• Will Mandatory Support of Israel Soon Replace Mandatory COVID Vaccines as a Condition for Employment? Support for Israel Already Mandated in 38 States … by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News


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Apr 14Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Hey thank you so much for putting me on to Peter McLaughlin. I adore my husband but I get what you mean about falling in love with Peter. He is so understated and articulate and completely nails his subject matter. I had a bit of an insight whilst watching which I am going to reflect on deeply. I am in the 25% who was not fooled by the Covid scam and I reflect at times on why this is so.

Peter talks about how every decision we make is emotional and that we rationalise it afterwards, this is how the controllers nudge us in particular directions. I have always inclined more towards feeling rather than a more intellectual approach. When meeting my husband I said to him that I preferred to feel my way through life and as an over thinker this was immensely attractive to him. This does not preclude being fooled but I think because of my conscious awareness of this process of where decisions come from I was more open to seeing that I had indeed been fooled.

The global warming con comes to mind as a narrative where I mentally sidestepped those trying to expose it because of a belief. That was something that joined my mother and me in a good emotional place where we were part of the tribe trying to stop climate change. We marched on one of the school marches in Australia and I have a lovely picture of us from that day. Now she considers me a conspiracy theorist and while we still have a loving relationship that sense of closeness is not there anymore. Who knows maybe I can use some of Peter's ideas to talk to her one day but right now I just do my best to maintain the relationship.

Anyway I am not quite sure where I am going with this but thanks for your posts. I haven't had as much time lately to take in a lot of information so I try to stick to things that resonate and inform and this interview has truly inspired me. In deep gratitude. (-:

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I think that it is historically precise to say that classical liberalism is the father of many paternalistic and authoritarian horrors. The most recent of those is the latent madness of safetyism, which reached its paroxysm in the convid madness.

I hear double tee Crawford complains about 85º F outside masking. I can beat that easily: in Spain it's very common that temperatures reach 95ºF during the Summer nights, and it soars to 110 º during the day, and this is normal (more frequent in the interior of the country, which many tourists never knwo) and people still wore those god damn masks all those years.

You can still see people biking while masked and doing jogging while masked.

I never believed that doing excercise was any good for mental health, but thanks to the covidian cult now I have proof!

But ideologies are nothing. Practice is everything.

And in practice, we are all victims of an ongoing war of aggression, by a transideological death cult who endeavors to kill many people that the cult considers expendable and ripe for sacrifice.

There is no excuse for this political practice of ritualistic killing of defensless people in hospitals, and there is little excuse for writers who continue to play along the greatest crime against humanity ever committed.

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Apr 14Liked by Tereza Coraggio

For me, the lasting impression of the Covid era that I cannot come to terms with yet, is realising for the first time in my life that there a two distinct sets of people in the world; those who blindly follow 'authority' and those who don't. That there are no shades of grey, as I had imagined. That those who follow, can quite easily be convinced to become the nastiest bullies to those who think differently - all the while wallowing in their perceived virtuosity. And those bullies can include friends and family. I'm still sad about it as I know it could very easily happen again. How can my friends and family believe that a faceless government cares more about them than I do? It's insulting on top of being plain hurtful.

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I am definitely going to read and listen to more of Peter McLaughlin.

In the meantime:

“You can’t convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it’s based on a deep seated need to believe.” Carl Sagan

This SO reminded me of a passage from ‘Sapiens: A Brief History of Mankind’ by Yuval Noah Harari:

“So perhaps happiness is synchronising one’s personal delusions of meaning with the prevailing collective delusions. As long as my personal narrative is in line with the narratives of the people around me, I can convince myself that my life is meaningful, and find happiness in that conviction.”

You could substitute the word ‘happiness’ with ‘contentment’, ‘satisfaction’, ’pathological agenda’ and so on. I now realise that Yuval Noah Harari was not just making a casual observation - this was part of the mass psychosis weaponry.

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Thanks, Tereza. Nice compilation.

I think a good companion piece to Peter's video, (which agree was excellent) this interview with Dr. Nehls -who wrote The Indoctrinated Brain - with Tucker Carlson was both disturbing and hopeful. Explains a lot of why even now so many have not been reached. (Intention brain interference.) On the positive side - there are simple things we can do to reverse the damage done.


Not sure I'm ready for a retrospective, but appreciative you are, and your take on recognizing that most people were simply doing their best. (I'm often less gracious, and still, even now, when I see a masked person think 'idiot' before I feel sad for them.)

We learned many things we didn't want to learn, are still figuring out what happened, still repairing relationships and all of it in the midst of an ongoing ugly agenda. Kind of extraordinary. I think, overall, we are very impressive in our ability to adapt to the impossible, do our best to make sense amidst conflicting info and stay in integrity.

What will another year bring? Who knows, but I do so hope, it will bring more of us together, again.


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Apr 14Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Love how the writer of the theatre letter completely ignored everything you said and doubled down on their virtue.

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Apr 14Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Hi Tereza.

A really good post, have not had the time to watch the video yet. Things are happening fast here in Japan, both at the community level, and now ... just yesterday, about 45 minutes from my apartment ... https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1779162080815218804?t=9RYhqci2xNqJ7c4nFP4j5w&s=19


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hola, tereza.

a lovely and nuanced review. loved it.

"[Peter McLaughlin] says to the interviewers, “every decision the three of us have ever made in our lives, whether it's big or small, was an emotional decision that we later went to the conscious mind to justify.”

yes. the conscious mind uses reason to rationalise and the beginning of that process begins with, in McLaughlin's language, an unconscious emotion attaching to an idea that has more often than not been received from an outside influence. again, McLaughlin's description of this mechanism is spot on, clear, concise and to the point.

This has been part of my recent shadow work, looking at the shadows and deepening my understanding of the relationship between consciousness and its oft associated 'god' reason, and the unconscious where non-verbal 'ideas' (emotions) can and do come into existence and, with the mechanisms McLaughlin outlined, become rationalised ideologies. fascinating stuff.

excellent poke into this. thank you.

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Okay, I'm blushing BIG TIME. Thank you so much, Tereza, from both Peter and me! Xox

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Apr 14Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Tereza, as always, I am blown away by your grace in connecting with people. What a generous and loving yet very firm letter to the director of the arts organization. I read her letter to you explaining all of the org's choices during covid and I thought "how the heck does one even respond to this?" and I'm glad I get to witness your masterclass in responding with connection and care and clarity. No bullshit. And I think this sums it up wonderfully: "The critical question for you is whether you were told the truth. That’s what everything you’ve done relies on."

My son and husband have left for baseball practice. I'm sitting here mad as hell, grieving again for those years, eating some chocolate for comfort. Grieving that my husband still believes those lies and shows no interest in questioning authority, at least in the medical realm.

I was very lucky that my parents didn't get vaxxed, and my siblings all understood my choice to not get vaxxed. The real struggle was with my husband - and one of his best qualities is that he does not pressure me or ask me to change. He is good at accepting. But I begged him to consider my points, to not get the shots. And I stood my ground that my son would not get them.

Today I am teaching a workshop on connecting to Holistic Purpose. From the outside, it sure seems you are living your purpose, Tereza.


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Thank you Tereza for sharing my story! I feel it is important to look back and process what has happened. Hopefully now that it’s been a little while, more minds will begin to open up and see clearly.

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TC: "I look at the 1987 defunding of Peter Duesberg as the replacement of science and empirical data with the religion of profit-friendly woke-speak."


“When we read scientific literature written in the 70s, liberal, left, and right, we’re immersed in a world of openly honest people. They can be mistaken, say untrue things, but they are all genuinely dedicated to the logos. And then there’s some kind of frontier, when they all started to lie, which in my opinion is connected to a shift of liberals to the left. Suddenly, Western society began to become very stupid; it became narrower and narrower.“

- Alexander Dugin (31 August 2017):


• Interview with Alexander Dugin (and Paul Robinson)


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Apr 14Liked by Tereza Coraggio

O dear, Tereza, you appear to have violated YT rules! A must watch/listen then 😏

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Apr 14Liked by Tereza Coraggio

I was trying t9 listen to your rumble video on my phone. It refused to give me the option of skipping the 2 minute advertisement regardless of how I flipped the fone. When the first ad was over it again wanted me to view a long ad. This hasn't happened on other rumble kids for me.

Nicely written article. Agree, it was a hell of an eye opener these last 4 years...

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I'm in the city visiting family and I have only seen one mask, worn by a woman who looked like she is going through some kind of radiation treatment.

The pandemicists are quite obviously ginning up bird flu fears, like they are just waiting for the right time to release that Kraken, presumably right before election day, keep people from going to the polls. I wonder though, who is going to believe it next time? I'm not sure it has penetrated, that the government paid to make Covid-19 and leased the jabs. But I'm pretty sure most adults are going to be a lot more skeptical than last time, when they pull that stunt again.

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