Thanks Tereza! That's way more info than I can get through in a short time, and I am pretty far down on the curve. I wanted to share one more story about retirement. It's the fraud of the 401K. If your rich, go for it. If you are a regular wage earner, you might be better off spending it than saving it. You can't save enough to retire on no matter what instrument you use. Most people can't save at all. And, do you really want someone else managing your money in the stock market?
Completely agree, Turtledad. In Reinventing Retirement, I look at how we could put local money (carets) away completely protected and backed by mortgages (but so they could never capsize it) at a solid rate of interest. Then we wouldn't need to gamble with our money. The bail-ins are targeting the banks because the stock markets, esp 401K, already have our money in exchange for a handful of gambling chips.
You have volumes of good information in there. I like another idea with mortgages at least on fixed rate term. Having the Bank print out an Amortization chart showing you the top heavy interest at the beginning and up to the midway point where is starts to recede and you gain more equity.
If a person can they can eliminate the interest by making an additional payment every month and reducing the amount of time you have to pay on it and building more equity at the same time. It generally has to be done made at the same time on or before the due date each month and recommended with a separate check. This can still be done if someone is using an automatic debit. If it's not on done at the same time it will delay the payment until the following month as they only credit the account once a month. Doing this will cause them to have to reamortize the mortgage each month or time this is done reducing the amount of interest owed.
I also prefer Contract for Deeds personally, but have shown many people how to do when I used to do Mortgage signings, but only as Notary Signing Agent.
Yes, there are some good tricks that were once possible when the overall cost was lower. In the video I talk about having put down 25% on my house (before I met my husband, which helped loads in the divorce!) and we paid it off in less than 25 yrs. But now, if the same $325 house has a speculative value of $1.2M, say, what would that mortgage be? $5-10K a month? Who has that kind of money?
And if you don't sell, it's all vapor anyway. All it does is make the cost of maintaining the house go through the roof because everyone else is paying an arm and leg for rent or their mortgage.
My intention is to design what we'd replace this system with in our little 300K fiefdom. In other episodes, and in my book, I set the exchange rate of dollars to carets at 2:1 so that people who work there can live there, with twice the buying power. And I set the tax on carets to dollars at 50%, so that people who live there can work there, and have local goods and services be half the price.
True, I tend to forget where I live housing costs aren't as exorbitant as so may other places, and why I chose to live where I do, and which allows me to live a much different lifestyle of my choosing. Which most definitely isn't for everyone. Not to mention prices have skyrocketed since I purchased this place.
It sounds like an interesting concept I'll have to review. However I'm quite satisfied with the current tax system knowing the laws surrounding it, and being a nontaxpayer and not having to file since 2004, even though I might benefit from the EIC I prefer not letting the IRS into my personal financial business anymore than necessary. I've been trying to inform those who are starting out in life of the simple way to avoid Federal withholding using IRA documents before they get trapped into the writeoff game where it doesn't become beneficial anymore or even for seniors on SS where it won't count against them, by simply changing your status on the W-9 that most are unaware of and your employer isn't required to show the "Instructions for Requestor of W-9" unless it's requested and explicitly lists "Wages' in the first bullet point.
Oddly not many seem to be interested, but I don't really know as I always list the IRS pages where the documents can be downloaded and used, but the posts don't get reposted as much as I'd think they would to let others known and decide if they'd like to use the information. I will find it and repost in case any are interested.
Hi, Kelly. Because we compete for housing based on how much debt we can take on, costs will always rise to as high as the market can bear. So my hometown, where the cost is very low, people are still working three jobs because wages are also low. We Californians have littered the West with people taking the money from their exorbitant houses here and driving up the cost other places. That's why my model gives a 2:1 advantage for people who live there, so that can't happen. In this episode I compare housing in my hometown, where I still have my childhood home, and here:
My field used to be HR Director, so I understand what you're saying. But even though you can check the box so that you aren't subject to withholding, that doesn't mean you don't need to pay (I'm saying that as a legal matter, not as a moral matter--I think all local goods and services should be income tax-exempt, per my plan). If you're paid over $600, in order for your employer to write off your cost as a business expense, they have to report that they issued you a 1099 tied to your SS#. Am I missing something?
Hi Tereza, It's not just people from CA and other states causing house prices to rise in other places it's global buyers for one, but mostly in other urban areas. Your plan does have merit by your explanations, I will try to read it this weekend. I'm assuming you read all of my posts below. The wages issue is mostly for those starting out, seniors needing to continue working, and those that work jobs and have no writeoffs thus the 1040 short form.
I shared this info with a gal (I'm a guy by the way as there seems to be confusion lately) reentering the workforce back in 2016 before this info was added in 2018. She showed me her paycheck surprised, but was still having State, FICA, and FUCA being withheld. All she had to do was file normally to get the State back but was still getting credit for SS which is a good thing. I am in the other category of 1099's and haven't filed since 2004. I actually got 3 letters from the IRS back in 2015 first time since not filing and had never and still never gotten anything from MN State as they're tied to the Federal, the letters were due to an IRA withdrawal which the standard 10% was taken out, but I never filed and they must've been expecting me to. The first two letters are computer generated, and knowing the burden of proof is on them ignored them. The third one was from a special unit Obama had created in Ohio comprised of mostly private collectors. I found her name in a google search and ignored the pleas for me to make contact in what was meant to be a threat letter, knowing I'd request them to provide proof of their claim and could rebut and correct any 1099 that had been sent to me.. They have my name and address for a home I own (very old and paid off from a 10 year CD) and all the info on me they need but I've never heard back to this day, no liens on my home, and had taken early retirement to care for mom 24/7 365 until she passed, and may in the near future be seeking employment an using this method myself as I really have no write offs anymore. Yes however checking the box doesn't mean some will not have to pay more depending on their circumstances if they choose to not have anything withheld and make lot's of money and don't know the law which is in Title 26 and not the IRM. It takes time for the longer method and most are afraid of the IRS. I didn't men to delve this far into things, but probably good you asked to clarify who it would apply to better. For many the standard deductions and EIC credits may benefit them more, so all factors should always be considered in any case.
It is good to do the W-4V version in conjunction with it as in section 7 you can check you want no Federal Income Tax withheld, unlike the regular W-4 that wants you to use calculations and such to determine your withholdings yourself. Now I just looked at this last night and it's not downloading today, and was told by someone you can hand print next to it to include State Taxes. In know Federal Taxes, Fica, and Fuca are otherwise and not sure as I just heard about it.
Here's more info about the IRS wanting Employers to have contractor's and Vendor's filling out W-9's to link them to the 1099's they want to tax. Is should only apply to government agencies, but as I said 1099's can be corrected which I haven't researched in the new information I'm encountering since restarting my studies. I just found the W-9 stating wages since back in September, but think it says it started back in 2018.
"If a business (including sole proprietors) pays a contractor, vendor, or another person (collectively referred to as a “payee”) $600 or more for services, goods, or rent over the course of a tax year, the business is required to report these payments to the IRS on an information return called Form 1099. See, e.g., I.R.C. § 6041. The 1099 must state the payee’s name, address, and tax identification number (TIN), as well as the total amount paid to the payee during the year, in order to be valid. See I.R.C. §§ 6041 and 6109(A)(3); Treas. Reg. §§ 1.6041-6 and 301.6109-1."
"The business that is required to issue and file Form 1099 is responsible for requesting that its contractors, vendors, or other payees fill out and return Form W-9. Accordingly, a business who pays a person (including other businesses) more than $600 per year should have the payee fill out and sign Form W-9 at the time that the independent contractor, vendor, or other relationship commences, and prior to paying any sums to the person. Indeed, filling out Form W-9 should be a provision of the contract or agreement which provides for the work, services, or goods, and payment therefore, although failure to include this requirement in the contract or agreement does excuse a contractor, vendor, or other payee from providing the required information to the business on request."
This is stated twice in the notice
"The business that does not obtain a taxpayer identification number from a payee or properly and completely fill out its 1099 information returns to include the payee’s information, including taxpayer identification number, or timely issue and file its 1099 information returns, may also be subject to penalties"
Both the business and the contractor, vendor, or other payee may be subject to penalties for their respective failures when it comes to information returns and providing the required information.
Payor Penalties
A business may be penalized, both civilly and criminally, for its failures with respect to its information return obligations. The following penalties are just a few examples of penalties a business may face:
So now we'll go to the next form that the Employer is not required to show you. I still don't believe there's a definition for other, so let me know if you find one but it's irrelevant if you know, it's the info about wages that's important. That's lots of jargon about FATCHA exemptions from section 4 that will not apply to anyone and meant to make you think they're the only ones exempt.
Now if you look on the top of page 2 L/H or left hand side you will find this statement in the 2nd paragraph but before the section TIN applied for
"you are required to provide the Form W-9 instructions to the payee only if he or she requests
You will notice that is the title on the heading of this document. Think they may not want you to know this?
Now go to the bottom of page 2 L/H side under title these are "OTHERS"
"Payees Exempt From Backup Withholding"
"The following payees are exempt from backup withholding with
respect to the payments below, and should enter the
corresponding exempt payee code on Form W-9. You may rely on the payee’s claim of exemption unless you have actual knowledge that the exempt payee code and/or classification
selected are not valid, or if they are inconsistent with each other."
continued on the top R/h side of page 3
"In that case, you may rely on the Form W-9 for purposes of obtaining the payee’s TIN, but you must treat the payee as non-exempt."
Top L/H side of page 3 you'll notice the lovely title
"Payments Exempt From Backup Withholding"
"Payments that are not subject to information reporting also are not subject to backup withholding."
Go down to "other types of payments" to find it under the first bullet point.
This is actually much longer and detailed that what I was going to post, and had posted on another Celia Farber articles and because of he following statement. OK, I'm not sure what's going on, but after trying to reopen the links nothing was working on my brave browser even after doing a bing search and trying direct to websites and forms, and assumed it was because I'm still using my old win7 computer as everything is on there and haven't wanted to figure out how to move it to my newer updated to win11 computer. So I went and tried on the win11 computer and the exact same thing it won't open any IRS pages or forms stating "'s server ip address cannot be found", so I'm a bit confused but will just post the links that were accessible just last week. I have them downloaded to my pc for reference
I usually use the headline "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's" but what if Caesar says you don't have to give?
What if I tell you wages aren't a taxable item?
Most people laugh or scoff and make some comment like yeah and I'm the pope or Elvis, uh huh. To which I reply well what's your source of reference to non-believers?
Heck I've yet to have anyone give a simple response like the 16th amendment as their source. Then I tell them my source is the IRS with documents you can download and view from
Actually every employer has to honor my statement regardless of how many employees they have, it the employee fills out the documents presented to them properly once they are hired, and knows to ask for the one the employer is not required to show you and best to have a downloaded copy in your pocket too.
It's called the W-9 which most people simply fill out checking the wrong box like Individual which will make you a taxpayer and they will withhold Federal taxes from you.
Check the appropriate box on line 3 for the U.S. federal tax
classification of the person whose name is entered on line 1. Check only one box on line 3.
You will notice a box for "Other"
What is an other? Used to be the Tax Exempt option. Now found at bottom of section 3. Other and tells you to (see instructions)
Don't expect to find out much about it on this form. This is all I could find with no definition
"d. Other entities. Enter your name as shown on required U.S. federal
tax documents on line 1. This name should match the name shown on the
charter or other legal document creating the entity. You may enter any
business, trade, or DBA name on line 2."
So if you don't know to ask for the next form you might get lost here, or could ask for an explanation from your employer or their HR rep who probably doesn't actually know either.
I always post this info too lol
DISCLAIMER for all 3 posts: I am not a TAX Adviser, Consultant, or Representative. It is up to you what you do with IRS information & documents!
thinking that they’ll keep inflating until it doesn’t work anymore / out-of-control then the “Reset” will be a global synchronized, coordinated electronic default into CBDC… like pricking the balloon.
They already hit the limit for inflation of the money supply when the Fed rate hit zero or thereabouts. That's why they're now going towards "you'll own nothing and be dependent on us." Right now there's a massive shake-out of people with variable loans. I'm not sure why we're not hearing more about it, except maybe that people feel like it's their own fault? And those who are buying around the sun-and-sand belts are big hedge funds like Blackrock and Vanguard.
Here they're overbidding by 30%. Some friends lost their home in the CZU (geoengineered) lightning fires and they're renting for $5K/mo. It makes them sick every time they think about it but they get outbid for every house they try to buy.
I think the bail-ins and bankruptcies will usher in CBDC. But I also think it will give us an opportunity when it all implodes.
What is so remarkable is how we go along, hamsters on the proverbial wheel, following the rules, paying our taxes! in a system designed to drain our efforts for someone else's benefits, so whatever we manage to accumulate disappears in front of our eyes.
What a spell!
New system incoming, and if we want it to be human friendly, we will need to turn away from this slave-system and create our own. Real 'currency' is what flows between humans who are cooperating together, using nature as the abundant resource it is, and creating real value through bonds of affection and care.
I'm with you that the part of me happy this spell is breaking far outweighs the part that worries about how this transition will go. I'm just reading about the aftermath of the war in Iraq and thinking what a relief it will be when corporations need to fund their own wars, not our taxes.
I love your analogy of 'currency' as the electrical flow between humans! That's how I designed my system, as something based on reciprocity--not a gift system overlaying a slave system, but one in which we go back to doing the work of maintaining our own lives as families and communities. I reimagine (local) money as water in an ecosystem and how the amount doesn't matter, only that it recirculates without being extracted.
The water analogy is perfect. I remember watching Jordan Maxwell explaining money this way - it's all based around moving water; from banks (set up close to the ports) or the banks of the water, currency, literally as a reframing of water flow... its good to remember the money isn't real, just a symbol of exchange.
Fully agree - it not about amounts (though as people lose these digits in the bank accounts it won't feel that way) it's all just energy in motion. Time to cut out the middle-man and go direct. Thanks, Tereza, appreciate your take, as always.
Yes, perfect. My chapter on system change is called What If Money Was No Object? and I look at it as a verb, not a noun. It's a means of organizing labor. The idea of a calibrated method for making labor fair and doing community projects is a good one. We shouldn't give that up to people who take a superficial view that everyone should just be given what they need. It's up to families to take care of each other, and it's up to communities to strengthen those families and enable their wealth accumulation--not money but the means of self-reliance in well-maintained houses and shared agricultural land, skills and knowledge, infrastructure. Those are things that should grow with every new generation.
i see you've given this subject a lot of careful thought. What you lay out makes so much sense and sounds right. It must be what happens naturally, organically, when the imposed 'slave-system' is removed. (Post shock of course.)
I just heard his the other day, and still lean towards this one, the original is on youtube but found this one with a transcript written out with the details readily available.
Gosh girl - you wouldn’t be among one of those anti -fascist, anti-digital currency and Chinese style social credit scoring would you? Just popping the popcorn on this one. Amazing how many folks laughed that this, this would never happen. Who is going to laugh now?
Excellent point! What my caret system does is give a certain amount per month (determined by the commonwealth) that can be transferred from savings into spendable carets with only a 15% Social Security 'tax' which is really a people's pension. This is important because the Soc Sec trust fund (generated as credit from the federal gov't by minting three $1T coins--the only way they have left to generate debt-free money) is what capitalizes the commonwealth banks.
As such, it can never be withdrawn but sets the amount of credit the bank can issue as 10X that, which is how banks work now. If that whole capacity was used, even as 3% interest, it would generate a 30% return on the fund annually. So Soc Sec could be given a 7% return, keeping it solvent forever, and you would still have 23% left to use as you decide.
In my commonwealth, I'd distribute these as targeted monthly dividends to residents for locally produced food, wellcare, education and home improvement. That would give people four ways that they could earn a living by providing these to other residents. After that, they could be used for anything and if spent on local goods and services, would have no income or sales tax, just Soc Sec. HOWEVER if cashed out to buy goods from around the world, it would be taxed at 50%. So local producers have a 2:1 advantage. But you can determine your own policy in your commonwealth, that's just mine.
Have you given thought to whether this sort of decentralized economic collectivism would promote perpetual hard moral and cultural boundaries, that are requisite for civilized societies? ... I think this is the essential determinant for a continued existence for benevolent humanity - to balance material prosperity with spiritual/moral prosperity...
That's why it's important to start with my foundational premise: people are inherently good and, when they behave badly, systems are to blame. If you start out with the premise that only some people are good, and they have to force everyone else to behave decently, you end up with what we have now--a system of enforced charity that relies on a global system of slavery.
In your commonwealth, you're free to do as you wish. If you wanted to set up a system where everyone who needs it has free housing, food, education, healthcare etc, you can do that. But the test of whether a system works or not is how many times carets can recirculate, creating new productivity, before they're siphoned out. If some within your commonwealth are able to show that their system does this more efficiently, they're free to secede economically. But you can still have your mortgage go towards supporting people with greater needs.
Breaking away from a slave-based system, with nearly complete dependance on it for goods, food and fuel, is going to be hard. People can and, I fully trust, will be generous in taking care of others--especially if they're not overwhelmed by a system that pushes us all to our limits. But if you enforce charity as part of the system, it will be at the expense of self-reliance. IMO.
I had to laugh when I got to the part "Your house is not worth more; your money is worthless" Ok I did that on purpose combining the last two words. :)
I had just posted this on one of Celia Farbers articles "No one wants to deal with the Occult aspects..." just 3 hours ago.
"The only time new money is printed is when it's borrowed, thus there is never enough money in circulation to pay the interest, so perpetual debt for some is an accepted rule. Not to mention once their was no gold backing for our U.S. Dollar it was all captial gains for the private owners of the Fed that are never taxed. Nice to make profits on paper and ink Debt Notes and now more digital that we exchange for labor, goods, and services. It goes so much deeper, but ultimately rests in the City of London and the Vatican who the Rothschilds handle the books for."
No you actually didn't say it exactly the way I did either but pretty much had the same meaning. I think I'm going to enjoy having added your blog to list.
I read your book so I remember this. In France when they introduced the new franc in the sixties they devalued the 'ancient franc' by one hundredfold! "In 1960, the new franc (nouveau franc) was introduced worth 100 old francs" (wikipedia) Would it changed a thing if we would do that today? I guess not because the money game has changed where things are not valued the same way. Everything is blown out of proportion from their real value.
Yes, I thought you might. At the commonwealth level, you'd decide the exchange rate of carets with the Euro or for me, with the dollar. But your carets would be backed by the houses so it's a stable value if you make it that way. I'm going to do an episode on it soon, posted on Rumble since I'm suspended from YT for a week for my last episode Hollywood & PedoSadist Cults:
Thanks Tereza! That's way more info than I can get through in a short time, and I am pretty far down on the curve. I wanted to share one more story about retirement. It's the fraud of the 401K. If your rich, go for it. If you are a regular wage earner, you might be better off spending it than saving it. You can't save enough to retire on no matter what instrument you use. Most people can't save at all. And, do you really want someone else managing your money in the stock market?
Completely agree, Turtledad. In Reinventing Retirement, I look at how we could put local money (carets) away completely protected and backed by mortgages (but so they could never capsize it) at a solid rate of interest. Then we wouldn't need to gamble with our money. The bail-ins are targeting the banks because the stock markets, esp 401K, already have our money in exchange for a handful of gambling chips.
You have volumes of good information in there. I like another idea with mortgages at least on fixed rate term. Having the Bank print out an Amortization chart showing you the top heavy interest at the beginning and up to the midway point where is starts to recede and you gain more equity.
If a person can they can eliminate the interest by making an additional payment every month and reducing the amount of time you have to pay on it and building more equity at the same time. It generally has to be done made at the same time on or before the due date each month and recommended with a separate check. This can still be done if someone is using an automatic debit. If it's not on done at the same time it will delay the payment until the following month as they only credit the account once a month. Doing this will cause them to have to reamortize the mortgage each month or time this is done reducing the amount of interest owed.
I also prefer Contract for Deeds personally, but have shown many people how to do when I used to do Mortgage signings, but only as Notary Signing Agent.
Yes, there are some good tricks that were once possible when the overall cost was lower. In the video I talk about having put down 25% on my house (before I met my husband, which helped loads in the divorce!) and we paid it off in less than 25 yrs. But now, if the same $325 house has a speculative value of $1.2M, say, what would that mortgage be? $5-10K a month? Who has that kind of money?
And if you don't sell, it's all vapor anyway. All it does is make the cost of maintaining the house go through the roof because everyone else is paying an arm and leg for rent or their mortgage.
My intention is to design what we'd replace this system with in our little 300K fiefdom. In other episodes, and in my book, I set the exchange rate of dollars to carets at 2:1 so that people who work there can live there, with twice the buying power. And I set the tax on carets to dollars at 50%, so that people who live there can work there, and have local goods and services be half the price.
Here are some of the principles of the system: So glad you found me!
True, I tend to forget where I live housing costs aren't as exorbitant as so may other places, and why I chose to live where I do, and which allows me to live a much different lifestyle of my choosing. Which most definitely isn't for everyone. Not to mention prices have skyrocketed since I purchased this place.
It sounds like an interesting concept I'll have to review. However I'm quite satisfied with the current tax system knowing the laws surrounding it, and being a nontaxpayer and not having to file since 2004, even though I might benefit from the EIC I prefer not letting the IRS into my personal financial business anymore than necessary. I've been trying to inform those who are starting out in life of the simple way to avoid Federal withholding using IRA documents before they get trapped into the writeoff game where it doesn't become beneficial anymore or even for seniors on SS where it won't count against them, by simply changing your status on the W-9 that most are unaware of and your employer isn't required to show the "Instructions for Requestor of W-9" unless it's requested and explicitly lists "Wages' in the first bullet point.
Oddly not many seem to be interested, but I don't really know as I always list the IRS pages where the documents can be downloaded and used, but the posts don't get reposted as much as I'd think they would to let others known and decide if they'd like to use the information. I will find it and repost in case any are interested.
Curious to see your idea, thanks.
Hi, Kelly. Because we compete for housing based on how much debt we can take on, costs will always rise to as high as the market can bear. So my hometown, where the cost is very low, people are still working three jobs because wages are also low. We Californians have littered the West with people taking the money from their exorbitant houses here and driving up the cost other places. That's why my model gives a 2:1 advantage for people who live there, so that can't happen. In this episode I compare housing in my hometown, where I still have my childhood home, and here:
My field used to be HR Director, so I understand what you're saying. But even though you can check the box so that you aren't subject to withholding, that doesn't mean you don't need to pay (I'm saying that as a legal matter, not as a moral matter--I think all local goods and services should be income tax-exempt, per my plan). If you're paid over $600, in order for your employer to write off your cost as a business expense, they have to report that they issued you a 1099 tied to your SS#. Am I missing something?
Hi Tereza, It's not just people from CA and other states causing house prices to rise in other places it's global buyers for one, but mostly in other urban areas. Your plan does have merit by your explanations, I will try to read it this weekend. I'm assuming you read all of my posts below. The wages issue is mostly for those starting out, seniors needing to continue working, and those that work jobs and have no writeoffs thus the 1040 short form.
I shared this info with a gal (I'm a guy by the way as there seems to be confusion lately) reentering the workforce back in 2016 before this info was added in 2018. She showed me her paycheck surprised, but was still having State, FICA, and FUCA being withheld. All she had to do was file normally to get the State back but was still getting credit for SS which is a good thing. I am in the other category of 1099's and haven't filed since 2004. I actually got 3 letters from the IRS back in 2015 first time since not filing and had never and still never gotten anything from MN State as they're tied to the Federal, the letters were due to an IRA withdrawal which the standard 10% was taken out, but I never filed and they must've been expecting me to. The first two letters are computer generated, and knowing the burden of proof is on them ignored them. The third one was from a special unit Obama had created in Ohio comprised of mostly private collectors. I found her name in a google search and ignored the pleas for me to make contact in what was meant to be a threat letter, knowing I'd request them to provide proof of their claim and could rebut and correct any 1099 that had been sent to me.. They have my name and address for a home I own (very old and paid off from a 10 year CD) and all the info on me they need but I've never heard back to this day, no liens on my home, and had taken early retirement to care for mom 24/7 365 until she passed, and may in the near future be seeking employment an using this method myself as I really have no write offs anymore. Yes however checking the box doesn't mean some will not have to pay more depending on their circumstances if they choose to not have anything withheld and make lot's of money and don't know the law which is in Title 26 and not the IRM. It takes time for the longer method and most are afraid of the IRS. I didn't men to delve this far into things, but probably good you asked to clarify who it would apply to better. For many the standard deductions and EIC credits may benefit them more, so all factors should always be considered in any case.
It is good to do the W-4V version in conjunction with it as in section 7 you can check you want no Federal Income Tax withheld, unlike the regular W-4 that wants you to use calculations and such to determine your withholdings yourself. Now I just looked at this last night and it's not downloading today, and was told by someone you can hand print next to it to include State Taxes. In know Federal Taxes, Fica, and Fuca are otherwise and not sure as I just heard about it.
Here's more info about the IRS wanting Employers to have contractor's and Vendor's filling out W-9's to link them to the 1099's they want to tax. Is should only apply to government agencies, but as I said 1099's can be corrected which I haven't researched in the new information I'm encountering since restarting my studies. I just found the W-9 stating wages since back in September, but think it says it started back in 2018.
"If a business (including sole proprietors) pays a contractor, vendor, or another person (collectively referred to as a “payee”) $600 or more for services, goods, or rent over the course of a tax year, the business is required to report these payments to the IRS on an information return called Form 1099. See, e.g., I.R.C. § 6041. The 1099 must state the payee’s name, address, and tax identification number (TIN), as well as the total amount paid to the payee during the year, in order to be valid. See I.R.C. §§ 6041 and 6109(A)(3); Treas. Reg. §§ 1.6041-6 and 301.6109-1."
"The business that is required to issue and file Form 1099 is responsible for requesting that its contractors, vendors, or other payees fill out and return Form W-9. Accordingly, a business who pays a person (including other businesses) more than $600 per year should have the payee fill out and sign Form W-9 at the time that the independent contractor, vendor, or other relationship commences, and prior to paying any sums to the person. Indeed, filling out Form W-9 should be a provision of the contract or agreement which provides for the work, services, or goods, and payment therefore, although failure to include this requirement in the contract or agreement does excuse a contractor, vendor, or other payee from providing the required information to the business on request."
This is stated twice in the notice
"The business that does not obtain a taxpayer identification number from a payee or properly and completely fill out its 1099 information returns to include the payee’s information, including taxpayer identification number, or timely issue and file its 1099 information returns, may also be subject to penalties"
Both the business and the contractor, vendor, or other payee may be subject to penalties for their respective failures when it comes to information returns and providing the required information.
Payor Penalties
A business may be penalized, both civilly and criminally, for its failures with respect to its information return obligations. The following penalties are just a few examples of penalties a business may face:
So now we'll go to the next form that the Employer is not required to show you. I still don't believe there's a definition for other, so let me know if you find one but it's irrelevant if you know, it's the info about wages that's important. That's lots of jargon about FATCHA exemptions from section 4 that will not apply to anyone and meant to make you think they're the only ones exempt.
Instructions for the Requester of Form W-9
Now if you look on the top of page 2 L/H or left hand side you will find this statement in the 2nd paragraph but before the section TIN applied for
"you are required to provide the Form W-9 instructions to the payee only if he or she requests
You will notice that is the title on the heading of this document. Think they may not want you to know this?
Now go to the bottom of page 2 L/H side under title these are "OTHERS"
"Payees Exempt From Backup Withholding"
"The following payees are exempt from backup withholding with
respect to the payments below, and should enter the
corresponding exempt payee code on Form W-9. You may rely on the payee’s claim of exemption unless you have actual knowledge that the exempt payee code and/or classification
selected are not valid, or if they are inconsistent with each other."
continued on the top R/h side of page 3
"In that case, you may rely on the Form W-9 for purposes of obtaining the payee’s TIN, but you must treat the payee as non-exempt."
Top L/H side of page 3 you'll notice the lovely title
"Payments Exempt From Backup Withholding"
"Payments that are not subject to information reporting also are not subject to backup withholding."
Go down to "other types of payments" to find it under the first bullet point.
"Other types of payment.
• Wages."
This is actually much longer and detailed that what I was going to post, and had posted on another Celia Farber articles and because of he following statement. OK, I'm not sure what's going on, but after trying to reopen the links nothing was working on my brave browser even after doing a bing search and trying direct to websites and forms, and assumed it was because I'm still using my old win7 computer as everything is on there and haven't wanted to figure out how to move it to my newer updated to win11 computer. So I went and tried on the win11 computer and the exact same thing it won't open any IRS pages or forms stating "'s server ip address cannot be found", so I'm a bit confused but will just post the links that were accessible just last week. I have them downloaded to my pc for reference
I usually use the headline "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's" but what if Caesar says you don't have to give?
What if I tell you wages aren't a taxable item?
Most people laugh or scoff and make some comment like yeah and I'm the pope or Elvis, uh huh. To which I reply well what's your source of reference to non-believers?
Heck I've yet to have anyone give a simple response like the 16th amendment as their source. Then I tell them my source is the IRS with documents you can download and view from
Actually every employer has to honor my statement regardless of how many employees they have, it the employee fills out the documents presented to them properly once they are hired, and knows to ask for the one the employer is not required to show you and best to have a downloaded copy in your pocket too.
It's called the W-9 which most people simply fill out checking the wrong box like Individual which will make you a taxpayer and they will withhold Federal taxes from you.
Time to read IRS documents regarding W-9 & W4
Check the appropriate box on line 3 for the U.S. federal tax
classification of the person whose name is entered on line 1. Check only one box on line 3.
You will notice a box for "Other"
What is an other? Used to be the Tax Exempt option. Now found at bottom of section 3. Other and tells you to (see instructions)
Don't expect to find out much about it on this form. This is all I could find with no definition
"d. Other entities. Enter your name as shown on required U.S. federal
tax documents on line 1. This name should match the name shown on the
charter or other legal document creating the entity. You may enter any
business, trade, or DBA name on line 2."
So if you don't know to ask for the next form you might get lost here, or could ask for an explanation from your employer or their HR rep who probably doesn't actually know either.
I always post this info too lol
DISCLAIMER for all 3 posts: I am not a TAX Adviser, Consultant, or Representative. It is up to you what you do with IRS information & documents!
if you divide the inflating money supply by the deflating population it looks even worse, the dilution.
oh, really good point, kitten.
thinking that they’ll keep inflating until it doesn’t work anymore / out-of-control then the “Reset” will be a global synchronized, coordinated electronic default into CBDC… like pricking the balloon.
They already hit the limit for inflation of the money supply when the Fed rate hit zero or thereabouts. That's why they're now going towards "you'll own nothing and be dependent on us." Right now there's a massive shake-out of people with variable loans. I'm not sure why we're not hearing more about it, except maybe that people feel like it's their own fault? And those who are buying around the sun-and-sand belts are big hedge funds like Blackrock and Vanguard.
Here they're overbidding by 30%. Some friends lost their home in the CZU (geoengineered) lightning fires and they're renting for $5K/mo. It makes them sick every time they think about it but they get outbid for every house they try to buy.
I think the bail-ins and bankruptcies will usher in CBDC. But I also think it will give us an opportunity when it all implodes.
What is so remarkable is how we go along, hamsters on the proverbial wheel, following the rules, paying our taxes! in a system designed to drain our efforts for someone else's benefits, so whatever we manage to accumulate disappears in front of our eyes.
What a spell!
New system incoming, and if we want it to be human friendly, we will need to turn away from this slave-system and create our own. Real 'currency' is what flows between humans who are cooperating together, using nature as the abundant resource it is, and creating real value through bonds of affection and care.
Get ready, here we go...
I'm with you that the part of me happy this spell is breaking far outweighs the part that worries about how this transition will go. I'm just reading about the aftermath of the war in Iraq and thinking what a relief it will be when corporations need to fund their own wars, not our taxes.
I love your analogy of 'currency' as the electrical flow between humans! That's how I designed my system, as something based on reciprocity--not a gift system overlaying a slave system, but one in which we go back to doing the work of maintaining our own lives as families and communities. I reimagine (local) money as water in an ecosystem and how the amount doesn't matter, only that it recirculates without being extracted.
The water analogy is perfect. I remember watching Jordan Maxwell explaining money this way - it's all based around moving water; from banks (set up close to the ports) or the banks of the water, currency, literally as a reframing of water flow... its good to remember the money isn't real, just a symbol of exchange.
Fully agree - it not about amounts (though as people lose these digits in the bank accounts it won't feel that way) it's all just energy in motion. Time to cut out the middle-man and go direct. Thanks, Tereza, appreciate your take, as always.
Yes, perfect. My chapter on system change is called What If Money Was No Object? and I look at it as a verb, not a noun. It's a means of organizing labor. The idea of a calibrated method for making labor fair and doing community projects is a good one. We shouldn't give that up to people who take a superficial view that everyone should just be given what they need. It's up to families to take care of each other, and it's up to communities to strengthen those families and enable their wealth accumulation--not money but the means of self-reliance in well-maintained houses and shared agricultural land, skills and knowledge, infrastructure. Those are things that should grow with every new generation.
i see you've given this subject a lot of careful thought. What you lay out makes so much sense and sounds right. It must be what happens naturally, organically, when the imposed 'slave-system' is removed. (Post shock of course.)
I love the chapter title!
I just heard his the other day, and still lean towards this one, the original is on youtube but found this one with a transcript written out with the details readily available.
Gosh girl - you wouldn’t be among one of those anti -fascist, anti-digital currency and Chinese style social credit scoring would you? Just popping the popcorn on this one. Amazing how many folks laughed that this, this would never happen. Who is going to laugh now?
Thanks for the suspicions and the song ;-) Nothing like waking up to Journey!
Always willing to suffer for SubStack, lol.
I recommend some silver coin.
theft and seizure via taxation would also have to be addressed for an executable solution
Excellent point! What my caret system does is give a certain amount per month (determined by the commonwealth) that can be transferred from savings into spendable carets with only a 15% Social Security 'tax' which is really a people's pension. This is important because the Soc Sec trust fund (generated as credit from the federal gov't by minting three $1T coins--the only way they have left to generate debt-free money) is what capitalizes the commonwealth banks.
As such, it can never be withdrawn but sets the amount of credit the bank can issue as 10X that, which is how banks work now. If that whole capacity was used, even as 3% interest, it would generate a 30% return on the fund annually. So Soc Sec could be given a 7% return, keeping it solvent forever, and you would still have 23% left to use as you decide.
In my commonwealth, I'd distribute these as targeted monthly dividends to residents for locally produced food, wellcare, education and home improvement. That would give people four ways that they could earn a living by providing these to other residents. After that, they could be used for anything and if spent on local goods and services, would have no income or sales tax, just Soc Sec. HOWEVER if cashed out to buy goods from around the world, it would be taxed at 50%. So local producers have a 2:1 advantage. But you can determine your own policy in your commonwealth, that's just mine.
Have you given thought to whether this sort of decentralized economic collectivism would promote perpetual hard moral and cultural boundaries, that are requisite for civilized societies? ... I think this is the essential determinant for a continued existence for benevolent humanity - to balance material prosperity with spiritual/moral prosperity...
That's why it's important to start with my foundational premise: people are inherently good and, when they behave badly, systems are to blame. If you start out with the premise that only some people are good, and they have to force everyone else to behave decently, you end up with what we have now--a system of enforced charity that relies on a global system of slavery.
In your commonwealth, you're free to do as you wish. If you wanted to set up a system where everyone who needs it has free housing, food, education, healthcare etc, you can do that. But the test of whether a system works or not is how many times carets can recirculate, creating new productivity, before they're siphoned out. If some within your commonwealth are able to show that their system does this more efficiently, they're free to secede economically. But you can still have your mortgage go towards supporting people with greater needs.
Breaking away from a slave-based system, with nearly complete dependance on it for goods, food and fuel, is going to be hard. People can and, I fully trust, will be generous in taking care of others--especially if they're not overwhelmed by a system that pushes us all to our limits. But if you enforce charity as part of the system, it will be at the expense of self-reliance. IMO.
I had to laugh when I got to the part "Your house is not worth more; your money is worthless" Ok I did that on purpose combining the last two words. :)
I had just posted this on one of Celia Farbers articles "No one wants to deal with the Occult aspects..." just 3 hours ago.
"The only time new money is printed is when it's borrowed, thus there is never enough money in circulation to pay the interest, so perpetual debt for some is an accepted rule. Not to mention once their was no gold backing for our U.S. Dollar it was all captial gains for the private owners of the Fed that are never taxed. Nice to make profits on paper and ink Debt Notes and now more digital that we exchange for labor, goods, and services. It goes so much deeper, but ultimately rests in the City of London and the Vatican who the Rothschilds handle the books for."
Oh that's hilarious! I first read it and thought, 'wait, I didn't say that' and then I realized that I did ;-)
Great comment on CF!
No you actually didn't say it exactly the way I did either but pretty much had the same meaning. I think I'm going to enjoy having added your blog to list.
and you seem in like-minded company with kitten seeking answers ;-)
I read your book so I remember this. In France when they introduced the new franc in the sixties they devalued the 'ancient franc' by one hundredfold! "In 1960, the new franc (nouveau franc) was introduced worth 100 old francs" (wikipedia) Would it changed a thing if we would do that today? I guess not because the money game has changed where things are not valued the same way. Everything is blown out of proportion from their real value.
Yes, I thought you might. At the commonwealth level, you'd decide the exchange rate of carets with the Euro or for me, with the dollar. But your carets would be backed by the houses so it's a stable value if you make it that way. I'm going to do an episode on it soon, posted on Rumble since I'm suspended from YT for a week for my last episode Hollywood & PedoSadist Cults:
Thank you!