Jul 5Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Tonika has written about her cancer diagnosis/condition from back in Jan/Feb of this year. For the past few days, I haven't looked at the comment thread in what I think is her most recent post, which goes into some considerable detail about what she has been doing/taking to fight the problem, so this might not be news to anyone who has checked in on her Substack more recently...

BUT she is scheduled to have what is left of the tumor {which shrank by 50% from Jan/Feb to now} surgically removed TODAY.*..so if anyone reading this has a spare minute or so and enough energy for a few positive thoughts aimed at success during the surgery and post-op, feel encouraged to go for it.

*TODAY is 5 July 2024

If you have more than a spare minute, here's a link she sent, where you can watch (in segments, if you like...I'm only halfway through it) a remarkable play called "The Seven Secret Plays of Madam Caprice". If it makes you laugh, maybe focus on the funny and direct some energy toward her.


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I'm so glad that you brought that up, I hadn't realized it was today but the synchronicities keep on coming. Initially I thought she'd be doing the surgery after the GoFundMe event at the end of July. I'd asked about alternatives for sending money, which she'd posted. Out of the blue, I thought that I didn't want to wait. I wanted to send a little something to spend now, as an act of faith that it would all work out.

It turned out that was the night before she was flying to Tijuana and had borrowed the money for the surgery, to be repaid after the fundraiser. But that left little for nonessentials--like food. So it was perfect timing. And on the same day, my book arrived, which she'd ordered from Amazon to read post-op. I know this isn't like an alignment of stars or anything but it feels pretty auspicious to me.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Liked by Tereza Coraggio

I don't recall how I became aware of VA...might have been here, maybe Tessa, maybe Sarah or Heather of the Merry Memester Sisterhood...but at some point I was on her Stack early this year and noticed the info about cancer diagnosis. I think I emailed her c/o the email address that's connected to her SS (which doesn't always get through to creators, not that I try to contact many of them by direct email, but I have had at least one that didn't get the long research paper that takes the reader/listener from CowCowBoogie to Train Kept a Rollin'). She replied and I offered to mail a box of 12mg IVM and a box of 100mg MBZ, which I gather helped get started in the tumor shrinkage. So, we've been exchanging clips on music (from me) and musical theater (from her). If you have time, I highly recommend the link to her Silent Theater website with the play referenced above.

Very cool coincidence that she got your book on the way to the airport, so to speak. I sent her a bunch of links to YT music clips that I think she will enjoy some of, but she told me that the internet at the clinic was so slow that video clips weren't playing well, if at all...something about looking at a spinning circle. She's hoping the internet at the hospital will be better. If not, then she will have your book to keep her company until she gets to better internet. Though it's the lifeblood of legacy bureaucracies and will potentially 'be the death of us all', sometimes paper is very worthwhile stuff!


If I win one of the big lottery prizes, I plan to commission Della Mae to do a Newgrass version of this one...but until then, best I can do wrt women on this song...it's the 1977 arrangement of The Runaways. www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZsHRBLMxT4

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I'm glad Tonika has you in her underground drug network. Along with intravenous music clips and therapeutic meme medicine.

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Jul 6Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Got an email upon returning from swim & grocery-run indicating that the surgery was postponed yesterday (no stated cause for alarm...just a delay) and will be done today (6th July) at 4PM EDT, so an hour or so from now. Email had an optimistic mood, with no hint of trepidation or false bravado. No hint of a request for confidentiality, so I am comfortable cutting/pasting this verbatim: "Yes, I’m five chapters into Tereza’s book. I’m missing so much context from history that I have to look stuff up as I go and I imagine it’s gonna take me longer to finish it than the average bear."

But don't worry...Tonika told me that she is part of a lineage of nautical people with roots based in the area of the Black Sea, so I told her about the zany madcap nautical character of Gory Gnahb in Gravity's Rainbow. Not sure if she's going to finish your book first or try for a both-at-once stereo reading adventure. Either way, if she gets swamped with looking things up and there's blame to be had, you can share some of it with Pynchon, and if the swamping turns out to be a blessing on (m)any level(s), you can have all the credits/carets...

Western dervishes? www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBHyBafTyX8

Made possible by bass & brass.. www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXhzJK352NI

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What, she's five chapters into my book that just came in the mail and she imagines it will take her longer to finish than the average bear?!!!

I will let her know it's an advantage to have no context. I'm also a history drop-out, which is the only thing that kept me from rejecting all the new things I was learning.

Thanks for the update. I also pasted her photo without asking permission so we can beg forgiveness together if those were presumptuous.

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Jul 6Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Maybe tomorrow I will switch to using my Win10 laptpop for most online work, which is now being handled by my 'mature' Win7 machine, which Substack's support module recently told me is probably what is keeping me from properly engaging with the Like button. But for now, "Like".

I doubt we'll need to hire an attorney or anything, but if either of us gets the friendly version of a sternly worded email about the photo or the quote, I'll be pleased to collaborate in crafting a nolo contendere reply for the purpose of throwing ourselves upon the tender mercies of the court, aka aggrieved party. Between the revelations of imperial anti-human workings that I assume are part of your book and the eye-opening historical info in Gravity's Rainbow, I'm confident the rage generated by those things will be sufficient to overshadow anything we may have done in good faith and with the best of intentions.

(Life's funny, and I have been known to engineer words in a comment in order to wind up at a particular song, but this one really did just 'fall into my lap'.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AG84p9dfV00

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Jul 6Liked by Tereza Coraggio

I am an alternative sort of practitioner...some develop a taste right off the bat, others never quite resinate (sic)...but I'm not as alternative as this guy, although he was telling us about 'control' from way back, literally before we were born. Were mummies the original digital twins? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYgB4NPGQds

(Deletable on request, it's funny, but I sure don't want to jinx anything today.)

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Holding her in my heart all day today!! 🙏🏼❤️

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Jul 5Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Totally love it! ❤️

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Jul 6Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Great poem! Gosh but I love my clothesline! For a while, a stretch of it was located over the backyard fire pit which invites your whites to wrestle free from the pins and drop into the ashes in much the same way as hanging out laundry in general invites rain.

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So, SO sweet, Tereza! "Tossing undies onto jousting pins" -- love this, along with all the snappy, brash YOU that simmers throughout. Fabulous!

I have to ask, though: dryer sheets? Sunbathing is for chumps? We have to talk! 😂

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Thank you Mary, I especially thought of you when posting this ;-)

In my defense, it was 'fabric softener' since I wasn't using a dryer. And it was the Meyer's brand when I did. But in full confession, the commercial ones are a guilty pleasure when my neighbor uses them. I hadn't heard they were evil. Another one bites the dust!

And this was in the middle of kids and chaos for sunbathing. Now I've been doing my research on a blue hammock. I just remarked that the concept of 'working on my tan' turns laying around into actually doing something!

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Yes, do have that talk about those stinky things. They're full of nasty phthalates.

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"Resist or Dye", nice one! I love how much you love the free sunshine while you work. That's how I operate. Itinerant among the day laborers. You have worn a cowpath, haha. I love that line.

This is awesome. "That pin is dead to me."HAha. That's how I feel about pennies inside, and hairpins. That was cool. I dig it :) The last few lines were really visually pleasing.

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This one did seem right up your alley. We share, I think, the devil-may-care abandon of the colorful chaotic housewife ;-) And I love how you got my pin joke.

I just showed my daughter your pictures for our secret project, and the new ones you just added! She ooohed and aaahed. She's really excited for this. And I get to work on it next!

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I tried and tried to get a leg tat and a white bathing suit. Twas a feat I could not perform. I got one close, she is at the end......but not ,,,, quite :) Picky Bing. I am glad your daughter was happy with them :) The ones I just added are yummy, yes? Have fun :)

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I told her that I want a back tattoo like the one you love, in the blue dish, runny paint and all. That daughter's got the bug, she's going to get three flying cranes next and add the national flowers from all of her mixed heritage to the thigh tattoo. She says the flower of Yugoslavia is beautiful.

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Jul 5Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Love it! There’s a guy who lives in a building opposite mine and he hangs all his washing out to dry on a line which he pulls in to and out from his window with a pulley system. Such an unusual thing to see in a big city with apartment buildings. O sun on my clothes!

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That seems like it would be quite the feat to hang sheets! He must have an agreement with whoever lives directly across. Yes to sun-drenched clothes!

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Jul 7Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Yes I would think so. I’ll spy a bit and figure it out!

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Jul 7Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Maybe he pre-folds the sheets? It would take longer to dry them, but sheets (except the really high-thread-count ones...or maybe the ones in Japanese Love Hotels?) are so matte, so truly, technically lackluster, as opposed to some exotic paints, (those sheets I was talking about, remember?) are not much fun to watch dry, so they can be left unattended.

Luckily for people suffering from extreme anxiety about impending hurricanes, gales, tornadoes, and the like, who are disposed to allay their concerns by drinking what might otherwise be considered an inappropriate amount of alcohol to becalm themselves (because who can trust the wind to wind down its own ferocity...those people, the lucky souls, usually have sheets that come in pairs*, so they can usually convince themselves that regardless of their ethyl intake and actual state of insobriety, they really aren't quite to the 'three sheets to the wind' stage.

*Of course, the observant reader might point out that sets of two sheets are often packaged along with a pair of pillowcases and sometimes even a bedskirt, but a quick search has failed to turn up even a single instance of 'four sheets to the wind' much less any other number higher than four, so let's leave our anxious Annies and nervous Norberts to pickle in their juices of choice, carefree of nautical, alcoholic and laundry idioms.

Note: No liquid spirits were consorted with or relied upon during the course of this exercise...the impetus was a result of discovering that by using the Firefox browser, I am now able to operate the "Like" button...the energy was related to a burst of endorphins being released, not unlike a Big Bang of neurotransmitters, under the spell of which I proceeded to Like every comment in this thread except my own. I thought 'that will be that', but found a substantial reservoir still available, which led to the preceding intergalactic mess. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGKZZd8u5Z4

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There are things that smell better than laundry that dried on a clothesline, but not many, not many. Reminds me of home. Had never even seen a dryer until coming to America but one frigid Chicago winter made me get it: drying out laundry here in January will remain in a solid shape for awhile.

Beautiful peace of writing, T. And I’m so very glad I was able to take your book with me to Mexico. Especially in the hospital where, I learned 15mins=2hrs and I had good company. Admittedly, I am missing lots of context but reading through anyway. Learning quite a bit about what money is and I might have to read it again after I get the bird’s eye view just to understand the more in depth concepts. Petrodactyls is a great play on words. So is “putting notions before nations.” Actually, book is full of gems!

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I can't think of a better audience for my little wordplay gems. As a matter of fact, I wrote them with you in mind. Even though I wouldn't know you for years!

Glad that everything went well. Eager to hear more when you get more time.

And yes, I couldn't resist posting that photo with your beautiful face and huge smile!

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I emailed. :) and I was smiling because the book came right on time! I left the next morning at the crack of Dawn.

Really though, I got to the part of “clawful and awful” and it made me chuckle. Pretty clever, my dear, pretty clever!

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Love this, Tereza, and I love finally having a clothesline again…even though the deer flies find me there. :( Simple pleasures. 🥰

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Thanks so much, Barbara! And you told me about the honey eyedrops, yes? I've been wanting to tell you that I feel like they're healing the whites of my eyes that have been bloodshot since the days of hard contact lenses. It really changed my whole outlook that, when it feels like something's being taken away, it's opening up a whole new world ;-)

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Jul 5Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Are all the Homeowners' Associations that have outlawed clotheslines part of a plan to keep suburban neighborhoods hooked on Kenmore, Maytag, Amana, Whirlpool, et al? Or is it beyond that sort of simple commercial grift? Look at a HAARP antenna array and tell me those aren't analogous to a system of landing lights for interplanetary visitors. Too farfetched...why do the UFOs tend to show up in rural areas, where there are vastly more...chlotheslines?? www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWuvRxce6uI www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9yEJpZnqCo www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3IpeLGk3SM

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I lived in a mobile home park in Soquel, CA for about a year, and clotheslines were forbidden. The reason given by management was that clotheslines were unsightly and depressed the value of neighboring mobile homes. Thankfully I didn't stay there long, and at the next mobile home park I lived in (in Palo Alto), everybody (including me) had clotheslines freely deployed.

Clotheslines totally rock. I haven't used a dryer in almost 20 years.

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My daughters had to pay to use the dryer, through our precursor to the caret system, unless it was raining. Naturally, they waited for rain to do their laundry.

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Plain rain... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-Qlvhhe7Ak

Rain & sorta castanets... www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNW2N_MgLe4

No rain, but precip & real castanets... www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAVjFlnx8A8

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Chopin "Raindrop" Prelude: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvHLT16Bq1g

Peter Gabriel, Red Rain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkLTwX0duY4

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Jul 6Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Like button not working yet...

Thanks for these. So simple, yet capable of allowing a complex reaction to occur in the listener.

Listening to these rain songs, I remembered that when I was living in Seattle (per The Byrds' "Eight Miles High", a rain grey town, known for its sound) a friend told me that his father had been a test pilot for Boeing, and that when his father and his co-pilot were in the midst of the first crash landing of a 747, they were whistling or humming this song...I never met the co-pilot but I did meet the father at a party once and he seemed like the kind of guy who actually might have done what my friend told me... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VyA2f6hGW4

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Fun song! That really brings back memories of my wasted youth.

Coincidentally, Peter Gabriel quoted that song in one of the last things he did with Genesis, at around 5:30 in this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X57rw5cw3M

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Jul 5Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Like...I completely forgot to toss in the idea that n addition to possibly attracting alien spacecraft, clotheslines might do something in terms of attracting rain.

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When there's an unexpected overnight shower, I tell my friends they have me to thank for leaving out a loaded line.

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Hey. why not? When it's good news, take credit...when bad, blame the Deep State or HAARP? Speaking of blame...

With the author... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qdk7k1dfydE

If she were any more of a (good) Belter, she'd have been in "The Expanse"... www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qdk7k1dfydE

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