Tereza, I'm not sure if you have seen this small video up loaded on YT. New York Nadia did a dig into the Balenciaga saga that occurred almost a year ago. There are a lot of Corporate connections to this Pedo- Cult. I'm trying to pin down just how many of these Pedophiles are super high ranking CEO's, Banksters, Politicians and of course Celebrities. It would be good to make each one of these, especially famous.
Wow what a video. You're sure not helping my feeling of nausea, Nef. Were any of these people surprises to me? No but the blatant nature was. Nadia is great. I have the domain parentnetwork.org and someday I'm going to find the right use for it.
"I feel like I'm having my Malone moment." Me too. But different.
Thanks for introducing JSJ, who is just lovely to listen to. Many important insights on predictability of 'birth-certificate' identity. Reminds me a bit of Shiva's 'swarm' to capture those stepping outside of mainstream and bring them back into establishment (Kennedy as example) I think it's more than likely that our layers of 'alternative' information act mainly as continuations of the manufactured world. Some layers have been shred, but we're still largely 'in' it and the hidden controllers are very much in play still. Discernment becomes essential now. (As Steiner said it would.) Ultimately answers won't be found 'out' there. And we should remember, as we talk about people waking up, until and unless that turns into an inner realignment, and re-ignition of our deeper Self in connection to Source, we get more of the same.
He's so right in terms of stepping away from reactionary impulses and deepening into the self, where we have access to all new tools and a very different identity. That's the key thing - that inner move and trusting it, acting on it - which operates fully outside analysis. ('Analysis severs your spiritual gifts." This is so dead on for me. Exactly right. It's like exploring in a single band, when you have access to multiple bands. The emphasis on reason and analysis - giving rise to 'experts' is such an easy way to dim us, make us small and create self-doubt. It goes along with how we've defined intelligence, utilizing a small metric in attempt to confine expansive beings. Most of what I knew as a child, had nothing at all to do information or reason - it was literally given, accessed through instant knowing, which I took for granted. It was only in adjustment to this world, that I pushed aside access, as I narrowed myself to fit in.
It's true too, that once you're accessing that Source-connection and tuned in there, the external show feels very much like background noise - which becomes less and less compelling or interesting. Many of us, I imagine, are tiring of the ongoing parade; the daily take on the shit-show of our collapsing 'reality' Not saying there isn't value there, especially for those just stepping out of the reality-show, but it does pale in terms of what's nurturing to the self in aligning to Source. (The mess out there seems is in large part necessary; as the world is shred, so are the identities that formed in relation to it, so who we really gets freed up.)
Of course light is more powerful than darkness. We each have to find our own way of bringing more light in. To charge ourselves with light, daily.
I often feel that much of what we're presented with out there is beneath us and our attention. So good to hear him articulate this.
Thanks, this went in an unexpected direction for me. Best.
Always happy to hear your thoughts, Kathleen, and I wanted to wait until I had time to digest and respond (I'm at my daughter's while she's at work). I also thought JSJ was lovely. Such a calm presence. And I'm always partial to an (Irish?) accent.
I have a different relationship to analysis than you do. It's been my touchstone for knowing that I wasn't crazy to question what I did, which started with Catholicism with its strong condemnation of 'rationality'. Logic has been my friend when people have tried to tell me my critiques are emotionally based.
My intuitive sense of Russell, for instance, is that he's doing his best to be honest with himself and, within the constraints put on him, with others. But I could be naive and falling for his charm, because a funny guy with an accent--be still my beating heart! So that's why I'm scrutinizing his words for consistency because I don't know where the line is between intuition and emotional manipulation.
And, as much as I like JSJ's style, I stopped agreeing with him towards the end and stopped listening. I forget his topic now. But I try not to accept things because people I like say them or reject automatically what people I don't like say.
RE: Analysis - Yes, I'm sure that's true, that we have different relationships to it. It obviously has it's been place for everyone, but I suspect he was speaking to, the imbalance of it we find in our current times.
It's so easy to manipulate, to use it to divide and separate out. It's useful of course; its the elevation of it over other modes of knowing, the use of it to deny those other ways of knowing where the problem is.
For me (you may well not have this experience) it tends to block out or get in the way of information that would otherwise arrive in the field when I'm in more open inquiry. Maybe it comes down to an invisible wiring in some ways and how we each access the field(s).
In your case - not that I can speak to who you are with authority of course - I would note your intellectual ability and analysis occurs within a larger context where God and Oneness is our ultimate reality. It automatically places intellectual pursuits into a secondary role. Humility is built in. That is often not the case, as you know.
I agree, re accepting things because people I like say them or rejecting them because I don't.
On JSJ's - I'm not even sure it was a matter of agreeing or disagreeing. He was being true to himself and spoke with integrity and calm that suggests unusual alignment. Compelling by itself.
The quote on the mind making a terrible master but a wonderful servant is a favorite of mine. I doubt very much if elevating our heart had been dominant over the last few centuries, we'd be in the state we're in now.
I've just started watching the video. And... Okay, now that is another small synchronicity with my last essay. The opening comment by John St. Julian echos what I wrote about the Dalai Lama. Specifically, about it being difficult for people to accept the truth of having been deceived. I didn't actually write it that way. I did it the following way - after my comment about the DL tongue kissing a boy in public while being filmed. I wrote:
"Putting [a Rumi poem and a beautiful painting] with the Dalai Lama’s strange [tongue kissing a boy] behaviour is likewise an eccentric action. Is it appropriate? How will you know? How do I know? This is a nuanced question, without an obvious answer. *Our egos will kick against and muddy our bodily awareness, especially for people who have, in this example, elevated the Dalai Lama as a kind of hero.* And so I will rely on Gautama’s advice to Ananda on Gautama’s last day: ‘above all, trust your Self.’
Yes, I think you'll like that Wolf in Sheep's Clothing video. I sense synchronicities ahead between you and JSJ. And yes, Russell's connection to the Dalai Lama becomes another thing that's suspect!
I did my muscle-testing process with more refinement around RB. What my body is telling me is that he was indeed being used by the ptb, and was innocent of their plans. He was played, and the crash and burn is part of the play. 2012 was predictive programming for sure, and as JSJ argues, he was there to distract. RB's charisma and charm was one of the reasons he was chosen to be a pied piper - keep people watching so that the ptb can continue to predict what the watchers are doing.
A part of your sense of kinship or attraction to Brand is, I suspect, that he approached what was happening with an openness and kind of innocence. That is really who he is. And it was what made him the target to be a pied piper.
All speculation, of course, coming from a series of muscle-testing questions around him. And, in case of bias, that process aligns with my own sense of him truly wanting to be aligned with truth. And now JSJ is asking us to move beyond truth, in a way, into the practice of 'letting go and letting God' as it has been said. Or, in yoga, ishvara-pranidhana. Or, in Guy's current jargon, 'Appropriate Eccentric Action'.
I was eager to hear the results of your muscle test on RB, Ghee. I can only now think of you as clarified butter ;-)
As I was awaiting your response, and keeping myself open to it, I was watching RB's talk with YNH, which others have indicated as proof he supports the WEF agenda. I'm finding them both to be making a lot of sense. And yes, I think that my sense of kinship (well put) is from that desire to be aligned with truth and his willingness to take ideological risks to get there.
This talk is actually reassuring my former sense of him rather than shaking it. I think I'm going to do something more controversial than defending Hitler--defending Harari.
And with this dialogue I had another 'aha' moment. This time going to my past, something that I had noticed in the late 80s, I think. Which was that I was seeing a pattern of building up 'stars' or people as heroes, in some way, and then tearing them down. It was one of my first clues as to the unreal nature of the news. At the time I put the build up tear down sequence as an expression of unbalanced psychology that idolises out of emptiness and then hates the idols because they haven't fixed the emptiness.
Now I understand that that process is also a part of the psyop to keep people 'reacting' to the staged situations that creates predictability in the population. Really, we are living in an 'illuminati' time! LoL! Sorry, wanted to throw in at least one bad pun. Apocalyptic, all seeing time. Kind of wonderful and amazing and, well, shocking, all at the same time.
And I stumbled into Peter Gabriel's new video. And so, now when I watch it, is it part of a 'satanic' initiated mind-control psyop coming from the Hollywood elite? Or is it PG being authentically expressing appropriate eccentric action?
"Peter Gabriel - The Court (Dark-Side Mix) (Oranguerillatan Official Video)"
I know that YNH has been pilloried by the 'mfm' etc. And yet it seem to me that he is actually expressing the commonly held world views MOST OF US BELIEVE or used to believe in. He is really our mouth piece, which is one of the reasons he gets pilloried. Again, I refer to Alex Story's awakening to the reality that our society IS A EUGENICIST SOCIETY. Because most of us believe in the theory of evolution as it is taught as a movement towards 'best'.
JSJ's points are powerful — and my own experience that has been amplified in the last two years. We will not be able to think and analyse our way out of this 'mess'. Those are the tools that built it. Harari is an example of what those tools have built: HE IS US.
Good luck. LoL! Will YT pull it? Sorry, for some reason that made me laugh.
"... the Dalai Lama becomes another thing that's suspect!"
Without a doubt. My general rule is that anything that's promoted big time is worthy of suspicion. I've learned to take nothing that's served to me at face value.
I once found myself in the company of a particularly arrogant neighbor, the CEO of a major corporation that I've long suspected is part of a huge money laundering operation, who was all aglow bcause he had just received some scarf from the Dalai Lama who had recently visited his institution. This guy was as simple minded a schmuck as can be imagined, but obviously a useful idiot for the slime that "owned" him.
Speaking of the Dalai Lama, "The Book of Swindles," written by Zhang Yingu, around 700 years ago, contains a comment that Buddhism itself is known to be swindle at least in the East if I remember correctly. If anyone's interested I'll look up the exact comment.
With the pedo 'tongue kiss', the DL was exposed to the world for what he was. I have at least one of his books and fell for it too. But it all looks different now!
Please see my comment above. This is a normal gesture in Tibet, one which a grandparent would use to say "You are so good I will eat you up." I know we cannot help but to judge through the filter of our culture, and we'll never really understand that gesture from the inside. But who am I to judge the Dalai Lama?
(as I see it, he is a victim of his cult - captured in childhood, groomed to be this THING for the world to see)
Without internally changing, the community doesn't change.
He is talking my language in different words: the society we have is us! We have met the enemy and the enemy is us. If we don't deal with our shadow, we will continue with creating this society, now.
This lines up, of course, with your antipathy towards Satan and the false good-evil dyad.
He describes his experience to Africa and omg, that is my journey into Mexico! Gobsmacked and laughing out loud.
"Analysis severs your spiritual gifts because you create an analyser and subject of analysis."
JSJ is Gautama in Christian clothing!
This is a FANTASTIC video. Thank you for sharing it.
So... what is Russell Brand. Now to do my muscle-testing process. Be right back..
The Dalai Lama's tongue business was a cultural thing. Apparently it's not uncommon for a Tibetan grandparent to do this to a child, "I'm gonna eat you up," would be the English speaking equivalent. Who are we to judge what is normal in that culture? Sure it looks weird to a westerner, but the boy was not harmed, and I have a feeling his parents think he was blessed.
You make a possible point. I say 'possible' because the child did not look comfortable to me and the audience did not seem comfortable and nor did the DL. I accept that I could very well be projecting my own discomfort, and so... I am open to a different 'actuality' than how my 'gut' reacted to it. So, it leaves me with a question mark, not a closed book. Although the DL's support of the sex cult/trading group adds it on set of questions. Was he ignorant of the nature of the source of the money is of course the question? And so I leave it open there too, and speculate why I've kept my distance from him my whole life and am puzzled that he is acclaimed, lauded, and revered without concluding anything definitive.
Dalai Lama was paid $1 MILLION to endorse women-branding 'sex cult' after secret deal between Buddhist's celibate U.S. emissary and his Seagram billionaire 'lover
I did put my copy of Ethics for a New Millennium into the donate pile as I was paring down my books. (Not quite a Guy epiphany dump but I winnowed out four boxes) I just have this ick feeling about him. I was never a fan of inherited divinity but now so much has come out. Once I dropped the 'glamour', like a fairy spell, I just didn't like what I saw. It seems like such an act. But that's just my feeling.
I concur. From day one it seemed ... well, to be honest, a kind of fakery that I experienced growing up with a 'cult' family that was the centre of the great and the good. Beneath the glow, total, total shit around many things with a particular obsession around sex and the open stated appropriateness of incest that was in at least one case — not me — a kind of open secret. My guts just didn't like the feeling I got from him.
I see you have been busy writing. Me too, moving into very strange stuff. In part 1 of my last two essays I begin the exploration of dogma that one of your comments initiated. Thank you, it was fascinated and took me to the church fathers as narcissistic control freak gaslighters exactly as we experienced with JFK, 9/11 and convidiana.
I hang with possible and a question mark, too. Thanks for this article, this one is news to me.
I try and stay away from *judgement* as much as possible, and try and refine that brew down into *discrimination* - the ability to see truth. Striving for mercy and compassion, instead.
We're all here for purpose. Even the paedophiles (ugh, I know, but ugh).
I agree. An interesting challenge, to see 'nuance' in the subtle, the difference in quality in the 'gross' and to do so without judgment. And at one time we thought learning how to speak, read and write was tough! That was simply a warm up exercise to getting us looking past words to see what nuance rests in their shadows.
I didn't know that about Malone. In fact, that is a very interesting piece of info. Now more pieces fall into place.....
Sorry about how creepy the Balenciaga story is. I have really begun to suspect that most of high finance connected corporations are doing similar to Balenciaga, in some way.
Oh no, sorry for the misplaced segue. Russell dated a Rothschild and they funded his media company. I'm getting that same sinking feeling when I realized Malone was a CIA plant. I think I might be fooling myself about Russell. He clearly was deep in the bowels of this sick cult. I'm revisiting all his interactions with men, and how he always seems more comfortable around them. Is he doing the same thing as Malone and reflecting back what we want to hear? I just don't know any more.
I also watched this one: https://youtu.be/5Eqt_vLPsFw?si=sWqxYV-B7_gI4g9u. Once I could get past the poochy lips and that she'd paid $2K for the Balenciaga sweatshirt she burns (which seems like it doesn't burn, nothing natural enough in it, I'd guess), she actually makes a lot of sense. She also talks about how she doesn't believe in Satan but these people clearly do.
The Rothschild are like a dirty penny that just keeps "showing up." Russel or Malone, or any others are public figures. The Media and Social Media are all owned by the same people who commit these terrible crimes against children. The Russel phenomenon "as we should start calling it" is almost entirely choreographed by the Pilgrim Society. Remember: Problem -- Reaction -- Solution, they play both sides. As I just sit here in quiet observation, I watch both sides; the less "agenda" I have in my mind, the more I see the truth of what's in front of me.
What we both wrote before, about Russel being targeted could still be very much true; neither of us can really know for sure. This would require a sense of trust for Russel. It looks like the best solution is continue to observe, also if anything comes out of the media, it's probably false.
"As I just sit here in quiet observation, I watch both sides; the less "agenda" I have in my mind, the more I see the truth of what's in front of me."
Yes! This is well said.
Equanimity will depotentiate the masters, because we will have stopped reacting predictively. We will come into our truth and power, of 'appropriate eccentric action'.
I learned sometime back that I did not need to react to everything and that I especially did not need to react to what "they" wanted me to react to in the way they wanted me to.
Equanimity and patience rule, and for the reasons you stated.
"Is he doing the same thing as Malone and reflecting back what we want to hear?"
I cannot name one promoted person who doesn't or hasn't done that. It's a big reason why I dismiss the type immediately and pay them no mind. About 2 seconds of viewing reveals the clowns for what they are. The are almost as obvious as a skunk in the neighborhood, and though most of us couldn't describe the stink to any reasonable degree, most of us knows it when we smells it.
They must get a kick out of fooling folks while stinking up the place.
"I have really begun to suspect that most of high finance connected corporations are doing similar to Balenciaga, in some way."
This will confirm your suspicions. It's a daily chronicle of whatever evil you care to name practiced by the financial hoi oligoi. They are all in bed together to one degree or another it seems. They also appear to have the dirt on each other which helps maintain the sytem.
Interesting, Out of Shadows talks about Fleming as a mouthpiece for British 'intelligence' (we need to invent a new term) where what he put out was propaganda for them.
As to a 'new term', many have been floating around: deep state, cabal, KM, etc. lol! Perhaps something like, constrictive agency or, going back to Orwell, thought control police or thought control agencies.
Thanks for that vid. I never heard the word, "Belenciaga," so double thanksThe woman is correct about boycotting the sewage.
In fact, I have long advocated boycotting everything that's pushed as "fashionable." I mean everything. Especially including everything on TV ( a device that I have never owned or care to waste time on) as well as most of that pushed by any form of mass, or corporate, media.
This is how black magic doesn't work... Stop giving it power by believing it's mystique!
“Belief is the death of intelligence. As soon as one believes a doctrine of any sort, or assumes certitude, one stops thinking about that aspect of existence.” - Robert Anton Wilson
We are still so uneducated that we actually need laws from without, and a task-master or Father above, to show us what is good and the right thing to do. And because we are still such barbarians, any trust in the laws of human nature seems to us dangerous and unethical naturalism. Why is this? Because under the barbarian's thin veneer of culture the wild beast lurks in readiness, amply justifying his fear. But the beast is not tamed by locking it in a cage. There is no morality without freedom . When the barbarian lets loose the beast within, that is not freedom, but bondage.
Jung, C.G. Psychological Types . Princeton: Princeton University Press, par 357.
I actually believe that an evil power does exist-- one can almost sense its energy. And people can become captured by that. Even if a dark evil doesn't really "exist," if it's just a human creation, then by that fact it does exist and is real and is extremely dark and powerful.
I believe that as the existence of a good and beautiful power illuminates so many people, so too does a countering dark power illuminate some, and that power now wishes to consume/control us all.
This doesn't lead me to despair. This leads me to fight. But the real fight now, so far as I can see, is centered in censorship and the moves by the government to stamp out so-called 'misinformation,' and the court cases revolving around that. If the government/dark forces can get away with egregious and unconstitutional censorship, then that's truly the beginning of the end, whereas if we can nip that in the bud (now that so many can see the obvious) then this would be the beginning of a return to sanity and the ability to reveal at least the aspects of darkness that want to mandate injections and vaccine passports, and would allow people to speak freely without fear of retribution.
Totalitarianism begins in censorship. We need government transparency and individual opacity, not the other way around.
Thanks, Jim. By my definition of evil, it's causing others to inflict pain and suffering. Of course it exists, that's what money does, gives power over others at the expense of power over ourselves. That paradigm has reached its logical conclusion. Never in history has so much power over others been concentrated (or possible) in so few hands.
I'm not sure how you change censorship without first changing that bankers/ vulture capitalists (same people, different role) own all of our labor because they're the default owner of all the houses and properties. They own the media, they own the gov't, they own the corporations. But that's just my take.
Actaully it's not "just" your take. It's a verity. The old satirists (at least the ones I know about) are a hoot to read because they consistently and unvariably express essentially the same ideas, so you're in good company and probably on the right track as well. The "philosophers," on the other hand, very often seem like they're writing what their masters want them to. Marx (disgusting swine) is exhibit A in that regard and his undecipherable gibberish is about all the evidence one needs.
How are we going to change that bankers/vulture capitalists own all our labor and the media and the government? Won't it be by calling them to account? How can that happen?
A lot of great stuff on substack but it only matters if it filters out into the world of the person-on-the-street, which it has to some extent. Then we must be free to speak our voices about what's happening without fear of retribution, and the measure of how we can do that is a measure of how free our society is. From this freedom springs the right to refuse mandates as that's an extension of our right to think for ourselves and decide for ourselves: the basic idea of individual opacity and government transparency, that the government must be held accountable while we, the people, need not be held to account for our private lives and what we put into, or refuse to put into, our bodies.
All of this is based on the core idea that the sleep of reason produces monsters-- as we saw during High Covid. Our only hope can be to restore reason and common sense because without these, our way is lost. Freedom from censorship of ideas, freedom to criticize the government and hold it to account, is a key mechanism in the restoration of reason.
At least, this is where my thoughts are trending now. This is the path I see and I agree when it's been said that we all choose the path we see as best, and use that, to fight this beast.
Actually my name is pronounced in the French manner, so like Ghee (the clarified butter).
Also, your first pronunciation of 'depotentiate' is correct.
And, it seems we are running on parallel paths, a little. In my last essay I received a comment that links to this topic similarly in manner to your email from Jimmy C.
Synchronicity is the key guide to what is true, in my experience. (Not belief! Knowledge because it is experienced.)
From a comment:
"Finally, my body has [mostly] kept me away from popular music/videos except when I consciously listen/view for analytical purposes. I have come to comprehend that anything put out by Hollywood or other conglomerates into the limelight is based on Luciferian/Satanic practices, inverting life-affirming messages that they have disguised as "love." One only needs to watch a few music videos to see the abject evil."
And, my brother-in-law wrote a book that no publisher would touch - even his previous publishers, about the down and dirty of Hollywood. He eventually self-published it, and it became his most successful book.
*16 Maps of Hell*: The Unraveling of Hollywood Superculture* by Jasun Horsley
Thanks for going to Rumble to check this out! Now I have to change my pronunciation in my head. And here I thought I was safe not trying to pronounce your last name!
Your BiL's book sounds fascinating, I'll look it up. Great title.
And I agree, synchronicity is spirit guiding us, and confirming we are where we're supposed to be. That your BiL would--of all the people and all the topics in the world--happen to have a book on this tells me spirit isn't letting me look away just yet ... much as I would like to.
You're welcome. Thank you for taking on the direction that seems to be guiding you down this particular rabbit hole.
You will likely find Jasun to be a great resource. He blogged and did podcasts for many years focused on the 'liminal' world, which meant dipping his toes into the dark a lot. He and my sister have been digging and researching this stuff for 20+ years. https://auticulture.com/blog/
Side note: My sister has shared an early encounter, basically face-to-face, with DEW being used the 1990s in the USA while researching on indigenous issues (I think it was).
Oh, this is the BiL doing the exploration of Job. I tried to follow the link to Amazon and it didn't find it, typed in 16 Maps of Hell and took their ready-made links to add 'book' or the one to add 'Hollywood.' Neither one comes up with his book.
He is finding few takers and the men's group meeting that was to have happened wound up being just me and him. And then I wound up sleeping all morning, very unusually, and missing it. He feels that the timing isn't right. I think Job is a fascinating doorway into so much of what we are choosing not to see.
Yes, this is the Job bloke, and the once 100% atheist having become a Christian. So interesting his process. He also has body issues similar to mine and was likely assaulted as part of the British quasi-open miso-paed culture that existed when he was a child.
Most likely amazon has censored it. Although, it is also out of print, I think.
The link I gave you was to goodreads and works for me.
You can order it from his blog as an ebook. I confirmed that https://auticulture.com/blog/ works. And on the right, as an ebook purchase link.
And if you want, it would be kind of fun for me if you mentioned me to him as the source. (I haven't read it yet myself. I struggle to read ebooks!) The other books I've read by him have been superb. I would also recommend to you "The Vice of Kings: How Socialism, Occultism, and the Sexual Revolution Engineered a Culture of Abuse"
In that he talks about the Fabians, like JSJ did, and their very long term plans of conquest using deceit and infiltration. We are seeing, now, that their plans have been effective, for the most part.
I could go to goodreads but their link to amazon didn't work. I'm afraid I also don't do e-books. Too much of my life is on-screen as it is. If my daughter ever does end up doing an internship in Spain, I'll see if I can finagle physical copies if he has them. They sound fascinating.
So aligns with misanthropist, misogynist and misandry.
In the 1980s I wrote an essay that articulated why I saw our society as hateful towards children. That was when I first proposed misopaed (or misoped).
Isn't it amazing to think that the syllable 'paed' is now automatically associated with paedophile, and not child?
And I am sure my sister and Jasun would love that. Or you can contact him now directly and ask. I know that he had a few hard copies left over when I was there last year. Or, as he has done with me, could send/sell you a pdf of the pre-print that you could than print out and read. (I haven't done that yet!)
And so the rabbit hole goes deeper. I know Mathew had that doc on his Locals last night, although it dawned on me that I watched it back in 2020 and it was part of the beginning of my journey down the rabbit hole. I also think MC is gonna put out an article that might connect even more dots. Especially how all this connects to the pandemic. I, myself, sit on the fence for awhile before inking in a pencilled data point. My hot takes are usually terrible. Lovely seeing you consider so much all at once in a calm egoless manner.
By the way, is it just me or is Madonna’s performance absolutely cheesy and terrible? She looked like an amateur out there. It’s like she discovered a new genre of performance: Dystopian Cringe. I’m no occultist, but I can probably whip up a more satanically potent ritual with four actors, some projection mapping, and a bit with a dog. 🤷♀️
Ha! I want to see your bit with a dog! It's time to parody and depotentate, as Guy would say.
I did an interview on Locals with Mathew on RB. I was surprised that he thinks Brand and Assange might both be life-time actors with all of this staged. Pretty darn good method acting on Assange's part, I'd say.
I must have missed that interview! I would be very very VERY surprised if I was had on Assange.
Did you see Mary Poindexter’s “Declaration of Dependance?” Poignant. I know you’re pretty busy with all this happening right now, but it’s pretty short if you want a good snort.
Another tour de force, Tereza. Thank you. "OBEY" reminds me of John Carpenter's 1988 cult movie, "They Live," which I guess everybody has seen. Could it be that the "OBEY" tee shirts are referencing the movie, or is it more likely that everything is referencing the hidden (Illuminati/Sabbatean?) cabal/cult?
I didn't see They Live but from your link it seems like that was another thing the Shepard for Pedo-Fairies stole. I linked another video I watched (your recommendation?) on Russell above that showed more of that Olympics piece. SO disturbing. I'm hanging on by my fingernails but they're being pried off one by one.
I only saw it for the first time about ten years ago. It's described as a "science fiction action horror film;" but I think it's more of a documentary, like "The Truman Show"!
Related to the "Out Of Shadows" video, Truthstream Media did a pretty in-depth documentary about MK Ultra and other government experiments in mind control: https://www.themindsofmen.net/
These "people" are dancing on our graves and celebrating every corpse they can consume every child they can maim and every women they can rape not that they need to they pay for it with money freshly printed on the skin of the fallen and drink to it through the skull of their enemies just like the good old olden days when kings could just point to the ones that had to hang for the bemusement of the emperor.
After all there seems to be little use of humans now that the robots can replace you and your child and your wife and your husband and your mother and your father and, and ....
So why care for you?
You are after all they say "not worth the rot on your teeth".
Have a look at the London Olympics 2012... the Virus Mary Poppins and Harry Potter...
Hogwarts exists, it is a school in Scotland called Gordonstoun.
It is founded by a German Jew called Kurt Hahn who also founded the Schule Schloss Salem.
In 2016 the Duke of Edinburgh was celebrating the 30th anniversary of a Cambridge University institute based on the ideas of his educational mentor, Kurt Hahn.
Who was Kurt Hahn?
“There is more in you than you think” was the motto Kurt Hahn used during his long and active life.
A German Jew who opposed and fled the Nazis and mentored the Duke of Edinburgh, his influence on education is all around, even if his name is not.
Hahn was instrumental in setting up the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme, which has introduced millions of 14 to 24-year-olds to outdoor adventure and community service.
He established Gordounstoun, the Scottish private school that has educated several members of the Royal Family, and inspired the creation of dozens more schools around the world. He co-founded the Outward Bound Trust, whose courses more than one million people have taken.
Kurt Hahn was the founder of the the Atlantic College, the first United World College, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Gordonstoun, Outward Bound, and Salem. In addition, many other institutions, such as the Atlantic Challenge, the Kurt Hahn Trust, and Round Square (π), were initiated by others who were inspired by his ideas.
Thanks, Fritz, I'll check those out. That's the same 2012 Olympics where Russell played the Child Catcher, yes? Extremely ominous and predictive. As I always contend, though, the face cards are not the players. If we know their names, they're being played.
I am so glad that someone with your talent, intelligence and persistence is willing to dig into subjects like this. I'm also happy that you found Mathis' comments helpful. Thank you.
Reading your comments on the Illuminati made me think of the name, Lucifer, which means, paradoxically, "light bearer" and probably refers to the idea that Lucifer thinks of himself as some sort of light of the world. This stuff is so nuts that I have little to no inclination to deal with it so thanks again for doing the work and sharing it.
Also, kudos to you for producing things that get banned. It's pretty obvious that a lot of the garbage that's pushed continuously in our faces is the sewage that should get banned and buried instead.
Thank you, Geoff. My research shows that the Bible, OT & NT, has turned truth inside out and made the heroes into the villains and the villains into the heroes. That's why the character of Satan was invented to demonize the zealot leaders who were leading the Judean insurgency against Roman rule. They were the true heroes.
I wonder who Lucifer represents? Maybe a historical or mythological figure who really was bringing the light and dispelling the darkness, something that the misogynistic, enslaving and colonizing rulers didn't want. Bears more research. Fortunately, I find these things fascinating.
You're welcome. I rarely watch "fiction" of any sort and haven't been to a movie theater for about twenty-five years. FWIW, a friend encouraged me to watch "They Live" and I found it quite thought provoking.
As someone who has studied the cabala and the Western magical tradition, I can assure you, black magic is quite real, and that should be self-evident in the reality of where society appears to be headed, from the sexualization of childhood to CBDC. The problem is the good has been neutered by monotheism, scientific materialism and consumerism, losing our connection to the magic that is inherent to existence.
If I'm someone who wants power above all else, wouldn't the belief that black magic gives me power cause me to do all the sadistic things to children we're seeing? And enable me to justify it, even think that it's essential for my survival?
And, on the other hand, if I feel that black magic could be used against me if I piss off the wrong person, wouldn't that make me afraid to ever speak up? Why do you want to convince me that I should be scared, not just of all these terrible things we're talking about, but that these rituals actually are making people have supernatural evil powers?
The things you're talking about, the intentional gender dysphoria and CBDC, can certainly be explained by human qualities like greed. If I were God, I wouldn't create evil powers. Why would I do that to people?
Also, as you have me talking about magic, you are making magic with your writing and videos. Creativity is magic. The study of magic is largely about how to be more creative/magical.
Oh I agree with that. It's that I don't think it has an opposite. There's light and the absence of light, darkness doesn't exist as a thing only an emptiness. And the joy of creativity is making sense, connections, making meaning where it didn't exist before. What Hollywood is doing is pathetic. It's creating a cult of nothing. For magic to happen there has to be love, I think.
In the magical tradition, black magic is merely the great Arcanum, the Astral flow of creative energy direct from the source, used for nefarious purposes. It is also said, that whatever evil is directed at another will return on the sender at least three-fold. Curses and the like are mostly the fiction of the same Hollywood that harbors pederasts; it is not the curse that has the energy to harm you, it is your fear of it. In that sense, black magic gives them no power we do not give them but of our ignorance. That said, using that Astral, creative energy direct from the source is considerably more powerful, but one has to believe to truly wield it, and it is that belief that is neutered.
"it is not the curse that has the energy to harm you, it is your fear of it. In that sense, black magic gives them no power we do not give them but of our ignorance"
So that seems like my belief in black magic is what gives it power over me. So Satanic rites have no power unless I give it to them. If I withdraw my belief in them, they dissolve like the wicked witch under water.
If you believe black magic can harm you, than it can. If you have faith that it cannot, it can't. Most people who are harmed by black magic are either innocent, or are themselves caught up in darkness. Black magic can however have enormous ancillary consequences, as we are seeing with the woke and trans revolution, which is almost entirely founded on manipulation and coercion.
I should qualify this a bit though. I haven't looked at your piece on Russel Brand yet, but what is being done to him is definitely a dark art. But he made himself vulnerable by his life as an addict and the company he kept. Faith that their dark art can't harm him is definitely not sufficient.
Tereza, I'm not sure if you have seen this small video up loaded on YT. New York Nadia did a dig into the Balenciaga saga that occurred almost a year ago. There are a lot of Corporate connections to this Pedo- Cult. I'm trying to pin down just how many of these Pedophiles are super high ranking CEO's, Banksters, Politicians and of course Celebrities. It would be good to make each one of these, especially famous.
Wow what a video. You're sure not helping my feeling of nausea, Nef. Were any of these people surprises to me? No but the blatant nature was. Nadia is great. I have the domain parentnetwork.org and someday I'm going to find the right use for it.
I also watched this one that someone had recommended: Russell Brand: Establishment Wolf in Sheep's Clothing or Man of the People? https://youtu.be/SUrM0pJXEac?si=d2ToCGb-kmw6EMmT.
I feel like I'm having my Malone moment. Knowing that he dated a Rothschilds and that they've funded his media company ...
"I feel like I'm having my Malone moment." Me too. But different.
Thanks for introducing JSJ, who is just lovely to listen to. Many important insights on predictability of 'birth-certificate' identity. Reminds me a bit of Shiva's 'swarm' to capture those stepping outside of mainstream and bring them back into establishment (Kennedy as example) I think it's more than likely that our layers of 'alternative' information act mainly as continuations of the manufactured world. Some layers have been shred, but we're still largely 'in' it and the hidden controllers are very much in play still. Discernment becomes essential now. (As Steiner said it would.) Ultimately answers won't be found 'out' there. And we should remember, as we talk about people waking up, until and unless that turns into an inner realignment, and re-ignition of our deeper Self in connection to Source, we get more of the same.
He's so right in terms of stepping away from reactionary impulses and deepening into the self, where we have access to all new tools and a very different identity. That's the key thing - that inner move and trusting it, acting on it - which operates fully outside analysis. ('Analysis severs your spiritual gifts." This is so dead on for me. Exactly right. It's like exploring in a single band, when you have access to multiple bands. The emphasis on reason and analysis - giving rise to 'experts' is such an easy way to dim us, make us small and create self-doubt. It goes along with how we've defined intelligence, utilizing a small metric in attempt to confine expansive beings. Most of what I knew as a child, had nothing at all to do information or reason - it was literally given, accessed through instant knowing, which I took for granted. It was only in adjustment to this world, that I pushed aside access, as I narrowed myself to fit in.
It's true too, that once you're accessing that Source-connection and tuned in there, the external show feels very much like background noise - which becomes less and less compelling or interesting. Many of us, I imagine, are tiring of the ongoing parade; the daily take on the shit-show of our collapsing 'reality' Not saying there isn't value there, especially for those just stepping out of the reality-show, but it does pale in terms of what's nurturing to the self in aligning to Source. (The mess out there seems is in large part necessary; as the world is shred, so are the identities that formed in relation to it, so who we really gets freed up.)
Of course light is more powerful than darkness. We each have to find our own way of bringing more light in. To charge ourselves with light, daily.
I often feel that much of what we're presented with out there is beneath us and our attention. So good to hear him articulate this.
Thanks, this went in an unexpected direction for me. Best.
Always happy to hear your thoughts, Kathleen, and I wanted to wait until I had time to digest and respond (I'm at my daughter's while she's at work). I also thought JSJ was lovely. Such a calm presence. And I'm always partial to an (Irish?) accent.
I have a different relationship to analysis than you do. It's been my touchstone for knowing that I wasn't crazy to question what I did, which started with Catholicism with its strong condemnation of 'rationality'. Logic has been my friend when people have tried to tell me my critiques are emotionally based.
My intuitive sense of Russell, for instance, is that he's doing his best to be honest with himself and, within the constraints put on him, with others. But I could be naive and falling for his charm, because a funny guy with an accent--be still my beating heart! So that's why I'm scrutinizing his words for consistency because I don't know where the line is between intuition and emotional manipulation.
And, as much as I like JSJ's style, I stopped agreeing with him towards the end and stopped listening. I forget his topic now. But I try not to accept things because people I like say them or reject automatically what people I don't like say.
Thanks, Tereza.
RE: Analysis - Yes, I'm sure that's true, that we have different relationships to it. It obviously has it's been place for everyone, but I suspect he was speaking to, the imbalance of it we find in our current times.
It's so easy to manipulate, to use it to divide and separate out. It's useful of course; its the elevation of it over other modes of knowing, the use of it to deny those other ways of knowing where the problem is.
For me (you may well not have this experience) it tends to block out or get in the way of information that would otherwise arrive in the field when I'm in more open inquiry. Maybe it comes down to an invisible wiring in some ways and how we each access the field(s).
In your case - not that I can speak to who you are with authority of course - I would note your intellectual ability and analysis occurs within a larger context where God and Oneness is our ultimate reality. It automatically places intellectual pursuits into a secondary role. Humility is built in. That is often not the case, as you know.
I agree, re accepting things because people I like say them or rejecting them because I don't.
On JSJ's - I'm not even sure it was a matter of agreeing or disagreeing. He was being true to himself and spoke with integrity and calm that suggests unusual alignment. Compelling by itself.
The quote on the mind making a terrible master but a wonderful servant is a favorite of mine. I doubt very much if elevating our heart had been dominant over the last few centuries, we'd be in the state we're in now.
Thanks, and Best to you!
I've just started watching the video. And... Okay, now that is another small synchronicity with my last essay. The opening comment by John St. Julian echos what I wrote about the Dalai Lama. Specifically, about it being difficult for people to accept the truth of having been deceived. I didn't actually write it that way. I did it the following way - after my comment about the DL tongue kissing a boy in public while being filmed. I wrote:
"Putting [a Rumi poem and a beautiful painting] with the Dalai Lama’s strange [tongue kissing a boy] behaviour is likewise an eccentric action. Is it appropriate? How will you know? How do I know? This is a nuanced question, without an obvious answer. *Our egos will kick against and muddy our bodily awareness, especially for people who have, in this example, elevated the Dalai Lama as a kind of hero.* And so I will rely on Gautama’s advice to Ananda on Gautama’s last day: ‘above all, trust your Self.’
Yes, I think you'll like that Wolf in Sheep's Clothing video. I sense synchronicities ahead between you and JSJ. And yes, Russell's connection to the Dalai Lama becomes another thing that's suspect!
I did my muscle-testing process with more refinement around RB. What my body is telling me is that he was indeed being used by the ptb, and was innocent of their plans. He was played, and the crash and burn is part of the play. 2012 was predictive programming for sure, and as JSJ argues, he was there to distract. RB's charisma and charm was one of the reasons he was chosen to be a pied piper - keep people watching so that the ptb can continue to predict what the watchers are doing.
A part of your sense of kinship or attraction to Brand is, I suspect, that he approached what was happening with an openness and kind of innocence. That is really who he is. And it was what made him the target to be a pied piper.
All speculation, of course, coming from a series of muscle-testing questions around him. And, in case of bias, that process aligns with my own sense of him truly wanting to be aligned with truth. And now JSJ is asking us to move beyond truth, in a way, into the practice of 'letting go and letting God' as it has been said. Or, in yoga, ishvara-pranidhana. Or, in Guy's current jargon, 'Appropriate Eccentric Action'.
I was eager to hear the results of your muscle test on RB, Ghee. I can only now think of you as clarified butter ;-)
As I was awaiting your response, and keeping myself open to it, I was watching RB's talk with YNH, which others have indicated as proof he supports the WEF agenda. I'm finding them both to be making a lot of sense. And yes, I think that my sense of kinship (well put) is from that desire to be aligned with truth and his willingness to take ideological risks to get there.
This talk is actually reassuring my former sense of him rather than shaking it. I think I'm going to do something more controversial than defending Hitler--defending Harari.
And with this dialogue I had another 'aha' moment. This time going to my past, something that I had noticed in the late 80s, I think. Which was that I was seeing a pattern of building up 'stars' or people as heroes, in some way, and then tearing them down. It was one of my first clues as to the unreal nature of the news. At the time I put the build up tear down sequence as an expression of unbalanced psychology that idolises out of emptiness and then hates the idols because they haven't fixed the emptiness.
Now I understand that that process is also a part of the psyop to keep people 'reacting' to the staged situations that creates predictability in the population. Really, we are living in an 'illuminati' time! LoL! Sorry, wanted to throw in at least one bad pun. Apocalyptic, all seeing time. Kind of wonderful and amazing and, well, shocking, all at the same time.
And I stumbled into Peter Gabriel's new video. And so, now when I watch it, is it part of a 'satanic' initiated mind-control psyop coming from the Hollywood elite? Or is it PG being authentically expressing appropriate eccentric action?
"Peter Gabriel - The Court (Dark-Side Mix) (Oranguerillatan Official Video)"
Most excellent! A wonderful challenge.
I know that YNH has been pilloried by the 'mfm' etc. And yet it seem to me that he is actually expressing the commonly held world views MOST OF US BELIEVE or used to believe in. He is really our mouth piece, which is one of the reasons he gets pilloried. Again, I refer to Alex Story's awakening to the reality that our society IS A EUGENICIST SOCIETY. Because most of us believe in the theory of evolution as it is taught as a movement towards 'best'.
JSJ's points are powerful — and my own experience that has been amplified in the last two years. We will not be able to think and analyse our way out of this 'mess'. Those are the tools that built it. Harari is an example of what those tools have built: HE IS US.
Good luck. LoL! Will YT pull it? Sorry, for some reason that made me laugh.
"I think I'm going to do something more controversial than defending Hitler--defending Harari."
That would be even more repulsive than controversial, I think!
What next, defending Gates, Scwab, and Bourla?? ; )
Of course, I could be wrong...
This sits with my intuition as well.
My concern for Russell is that he did sign the contract with Katy Perry, and you know how the Hotel California works...
Will he successfully escape? Or are the hooks still in?
Was the signature with his blood or did he manage to fool them with a placebo of some kind? Interesting interestig.
"... the Dalai Lama becomes another thing that's suspect!"
Without a doubt. My general rule is that anything that's promoted big time is worthy of suspicion. I've learned to take nothing that's served to me at face value.
I once found myself in the company of a particularly arrogant neighbor, the CEO of a major corporation that I've long suspected is part of a huge money laundering operation, who was all aglow bcause he had just received some scarf from the Dalai Lama who had recently visited his institution. This guy was as simple minded a schmuck as can be imagined, but obviously a useful idiot for the slime that "owned" him.
Speaking of the Dalai Lama, "The Book of Swindles," written by Zhang Yingu, around 700 years ago, contains a comment that Buddhism itself is known to be swindle at least in the East if I remember correctly. If anyone's interested I'll look up the exact comment.
With the pedo 'tongue kiss', the DL was exposed to the world for what he was. I have at least one of his books and fell for it too. But it all looks different now!
Good for you, and to *bleep* with the "Dolly" and his cronies!
Incidentally, "The Book of Swindles" is available via pdf in several places. Here's one in the unlikely event that anyone's interested.
Please see my comment above. This is a normal gesture in Tibet, one which a grandparent would use to say "You are so good I will eat you up." I know we cannot help but to judge through the filter of our culture, and we'll never really understand that gesture from the inside. But who am I to judge the Dalai Lama?
(as I see it, he is a victim of his cult - captured in childhood, groomed to be this THING for the world to see)
No kidding! The synchronicities are blowing up!
Without internally changing, the community doesn't change.
He is talking my language in different words: the society we have is us! We have met the enemy and the enemy is us. If we don't deal with our shadow, we will continue with creating this society, now.
This lines up, of course, with your antipathy towards Satan and the false good-evil dyad.
He describes his experience to Africa and omg, that is my journey into Mexico! Gobsmacked and laughing out loud.
"Analysis severs your spiritual gifts because you create an analyser and subject of analysis."
JSJ is Gautama in Christian clothing!
This is a FANTASTIC video. Thank you for sharing it.
So... what is Russell Brand. Now to do my muscle-testing process. Be right back..
The Dalai Lama's tongue business was a cultural thing. Apparently it's not uncommon for a Tibetan grandparent to do this to a child, "I'm gonna eat you up," would be the English speaking equivalent. Who are we to judge what is normal in that culture? Sure it looks weird to a westerner, but the boy was not harmed, and I have a feeling his parents think he was blessed.
You make a possible point. I say 'possible' because the child did not look comfortable to me and the audience did not seem comfortable and nor did the DL. I accept that I could very well be projecting my own discomfort, and so... I am open to a different 'actuality' than how my 'gut' reacted to it. So, it leaves me with a question mark, not a closed book. Although the DL's support of the sex cult/trading group adds it on set of questions. Was he ignorant of the nature of the source of the money is of course the question? And so I leave it open there too, and speculate why I've kept my distance from him my whole life and am puzzled that he is acclaimed, lauded, and revered without concluding anything definitive.
Dalai Lama was paid $1 MILLION to endorse women-branding 'sex cult' after secret deal between Buddhist's celibate U.S. emissary and his Seagram billionaire 'lover
10:19 EDT, 24 January 2018
Thank you for the comment, JC.
I did put my copy of Ethics for a New Millennium into the donate pile as I was paring down my books. (Not quite a Guy epiphany dump but I winnowed out four boxes) I just have this ick feeling about him. I was never a fan of inherited divinity but now so much has come out. Once I dropped the 'glamour', like a fairy spell, I just didn't like what I saw. It seems like such an act. But that's just my feeling.
I concur. From day one it seemed ... well, to be honest, a kind of fakery that I experienced growing up with a 'cult' family that was the centre of the great and the good. Beneath the glow, total, total shit around many things with a particular obsession around sex and the open stated appropriateness of incest that was in at least one case — not me — a kind of open secret. My guts just didn't like the feeling I got from him.
I see you have been busy writing. Me too, moving into very strange stuff. In part 1 of my last two essays I begin the exploration of dogma that one of your comments initiated. Thank you, it was fascinated and took me to the church fathers as narcissistic control freak gaslighters exactly as we experienced with JFK, 9/11 and convidiana.
I hang with possible and a question mark, too. Thanks for this article, this one is news to me.
I try and stay away from *judgement* as much as possible, and try and refine that brew down into *discrimination* - the ability to see truth. Striving for mercy and compassion, instead.
We're all here for purpose. Even the paedophiles (ugh, I know, but ugh).
I agree. An interesting challenge, to see 'nuance' in the subtle, the difference in quality in the 'gross' and to do so without judgment. And at one time we thought learning how to speak, read and write was tough! That was simply a warm up exercise to getting us looking past words to see what nuance rests in their shadows.
All the best.
I didn't know that about Malone. In fact, that is a very interesting piece of info. Now more pieces fall into place.....
Sorry about how creepy the Balenciaga story is. I have really begun to suspect that most of high finance connected corporations are doing similar to Balenciaga, in some way.
Oh no, sorry for the misplaced segue. Russell dated a Rothschild and they funded his media company. I'm getting that same sinking feeling when I realized Malone was a CIA plant. I think I might be fooling myself about Russell. He clearly was deep in the bowels of this sick cult. I'm revisiting all his interactions with men, and how he always seems more comfortable around them. Is he doing the same thing as Malone and reflecting back what we want to hear? I just don't know any more.
I also watched this one: https://youtu.be/5Eqt_vLPsFw?si=sWqxYV-B7_gI4g9u. Once I could get past the poochy lips and that she'd paid $2K for the Balenciaga sweatshirt she burns (which seems like it doesn't burn, nothing natural enough in it, I'd guess), she actually makes a lot of sense. She also talks about how she doesn't believe in Satan but these people clearly do.
The Rothschild are like a dirty penny that just keeps "showing up." Russel or Malone, or any others are public figures. The Media and Social Media are all owned by the same people who commit these terrible crimes against children. The Russel phenomenon "as we should start calling it" is almost entirely choreographed by the Pilgrim Society. Remember: Problem -- Reaction -- Solution, they play both sides. As I just sit here in quiet observation, I watch both sides; the less "agenda" I have in my mind, the more I see the truth of what's in front of me.
What we both wrote before, about Russel being targeted could still be very much true; neither of us can really know for sure. This would require a sense of trust for Russel. It looks like the best solution is continue to observe, also if anything comes out of the media, it's probably false.
Wise words and my gut reaction too. I'm wanting to not get too close and just watch and let the truth reveal itself.
"As I just sit here in quiet observation, I watch both sides; the less "agenda" I have in my mind, the more I see the truth of what's in front of me."
Yes! This is well said.
Equanimity will depotentiate the masters, because we will have stopped reacting predictively. We will come into our truth and power, of 'appropriate eccentric action'.
Another brilliant comment.
I learned sometime back that I did not need to react to everything and that I especially did not need to react to what "they" wanted me to react to in the way they wanted me to.
Equanimity and patience rule, and for the reasons you stated.
Brilliant comment.
"Is he doing the same thing as Malone and reflecting back what we want to hear?"
I cannot name one promoted person who doesn't or hasn't done that. It's a big reason why I dismiss the type immediately and pay them no mind. About 2 seconds of viewing reveals the clowns for what they are. The are almost as obvious as a skunk in the neighborhood, and though most of us couldn't describe the stink to any reasonable degree, most of us knows it when we smells it.
They must get a kick out of fooling folks while stinking up the place.
"I have really begun to suspect that most of high finance connected corporations are doing similar to Balenciaga, in some way."
This will confirm your suspicions. It's a daily chronicle of whatever evil you care to name practiced by the financial hoi oligoi. They are all in bed together to one degree or another it seems. They also appear to have the dirt on each other which helps maintain the sytem.
And a strange remembrance going back to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in the JSJ's observation of the Olympics scene.
Do you know who wrote it? Ian Fleming, the Bond author and an actual British spy.
Interesting, Out of Shadows talks about Fleming as a mouthpiece for British 'intelligence' (we need to invent a new term) where what he put out was propaganda for them.
As to a 'new term', many have been floating around: deep state, cabal, KM, etc. lol! Perhaps something like, constrictive agency or, going back to Orwell, thought control police or thought control agencies.
Arrgh, this video neither is available. Any chance for another link on a different platform?
Ah, I am late to the post and thread...
Edit: found it on Bitchute.
Thanks for reading this, Maggie, and updating us on the ongoing censorship.
Thank you for sharing that Nefahotep. Simple, straight, strong, to the point video.
Thanks for that vid. I never heard the word, "Belenciaga," so double thanksThe woman is correct about boycotting the sewage.
In fact, I have long advocated boycotting everything that's pushed as "fashionable." I mean everything. Especially including everything on TV ( a device that I have never owned or care to waste time on) as well as most of that pushed by any form of mass, or corporate, media.
Haha, $2000 sweatshirts are something I never needed to boycott.
Especially when a person can pick 'em up dirt cheap at garge sales and the like! Hehehe!
The other day I actually saw a guy wearing a T-shirt that said,"obey." I thought it was just sarcasm, and chuckled...
This video is not available.
Do you have, by any chance, another link, maybe on a different platform?
This is how black magic doesn't work... Stop giving it power by believing it's mystique!
“Belief is the death of intelligence. As soon as one believes a doctrine of any sort, or assumes certitude, one stops thinking about that aspect of existence.” - Robert Anton Wilson
That seems right along the lines of what I said, thanks for that quote.
Very good quotation, Rob.
This pairs nicely with this one from Jung:
We are still so uneducated that we actually need laws from without, and a task-master or Father above, to show us what is good and the right thing to do. And because we are still such barbarians, any trust in the laws of human nature seems to us dangerous and unethical naturalism. Why is this? Because under the barbarian's thin veneer of culture the wild beast lurks in readiness, amply justifying his fear. But the beast is not tamed by locking it in a cage. There is no morality without freedom . When the barbarian lets loose the beast within, that is not freedom, but bondage.
Jung, C.G. Psychological Types . Princeton: Princeton University Press, par 357.
Awesome quote, I agree 100%
Intelligence is dynamically active seeing, 'belief' is your mind on crutches. That's why many people look but they don't see.
I actually believe that an evil power does exist-- one can almost sense its energy. And people can become captured by that. Even if a dark evil doesn't really "exist," if it's just a human creation, then by that fact it does exist and is real and is extremely dark and powerful.
I believe that as the existence of a good and beautiful power illuminates so many people, so too does a countering dark power illuminate some, and that power now wishes to consume/control us all.
This doesn't lead me to despair. This leads me to fight. But the real fight now, so far as I can see, is centered in censorship and the moves by the government to stamp out so-called 'misinformation,' and the court cases revolving around that. If the government/dark forces can get away with egregious and unconstitutional censorship, then that's truly the beginning of the end, whereas if we can nip that in the bud (now that so many can see the obvious) then this would be the beginning of a return to sanity and the ability to reveal at least the aspects of darkness that want to mandate injections and vaccine passports, and would allow people to speak freely without fear of retribution.
Totalitarianism begins in censorship. We need government transparency and individual opacity, not the other way around.
Good stuff, Tereza. Thank you.
Thanks, Jim. By my definition of evil, it's causing others to inflict pain and suffering. Of course it exists, that's what money does, gives power over others at the expense of power over ourselves. That paradigm has reached its logical conclusion. Never in history has so much power over others been concentrated (or possible) in so few hands.
I'm not sure how you change censorship without first changing that bankers/ vulture capitalists (same people, different role) own all of our labor because they're the default owner of all the houses and properties. They own the media, they own the gov't, they own the corporations. But that's just my take.
Actaully it's not "just" your take. It's a verity. The old satirists (at least the ones I know about) are a hoot to read because they consistently and unvariably express essentially the same ideas, so you're in good company and probably on the right track as well. The "philosophers," on the other hand, very often seem like they're writing what their masters want them to. Marx (disgusting swine) is exhibit A in that regard and his undecipherable gibberish is about all the evidence one needs.
How are we going to change that bankers/vulture capitalists own all our labor and the media and the government? Won't it be by calling them to account? How can that happen?
A lot of great stuff on substack but it only matters if it filters out into the world of the person-on-the-street, which it has to some extent. Then we must be free to speak our voices about what's happening without fear of retribution, and the measure of how we can do that is a measure of how free our society is. From this freedom springs the right to refuse mandates as that's an extension of our right to think for ourselves and decide for ourselves: the basic idea of individual opacity and government transparency, that the government must be held accountable while we, the people, need not be held to account for our private lives and what we put into, or refuse to put into, our bodies.
All of this is based on the core idea that the sleep of reason produces monsters-- as we saw during High Covid. Our only hope can be to restore reason and common sense because without these, our way is lost. Freedom from censorship of ideas, freedom to criticize the government and hold it to account, is a key mechanism in the restoration of reason.
At least, this is where my thoughts are trending now. This is the path I see and I agree when it's been said that we all choose the path we see as best, and use that, to fight this beast.
You said my name! LoL!
Actually my name is pronounced in the French manner, so like Ghee (the clarified butter).
Also, your first pronunciation of 'depotentiate' is correct.
And, it seems we are running on parallel paths, a little. In my last essay I received a comment that links to this topic similarly in manner to your email from Jimmy C.
Synchronicity is the key guide to what is true, in my experience. (Not belief! Knowledge because it is experienced.)
From a comment:
"Finally, my body has [mostly] kept me away from popular music/videos except when I consciously listen/view for analytical purposes. I have come to comprehend that anything put out by Hollywood or other conglomerates into the limelight is based on Luciferian/Satanic practices, inverting life-affirming messages that they have disguised as "love." One only needs to watch a few music videos to see the abject evil."
And, my brother-in-law wrote a book that no publisher would touch - even his previous publishers, about the down and dirty of Hollywood. He eventually self-published it, and it became his most successful book.
*16 Maps of Hell*: The Unraveling of Hollywood Superculture* by Jasun Horsley
Thanks for going to Rumble to check this out! Now I have to change my pronunciation in my head. And here I thought I was safe not trying to pronounce your last name!
Your BiL's book sounds fascinating, I'll look it up. Great title.
And I agree, synchronicity is spirit guiding us, and confirming we are where we're supposed to be. That your BiL would--of all the people and all the topics in the world--happen to have a book on this tells me spirit isn't letting me look away just yet ... much as I would like to.
You're welcome. Thank you for taking on the direction that seems to be guiding you down this particular rabbit hole.
You will likely find Jasun to be a great resource. He blogged and did podcasts for many years focused on the 'liminal' world, which meant dipping his toes into the dark a lot. He and my sister have been digging and researching this stuff for 20+ years. https://auticulture.com/blog/
Side note: My sister has shared an early encounter, basically face-to-face, with DEW being used the 1990s in the USA while researching on indigenous issues (I think it was).
Oh, this is the BiL doing the exploration of Job. I tried to follow the link to Amazon and it didn't find it, typed in 16 Maps of Hell and took their ready-made links to add 'book' or the one to add 'Hollywood.' Neither one comes up with his book.
Has he been censored too?
And if you would like to join that Job exploration, you are most welcome! Let me know. Jasun is deeply examining the 'value' of Christianity, I think.
He's recently begun the process on Substack, called "Children of Job: Dark Encounters with Enlightenment."
He is finding few takers and the men's group meeting that was to have happened wound up being just me and him. And then I wound up sleeping all morning, very unusually, and missing it. He feels that the timing isn't right. I think Job is a fascinating doorway into so much of what we are choosing not to see.
Yes, this is the Job bloke, and the once 100% atheist having become a Christian. So interesting his process. He also has body issues similar to mine and was likely assaulted as part of the British quasi-open miso-paed culture that existed when he was a child.
Most likely amazon has censored it. Although, it is also out of print, I think.
The link I gave you was to goodreads and works for me.
You can order it from his blog as an ebook. I confirmed that https://auticulture.com/blog/ works. And on the right, as an ebook purchase link.
And if you want, it would be kind of fun for me if you mentioned me to him as the source. (I haven't read it yet myself. I struggle to read ebooks!) The other books I've read by him have been superb. I would also recommend to you "The Vice of Kings: How Socialism, Occultism, and the Sexual Revolution Engineered a Culture of Abuse"
In that he talks about the Fabians, like JSJ did, and their very long term plans of conquest using deceit and infiltration. We are seeing, now, that their plans have been effective, for the most part.
Miso-paed = misogynist pedophile?
I could go to goodreads but their link to amazon didn't work. I'm afraid I also don't do e-books. Too much of my life is on-screen as it is. If my daughter ever does end up doing an internship in Spain, I'll see if I can finagle physical copies if he has them. They sound fascinating.
mis(o)- hate
paed child
So aligns with misanthropist, misogynist and misandry.
In the 1980s I wrote an essay that articulated why I saw our society as hateful towards children. That was when I first proposed misopaed (or misoped).
Isn't it amazing to think that the syllable 'paed' is now automatically associated with paedophile, and not child?
And I am sure my sister and Jasun would love that. Or you can contact him now directly and ask. I know that he had a few hard copies left over when I was there last year. Or, as he has done with me, could send/sell you a pdf of the pre-print that you could than print out and read. (I haven't done that yet!)
And so the rabbit hole goes deeper. I know Mathew had that doc on his Locals last night, although it dawned on me that I watched it back in 2020 and it was part of the beginning of my journey down the rabbit hole. I also think MC is gonna put out an article that might connect even more dots. Especially how all this connects to the pandemic. I, myself, sit on the fence for awhile before inking in a pencilled data point. My hot takes are usually terrible. Lovely seeing you consider so much all at once in a calm egoless manner.
By the way, is it just me or is Madonna’s performance absolutely cheesy and terrible? She looked like an amateur out there. It’s like she discovered a new genre of performance: Dystopian Cringe. I’m no occultist, but I can probably whip up a more satanically potent ritual with four actors, some projection mapping, and a bit with a dog. 🤷♀️
Ha! I want to see your bit with a dog! It's time to parody and depotentate, as Guy would say.
I did an interview on Locals with Mathew on RB. I was surprised that he thinks Brand and Assange might both be life-time actors with all of this staged. Pretty darn good method acting on Assange's part, I'd say.
I must have missed that interview! I would be very very VERY surprised if I was had on Assange.
Did you see Mary Poindexter’s “Declaration of Dependance?” Poignant. I know you’re pretty busy with all this happening right now, but it’s pretty short if you want a good snort.
I posted a Note on this. What a great informative and funny essay. You have the smartest friends!
I try to get some of y’all’s smarts to rub off on me! Glad to be learning along. 🙌
It was on his Locals show with Gabe so I don't know if it gets posted anywhere. I'll check out MP's Declaration.
I can hunt down the interview on locals. 👍
It seems credible and accountable. I heard about big tech companies owner perform Cult rituals for making profits.
Another tour de force, Tereza. Thank you. "OBEY" reminds me of John Carpenter's 1988 cult movie, "They Live," which I guess everybody has seen. Could it be that the "OBEY" tee shirts are referencing the movie, or is it more likely that everything is referencing the hidden (Illuminati/Sabbatean?) cabal/cult?
I didn't see They Live but from your link it seems like that was another thing the Shepard for Pedo-Fairies stole. I linked another video I watched (your recommendation?) on Russell above that showed more of that Olympics piece. SO disturbing. I'm hanging on by my fingernails but they're being pried off one by one.
I've not seen 'They Live' either. In 1988 I was diving into Jung and headed back to University while working full time.
I only saw it for the first time about ten years ago. It's described as a "science fiction action horror film;" but I think it's more of a documentary, like "The Truman Show"!
I'll see if it draws me to watch it. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
Related to the "Out Of Shadows" video, Truthstream Media did a pretty in-depth documentary about MK Ultra and other government experiments in mind control: https://www.themindsofmen.net/
These "people" are dancing on our graves and celebrating every corpse they can consume every child they can maim and every women they can rape not that they need to they pay for it with money freshly printed on the skin of the fallen and drink to it through the skull of their enemies just like the good old olden days when kings could just point to the ones that had to hang for the bemusement of the emperor.
After all there seems to be little use of humans now that the robots can replace you and your child and your wife and your husband and your mother and your father and, and ....
So why care for you?
You are after all they say "not worth the rot on your teeth".
To care is to be human
21st century Hollywood Fascism
Made by Mossad paid by the Rothschilds
Have a look at the London Olympics 2012... the Virus Mary Poppins and Harry Potter...
Hogwarts exists, it is a school in Scotland called Gordonstoun.
It is founded by a German Jew called Kurt Hahn who also founded the Schule Schloss Salem.
In 2016 the Duke of Edinburgh was celebrating the 30th anniversary of a Cambridge University institute based on the ideas of his educational mentor, Kurt Hahn.
Who was Kurt Hahn?
“There is more in you than you think” was the motto Kurt Hahn used during his long and active life.
A German Jew who opposed and fled the Nazis and mentored the Duke of Edinburgh, his influence on education is all around, even if his name is not.
Hahn was instrumental in setting up the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme, which has introduced millions of 14 to 24-year-olds to outdoor adventure and community service.
He established Gordounstoun, the Scottish private school that has educated several members of the Royal Family, and inspired the creation of dozens more schools around the world. He co-founded the Outward Bound Trust, whose courses more than one million people have taken.
Kurt Hahn was the founder of the the Atlantic College, the first United World College, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Gordonstoun, Outward Bound, and Salem. In addition, many other institutions, such as the Atlantic Challenge, the Kurt Hahn Trust, and Round Square (π), were initiated by others who were inspired by his ideas.
Thanks, Fritz, I'll check those out. That's the same 2012 Olympics where Russell played the Child Catcher, yes? Extremely ominous and predictive. As I always contend, though, the face cards are not the players. If we know their names, they're being played.
I didn't know but it would make sense...
Thing is... we know who is behind...
Money are the strings...
Rockefeller and Rothchild on top.
And the 13 tribes of the Illuminati.
Behind them the Anunaki.. the God / Demon / Dragon Race.
I am so glad that someone with your talent, intelligence and persistence is willing to dig into subjects like this. I'm also happy that you found Mathis' comments helpful. Thank you.
Reading your comments on the Illuminati made me think of the name, Lucifer, which means, paradoxically, "light bearer" and probably refers to the idea that Lucifer thinks of himself as some sort of light of the world. This stuff is so nuts that I have little to no inclination to deal with it so thanks again for doing the work and sharing it.
Also, kudos to you for producing things that get banned. It's pretty obvious that a lot of the garbage that's pushed continuously in our faces is the sewage that should get banned and buried instead.
Thank you, Geoff. My research shows that the Bible, OT & NT, has turned truth inside out and made the heroes into the villains and the villains into the heroes. That's why the character of Satan was invented to demonize the zealot leaders who were leading the Judean insurgency against Roman rule. They were the true heroes.
I wonder who Lucifer represents? Maybe a historical or mythological figure who really was bringing the light and dispelling the darkness, something that the misogynistic, enslaving and colonizing rulers didn't want. Bears more research. Fortunately, I find these things fascinating.
Interesting. I know nothing more about Lucifer than what I stated above and I only know that from high school Latin and a smattering of ancient Greek.
Hi Tereza,
I watched Out of Shadows but to me a much better series is the Fall of the cabal. https://www.fallcabal.com/
You're welcome. I rarely watch "fiction" of any sort and haven't been to a movie theater for about twenty-five years. FWIW, a friend encouraged me to watch "They Live" and I found it quite thought provoking.
As someone who has studied the cabala and the Western magical tradition, I can assure you, black magic is quite real, and that should be self-evident in the reality of where society appears to be headed, from the sexualization of childhood to CBDC. The problem is the good has been neutered by monotheism, scientific materialism and consumerism, losing our connection to the magic that is inherent to existence.
If I'm someone who wants power above all else, wouldn't the belief that black magic gives me power cause me to do all the sadistic things to children we're seeing? And enable me to justify it, even think that it's essential for my survival?
And, on the other hand, if I feel that black magic could be used against me if I piss off the wrong person, wouldn't that make me afraid to ever speak up? Why do you want to convince me that I should be scared, not just of all these terrible things we're talking about, but that these rituals actually are making people have supernatural evil powers?
The things you're talking about, the intentional gender dysphoria and CBDC, can certainly be explained by human qualities like greed. If I were God, I wouldn't create evil powers. Why would I do that to people?
Also, as you have me talking about magic, you are making magic with your writing and videos. Creativity is magic. The study of magic is largely about how to be more creative/magical.
Oh I agree with that. It's that I don't think it has an opposite. There's light and the absence of light, darkness doesn't exist as a thing only an emptiness. And the joy of creativity is making sense, connections, making meaning where it didn't exist before. What Hollywood is doing is pathetic. It's creating a cult of nothing. For magic to happen there has to be love, I think.
Black magic is not an equal opposite, it is more like the good turned upside down. It is a cult of something very real though - death.
In the magical tradition, black magic is merely the great Arcanum, the Astral flow of creative energy direct from the source, used for nefarious purposes. It is also said, that whatever evil is directed at another will return on the sender at least three-fold. Curses and the like are mostly the fiction of the same Hollywood that harbors pederasts; it is not the curse that has the energy to harm you, it is your fear of it. In that sense, black magic gives them no power we do not give them but of our ignorance. That said, using that Astral, creative energy direct from the source is considerably more powerful, but one has to believe to truly wield it, and it is that belief that is neutered.
"it is not the curse that has the energy to harm you, it is your fear of it. In that sense, black magic gives them no power we do not give them but of our ignorance"
So that seems like my belief in black magic is what gives it power over me. So Satanic rites have no power unless I give it to them. If I withdraw my belief in them, they dissolve like the wicked witch under water.
If you believe black magic can harm you, than it can. If you have faith that it cannot, it can't. Most people who are harmed by black magic are either innocent, or are themselves caught up in darkness. Black magic can however have enormous ancillary consequences, as we are seeing with the woke and trans revolution, which is almost entirely founded on manipulation and coercion.
I should qualify this a bit though. I haven't looked at your piece on Russel Brand yet, but what is being done to him is definitely a dark art. But he made himself vulnerable by his life as an addict and the company he kept. Faith that their dark art can't harm him is definitely not sufficient.
Also, wanting power above all else is akin to black magic.