot of my messaging. Specifically mine. This was the year when I was buried and made invisible while working on the DMED.

Robert was introduced to the world by Steve Kirsch, whom I have about zero trust for after working with him for 18 months. He introduced Ed Dowd at a moment when Ed was (I believe) *used* to create a market pump-and-dump.

Malone introduced Andrew Huff, whom I worked with, and whom I give no credibility. Huff's analysis on the DMED was thin and nonsense. Malone and Huff worked for the e-cigarette companies...and then there was the EVALI illness that looked...a lot like a COVID wave, but only among e-cig smokers.

Malone never once promoted my work on the DMED, though following that trail could have led us to finding out who manipulated the data in 2021.

When I spoke with Robert to the Honolulu City Council, he told them the vaccines worked, but just weren't worth the risk for young people. I think there is no data suggesting that they work. In fact, it was Robert who pointed out to me that the trial process skipped the step of testing to be certain that the PCR wasn't confounded by the vaccines.

Thems the facts.

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Mathew! Words cannot convey how thrilled I am that you subbed me and responded. When I went back to Malone's article where he 'warns' me, he has those five articles linked from you and I read them. And yes, I absolutely noticed that he was getting his terminology from you ... and then reversing its meaning. You go very deep on all the tricks of the psy-ops. So it's not surprising that I'd be identifying some of them separately and giving them different names.

Pardon me if I'm being dense, but it sounds like you feel you were used by Malone. Is that what you're saying or not quite?

And is Liatron9000 your co-producer on RtE and the administrator of your Campfire Wiki? I've been surprised that the Deep State encyclopedia wouldn't have any breath of suspicion of Malone, although I know my friend who created WikiSpooks thought very highly of Desmet's book and thought Malone was on the up-and-up. I've known him for more than a decade when I used to have a pirate radio show that he found, from halfway around the world. So I have no doubt of his integrity, although those words seem to be daring the gods ;-)

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Hi Tereza, yes, I am he! I have been slowly starting to clean up and expand Dr. Malone's page as I've begun to absorb some of the less-discussed aspects of his career, including his work on Ebola and Zika.

The thing about Wikis (including Wikipedia and Wikispooks) is that somebody has to actually sit down and make the edits. It's time consuming, and despite what people seem to assume, actually requires a level of editorial skill and attention to detail. It's also a minefield in that you can trigger a sort of censorship if you don't properly cite your sources, etc.

In other words, the absence of information on Robert Malone's Wikispooks page is not necessarily an indication that there is a controlled narrative being enforced on that particular platform; it just means people haven't yet done the work. On the other hand, if you look at the page's edit history and find mass deletions or suspicious alterations (by me or anyone else) then you know there's something afoot.

Here's the link to Dr. Malone's page on our Campfire Wiki: https://www.campfire.wiki/doku.php?id=robert_malone

And his page on Wikispooks: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Robert_Malone

Thanks for the great work, and for getting some eyes on Wikispooks! :)

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Liam, I'm so honored to be your 11th Substack! You're the most discriminating reader I know, and I hope to live up to your vote of confidence and keep that +1 status ;-)

I've been friends with the WikiSpooks founder since before he started it, so when Malone posted that it was scrubbed from the internet I thought, what are the odds? I was surprised he even knew about it. It's made me wonder since if it was his own listing he was worried about.

That database is some long, slow, patient work. Just setting up the rules to keep a crowd-sourced encyclopedia going is mind-boggling. I was just reading on Robin's page that he isn't the founder but took over when user:Peter retired, so I guess it is okay to use his name.

What surprised me on Malone's page, at a time when I thought I was alone in suspecting him, was that there was no whiff of controversy other than Joe Atwill's name. Again, what are the odds? Two people who independently came to the conclusion that Jesus was a Roman Empire psy-op and became friends over it. It was such a validation out of the blue when I called him that I knew I needed to write about it.

I don't know whether anyone to whom they are a 'person of interest' needs to have their own page to refer to. But it feels like that's becoming a lotta people these days.

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I'm happy to subscribe as you're clearly asking questions that are relevant to my own areas of research!

Some followup thoughts:

The entire Wikispooks site went down a couple of months ago, so I'm not sure if that's what Malone is referring to - I don't think his page was ever uniquely hidden, but I could be wrong.

I'm not at all surprised that Malone would know about his Wikispooks profile. I'd find it weirder if he didn't know about it. Especially if there was a campaign to recast Malone's backstory, he and Jill would have done a deep dive to get a lay of the land as far as his public record was concerned. I have no doubt that his page was in a state that he was happy with at the time he referenced it, otherwise he would probably have spent more time complaining about it.

Indeed, Wikispooks is an impressive database. I don't know how many people work on it, but from running Campfire Wiki with only 3-5 other active contributors, I can attest to the challenges in keeping something like it growing and of high quality.

What I don't quite understand is what you mean by "controversy", and what was/is missing from Malone's page in order to make it more complete and representative. I admit that I am quite confused as to what it is about his page that led you to describe it as "squeaky clean", especially because the implication was that I had done something to make it that way. I ask so I can expand my understanding of your observations!

Another thing to emphasize: I have absolutely no connection to Robert Malone, whatsoever. I have never spoken to him, never been on a call with him, never been in a room with him, never exchanged messages with him, or anything of the like, and I want to make sure it's clear that the fact that I work with Mathew (who does know Robert personally) does not in any way connect me to Robert. I have never done anything positive or negative on behalf of or at the request of Robert or anyone representing him, and I have no reason to believe that Robert knows who I am.

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Hi, Liam! Several months ago, when I saw Robert as a person of integrity trying to expose the truth about the vaccines, he ended a post with "RIP Wikispooks, a database I have consulted often, has been scrubbed from the internet." So that was alarming to me, not just as another act of censorship but because I was worried that Robin was okay. So I contacted him and he told me that, although he'd been threatened with lawsuits before and ignored them, this time they threatened his domain provider, who capitulated. I asked if I could post his contact info back on Robert's thread. He was fine with that so I did and Robert wrote back, "Thank you!!!" Robin told me that Robert contacted him and asked how he could help, but he didn't hear back from him after that.

Skip forward to when someone posted in Robert's comments about the $25M lawsuit so then Robert published "Just the Facts" with the filing. He refrained from commenting but many of us discussed and analyzed it. I started seeing discrepancies that didn't make sense and commenting about them. The more I scrutinized it, and read what the Breggins said, and how he presented himself and them, it became clear they were right--he was acting for the Deep State. And I'd exposed my friend to him.

So that was when I used the backdoor link to Wikispooks that Robin had given me, since it was still down, to look at his profile. It presented him as a Covid-dissident, who'd been censored and deplatformed, but had bravely spoken up at the expense of his career. It didn't mention that the Breggins, a couple who'd spent their lives fighting the pharmaceutical companies, suspected him of being controlled opposition, or a Deep State operative pretending to be a Covid-dissident in order to control the counter-narrative.

As far as I knew at the time, I was the only one other than those named in the suit who knew he wasn't who he pretended to be. Except for the one name under 'person of interest': Joe Atwill who, by a fluke of fate, I happened to know. I called Joe and he added more facts to confirm my suspicions. After a sleepless night, when Robin hadn't answered my emails, I put my analysis of the lawsuit into Who Is Robert Malone, Really? and published it.

You weren't editing Robert's page at that time and I knew Robin thought highly of Desmet's book, and by extension, Robert. There was no thought of collusion at all. My thought was just that Robert was running a high-level psy-ops that was aiming to thwart any good that might come out of all this, and it was being done so well that even my favorite conspiracy theorist was falling for it ;-)

I was thinking already about what might be added to the page that would be irrefutably true yet represent that there are several who believe Robert to be part of the Deep State. Let me sleep on it and I'll get back to the question tomorrow. Thanks for your thoughtful reply!

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Thanks for all of this. Interesting to know Joe Atwill is suspicious of him too (I often listen to Joe's weekly radio show with Tim Kelly). I've been suspicious of Malone from the beginning. The lawsuit is over the top.

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Fun to read your chat on Gigaohm, Lie-I-am, and hear you grilled for being a covert agent ;-) Glad to have started that rumor. Lively discussion, what a well-informed peanut gallery!

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Another interesting tidbit: I wrote a comment on Malone's substack about Sheldon Wolin's concept of inverted totalitarianism. It wasn't about a week later when Malone came out with his own take on inverted totalitarianism; he gave me credit for the idea in his comments.

But what amazed me was that here was this guy going from zero to 100 in two seconds: he'd never heard of the idea but then comes out with a full-blown essay that would've taken me weeks to write (I try to be careful and actually read what I write about.) And he's giving all these talks and taking care of his farm ....?????

With Malone, the big killer for me was: you don't sue someone who's been in the medical freedom movement for decades and is exactly the person pharma would like to poke in the eye.

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Exactly. A team is writing this stuff. No doubt.

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I've come to the same conclusions myself. Travelling, podcasts, TV, rap sng videos, farming, and writing 4,000 word+ Substack posts every few days. No-one does that.

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Haha, I thought I saw your name in JJ's chat on my vid tonight but the rap song videos gives it away ;-)

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Hey Tereza, grazie mille (Italian is my favorite language 🙂), I can see we are totally on the same page.

I would love to follow JJ but I'm afraid I don't have time. I wish he would just create a Sub and write (if he has one, please let me know). Watching hours of Twitch streams isn't my bag I'm afraid.

With that said, it's good to know there are other based and redpilled baboons out there. 😂

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@David. Miles Mathis would likely agree and would say it's a team of writers in the sub-basements of Langley (CIA). http://mileswmathis.com/updates.html

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I would not be even a bit surprised. He screamed op from the very start.

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Malone's omnipresence has often given me the feeling that he can't have any time left for his farm if he's constantly jetting around the world. A talk show nomad who also has time to regularly collect and disseminate memes or write instructions on how to assemble mobile broadcasting equipment (with links to the respective products at Amazon...., of course) seems a bit like a jack of all trades. However, there is nothing to be found in his CV about this expertise - hm...

The lawsuit he filed against the Breggins also left me speechless.

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Don’t worry, there are plenty of spooks to watch the horses.

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Don"t spook the horses!

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Mathew, it was so great to see you with JJ tonight, which I saw live entirely by accident! I was washing dishes and put on a clip of his, then wanted to watch the rest but it wouldn't load so went to Gigaohm and ba-bam--there's my face 12' tall behind his head! I couldn't join without downloading a different browser so I just lurked ;-)

I appreciate you giving me the benefit of the doubt as someone who's sincere and trying to figure it all out. There are definitely things I got wrong, like Liam on WikiSpooks and you being sucked into the spider web ... and I've taken the twitter quote off the written version. I'd originally put 'not verified' by it but it was too over the top to be real. All in all, though, really glad I put this out and got all your responses, both for my deeper understanding and that great conversation.

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I have to admit your input (Substack and Video) threw me for a bit of a loop. Mathew and Liam have a lot of real friends. They are not operating in a void. Both are some of the best people I have known in my life. You do not know me, but I vouch for both.

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I'm hoping that they will count me among them. It's been a real joy getting to know them and their ideas. And watching Mathew and JJ respond to my video. It's the real danger of having someone like Malone 'project-manage' the resistance. It makes you wary of everyone associated with him--is this someone who sees through him or a loyal supporter? There's no doubt that their strategy has been successful in dividing people and sowing distrust. But I appreciate you trusting me with your response. I'm always happy to be wrong.

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I guess this might hold if you don't know them. Perhaps you will go live with one of them? Both are the real deal. I trust them both, and I'd bet almost everything I have on this. You have to admit how difficult it is for peeps to question Malone. And psychologically how difficult, because for those searching, he headed it early on.

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Would you believe you're also way wrong about Jesus?

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In the article you're referring to: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/jesus-is-the-og-psy-ops I say:

"I also believe we’re at the culmination of a 3500+ year war of empire vs. sovereignty. In a spiritual sense, maybe even since time began although not in eternity. This is a battle of ideas—without a shared belief, it would only be one person fighting. And the ones promoting the ideas are never the ones doing the fighting. So it’s important, if we are to end this war against ourselves... that we name our own dogma and raise everything else to question. Because whatever we accept without question can be used to manipulate us."

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So you admit you may be wrong about Jesus?

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Most people find you credible and therefor use you as a launch pad for their own thoughts. I certainly do. But to the extent to which Malone does it (and I think he uses Mattias Desmet in a similar fashion) seems a bit well, over-ingratiating to the MFM. It feels manipulative. I know he says Jill writes the posts sometimes. Could have fooled me that she has a crush on you the way your sentiments get borrowed and amplified. It’s weird.

But the biggest tell is that lack of amplification about the DMED data. The one most important node to come out of the dissident research gets zero coverage by hero Malone? Pfft.

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Also note: Mathew, not Matthew. This is mostly important because Matthew B. Crawford is another author, and I'm Mathew B. Crawford, which can get confusing.

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Apologies, changed!

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Thank you.

I bet people miss your first name variation at times, heh.

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Exactly! And why I should have paid more attention ;-)

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I butchered your name today, T. But I fixed it a min after I posted.

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I've done the same in the past, I apologize.

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For the longest time he was still saying about how important the "vaccines" still were for the "at-risk" population, the elderly. Which was a strangely ambiguous way of putting it.

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Love the byline to your stack, David, "Restoring the Republic: one mind at a time" ;-)

I agree that the data coming out about accelerated deaths in nursing home belies this. I did an old episode called Cui Bono Covid? that looks at the saving to Medicaid: https://youtu.be/jSF7O2FI0S4. I think they were the primary target and I suspect my mom was one of their victims in Dec 2020.

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Really sorry to hear about your mom. So sad. So infuriating.

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Yes. And not just the elderly, but when he was advising parents, he specifically referenced "healthy children." I thought it very strange, especially since the kids most at risk of injury were the unhealthy kids. My neighbor's kid (many serious health issues since birth) was told by their physician NEVER to take an mRNA jab. He was ok with healthy adults getting it, but not a child with health concerns.

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Very fine, astute observations and summary. Thank you for the clear eye and effort this took.

I've also distrusted Malone from the beginning. Not sure why, exactly.

I was asked to watch Malone comment on the PV Pfizer false flag op – with the sound off. Give that a try and see what you see. Very interesting! My sister, independently of me, said 'zombie'. For me, it was a cyborg moving through the motions. Really, an old generation terminator, perhaps.

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What an interesting assignment for someone to give you, Guy! I'll have to try that. I didn't distrust him at all when I was reading him ... until the Breggin lawsuit. Then I saw a short clip, just the intro of him going on some show and they said, "Some people say you're controlled opposition, is that true?" And he said, "No, that's not true." And that was it. Something about his voice, his body language told me I'd been dead wrong about him.

The commentary on the PV false flag op--great term--I had the same reaction. I could definitely see the old gen terminator.

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I have noted some of his tics (for lack of a better descriptor) increasing lately. For example, listen to any recent interview and count the number of times he says "um". Sometimes I can hardly tolerate listening to the entirety of the interview because of it. It's almost like a stutter...and I feel like the increase is directly proportional to the depth that he wades into the quicksand - the frequency with which he is "unfairly attacked".

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The ums drive me nuts. Also notice he prefaces most answers to questions with unecessary background full of jargon and rarely answers a question directly.

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Never trusted him, still don't, never will. He IS controlled opposition. He actually told Stew Peters (during the one interview he did with Peters) there are things he cannot say because it would jeopardize his career. Needless to say Peters ripped Malone a new butt and I believe that is why Malone dislikes Peters so much. You did not swim with the swamp creatures for 30 years and not know the score. His government never deceived him. It was the American people that were deceived and I believe Malone knows A LOT more than he is sharing. He sings the same narrative today that he sang from the start. Never talks about the DOD and their involvement in the COVID bio weapon counter measure now does he? And he never will.

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Mathew and Jackanapes (Josh Guetzow) also distrust Stew Peters, I believe.

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I am beginning my 56th year of activism in a few days time and I shall not be slowing down until my last breath.

Malone was flying a million red flags from the first day he appeared on the scene. He was so obvious, so annoyingly subordinate to his wife, so very VERY wealthy that I wondered if he was a bloodline illegitimate son of the highest ranking Black Nobility (aka the Black Nobs).

I was stunned that he attracted so much attention here on Substack. That was a very rude awakening for me.... it seems the punters here are not as wise as they believe themselves to be.

When he claimed to be the 'tip of the spear' of resistance I laughed and laughed. Surely that other techie shill, Steve Kirsch, holds the crown?

But I digress.

I toyed with the idea that maybe, when Fauci-ouchie finally fux off, Malone will be swanning into his seat. I even wrote about the odds of that happening but I probably jinxed it for him. Which could be a good thing, so let's not knock it!

The only benefits that I perceive of Malone and Kirsch procuring such a massive following are:

1. You will all be better equipped to spot the fat controllers in the future.

2. We will work harder to find the truth that they are so desperate to bury under their fakery.

3. We will never again trust millionaires who work in the industries which are profiting from our illness or demise.

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I almost put the byline to this as "the next Fauci?" After I put out my first RM episode but before he unsubbed me, he did a piece on Fauci. I commented "But the real question is, who will be the next Fauci?" He liked it. I think that's been part of the plan all along.

I agree that it's not a bad thing to keep honing our skills in seeing through the manipulations. Fully agreed on Kirsch.

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Great minds think alike or is it psychic connection? Whichever it is, I was delighted to read your post and all the comments it has generated. Well done, Tereza, you slammed it home, girl!

Some people accuse me of seeing controlled opposition operatives under every rock but I contend that I have been confronted by these alphabettis all my adult life and they often outnumber the real activists.

I remember back in the days of Animal Liberation Front, we set up a fake meeting in London. Then we did not attend but had an observer behind the bar of the venue. The only people who were there, bang on time and bristling with enthusiasm, were those we had suspected of being undercover cops. There were six of them and we cut them out of our phone tree after that. xx

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Hi Frances, thank you for alerting me to this Sub, much appreciated.

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@Frances. You banned me from your substack, apparently because you thought I was always criticizing you. But I wasn't. I critiqued someone you thought was making a breakthrough proving the vaxes are toxic, when looking closer showed that the person was mostly pro-Covid vaxes. I don't remember the previous misunderstandings, but some people seem to have astrological friction. I'm Aquarian, scientific, shallow affect.

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I realise that may have been a little harsh. It did seem as if you were trying to bust my balls (if I had any). I recently unbanned a lot of accounts. I am pretty sure yours was one of them but I will check.

I have checked and you were unbanned on 24th Feb.

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Oh, okay then.

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Tereza...thank you. I found it very disorienting when I realized that there was this layer to peel back. It felt exhausting and I just felt like I didn’t have the space. I leaned into meditation and breath work. I focused on ways I could help people, particularly those that have taken the shit shot(ssss)...I wrote a workshop on cortisol resetting and offered free sound bath meditation groups, in person and online. This worked in restoring my energy and I had renewed capacity for peeling back this dark, nefarious layer of the onion, so to speak. Thankfully there are people like you, Sage, MAA, Brave Sasha, Mathew, and Guy Duperreault (who I simply adore)...

I appreciate the time, effort, and energy you have put in...and I’d be remiss not to mention your bravery. It takes balls to tackle the beast. Hats off, and well done. Im so glad we crossed paths. Cheers 🍻 to happy coincidences.

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Thank you so much for that, Sarah. You bring up another thing that bothered me in Malone's interview--he talks about how he and Jill have become more spiritual through this crisis, but what he means is a religion that sees the devil in others. Again, totally reverses it. Like you, I've gone deeper into my meditation practice, which for me is A Course in Miracles. The evidence comes back to me daily, in 'happy coincidences' that this is all planned--and not by 5GW!

I wondered if Margaret had changed her mind about Malone.

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OMG....of course you mentioned A Course in Miracles LOL! Coincidence strikes again :)

It was an amazing, helpful discovery for me mid-Covid. 🙌🏼♥️

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I've been studying it for almost 20 yrs but this certainly caused me to lean in hard. One of my readers coined the term for what I'm doing as socio-spirituality--taking a hard look at the reality IN the world while questioning the reality OF the world.

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What a great description...

The whole “we’ve become more spiritual” bit... I think I threw up in my mouth. Spiritual because that’s the one crew that never bought into his bs. So convenient that he’s actually more spiritual now. What a coincidence!

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Spooks are hard to spot for the average citizen. Especially not when their name is Malone. I have been racking my brains over this man for months. At the latest since he sued the Breggins, my doubts about his sincerity got a preponderance. Various articles from CJ Hopkins to Dr. Alexander to Sage Hana continued to feed those doubts. And now, with your article, you have added another piece to my puzzle of thoughts that once again confirms my skepticism about Malone. Thank you for that!

It hurts all the more that Malone, of all people, one of the people who persuaded me to write on Substack myself, is not the man I thought he was on closer inspection. Apparently, 90% simply isn't 100%. And his CV simply speaks volumes.

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I was so excited when Malone subbed me, after I posted that I was all about decentralization. If you look back on my episodes, including ones I linked here, I quoted him often. Don't doubt yourself and your intuition. It's not being wrong that matters but changing your mind with new evidence--another thing Malone has said ;-) And from the last time I checked, he hasn't unsubbed, likely to keep an eye on me.

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He can't have that many eyes to watch everyone who is looking through him now. 😏

By the way, has he ever commented here for free?

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haha, not likely.

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Excellent expose/analysis.

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Kooky Spooks & Their Psyopmania Larpings !!!

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Tereza- this is excellent observation in regards to catching the truth between the lines exposing the lies. Thank you for sharing the link. I’ll have to return to the videos and see if I missed something else. All this manipulative warfare makes one head spin.

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And I really liked your latest, VA. You do a great job of getting to the heart of it. The need for heroes (sic) is a shortcut that will always be exploited, imo.

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when i first encountered Malone, was wet behind the kitty ears & fell for the jerk’s narrative until reading Diana West’s assessment fall 2021 and watching the Mr. & Mrs. M. Hawaii kiddie video 10/2021… downhill from there🙀.

People just want to live halfway normal lives… guess this isn’t happening anytime soon.

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'wet behind the kitty ears' so funny!

For so much of the last 20 yrs--since the 9-11 fraud jolted me awake--I've been looking at what the US et al have been doing to the rest of the world and trying to find a way to get people to pay attention. Little success with that. At this point, we're all being targeted. I'm not sure we've ever lived normal lives that haven't been at someone else's expense and for someone else's profit. So I'm *hoping* we'll go all the way to normal rather than back. Maybe sooner than we think.

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agree that nothing was ever ‘normal’… just didn’t realize it until the frauds were too obvious to ignore… just daydreaming of a beautiful time that we don’t have to be fearful of what comes next…


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That's the most beautiful bouquet of roses I've ever gotten, kitten. Subbed!

And the anacrostic--is that the word? Very fitting. Hold onto that dream.

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That whole comment is spot on. It's impressive, even, as is the great bulk of your stuff. As far as getting anyone to pay attention, I've had no success since coming home from Vietnam in 1970, so don't beat yourself up over it. I saw a ton of BS over there and have been trying to tell folks for more than half a century, even trying to tell them that what we were doing over there would be done to us, but no one listened. Maybe I don't express myself with enough histrionics or theatrics or something or maybe most have been "livin the dream" and coudn't care less.

Anyway, be assured that you are correct that 9/11 should have been a wake up call, and if not that, then the plandemic fiasco should have made believers out of nearly everyone. But nope. I've reconciled myself to "that's just the way things 'is'" and so be it.

At least it's nice, after more than half a century, to be able to express myself to a handful of others who understand!

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For some reason I was just thinking about the defoliants like Agent Orange sprayed over the jungles of Vietnam to destroy their ability to hide from the massacre. Such an incredibly crude and arrogant tactic. And now we have dioxin blanketing East Palestine. So yes, it's some 'silver lining' that there are at least people to talk to now.

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"...Agent Orange sprayed over the jungles of Vietnam to destroy their ability to hide from the massacre." I believe that *&^% was sprayed on crops as well.

Our masters are the most hideous creatures on this planet. The goons even carpet bombed rice paddies leaving vast areas of huge ponds where food once grew. Sprayed lead from C-130 "Dragon ships" which applies one round every square inch or so on the area of probably a football field. Sprayed lead iodide into the atmosphere to make it rain so the ground would become unpassable. Utterly disgusting.

It's no surprise to me that the holocaust known as the plandemic has been unleashed on us; the degenerate swine are utterly ruthless. I could go on but what's the point...

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of course 'like' wasn't really what I meant, but you know what I mean...

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Hello! I am JJ and would love to talk with you about these ideas and fact in more detail. If you'd ever want to join me for an interview, please reach out.


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It was the craziest thing, JJ. I played your clip from Sage Hana while washing some dishes but wanted to watch the whole thing, which wouldn't load. So I went to your site and there's my face 12' high behind your head! After getting over the shock, I tried to set up an account but needed a different browser so I just lurked. It made me laugh to hear the comments about my necklaces (and lack thereof), my 'Etsy' store, the bedroom I filmed in, and my New Agey ideas. My daughters are still teasing me ;-)

On a serious note, that was a great analysis. I agree with all points, and have taken the twitter quote out of the written version. Should have listened to my intuition on that. I am way out of my depth on the technical details but you guys were forgiving on my gaffs (Pfizer vs Moderna ...)

I'm especially glad you addressed the issue of Kirsch getting EUA from BARDA via Malone as his first introduction. That didn't hit me as odd until later.

If you listen to the original video at some point, I'll be curious to hear if you think Malone is throwing RFK & anti-vaxxers under the bus. In the clip I was first watching, https://sagehana.substack.com/p/jj-couey-soberly-translates-dr-robert, Sage says Tess Lawrie looks pained but RFK looks angry to me. Is he okay with this direction Malone is going? Is the Presidential fund to keep him from turning on Malone? Just wondering.

BTW Jessica's use of Malone's lion quote was after a long thread on her 'stack where I and others were suggesting she might find herself stuck in a hard choice between agreeing with something she didn't, or breaking with Malone. She said the choice was easy--the truth. So the lion quote, which didn't really add anything to her content, seemed like she'd made a decision.

And Sherri Tenpenny's reply to me was on Meryl's 'stack where she posted the interview. Meryl ended up telling Heidi Heil to 'put up or shut up'. So I don't think Malone's name is coming up anywhere except his own 'stack that's sacrosanct--and several of us, including Visceral Adventures, were having coded exchanges on there.

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Huh? What coded exchanges? What are you talking about?

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Don't be coy, you know you'd put in comments that would link to your posts that were critical. Some of us were getting it, but you'd word them so subtly that I think he even 'liked' them.

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Please show me an example. He, who? Malone? I’ve never had an interaction with him. ‘Coy’ is hardly the way to describe me. I don’t speak in code.

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I think it’s possible you’ve mistaken me for another stacker?

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Oh, you're so right. It is another stacker. But someone else who does very clever and pointed parodies. At a time when anyone critical of Malone would be cut, it was good to know there were others reading between the lines.

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That would be so fun, JJ! I was channeling you when I was analyzing this video. It was my friend Joe Atwill (author of Caesar's Messiah) who sent me your Tucker & Malone video and said he thought it was spot-on. When I'd looked up Malone on a backdoor link to WikiSpooks (since they'd threatened the domain provider to remove it), Joe was the only one to whom he was 'a person of interest.' Since we'd become friends when working on the-greatest-conspiracy-ever-told, I called him and he confirmed my suspicions--giving me the courage to do my first RM post. So I always pay attention when he says someone's got it right.

I noticed your recent interviews on Mathew's RtE and am looking forward to them. I'll be in touch.

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Excellent piece. You did a great job in tying this all together.

Aside from Malone's suspicious deep state work, family history, $25 million lawsuits, and intolerance of legitimate questions, he has an odd pattern of writing lengthy in-depth articles based on others' original ideas. Very few are within his limited area of expertise.

And yes, he ends up everywhere. Most peculiar was when he was leading the first conference on early treatment when he himself was slow to embrace ivermectin, even begging people to listen to his good friend, Andrew Hill. It was June 24, 2021 -- months after most of us were well aware of the ivermectin fraud -- when Malone tweeted:

"PLEASE pay attention to Dr. Andrew Hill. He is a very solid and mature data scientist. We speak often, and I have complete confidence in him and his team. Evidence-based medicine, not hype."


And guess who the keynote speaker is at this month's legal conference on Covid? Do we really want this guy influencing legal strategies? Concerning indeed. https://www.vacsafety.org/events

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Thank you. You're asking a lot of the same questions that I am. I'm glad I'm not alone over here. :)

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Loved reading this. You are as sharp as it gets! Santa Malone is such a phony.

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Wow Tereza, thank you. This really helps to clarify the mellifluous voiced 🐴, his exploits and his timelines

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Still processing this amidst a long post of my own. Will back to you in this. Looks excellent.

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