I am finally comprehending what I have been reading in your book and listening to on your shows. It's taken almost the entire book, as I about to start Growing Community Carets. I want you to know this, because my case may be the same problem (lack of understanding) for many other people. The problem I had is I didn't realize just how much money the federal reserve is stealing from us and therefore didn't see the urgent need for a change. It's like I cut my leg, didn't feel it and didn't know I was losing so much blood and now I'm ready to pass out. I knew some of the puzzle pieces but was missing too many others to see the whole picture. Without seeing the whole picture I didn't know just how much money left our pockets that we could be keeping and re-investing in the community to make it grand. Now I understand we can have a great system and make a great community, commonwealth, eco state. Once I heard someone say our streets should be paved in gold with all the money that has been taken from us. Now I see it! You have explained it beautifully. The chapter about ND and the South American people who just had enough is great. That fracking operation is a tragedy and it breaks my heart for those areas. We as Americans are always getting suckered into one scam after another because they tell us how great it will be for the community. They lie! Fracking is a disaster and everyone knows it.

Now what you said about New Hampshire is fascinatingly. My daughter went on a skiing trip there recently and loved it. I vacationed in VT as a kid every summer so that region is beautiful country.

Here is a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qvFQJEyjwA to a video of Rostov on don Russia after the agreement was made and Wagner was leaving that city. It won't make you feel bad, I promise. I followed the Prigoizhin situation closely with sources from Belarus, MoD, DPR MFA and Patrick (who travels wherever the battles are happening). It was a little nerve racking but resolved quickly and not much bad happened. I have to wonder if it wasn't a plan because it worked out so well.

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Yes, yes yes! Your analogy of losing blood is a good one, but I'd liken it to a vampire who keeps his victim barely alive to feed him another night. We're aiming SO low, wanting an occasional night off from bloodsucking, a tiny tax on transfusions. We can't imagine life any other way.

I wouldn't say streets paved in gold, since that's a foreign product reliant on labor and resource colonies. But paved! And potholes fixed! Wouldn't that be something?

Thank you for your kind compliments, Helene. I know I've made you wait a long time to get to the solutions section of the book. But without seeing all the other puzzle pieces, as you said, I didn't feel like people would 'get it.' You have to understand the real problem first, which isn't the distribution of money like people think.

Interesting about your Vermont connection. Mark, who's just slightly ahead of you in finishing the book, wrote a really interesting piece about his time in Vermont: https://markalexander.substack.com/p/fourteen-years-in-vermont.

I've been listening to James Corbett (as I mentioned) and then Glenn Greenwald on the attempted Russian coup. I watched the beginning of this but it seemed like he was saying the people were behind Wagner. After listening to the story of Prigoizhin (I think) breaking a spy's legs with a sledgehammer, it drove me to a post imagining the best that could come of this.

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Oh the vampire is so much better.... there I go again not seeing just how bad it is! I look forward to mark's writing. Send me a link of this leg breaking story. No one I follow mentioned anything of that, so I am in the dark. Have you listened to Alex or Alexander from the Duran show ? I find their insight is valuable and compare it to what I have learned through other sources. Also Matt just posted something so I am interested in what his view is.

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I'm pretty sure it was Corbett's interview of Rolo Slavskiy: https://corbettreport.substack.com/p/wtf-just-happened-in-russia-with

I also went to Rolo's website but I remember hearing, not reading, this so I think it was in the interview. And I thought he was saying that the name Wagner comes from his admiration of the German nationalists.

From Glenn, it sounds like these guys are more ruthless than Putin, and not who you would want in charge of a nuclear arsenal.

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Agreed, but it wasn't a coup to get rid of Putin, even though that could have been a result, he was after Shoigu. My guess was after he realized what he was doing and how it would end so badly for all he needed an off ramp. This is his second public blow up about Shoigu. Too much death and dying..... he needs help. I hear he is going to be doing some training of Belarusian forces in Belarus and others say he has jobs in Africa too. Who knows what is in his future, but for now he is more trouble than he is worth to Russia in my opinion. The Wagner forces are highly respected for their military accomplishments as you know and I suppose that's why there was so much excitement in that Rostov on don video. With all that's going on in Russia it probably was just a raw release of emotion caught on video. You know on another thought a man like him could maybe free us from this empire. I know, but what would the cost be? That is the Czarina in me. You called it :)

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"But money doesn’t have to serve that purpose. Your job, as czar, is designing a money system that distributes the wealth in a way that enables the best for families and communities however they define it. What is wealth? Wealth, as the UN defines it, is natural, physical and human capital: the land and everything above and below it, the built infrastructure, and the knowledge and skills of the people."

Woah, I felt like I just read a article from my future platonic soulmate.

Hi, I'm Orion. And your work is compatible with some other non hostile radical approaches to combating the detailed plan to digitize money for totalitarian & absolute control overall. In their latest chapter of "They're On To Us - and what to do to when the jig is up ".

Those hucksters keep driving us through hell apparently until we break. They know they've been loose these days and apparently could care less. Which means they're pretty confident in that 2030 "Great Reset" business.

Good to see folks like yourself who give a crap about your fellows to include us in your plans.

Most folks in the know simply plan to desert us whether they're retired or rich, boltholing, bugging out to some broken country where they probably believe they can take it over. We'll have to revisit them sometime just for kicks. They want to keep their stuff for fear big tech & fake government will somehow find a way to devalue them. So heck, just bail on the rest of us... give the walking dead advice from the comforts of your gold-plated boltholes.

Not the ideal partnership you want if you asked me.

No offence to those who fit the profile. But if it's that bad just tell everyone without the cryptic languages of alchemy wizard's, alrighty.

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Your comment made me laugh out loud in a way the acronym just doesn't do justice! Thank you, future platonic soulmate ;-)

I agree that the veneer's getting mighty thin these days, like they just don't care. It's a sprint over the finish line. No need to fake it for much longer.

And yes, I know lots of preppers but I can't totally go there. Who wants to have the last lifeboat when the Titanic sinks? That sounds miserable to me.

I have one video that I made before I did Substack called Kali & Ultimate Reality. It goes deep into metaphysics and economics, but deals with the gilded bolthole question. Here's the description:

"Using Kali as a prop, I question objective vs. subjective reality and whether the world represents our collective death wish. Regarding Russell's interview of Bradley Garrett, Prepare for the Apocalypse (UtS 193), I ask why surviving annihilation seems easier than the idea of inconveniencing some bankers and saving us all. The Greek meaning of apocalypse and crisis are explained from the perspective of the recent Greek revolt of Yanis Varoufakis against the economic troika. A spiritual view of social change is considered within an alternate possibility for ultimate reality." https://youtu.be/-w8v7xr5WY8

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There is NO such thing as "Objective," in reality. All reality is subjective, you experience it. If there is an Objective; who defines it? Never cede your power of observation. The truth stands alone and points to itself.

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With that said, I think you'd like this video.

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Cool, thanks. I must remind myself of that daily.

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Wow, thanks. I'll check that all out. Glad I made you laugh between the tears and I'm looking forward to what that caret business is all about.

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I notice many of your ideal structures don't require the existence of a state/government, which is definitely helpful to taking action quickly. But, are you an abolitionist when it comes to the state?

I ask without judgement because personally I haven't really made my mind up when it comes to it.

I do need to read through your book (I wish there was an audio version!), many people believe that the only answer to an empire is our own strong empire. I hope that they are wrong, and that enough people themselves can be empowered to keep empires at bay.

That said, not all governments have to be empires.

I can imagine how society could relegate government to a few roles and I'm curious where you stand on that.

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Excellent question, Gabriel. Right now governments don't create the money and I'd like to keep it that way. Governments are perceived to be there to provide for people's needs, which is a bottomless pit in a non-producer system. So I'd leave gov'ts exactly as they are and design a formula by which the wealth--represented in local credits backed by housing--has to be distributed equally to all members of a community (the definition of member is another discussion). My argument would be that this is our inheritance, not the bankers'.

Where it gets interesting is how you distribute that wealth. If you do it as UBI, for instance, it all siphons right back out and just raises the cost of living. So this is where technology comes in--there needs to be a game where people can model their systems and 'win' by creating the maximum number of productive exchanges before the money leaves the community and is 'cashed out' for dollars or other imperial currencies.

Therefore, I wouldn't abolish the state because I want them to bear the brunt of everyone who wants them to fix things. As Rothschild was rumored to have said, "Give me the power to issue the money and I care not who makes the laws."

But I also don't think we're hungry enough yet. As long as there's food in supermarkets and online shopping to be had, a way to produce for each other will have no resonance. It needs to be designed by those who know what's coming. Maybe by the next election, who knows?

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Next "selection."

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Good one!

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Governments might not DIRECTLY be creating the money, but they're colluding with those who do. I'm not sure the difference is significant.

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Ron Paul, in his book End the Fed, felt it made all the difference in the world. How could it not, SimComm? The government colludes because they have to, because every dollar they spend is dependent on first getting them from the bankers. Not every penny, nickel, dime or quarter, because those they can issue. The bankers create the money from nothing, own all our houses for free, and the entire value they created goes to them as interest.

The bankers swap it to their other hand as 'venture capitalists' and dole it out as 'investments' to garner more profit. So they're letting us live in 'their' houses only while we serve their interests. Meanwhile government gets the crumbs from those salaries as taxes. We resent the hell out of that but think of the bankers and big business as our benefactors because they give us the loans and jobs. It's totally backwards!

Those bankers are the REAL gov't. Now try voting them out.

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Yes exactly!

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Oh and others have asked for an audio version. I'll have to see if I can figure that out. This is the prelude to my book, but it's one of the few I didn't record. I should remedy that! https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/in-the-beginning-was-the-purpose

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Abolition of an empire requires replacement with the concept of a TRUE republic; this requires representation, something we have not had for some time. Required, is a replacement of blind faith and patriotism with an awareness of the god self within. The absolute true meaning of Sovereignty is "self rule." The rule of the inner Self. Or in my own culture: Sva Dharma. The only way society will survive what is coming, is to pull together. My Guru, Sri Aurobindo says: "The knowledge that unites is the true knowledge."

I admire both you and Tereza. Both your postings point to there being a need for solutions requiring the dynamic individual being fully aware of their own inner power and engagement; that when manifested, effectively nullifies any state based power. Real solutions may only originate from consciousness, manifested through individuals. The true basis for all of this focus of attention should center around what kind of attacks the state has directed against our own children with "vaccines." A big question for everyone should be: "Exactly what kind of world do we want our grand children to experience?"

Gabriel, the one one thing I must say: I will never prostrate to any State. Only what is true matters --- and we have all been lied to by those who hold Titular powers of the "State."

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Beautifully put, Nefahotep, and thank you for your thoughts and appreciation. A phrase I use is that it takes a network to undermine an empire. I don't know about representation. I'd like to be discussing 'what' and 'how' rather than 'who.' I feel it does go back to that authority problem Larken Rose talks about. Once we abdicate our own authority, as the authors of our own lives (as you so powerfully describe), we're looking for favors not solutions that work for everyone.

You're so right to intertwine the spiritual with the political. And I like Sri Aurobindo's saying. The cheap and easy way to unite people is through superiority or a common enemy (both the same thing). Uniting through knowledge is true uniting.

And yes, yes, yes. It's a world for our grandchildren, the ones not yet born, that we need to design. First we have to let go of whether it's going to fix our own problems and design what will work ultimately. Then we can worry about filling in the gap between now and then.

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Thank you, I can see that I'm not alone in my concerns. That adds to my sense of gratitude.

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Having read the book, I'd recommend the print version. Many times I had to stop, think about what I'd just read, go back in the book to see what I'd missed that made what I just read harder to understand, flip ahead to the glossary at the end of the chapter, etc. Plus I kept taking notes on slips of paper I kept in the book. I think all of this would be much harder with an audiobook. But that's just me -- I tend to prefer text to audio, unless it's a work of fiction that doesn't require any thought to follow along.

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Thank you, Mark. Yes, I wrote it as a textbook for a reason. It packs in a lot of mind-altering information. In fact I'd call it a meta-textbook because it summarizes and uses other mind-altering texts--like Ellen Brown's Web of Debt and David Graeber's Debt--as a starting point. That's why I haven't jumped on putting it out as an e-book. It's a course of study designed to change 28 fundamental beliefs, just in order to begin to have a real conversation about economics and social change. Where it ends is really just the beginning but without it, we're stuck going around in circles on false premises.

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Quote: "there wouldn’t be roving bands of hammers driving around, looking for nails to pound."


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Thank you Tereza - you've really thought and felt through the money piece more than most of us and so it's really helpful.

Re RFK - I feel pretty much the same - would have to become a registered voter again though. Ugh.

I hope he figures out real soon to keep distance from RM, though I'm guessing given Malone's deep belly-of-the-beast-ties, it's a highly nuanced dance they are doing.

Lots of good stuff here - as always. Thanks!

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This is why I sometimes call myself an anarchist. Because spontaneous organization is the way of nature, no ruler need apply. But no such system could be imposed, it would have to be....natural. If that ever becomes reality it is a long way in the distant future. Currently a strong majority of people expect and want to be ruled.

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I heartily agree with the first statement, William, and not at all with the second. As I define in my book, anarchy is rule by rules, not rulers (an-without, archons-rulers). Without rules, you have chaos in which violence dominates because what is there to stop it?

Use the analogy of a family inheritance with no written will, no laws. The most ruthless person will take the assets and use them to make themselves richer. Now imagine a will in which the assets stay in the family and can be used by whoever most empowers the others. A totally different paradigm emerges.

That's what my system does on a community basis. And it doesn't have to be imposed, it just needs to reject the claim of the most ruthless--the bankers--to the whole inheritance.

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Your fiefdom certainly sounds reasonable and partaking in it appeals to my collaborative anarchy approach. At the base level, the challenge to implementing these ideas lies within our broken individual spirits. We’ve been programmed to seek authority for so long, we don’t quite know how to function under self custodianship. Our own agency scares the bejeezus out of us. Especially in America where infantilism lasts from cradle to grave. I’m encouraging everyone to start their inner journeys. Look inward, find yourself, or more accurately, remember yourself, know yourself. Find what the universe is trying to learn through your individual experience. After that, we can finally acknowledge how the story of separation (h/t CE) can come to an end.

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So well put, Tonika. That's why I think it's important to point out that my system doesn't take anything away from anyone except the ability of bankers to create new money out of thin air. All those with corporate jobs can and should keep them--we need their dollars, or other imperial currencies, for outside purchases. When they pay their mortgages in dollars, it adds to the community treasury and how much you can distribute in carets (debt + tax + 2*cash) without risking your community assets.

Hey, I wanted to ask something else. Someone mentioned that JJ Couey and Mark Kulacz both came back from RFK's first rally and got really sick. I remember that you did too. I was wondering, did Mary? It made me question if there was something going on to sabotage it.

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I didn’t get sick until a whole month after. Not sure about Mary but I don’t remember her mentioning an illness. But I wouldn’t put it past TPTB to stir some shenanigans and get people sick.

Agreed about bankers: no more creating money out of thin air.

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Thank you so much for also having a summary of the video! It's hard to set aside big chunks of time to watch, so it REALLY helps to be able to read it!

Your ideas are extremely interesting. I'm not sure how a community-based money system would work in practice -- and of course that's one of the things I hope to learn -- but I think we can both agree that bankers should NOT be in charge of money.

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RFK Jr is saying everything we expected Trump to say but isn’t. I doubt RFK Jr will make it past the primaries but presuming Trump runs a chunk of Trump’s base will write RFK in thus siphoning votes away from Trump. Which might be the plan.

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Interesting observation, GLK. I'm not sure, are you saying that RFK is a plant, who's being coached or promoted, but that Trump is the real deal? I don't have any horse in this race but my guess would be the opposite. I think it was rigged for Trump to win, then rigged for Biden to win. I'd guess it's being set up for Trump again and that the indictment is another part of stirring up support for him as 'definitely not part of the Deep State.' Just my two-cents.

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I can’t know the broad strokes with certainty. I know RFK dislikes Trump and considers the Clinton’s and Obama’s friends. On the other hand I know Trump’s ousting paved the way for Democrat vaccine compliance. So his ousting and return might be preordained. On the other hand I have difficulty believing Biden will actually run in 2024 despite what we’re being led to think. I find it more likely it’ll be Gavin Newsome for pres and Michelle Obama VP. If by some miracle they halt Trump I doubt DeSantis could win against them. All of this is me just spitballing at this point. Just have to see how events play out.

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Your spitballing is as good as mine. As I've said often, I think Trump was the Great Set-Up to the Great Reset. His offensive style, even though his policies were ones the Dems used to be for, made them for everything he was against and against everything he was for. So I agree he paved the way for Dem vaccine compliance, both in office and oust.

I'm with you that Biden is a sock puppet with too many holes to be darned. He'll be threadbare by Nov 2024. And Gavin/ Michelle would be a glamorous ticket. I could be wrong but I think the Obamas feel like they've given their pound of flesh and want to enjoy their payout. I think they would have run Michelle in the last election if she could have been coerced. And how pathetic is it that we don't require anyone who's done anything in politics, just a recognizable face that seems like a nice person? Any interest in Rand Paul or is he not a contender?

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Yes, I agree with your assessments. I like Rand Paul quite a bit. I really wanted his dad to win back in the day even though I knew it was a long shot. They’re great men who’ve got their heads on straight. Anti-war, Austrian economic Constitutionalists who understand medicine. But the superficial always wins the seat. It’s like a friend of mine recently quipped, “Our Presidential elections always come down to voting for the shinier turd.”

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Well it's hard to get any shinier than Gavin and Trudeau, the pretty boy politicos.

Ron Paul is the only politician I've ever campaigned for, with my daughter and her two friends who happen to be half-black. We set up a table at the farmer's market and it was a turning point in my life. Everyone shunned us! They told my daughter's friends that he was a racist, and the girls said he wanted to decriminalize marijuana which had incarcerated untold numbers of black men, and that didn't seem racist to them.

The farmer's market had been my church, my people. Everyone loved me when I was buying from them. But it counted for nothing.

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The laziest way to understand anything is to think with your heart. The heart is a sucker for deception. But that’s how people think anymore.

Actually using your head takes effort and sometimes trial and error. Might have to read a book. Gasp! Besides, nobody wants to risk being wrong or doing a 180 on a position. Too stressful.

Many times the truth is thorny. Feeling good is so much nicer. Nobody wants to be labeled racist, or phobic, or anti, right?

Much easier and safer to do as we’re told. Go with the flow. Don’t make waves.

The recent manufactured plandemic showed us that most people are full of shit. Afraid of a little fire, Scarecrow?!

They flushed Nuremberg, informed consent, logic and reason down the toilet as fast as condoms at Epstein’s island.

Too busy hoarding toilet paper and hand sanitizer to notice the lies I guess.

The old saying used to go,

“If it feels good do it.”


“If it feels good go with the flow.”

That’s how most people make voting decisions. That’s why pretty boy Newsome and potentially bringing back that Obama “magic” makes people Ooooh and Ahhhh while actual competent people are steamrolled. Skepticism was so 20th century.

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That gives a little more insight into your "is this relationship transactional" question from last week.....

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RON PAUL 2024!!!!!

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Be still my beating heart. Are you settled back in Washington State now? That was a quick transition to be online. You must be so missing Bonnie and Gangster!

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Gavin/ Michelle --- Those two men may do very well in the sham that is "American Politics."

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sry - link above has some NSFW pics.

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Kabuki Theater -----> Politics IS; -----> everything is staged. Elections = Selections.

A true observer will not be duped. Trump must be willing to give up on supporting the Vax. -- In public ---- It's killed millions of people. I will not support Trump unless he says in public that the vax was meant to kill as many citizens as possible.

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So, when do we get to a point where the ACTUAL globalist get rounded up and put on a barge in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? I think Trump is part of the Cabal just like the puppet Biden. I don't even think the real "Biden" is alive.

Someone else is wearing a mask. The key to that observation is look closely at the current Biden's "ear" it seems to have changed. Very rare for people to have plastic surgery done on their ears. CIA mask makers screwed up on this one.

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Interesting theory, but wouldn't they be doing a better job of making the man behind the mask a little more functional?

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I think you are right; I don't know the angle they are using. And I'm not able to verify what said, I just notice things. Khazarians just love to manipulate puppets; its been going on since the fall of the Roman Empire.

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