When asked at his townhall last Wednesday night why he accepted (and then cancelled) his speaking appearance at Moms for Liberty, RFK blamed it on a staffer. Rather than take this opportunity to distinguish between getting ideologically-based race and sex/gender materials out of the schools, he accepted the questioner's premise that they are a hate group against gay marriage. Rather than stand up to the mob as he did quite strongly when speaking at Porcfest, he meekly submitted.
In response to the three major Supreme Court decisions: rather than explain to civics-ignorant people that these cases were about constitutional principles (free speech, limits of presidential power, 14th Amendment), RFK focused on policy implications, which is not the purview of the Supreme Court. Every honest attorney knows the difference. Very disappointed to see his responses. I wonder who is running his Twitter these days.
Re: the Breggin lawsuit. This is an obvious SLAPP suit, which is outlawed in some states. Even if it had merit, the dollar amount is indefesible. The suit itself brought far more attention to the Breggins' criticisms as most of RM's followers had never even heard of them! Surely Bobby could see this without even reading the complaint. He knows Peter Breggin. He knows Catherine Austin Fitts. Why has he turned a blind eye? It makes me wonder if RM has something on him.
I was willing to overlook the Malone association, hoping he has seen the light and is trying to distance himself while maintaining the appearance of support in public comments. But RFK's latest statements show he is not taking principled stances. Though I hope he stays in the race as long as possible to open people's minds to other important issues, he is not the candidate I thought he could be.
Cornel West is an intellectual, he's no Malcolm X that he pretends to be
In an interview with Convo couch, West didn't know that the green party black caucus was fighting the mandates and split with the party. Why not? Because he still thinks the jabs are good and admitted to getting 4 shots and that "brother Fauci" tried his best.
The host told him to read rfk's book to learn more.
Yeah, umm I'm not confident in West if he's still clueless about how the covid debacle happened. Does he live in a bubble?
It was also funny to see Chris Hedges another intellectual on the attack of rfk.
Funny because it was Hedges years ago hedging his own ass ignoring any questions about investigating the 911 official story. Hedges also said nothing against the big pharma machine that he used to talk about when it came to con-vid.
West and Hedges live in bubbles but think they're in touch with the people.
RFK knows he's in a bubble and can change his mind, like he did with vaccines.
RFK is still a human being with humility and the ability to change his opinions.
I'm not worried about Malone. He's no different than the ones that already exist in government. RFK will keep speaking the truth about vaccines, which will make Malone a laughing stock. Trump pretended to do this with Fauci and Birx, but then played dumb and allowed them to push the pharma bullshit.
So now he's Bobby? I see a parallel here. Trump was and is anti-war. Yet he surrounded himself with warmongers like Pompeio and that walrus mustache guy. He's a fool when it comes to reading character. He got screwed every which way to sunday with his gullibility. "Bobby" is anti-covid vax yet he idolizes Malone! " RFK: I think Robert Malone has tremendous integrity and tremendous courage. . . If you’re Bob Malone, every day of your life is really hard" because he sacrificed his career (lol). If "Bobby" really believes that he's as deluded as Trump about who to trust.
No candidate will be US Pres who does NOT support Israel. RFK Jr has many questionable relationships & past actions. Top among the relationships in doubt are his wife & RW Malone. (There is some chatter going around that Malone is RJK Jr's 'handler.') Past actions include the alleged treatment of his former wife, who committed suicide & his sex diaries & reported stances on climate change. Documented drug abuse & arrests in his youth are forgivable.
I think your first statement is true but also CJ Hopkins says they'll never let Kennedy be the candidate so why not speak the truth? Kennedy answered that he would but I'm not seeing it.
Interesting chatter. And yes, his son running off to join Ukraine's Int'l Legion and then making sure they called him RFK's grandson speaks to some deep bitterness there. It is hard to ignore that as an indication of character.
The whole Jew/Semite/Zionist thing is deeply uncomfortable. It feels to me like a giant manipulation or social engineering op. Aren't the Palestinians mostly the ones with Shem's DNA? What percentage of people who identify as Jewish carry Shem's DNA? Fewer than 1%? This subject makes no sense to me and always makes me think of "If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize." There is a strong whiff of the cow shed hanging over the whole subject.
If we're to take the story of Noah literally, from a third to a quarter of the people in the world have Shem's DNA (depending on whether Canaan was Noah's son or Ham's son, which switches). And so the dominion given to the descendants of Shem and Jephath was the whole world, since that's what they were repopulating. According to colonists and slavers, all black people were the descendants of Ham and destined to be their slaves. The nations of the Canaanites are listed in the story of Noah, so they wouldn't have Shem's DNA (other than the obvious missing gender needed for procreating.)
Your phrase about who controls you being who you're not allowed to criticize is an excellent point. I hadn't heard it put so succinctly before.
I distinguish between Semitism, as the chronology of who's entitled to rule in the scriptures that the rabbi begged the Roman conquers to let him and his students preserve when he escaped from Jerusalem under siege. But somewhere there's The Fourth Philosophy of the Judeans who revolted against Rome saying that all people are equal and free, and death has no power. To me, that should logically be considered Judaism as the scripture of the Judeans.
Thanks very much for that, Tereza. I need to deepen my understanding. For the time being, that whiff of the cow shed will not go away. Perhaps I'm just not very smart; but, when such a fundamental question is so confusing, I tend to think "psyop." As you know, the basic purpose of a psyop is to confuse and there seems to be a great deal of confusion about anti-semitism, Zionism and the Jews of today in general. I wonder to what extent terms are still used in their scriptural sense, and to what extent they have been variously "borrowed" and hidden behind? Scripture itself is so full of deception.
The phrase about who controls you is usually ascribed to Voltaire, although that is often disputed.
I had not heard of The Fourth Philosophy before. Were those Judeans who revolted against Rome the ones who were led by Jesus, who was crucified for his role in the revolt?
Confusion is a great place to start! You're now part of a very small handful of people in the world who have ever heard of The Fourth Philosophy. And your phrase about psyops is spot-on, per this episode: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/jesus-is-the-og-psy-ops.
The Judeans (and Samaritans--giving new meaning to 'the Good' exception) were the zealot movement led by JUDAS, known as the Galilean, the Healer (which is what Christ translates to), the Nazarene, and by many, the Messiah. Also the Sicariot, which means assassin because the zealots would use religious festivals to stab the Roman collaborators betraying them with a short dagger called a sica, then melt into the crowd. Of course, sicariot with two letters transposed is Iscariot.
The other teacher who partnered with him in this was the Pharisee Zaduc or Saduc, leading to the Sadducees. There's no historical evidence, and many contradictions, that any leader named Jesus existed. As a Romanized or Hellenic name, it would be as contrary to rebellion as the IRA naming their kids Percy or something equally British. There was no Herod in power during the census. Pontius Pilate was recalled by Rome for his ruthlessness in putting swaths of people to death without trial. So from birth to death, it's a story that doesn't match the history.
All that is fascinating, Tereza. Thank you very much.
It does not surprise me that “There's no historical evidence, and many contradictions, that any leader named Jesus existed.” After the crucifixion, the Romans went to great lengths to genocide anyone who had heard Jesus teach or knew what his teachings were, just as they genocided the Cathars in France a millennium or so later for the same reasons.
The Romans wanted to re-brand their empire as a church, and they planted an agent, Saulus/Saul/Paul - a member of King Herod’s large family (son of Herod’s sister, Salome) and a citizen of Rome - to subvert Jesus’s teachings into something which better suited the political exigencies of Rome.
Jesus (Yeshua ben Joseph?) was highborn and had a real claim to the throne of Judea. He spent his missing years at one of the mystery schools in Alexandria, Egypt, learning the science of prayer and miracles and becoming a kundalini yoga master. He rose to become High Priest of the Order before returning to Judea to begin his ministry.
Jesus married Mary Magdalene. She was the daughter of King Juba II of Numidia/Mauritania and Cleopadra, who was the daughter of Mark Antony and Queen Cleopadra VII of Egypt. So Jesus and Mary were quite the power couple, who presented Rome with a significant threat/headache in the Middle East.
So it is easy to understand why Rome wanted to remove all trace of who he really was, and what he really said and did. The names may have been changed to obfuscate the saintly, and I’m sure you’re right that he did not call himself “Jesus.” That’s what Rome called him.
Over the millennia, multiple layers of psyop, deception and misdirection have accumulated like a thick layer of dust over the truth to create the hate, confusion and division with which we have to wrestle and peer through today.
Some, of course, will say that, to know the truth, read the scripture; but - without wishing to cause offense to any believers - it seems pretty obvious that the New Testament is wartime propaganda written and compiled by, for and on behalf of Rome. It contains some teachings of a very high order but to suggest that it is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth of what Jesus taught feels like quite a stretch, doesn’t it?
Herod had already died when the census took place. When the Roman Crassus arrived in Judea in 62 BC, Herod’s father - Antipater - was First Minister to the Hasmonean King of Judea. The Hasmoneans were already very much in decline and Antipater ingratiated himself so much with the Romans that he became de facto King of Judea. Herod was appointed to replace his father as King of Judea but died in 4 BC.
Herod and his family were not Hasmonean or Judean. They were Idumaean. To secure his family’s grip on the throne of Judea, Herod tried to kill anyone - including women and babies - who had a Hasmonean bloodline claim to the throne on which he sat.
Herod’s appointment marked the beginning of the end for Judea, which culminated in the sack of Jerusalem and the destruction of the great temple in AD 70. When Herod died, Emperor Augustus refused to allow any of Herod’s successors to be called King of Judea.
So, when Jesus arrived back in Judea from Alexandria around AD 30, the throne of Judea was vacant; and he had a strong bloodline claim to that throne.
The rest, as they say (or don’t say?!), is history….
Ah it seems we both have alternate histories of the time. The only historian who ever mentions Jesus is Josephus, and he's who my research points to as the author of the gospel of Mark. That's what Joe Atwill's book Caesar's Messiah, shows from analysis of the tropes, word play, and sequencing. But it's not something either of us needs to convince the other, we agree on the important point that no one is more deserving than anyone else.
Thanks very much, Tereza. Perhaps our sources look at the history from different angles; but I am not at all sure that they are mutually exlcusive - at least not completely, by any means. As a Jewish historian writing around the time of the sack of Jerusalem in AD 70, Josephus reminds me of a YouTuber trying to tell his audience the truth about Covid-19 and the so-called "vaccines"! Plus ca change!
I heard Atwill being interviewed about his book when it was first published (2011?). It made perfect sense to me at the time.
The book I read is "Where Jesus Is Buried," by the British forensic historians, Wilson & Blackett (Cymroglyphics, 2021):
The first half (150 pages) of the book is about who Jesus was and the political context in which he lived. Although the book was published after Atwill's, it was actually written many years before - probably in the 1980s.
You might also find this interesting:
New Testament Bible Authored by the Calpurnius Piso's of Rome:
How about somebody who knows they can't run my life and doesn't try? JUST GET OUT OF THE WAY AND STOP SCREWING EVERYTHING UP! How much of what government takes just evaporates into the machine?
I agree with your points on Bitcoin. It's why I find some of the naive "Bitcoin fixes this" sloganeering annoying when discussions of censorship are brought up. I'm a big fan of good tools, but even the best tool can be under-utilized or misused.
This isn't to say it's not useful though, I'd argue on balance we're better to be in a world with a few independent digital currencies than none.
Oh that's really great to hear you say that, Gabriel, as someone knowledgable about Bitcoin. And yes, I agree about the independent digital currencies. Under my system there are carets for internal trade but they need to be backed by an exchange system for global trade. A community that had Bitcoin in its treasury would be much more resilient for the things that they need as a whole from other places.
"I recall a time when there were so many malevolent libels circulating about our family that several of the cousins considered challenging this family practice. But who wants to waste a lifetime, or even spoil a moment, replying to an endless stream of fictions? As Teddy wrote in his memoir, True Compass, “With exceedingly few exceptions, we have refused to complain against the speculation, gossip, and slander. Some have viewed our refusal as excessive reticence, even as tacit admission of the innuendo at hand. In my view, it is neither. At least for me, it’s the continuing assent to Joseph Kennedy’s dictum: ‘There will be no crying in this house.’” That said, I hope Grandpa will forgive me, in this case, for defending him.
The even more venomous Nazi accusation is equally without merit. Despite his Irish heritage, Grandpa was a shameless Anglophile who urged the strongest support for England against Hitler. He asked FDR to increase shipments of all aid to Britain short of war, breaking with Charles Lindbergh, William Randolph Hearst, and the America Firsters. He abhorred Nazism, which he called “the new paganism.” He condemned the fascist
persecution of the Jews as “the most terrible thing I have ever heard of.” His outspoken support for a Jewish homeland led the Arab National League of Boston to brand him a “Zionist Charlie McCarthy,” and he made tireless efforts to rescue Jewish refugees from the Nazis. After a speech I gave in Minneapolis, a young woman approached me, introducing herself as Lisa Brenner. “Your grandfather got my grandmother, Mary, out of Germany before World War II,” she told me. “I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for him.” I can’t count the times I’ve heard similar stories. In his exhaustive biography of my grandfather, historian David Nasaw chronicles how Grandpa’s frantic efforts to find safe havens for German and Austrian Jews after Kristallnacht ruined his relationship with the British government— which lodged an official complaint against him to Secretary of State Cordell Hull, and ultimately with Franklin Roosevelt. As the Roosevelt administration turned on Grandpa in May 1938, Rabbi Solomon Goldman, president of the Zionist Organization of America, cabled him on May 9: “Feel it duty [to] say American Zionists have always regarded you as devoted friend. . . . [Be] assured we feel indebted for earnestness with which you have furthered interests [of] American Jews and cause of people whose American Jews and cause of people whose fate must be of deepest concern to you.” Grandpa’s lonely campaign helped earn him an invitation from his Jewish friends to be the sole gentile member of the Palm Beach Country Club, an honor he cherished...."
That is from "American Values" pg 13. The next few pages are worth reading too. This is the pdf version available on archive org.
Thanks for that well informed comment, Kolokol. Of course, I'm not seeing it as slander for Joe Kennedy to be concerned about the Jews in Hollywood producing propaganda to drive the US into war. That's what happened, yes? Do you have a link for the pdf, it needs to be posted separately or it doesn't attach.
I've just done two episodes on the lead up to WWII: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/corbett-unz-and-wwii-the-unnecessary and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/churchills-atrocities. I didn't include it but one of my sources cites a diary of JFK's: "A couple of years ago, the 1945 diary of a 28-year-old John F. Kennedy travelling in post-war Europe was sold at auction, and the contents revealed his rather favorable fascination with Hitler. The youthful JFK predicted that “Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived” and felt that “He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.” These sentiments are particularly notable for having been expressed just after the end of a brutal war against Germany and despite the tremendous volume of hostile propaganda that had accompanied it." https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-understanding-world-war-ii/.
Whether RFKjr is overcompensating for his grandfather or is following in his footsteps, his uncritical support of Israel and Zionism is either naive, complicit or captured. But I'm not holding my breath for any Presidential candidate to solve or even address the global takeover we're in. Thanks for commenting with such good research!
I have read the UNZ/Mike Whitney Churchill atrocities entry and I confess to being a fan of Ehret and Chung and their takes on the British Empire, Israel being merely a pawn inserted 500 miles east of Constantinople to be an irritant in the way Mackinder advocated. Guido Preparata's book "Conjuring Hitler" is one hell of a read.
I don't see it as slander towards Joe in this case either and RFK Jr's take on Israel makes me think of mind control. I'm not accusing but his responses are zombie -like over that issue.
"Britain's - and later America's- drive to conquest was foreshadowed unmistakably by Mackinder's cursory yet almost oracular mention of the several bridgeheads that the Sea Powers need to graft unto the heartland to draw out its armies in a deliberate sequence of separate clashes. To isolate each conflict, the targeted territorial portion had to be severed from its adjacent district, and bled white by prolonged strife waged in the name of political, religious, or ethnic diversity. Thus the Anglo-Americans have always acted: in Europe by spinning everybody against Germany (1904-45); in the Near East, by jamming Israel in the heart of the Arab world (1917-present); in the Far East, by planting thorns in the side of China: Korea, Vietnam, and Taiwan (1950-present); in Central Asia by destabilizing the entire region into tribal warfare with the help of Pakistan to prevent the Caspian seaboard from gravitating into the Russian sphere of influence (1979-present).
... Imperial stratagems are protracted affairs. The captains of world aggression measure their achievements, or failures, on a timescale whose unit is the generation. -- Guido Preparata, "Conjuring Hitler", pg. 16
I agree that Israel is a pawn, at the most obvious level that countries are geographical territories without agency. Are the leaders of Israel pawns of someone else? I'd say certainly. Politicians in the US, not likely because the US puts Israel's foreign policy ahead of its own security, corporate and oil interests. I've heard that it's a franchise of the City of London (again, using places as a placeholder for the actual people) but I haven't seen a source on that. Do you have a guess for who's the head of the snake?
Sometimes i think I know who is the head of snake and sometimes I'm at a loss. I shake my head and put up my hands and say "Satan". But I think Ehret and Chung's work on the British empire is convincing and so is LaRouche's stuff.
I was just titling a draft episode "Every Time a Reptile's Blamed, an Oligarch Gets His Wings."
The same could be said for Satan as letting the perpetrators off the hook or making us think they're too powerful to do anything about. These aren't geniuses much less evil geniuses.
Matt and Cynthia have my book and were initially enthusiastic, calling my intro the best example of Platonic thinking he'd seen. But Matt is a centralist who thinks you need big blocs of countries to run things and centralized monetary systems. I haven't been able to convince him otherwise and they also have some conflict of interest, I think, with Russia and China.
Thanks for that pdf. So this is written by RFKj. The one I cited was written by Sholom someone, which seems like they both might have conflicts of interest. Sholom's article talked about the Kennedy's curse by the Jews that Joe wouldn't allow to pray, and how he thought of it every time there was a tragedy in the family. Pretty heartless, if you ask me. So I took that anecdotal story with a shaker of salt but he talks about this story being told at the funeral of one of the most famous rabbis. So it did seem like there was a serious Jewish grudge against Joe Kennedy that some of them see being passed down and enforced by 'God.'
I like Kennedy, personally. There's no one else I'm shilling for in the election. I haven't voted in several years and I don't think I'll be tempted to change that this time.
So we have one rabbi gloating over dead Kennedys and another praising Joe for his efforts.
I like Kennedy too but I won't give him a pass on his lopsided Israel love. I wonder if RFK Jr recalls JFK's fight with Ben Gurion about their nukes. Some researchers claim that it was the nuke issue that caused the Israelis to kill JFK. He sure did have a lot of enemies.
Ah, kind of a Catch-22, isn't it ? Refreshing to hear many of these topics brought up by a candidate & discussed, esp after the massive clamp-down on free speech during the CV19 Crisis.
I agree that it's refreshing to hear these topics brought up, and clamp-down is a great term in parallel to the physical lockdown. How do you mean that it's a Catch-22?
Ah that makes sense. But CJ's point is that they'd never let him be elected before he starts, so why not go for the gusto. I'm curious ... trepidatious ... to see where we are by Nov 2024. I'm betting it's in a different place than now. Thanks for your comments and reading!
Agree 100%. More examples from this past week:
When asked at his townhall last Wednesday night why he accepted (and then cancelled) his speaking appearance at Moms for Liberty, RFK blamed it on a staffer. Rather than take this opportunity to distinguish between getting ideologically-based race and sex/gender materials out of the schools, he accepted the questioner's premise that they are a hate group against gay marriage. Rather than stand up to the mob as he did quite strongly when speaking at Porcfest, he meekly submitted.
In response to the three major Supreme Court decisions: rather than explain to civics-ignorant people that these cases were about constitutional principles (free speech, limits of presidential power, 14th Amendment), RFK focused on policy implications, which is not the purview of the Supreme Court. Every honest attorney knows the difference. Very disappointed to see his responses. I wonder who is running his Twitter these days.
Re: the Breggin lawsuit. This is an obvious SLAPP suit, which is outlawed in some states. Even if it had merit, the dollar amount is indefesible. The suit itself brought far more attention to the Breggins' criticisms as most of RM's followers had never even heard of them! Surely Bobby could see this without even reading the complaint. He knows Peter Breggin. He knows Catherine Austin Fitts. Why has he turned a blind eye? It makes me wonder if RM has something on him.
I was willing to overlook the Malone association, hoping he has seen the light and is trying to distance himself while maintaining the appearance of support in public comments. But RFK's latest statements show he is not taking principled stances. Though I hope he stays in the race as long as possible to open people's minds to other important issues, he is not the candidate I thought he could be.
Very well put, Alex. And thank you again for bringing that tweet to my attention.
Cornel West is an intellectual, he's no Malcolm X that he pretends to be
In an interview with Convo couch, West didn't know that the green party black caucus was fighting the mandates and split with the party. Why not? Because he still thinks the jabs are good and admitted to getting 4 shots and that "brother Fauci" tried his best.
The host told him to read rfk's book to learn more.
Yeah, umm I'm not confident in West if he's still clueless about how the covid debacle happened. Does he live in a bubble?
It was also funny to see Chris Hedges another intellectual on the attack of rfk.
Funny because it was Hedges years ago hedging his own ass ignoring any questions about investigating the 911 official story. Hedges also said nothing against the big pharma machine that he used to talk about when it came to con-vid.
West and Hedges live in bubbles but think they're in touch with the people.
RFK knows he's in a bubble and can change his mind, like he did with vaccines.
RFK is still a human being with humility and the ability to change his opinions.
I'm not worried about Malone. He's no different than the ones that already exist in government. RFK will keep speaking the truth about vaccines, which will make Malone a laughing stock. Trump pretended to do this with Fauci and Birx, but then played dumb and allowed them to push the pharma bullshit.
So now he's Bobby? I see a parallel here. Trump was and is anti-war. Yet he surrounded himself with warmongers like Pompeio and that walrus mustache guy. He's a fool when it comes to reading character. He got screwed every which way to sunday with his gullibility. "Bobby" is anti-covid vax yet he idolizes Malone! " RFK: I think Robert Malone has tremendous integrity and tremendous courage. . . If you’re Bob Malone, every day of your life is really hard" because he sacrificed his career (lol). If "Bobby" really believes that he's as deluded as Trump about who to trust.
No candidate will be US Pres who does NOT support Israel. RFK Jr has many questionable relationships & past actions. Top among the relationships in doubt are his wife & RW Malone. (There is some chatter going around that Malone is RJK Jr's 'handler.') Past actions include the alleged treatment of his former wife, who committed suicide & his sex diaries & reported stances on climate change. Documented drug abuse & arrests in his youth are forgivable.
I think your first statement is true but also CJ Hopkins says they'll never let Kennedy be the candidate so why not speak the truth? Kennedy answered that he would but I'm not seeing it.
Interesting chatter. And yes, his son running off to join Ukraine's Int'l Legion and then making sure they called him RFK's grandson speaks to some deep bitterness there. It is hard to ignore that as an indication of character.
The whole Jew/Semite/Zionist thing is deeply uncomfortable. It feels to me like a giant manipulation or social engineering op. Aren't the Palestinians mostly the ones with Shem's DNA? What percentage of people who identify as Jewish carry Shem's DNA? Fewer than 1%? This subject makes no sense to me and always makes me think of "If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize." There is a strong whiff of the cow shed hanging over the whole subject.
If we're to take the story of Noah literally, from a third to a quarter of the people in the world have Shem's DNA (depending on whether Canaan was Noah's son or Ham's son, which switches). And so the dominion given to the descendants of Shem and Jephath was the whole world, since that's what they were repopulating. According to colonists and slavers, all black people were the descendants of Ham and destined to be their slaves. The nations of the Canaanites are listed in the story of Noah, so they wouldn't have Shem's DNA (other than the obvious missing gender needed for procreating.)
Your phrase about who controls you being who you're not allowed to criticize is an excellent point. I hadn't heard it put so succinctly before.
I distinguish between Semitism, as the chronology of who's entitled to rule in the scriptures that the rabbi begged the Roman conquers to let him and his students preserve when he escaped from Jerusalem under siege. But somewhere there's The Fourth Philosophy of the Judeans who revolted against Rome saying that all people are equal and free, and death has no power. To me, that should logically be considered Judaism as the scripture of the Judeans.
Thanks very much for that, Tereza. I need to deepen my understanding. For the time being, that whiff of the cow shed will not go away. Perhaps I'm just not very smart; but, when such a fundamental question is so confusing, I tend to think "psyop." As you know, the basic purpose of a psyop is to confuse and there seems to be a great deal of confusion about anti-semitism, Zionism and the Jews of today in general. I wonder to what extent terms are still used in their scriptural sense, and to what extent they have been variously "borrowed" and hidden behind? Scripture itself is so full of deception.
The phrase about who controls you is usually ascribed to Voltaire, although that is often disputed.
I had not heard of The Fourth Philosophy before. Were those Judeans who revolted against Rome the ones who were led by Jesus, who was crucified for his role in the revolt?
Confusion is a great place to start! You're now part of a very small handful of people in the world who have ever heard of The Fourth Philosophy. And your phrase about psyops is spot-on, per this episode: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/jesus-is-the-og-psy-ops.
The Judeans (and Samaritans--giving new meaning to 'the Good' exception) were the zealot movement led by JUDAS, known as the Galilean, the Healer (which is what Christ translates to), the Nazarene, and by many, the Messiah. Also the Sicariot, which means assassin because the zealots would use religious festivals to stab the Roman collaborators betraying them with a short dagger called a sica, then melt into the crowd. Of course, sicariot with two letters transposed is Iscariot.
The other teacher who partnered with him in this was the Pharisee Zaduc or Saduc, leading to the Sadducees. There's no historical evidence, and many contradictions, that any leader named Jesus existed. As a Romanized or Hellenic name, it would be as contrary to rebellion as the IRA naming their kids Percy or something equally British. There was no Herod in power during the census. Pontius Pilate was recalled by Rome for his ruthlessness in putting swaths of people to death without trial. So from birth to death, it's a story that doesn't match the history.
All that is fascinating, Tereza. Thank you very much.
It does not surprise me that “There's no historical evidence, and many contradictions, that any leader named Jesus existed.” After the crucifixion, the Romans went to great lengths to genocide anyone who had heard Jesus teach or knew what his teachings were, just as they genocided the Cathars in France a millennium or so later for the same reasons.
The Romans wanted to re-brand their empire as a church, and they planted an agent, Saulus/Saul/Paul - a member of King Herod’s large family (son of Herod’s sister, Salome) and a citizen of Rome - to subvert Jesus’s teachings into something which better suited the political exigencies of Rome.
Jesus (Yeshua ben Joseph?) was highborn and had a real claim to the throne of Judea. He spent his missing years at one of the mystery schools in Alexandria, Egypt, learning the science of prayer and miracles and becoming a kundalini yoga master. He rose to become High Priest of the Order before returning to Judea to begin his ministry.
Jesus married Mary Magdalene. She was the daughter of King Juba II of Numidia/Mauritania and Cleopadra, who was the daughter of Mark Antony and Queen Cleopadra VII of Egypt. So Jesus and Mary were quite the power couple, who presented Rome with a significant threat/headache in the Middle East.
So it is easy to understand why Rome wanted to remove all trace of who he really was, and what he really said and did. The names may have been changed to obfuscate the saintly, and I’m sure you’re right that he did not call himself “Jesus.” That’s what Rome called him.
Over the millennia, multiple layers of psyop, deception and misdirection have accumulated like a thick layer of dust over the truth to create the hate, confusion and division with which we have to wrestle and peer through today.
Some, of course, will say that, to know the truth, read the scripture; but - without wishing to cause offense to any believers - it seems pretty obvious that the New Testament is wartime propaganda written and compiled by, for and on behalf of Rome. It contains some teachings of a very high order but to suggest that it is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth of what Jesus taught feels like quite a stretch, doesn’t it?
Herod had already died when the census took place. When the Roman Crassus arrived in Judea in 62 BC, Herod’s father - Antipater - was First Minister to the Hasmonean King of Judea. The Hasmoneans were already very much in decline and Antipater ingratiated himself so much with the Romans that he became de facto King of Judea. Herod was appointed to replace his father as King of Judea but died in 4 BC.
Herod and his family were not Hasmonean or Judean. They were Idumaean. To secure his family’s grip on the throne of Judea, Herod tried to kill anyone - including women and babies - who had a Hasmonean bloodline claim to the throne on which he sat.
Herod’s appointment marked the beginning of the end for Judea, which culminated in the sack of Jerusalem and the destruction of the great temple in AD 70. When Herod died, Emperor Augustus refused to allow any of Herod’s successors to be called King of Judea.
So, when Jesus arrived back in Judea from Alexandria around AD 30, the throne of Judea was vacant; and he had a strong bloodline claim to that throne.
The rest, as they say (or don’t say?!), is history….
Ah it seems we both have alternate histories of the time. The only historian who ever mentions Jesus is Josephus, and he's who my research points to as the author of the gospel of Mark. That's what Joe Atwill's book Caesar's Messiah, shows from analysis of the tropes, word play, and sequencing. But it's not something either of us needs to convince the other, we agree on the important point that no one is more deserving than anyone else.
Thanks very much, Tereza. Perhaps our sources look at the history from different angles; but I am not at all sure that they are mutually exlcusive - at least not completely, by any means. As a Jewish historian writing around the time of the sack of Jerusalem in AD 70, Josephus reminds me of a YouTuber trying to tell his audience the truth about Covid-19 and the so-called "vaccines"! Plus ca change!
I heard Atwill being interviewed about his book when it was first published (2011?). It made perfect sense to me at the time.
The book I read is "Where Jesus Is Buried," by the British forensic historians, Wilson & Blackett (Cymroglyphics, 2021):
The first half (150 pages) of the book is about who Jesus was and the political context in which he lived. Although the book was published after Atwill's, it was actually written many years before - probably in the 1980s.
You might also find this interesting:
New Testament Bible Authored by the Calpurnius Piso's of Rome:
Not all Jews are Zionists.
You're right; but how many Jews and Zionists are Semites?
How about somebody who knows they can't run my life and doesn't try? JUST GET OUT OF THE WAY AND STOP SCREWING EVERYTHING UP! How much of what government takes just evaporates into the machine?
Unfortunately, that's not how predators operate. It's all control, manipulate, harvest. Wash, rinse, repeat.
I agree with your points on Bitcoin. It's why I find some of the naive "Bitcoin fixes this" sloganeering annoying when discussions of censorship are brought up. I'm a big fan of good tools, but even the best tool can be under-utilized or misused.
This isn't to say it's not useful though, I'd argue on balance we're better to be in a world with a few independent digital currencies than none.
Oh that's really great to hear you say that, Gabriel, as someone knowledgable about Bitcoin. And yes, I agree about the independent digital currencies. Under my system there are carets for internal trade but they need to be backed by an exchange system for global trade. A community that had Bitcoin in its treasury would be much more resilient for the things that they need as a whole from other places.
"I recall a time when there were so many malevolent libels circulating about our family that several of the cousins considered challenging this family practice. But who wants to waste a lifetime, or even spoil a moment, replying to an endless stream of fictions? As Teddy wrote in his memoir, True Compass, “With exceedingly few exceptions, we have refused to complain against the speculation, gossip, and slander. Some have viewed our refusal as excessive reticence, even as tacit admission of the innuendo at hand. In my view, it is neither. At least for me, it’s the continuing assent to Joseph Kennedy’s dictum: ‘There will be no crying in this house.’” That said, I hope Grandpa will forgive me, in this case, for defending him.
The even more venomous Nazi accusation is equally without merit. Despite his Irish heritage, Grandpa was a shameless Anglophile who urged the strongest support for England against Hitler. He asked FDR to increase shipments of all aid to Britain short of war, breaking with Charles Lindbergh, William Randolph Hearst, and the America Firsters. He abhorred Nazism, which he called “the new paganism.” He condemned the fascist
persecution of the Jews as “the most terrible thing I have ever heard of.” His outspoken support for a Jewish homeland led the Arab National League of Boston to brand him a “Zionist Charlie McCarthy,” and he made tireless efforts to rescue Jewish refugees from the Nazis. After a speech I gave in Minneapolis, a young woman approached me, introducing herself as Lisa Brenner. “Your grandfather got my grandmother, Mary, out of Germany before World War II,” she told me. “I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for him.” I can’t count the times I’ve heard similar stories. In his exhaustive biography of my grandfather, historian David Nasaw chronicles how Grandpa’s frantic efforts to find safe havens for German and Austrian Jews after Kristallnacht ruined his relationship with the British government— which lodged an official complaint against him to Secretary of State Cordell Hull, and ultimately with Franklin Roosevelt. As the Roosevelt administration turned on Grandpa in May 1938, Rabbi Solomon Goldman, president of the Zionist Organization of America, cabled him on May 9: “Feel it duty [to] say American Zionists have always regarded you as devoted friend. . . . [Be] assured we feel indebted for earnestness with which you have furthered interests [of] American Jews and cause of people whose American Jews and cause of people whose fate must be of deepest concern to you.” Grandpa’s lonely campaign helped earn him an invitation from his Jewish friends to be the sole gentile member of the Palm Beach Country Club, an honor he cherished...."
That is from "American Values" pg 13. The next few pages are worth reading too. This is the pdf version available on archive org.
Thanks for that well informed comment, Kolokol. Of course, I'm not seeing it as slander for Joe Kennedy to be concerned about the Jews in Hollywood producing propaganda to drive the US into war. That's what happened, yes? Do you have a link for the pdf, it needs to be posted separately or it doesn't attach.
I've just done two episodes on the lead up to WWII: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/corbett-unz-and-wwii-the-unnecessary and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/churchills-atrocities. I didn't include it but one of my sources cites a diary of JFK's: "A couple of years ago, the 1945 diary of a 28-year-old John F. Kennedy travelling in post-war Europe was sold at auction, and the contents revealed his rather favorable fascination with Hitler. The youthful JFK predicted that “Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived” and felt that “He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.” These sentiments are particularly notable for having been expressed just after the end of a brutal war against Germany and despite the tremendous volume of hostile propaganda that had accompanied it." https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-understanding-world-war-ii/.
Whether RFKjr is overcompensating for his grandfather or is following in his footsteps, his uncritical support of Israel and Zionism is either naive, complicit or captured. But I'm not holding my breath for any Presidential candidate to solve or even address the global takeover we're in. Thanks for commenting with such good research!
Here is the PDF on archive.org:
I have read the UNZ/Mike Whitney Churchill atrocities entry and I confess to being a fan of Ehret and Chung and their takes on the British Empire, Israel being merely a pawn inserted 500 miles east of Constantinople to be an irritant in the way Mackinder advocated. Guido Preparata's book "Conjuring Hitler" is one hell of a read.
I don't see it as slander towards Joe in this case either and RFK Jr's take on Israel makes me think of mind control. I'm not accusing but his responses are zombie -like over that issue.
"Britain's - and later America's- drive to conquest was foreshadowed unmistakably by Mackinder's cursory yet almost oracular mention of the several bridgeheads that the Sea Powers need to graft unto the heartland to draw out its armies in a deliberate sequence of separate clashes. To isolate each conflict, the targeted territorial portion had to be severed from its adjacent district, and bled white by prolonged strife waged in the name of political, religious, or ethnic diversity. Thus the Anglo-Americans have always acted: in Europe by spinning everybody against Germany (1904-45); in the Near East, by jamming Israel in the heart of the Arab world (1917-present); in the Far East, by planting thorns in the side of China: Korea, Vietnam, and Taiwan (1950-present); in Central Asia by destabilizing the entire region into tribal warfare with the help of Pakistan to prevent the Caspian seaboard from gravitating into the Russian sphere of influence (1979-present).
... Imperial stratagems are protracted affairs. The captains of world aggression measure their achievements, or failures, on a timescale whose unit is the generation. -- Guido Preparata, "Conjuring Hitler", pg. 16
I agree that Israel is a pawn, at the most obvious level that countries are geographical territories without agency. Are the leaders of Israel pawns of someone else? I'd say certainly. Politicians in the US, not likely because the US puts Israel's foreign policy ahead of its own security, corporate and oil interests. I've heard that it's a franchise of the City of London (again, using places as a placeholder for the actual people) but I haven't seen a source on that. Do you have a guess for who's the head of the snake?
Sometimes i think I know who is the head of snake and sometimes I'm at a loss. I shake my head and put up my hands and say "Satan". But I think Ehret and Chung's work on the British empire is convincing and so is LaRouche's stuff.
Curiously, I was just editing another where I talk about Matt and Cynthia: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/when-did-you-stop-being-wrong?
I was just titling a draft episode "Every Time a Reptile's Blamed, an Oligarch Gets His Wings."
The same could be said for Satan as letting the perpetrators off the hook or making us think they're too powerful to do anything about. These aren't geniuses much less evil geniuses.
I also like Matt and Cynthia. Have you seen my episodes on them? https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/matt-ehret-and-cynthia-chung-geopuzzle and then comparing Matt and Corbett: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/matt-ehret-and-james-corbett and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/popping-the-blue-pill.
Matt and Cynthia have my book and were initially enthusiastic, calling my intro the best example of Platonic thinking he'd seen. But Matt is a centralist who thinks you need big blocs of countries to run things and centralized monetary systems. I haven't been able to convince him otherwise and they also have some conflict of interest, I think, with Russia and China.
Thanks for that pdf. So this is written by RFKj. The one I cited was written by Sholom someone, which seems like they both might have conflicts of interest. Sholom's article talked about the Kennedy's curse by the Jews that Joe wouldn't allow to pray, and how he thought of it every time there was a tragedy in the family. Pretty heartless, if you ask me. So I took that anecdotal story with a shaker of salt but he talks about this story being told at the funeral of one of the most famous rabbis. So it did seem like there was a serious Jewish grudge against Joe Kennedy that some of them see being passed down and enforced by 'God.'
I like Kennedy, personally. There's no one else I'm shilling for in the election. I haven't voted in several years and I don't think I'll be tempted to change that this time.
Thanks for reading my Churchill article!
So we have one rabbi gloating over dead Kennedys and another praising Joe for his efforts.
I like Kennedy too but I won't give him a pass on his lopsided Israel love. I wonder if RFK Jr recalls JFK's fight with Ben Gurion about their nukes. Some researchers claim that it was the nuke issue that caused the Israelis to kill JFK. He sure did have a lot of enemies.
Ah, kind of a Catch-22, isn't it ? Refreshing to hear many of these topics brought up by a candidate & discussed, esp after the massive clamp-down on free speech during the CV19 Crisis.
I agree that it's refreshing to hear these topics brought up, and clamp-down is a great term in parallel to the physical lockdown. How do you mean that it's a Catch-22?
C-22 not the right analogy, perhaps. Was trying to point out the irony of the situation - in which he's exposing info that makes him unelectable.
Ah that makes sense. But CJ's point is that they'd never let him be elected before he starts, so why not go for the gusto. I'm curious ... trepidatious ... to see where we are by Nov 2024. I'm betting it's in a different place than now. Thanks for your comments and reading!