When I was living in Pacific Grove in the 80s, I remember seeing lightning once, in the middle of a winter storm. It looked like it was happening over Asilomar Beach, about a mile from my house. But we never got lightning (or rain) in the summer.
Then in the 90s, when I was living in Ben Lomond, we did have one year of intense rain and flooding (winter of 98-99) but nothing like what you've had this last winter. We also never had huge forest fires raging through the redwoods like the CZU fire. Crazy times indeed.
I used to dismiss chemtrails as a nutty conspiracy theory, but I'm being forced to reconsider my position on that. The last three years have really been shaking up my belief systems.
Sorry to be so far behind in responding to your emails, Mark. They get buried quickly in all the Substack notices. But I'm thinking to start posting chapters of my book in my stack since others like Helene here in the comments are about to start reading it. Then maybe I could answer questions about it there so they're available for future readers. But I will try to get back to you in the meantime, and I'm enjoying your Substack posts.
One day I'm saying, ya know, this doesn't seem right and the next, you're showing me an organized database of proof positive. This is so definitive and well-presented. And it says right on the schematic "devices for directing atmospheric rivers." Shouldn't they have hired some out-of-work poet to come up with some convincing-sounding natural storm front?
I've bookmarked it Teresa, and I'll consider it the go-to for anyone who doubts from here on.
wow, ms T, taa so much...here's a recent monstrous iteration of weather warfare-☠️ worldvision.org/disaster-relief-news-stories/2023-turkey-and-syria-earthquake-faqs ...'There was widespread damage in an area of about 350,000 km2 (140,000 sq mi) (about the size of Germany). An estimated 14 million people, or 16 percent of Turkey's population, were affected. Development experts from the United Nations estimated that about 1.5 million people were left homeless.
The confirmed death toll stood at 59,259: 50,783 in Turkey, and 8,476 in Syria. ' ... Turkey-Syria Earthquake: (ENMOD) Environmental Modification Techniques ''Prior to February 6, 2023
Not a single “major earthquake” in Southern Anatolia in the course of more than 700 years:
Does that not “tell us something” regarding the “probability”
or “likelihood”
of a “major earthquake” occurring in Southern Turkey?
'Turkey and Syria were hit by several major earthquakes in the last 24 hours'
An Expert Investigation is Required
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, April 23, 2023 ... ***
Update: The Political and Social Implications of the February 2023 Earthquakes
The economic, social and geopolitical impacts of the February 2023 two earthquakes in Southern Anatolia are far-reaching.
Within Turkey, the earthquakes have not only resulted in political chaos
to the detriment of the Erdogan government,
they have
also been followed by attempts
on the part of US-NATO to undermine Erdogan’s reelection (May 14, 2023),
in view of Ankara’s unspoken strategic alliance with Moscow,
not to mention its rapprochement with Teheran.Turkey is both a “NATO Heavyweight” as well as “An Ally of Russia”. Sounds Contradictory. tinyurl.com/3zc48uyh ..'
In the Matt Ehret video, he and the interviewer have a good chuckle over those who go so extreme as to think they're causing earthquakes in places like Turkey. My spidey-senses went up immediately. What we know is that, if they can, they will. So the only thing limiting them is the technology, not morals. I love Chossudovsky's work and I'll check this out.
I also saw or read something on the Turkey quake started by a bolt strike to the earth or whatever it was. My first thought was Mr. Frank Hoogerbeats predicted the quake, so unless he's in on it that discredited the bolt strike. I will say I have seen the video showing the strike that blew up the GA Guidestones, but an earth quake of such magnitude?.....
I've been thinking to do a couple more spiritual posts, or at least mix that in. I found back post-9/11 that I had to alternate, like putting the right and then left foot forward, otherwise I went in circles. Thanks again for your post that made me say 'now' to putting mine together.
I did get into the details of the covid farce though and I'm glad I did. It made me receptive to the details of the climate and weather frauds as well. The weather here has been nutzo as well. Drought last year, too much moisture and wind this year and I suspect it is anthropogenic but not in the sense we're lead to believe.
Hello Tereza, So it turns out that I have a sensitivity to electric. In my journey to find this out I met a lady that told me that the blocking out of the sun buy these chemtrails was because the sun rays were becoming hotter, my words, not hers. I don't remember how she stated it. Immediately when she told me this it brought to mind one day last summer here in north Fl, I felt the hotness of the sun on the back of my neck while gardening that seemed quite unusually hot. Well I was stunned when she confirmed what I physically felt. So I just put that statement on a shelf in my mind to ponder in the future. I also subscribe to Dane's emails and I haven't yet read or watched his videos on the subject. I honestly thought this was just a hostile policy being enforced by our gov't and if stopped the climate would heal itself. Here is St Augustine since early Sept '22 our weather is no longer sunny and hot. Its been everything but. I too see the trees struggling to say the least. Every time there is a billowy white cloud in a blue sky I run out to do yard work. I'm going to have to start viewing Danes work. PS: I am loving your book!
I'm so thrilled that you're reading my book, Helene! I told Mark (above) that I might try to post chapters in my stack so there could be ongoing discussion. He's been sending me questions but I'm behind in answering.
And it's so hard to figure out what's really going on. What Dane indicated is that it's not blocking the UV rays, in fact more intense ones (C not B) are getting through but not the solar energy that's maybe good for us--or at least for our solar panels. On the latter, mine are barely making a dent in my electric bill. It does a 'true-up' once a year and I used to get money back but now it's a huge annual payment.
I'm still believing that we'll be able to heal once we take back our sky and our soil and our lives.
So my response is it may be a spoiler if you post parts of your book and it is fantastic right out of the gate! Matter of fact I was discussing it with my daughter today and we cant wait to see your proposed solutions. If you are going to look into this climate issue, you might want to talk to this lady that was kind enough to help me realize and solve the electric issue I had. You know I have pictures of the climate engineering here in FL. Its not just chem trails, that's so yesterday. Trending today is the misty fog for no reason. At the new years eve party with my daughters thirty something friends it was quite the topic.
That's a good point, Helene. In fact I wrote this book instead of the one I wanted to, that skipped ahead to the solutions, so that people would take the time to understand the problems first. We all want to get to the fix! But I will be doing my next episode on that, so you and your daughter won't need to wait that long.
(We must have similar daughter-groups. I also spent NYE--and our make-up NYE because the first had such devastation people couldn't get out--with my daughter's 30-something friends. It's a great thing to have a deep connection to people just old enough to take the future seriously.)
I am methodical, so I am glad you took the time to explain the scheme and what a scheme it is indeed! Last night in reading the platonic dialog Phaedo I noticed it was the Archons that ordered Socrates to drink the poison. Of course I just read about the Archons in your book the day before so I knew who they were talking about. As for NYE: I told myself that NYE day, I will not talk about Ukraine/Russian or the in your face climate tampering or covid vaccine stuff etc.... and everyone else just brought it up and I was so ecstatic that they are paying attention and have disgust for our corrupt gov't system as I do. For the next get together I will have more info to share from my arsenal of learning. Thank you for contributing to my arsenal.
<smile> glad to be in the company of another methodical learner. I feel like that's my only superweapon, I'm ploddingly, step-by-step logical. Everything follows.
And yes, now even when my daughters don't listen to me, their friends watch my videos. It's sweet revenge! Wait, did I say that?
The weather in California sounds a lot like the weather we experienced on the east coast of Australia last winter. With the same terminology. Couldn’t grow a thing
At least more and more people are taking notice and many groups are trying to take action now. One has to wonder what those involved at all levels believe they have some exception to the effects of the chemicals involved?
Hi, I have some comments about the video I sent. First thing comes to mind is it is funny. 2nd thing that comes to mind is I can think of a more current women to blame for regime change these days. 3rd thing is why are we blaming just a woman or women. 4th thing I think of is masculine toxicity of throwing a woman under the bus. 5th thing I think of is the feminine toxicity. 6th thing is this is all done to perpetuate the system of slavery. Good golly how you have made me think. I guess its not as funny as I thought. :)
I did think it was pretty funny ;-) I actually thought it did a good job of outlining the steps within a feminine framework of baking a cake, but without being particularly targeted at women. Who's your woman de jour for regime change? There are so many to choose from.
Victoria Nuland is who came to mind. Hillary has been beat to death by the right and rightly so. The only thing I am currently watching regularly on TV is the 3 stogies and leave it to beaver so has Hillary surfaced again? I thought she was out to pasture. I watched your interview today. I was intrigued by the twelve thing. I had not heard that before. I always wondered about the teen thing and why it starts at thirteen. Also does the 12" equals a foot fit in there? I think Tereza you are right to have an plan and talk about it now of how we can make system changes because as we have seen with the covid assault the system can implode overnight. If we wait until it happens just to discuss ideas that's not smart. There was alot of good info in the interview. You always bring so much to the table. Thank you for doing it.
Yes if I was czarina of my fiefdom, I'd teach a new generation the dozenals system, as I'm told it's called, and to use a keyboard not based on typewriter keys sticking together, and to devise a calendar based on moon cycles with 13 months of 28 days--as each turtle demonstrates on its shell. And yes, carpenters know that a foot is easier to divide than the metric system. And then regions could get together in groups of 2, 3, 4 or 6 and have no one bigger or left out.
And yes, controlling the narrative has a negative connotation but we need stories to make sense of things. I'd love to have some sci-fi writer develop my plan into how it would look and feel to live in it, 30 yrs hence. Thank you for watching and engaging with it!
No, I haven't seen the episode but I will. That is a fantastic idea about the sci fi. Its what they do, the soft kill only this story will be for the good of humanity. Once the idea is out there..... I am so excited. And video games too.
The online game is how I've wanted to test out models using my caret system. I think it would be so fun to develop our own fiefdoms based on the places we live and try out different ways to distribute the community carets and scenarios for what that could make happen. Extra points given for kludging someone else's ideas or having your own stolen!
Maybe you could speak about the idea of this game development whenever you get the chance with the angle of getting the economic idea out quicker and practice for real life so people can test it out virtually, because you never know who knows someone with the software capabilities. I just read in your book last night about the Pennsylvania script being tied to land value. I don't ever remember hearing about paper money being tied to land value ever before. Being finite in the land, reminded me of the Bitcoin finiteness that my son told me about. Also when I heard Franklin wrote the pamphlet I wondered if Cotton Mather helped him out with that. I read Franklin was his protégé. I personally think the bitcoin can be manipulated by the archons and it makes me fearful to buy into it. Oh and one more thing, you said that by a certain date the archons will own 40% of the land. Is there anyway that they will want to tie money to the land at that point without some of the good parameter's that the PA govt put on their script?? The land value thing didn't sound complicated and I really liked the idea, but I am a land lover, so I am biased.
I'm going to give an honest comment here to do with what you will. An obvious pseudonym, like A Midwestern Doctor, is different than a pseudo-name. When this first came up, I just dropped out. And then I came back, I think led by Heidi in her response to Meryl. You continue to do the best work on Malone (and is he actually suing you?)
But I find myself having difficulty when I credit your work. I don't want to use a pronoun that's false, or to use Sage Hana as a name. It feels like 'the male author who writes as Sage Hana' is a slight but that's the most honest. I get caught in either perpetuating an identity and image I know isn't true, or feeling that I need to clarify privately, which I don't want to do.
There is a difference in how people read women. Before this came out, I wrote without mentioning names about female bloggers who had masculine styles--and who I meant was you, Caitlin Johnstone and Guttermouth. FWIW, I've dropped a lot of my subs by anonymous authors like AMD and 'John Carter' (see how awkward that reference is?) but I keep reading you and being reluctant to lose your great information and style.
For the last month, because I wanted to work with you on helping the Breggins, I've been sitting on a draft email suggesting that perhaps there was a compromise between full disclosure and taking on a woman's persona. Maybe using your first name instead of Sage's Newsletter but still posting as Sage Hana Substack?
In full disclosure, I did talk with Mathew Crawford yesterday in preparation for an interview Mon. Although irrelevant to our topic, I asked him privately if he was sure he had the right person. He told me that he has 'face blindness,' a condition I've heard of before, so can't be sure but when he saw the photo of Derrick Blanton, it seemed like who he'd talked with.
But whether or not he does still leaves open that Sage Hana is a male author and leaves me in a position of needing to continue that wrong impression of a woman in my references or say things in private or public that will correct it but feel like perpetuating a betrayal. I don't know what to do with that.
When I was living in Pacific Grove in the 80s, I remember seeing lightning once, in the middle of a winter storm. It looked like it was happening over Asilomar Beach, about a mile from my house. But we never got lightning (or rain) in the summer.
Then in the 90s, when I was living in Ben Lomond, we did have one year of intense rain and flooding (winter of 98-99) but nothing like what you've had this last winter. We also never had huge forest fires raging through the redwoods like the CZU fire. Crazy times indeed.
I used to dismiss chemtrails as a nutty conspiracy theory, but I'm being forced to reconsider my position on that. The last three years have really been shaking up my belief systems.
Sorry to be so far behind in responding to your emails, Mark. They get buried quickly in all the Substack notices. But I'm thinking to start posting chapters of my book in my stack since others like Helene here in the comments are about to start reading it. Then maybe I could answer questions about it there so they're available for future readers. But I will try to get back to you in the meantime, and I'm enjoying your Substack posts.
I figured you were busy, no worries, no hurry!
"The last three years have really been shaking up my belief systems."
Amen, and amen...
In case you’re not familiar: https://weathermodificationhistory.com/
One day I'm saying, ya know, this doesn't seem right and the next, you're showing me an organized database of proof positive. This is so definitive and well-presented. And it says right on the schematic "devices for directing atmospheric rivers." Shouldn't they have hired some out-of-work poet to come up with some convincing-sounding natural storm front?
I've bookmarked it Teresa, and I'll consider it the go-to for anyone who doubts from here on.
wow, ms T, taa so much...here's a recent monstrous iteration of weather warfare-☠️ worldvision.org/disaster-relief-news-stories/2023-turkey-and-syria-earthquake-faqs ...'There was widespread damage in an area of about 350,000 km2 (140,000 sq mi) (about the size of Germany). An estimated 14 million people, or 16 percent of Turkey's population, were affected. Development experts from the United Nations estimated that about 1.5 million people were left homeless.
The confirmed death toll stood at 59,259: 50,783 in Turkey, and 8,476 in Syria. ' ... Turkey-Syria Earthquake: (ENMOD) Environmental Modification Techniques ''Prior to February 6, 2023
Not a single “major earthquake” in Southern Anatolia in the course of more than 700 years:
Does that not “tell us something” regarding the “probability”
or “likelihood”
of a “major earthquake” occurring in Southern Turkey?
tinyurl.com/6tdf6hkx [MAP]
'Turkey and Syria were hit by several major earthquakes in the last 24 hours'
An Expert Investigation is Required
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, April 23, 2023 ... ***
Update: The Political and Social Implications of the February 2023 Earthquakes
The economic, social and geopolitical impacts of the February 2023 two earthquakes in Southern Anatolia are far-reaching.
Within Turkey, the earthquakes have not only resulted in political chaos
to the detriment of the Erdogan government,
they have
also been followed by attempts
on the part of US-NATO to undermine Erdogan’s reelection (May 14, 2023),
in view of Ankara’s unspoken strategic alliance with Moscow,
not to mention its rapprochement with Teheran.Turkey is both a “NATO Heavyweight” as well as “An Ally of Russia”. Sounds Contradictory. tinyurl.com/3zc48uyh ..'
In the Matt Ehret video, he and the interviewer have a good chuckle over those who go so extreme as to think they're causing earthquakes in places like Turkey. My spidey-senses went up immediately. What we know is that, if they can, they will. So the only thing limiting them is the technology, not morals. I love Chossudovsky's work and I'll check this out.
I also saw or read something on the Turkey quake started by a bolt strike to the earth or whatever it was. My first thought was Mr. Frank Hoogerbeats predicted the quake, so unless he's in on it that discredited the bolt strike. I will say I have seen the video showing the strike that blew up the GA Guidestones, but an earth quake of such magnitude?.....
💞thinking about taking a few ‘the best that could happen’ mental health mini vacations 💞 all the weirdness is beginning to weigh on me!
I've been thinking to do a couple more spiritual posts, or at least mix that in. I found back post-9/11 that I had to alternate, like putting the right and then left foot forward, otherwise I went in circles. Thanks again for your post that made me say 'now' to putting mine together.
I make sure to get at least an hour vacation every day. Me time!
Keeping up with the chaos is difficult, but these days I learned to just get the gist and not get obsessed with the details.
The trend looks good for us, not so much for the insane or those who pretend to be insane lol.
"...I learned to just get the gist and not get obsessed with the details."
Same here and we're in good company...
"He who reads nothing will still learn the great facts, and the details are all false."
-Thomas Jefferson to John Norvell, 14 June 1807
I did get into the details of the covid farce though and I'm glad I did. It made me receptive to the details of the climate and weather frauds as well. The weather here has been nutzo as well. Drought last year, too much moisture and wind this year and I suspect it is anthropogenic but not in the sense we're lead to believe.
Thank you Tereza. Great compilation of our mad man (meaning human) made world and pointers to getting back to nature.
Hello Tereza, So it turns out that I have a sensitivity to electric. In my journey to find this out I met a lady that told me that the blocking out of the sun buy these chemtrails was because the sun rays were becoming hotter, my words, not hers. I don't remember how she stated it. Immediately when she told me this it brought to mind one day last summer here in north Fl, I felt the hotness of the sun on the back of my neck while gardening that seemed quite unusually hot. Well I was stunned when she confirmed what I physically felt. So I just put that statement on a shelf in my mind to ponder in the future. I also subscribe to Dane's emails and I haven't yet read or watched his videos on the subject. I honestly thought this was just a hostile policy being enforced by our gov't and if stopped the climate would heal itself. Here is St Augustine since early Sept '22 our weather is no longer sunny and hot. Its been everything but. I too see the trees struggling to say the least. Every time there is a billowy white cloud in a blue sky I run out to do yard work. I'm going to have to start viewing Danes work. PS: I am loving your book!
I'm so thrilled that you're reading my book, Helene! I told Mark (above) that I might try to post chapters in my stack so there could be ongoing discussion. He's been sending me questions but I'm behind in answering.
And it's so hard to figure out what's really going on. What Dane indicated is that it's not blocking the UV rays, in fact more intense ones (C not B) are getting through but not the solar energy that's maybe good for us--or at least for our solar panels. On the latter, mine are barely making a dent in my electric bill. It does a 'true-up' once a year and I used to get money back but now it's a huge annual payment.
I'm still believing that we'll be able to heal once we take back our sky and our soil and our lives.
So my response is it may be a spoiler if you post parts of your book and it is fantastic right out of the gate! Matter of fact I was discussing it with my daughter today and we cant wait to see your proposed solutions. If you are going to look into this climate issue, you might want to talk to this lady that was kind enough to help me realize and solve the electric issue I had. You know I have pictures of the climate engineering here in FL. Its not just chem trails, that's so yesterday. Trending today is the misty fog for no reason. At the new years eve party with my daughters thirty something friends it was quite the topic.
That's a good point, Helene. In fact I wrote this book instead of the one I wanted to, that skipped ahead to the solutions, so that people would take the time to understand the problems first. We all want to get to the fix! But I will be doing my next episode on that, so you and your daughter won't need to wait that long.
(We must have similar daughter-groups. I also spent NYE--and our make-up NYE because the first had such devastation people couldn't get out--with my daughter's 30-something friends. It's a great thing to have a deep connection to people just old enough to take the future seriously.)
I am methodical, so I am glad you took the time to explain the scheme and what a scheme it is indeed! Last night in reading the platonic dialog Phaedo I noticed it was the Archons that ordered Socrates to drink the poison. Of course I just read about the Archons in your book the day before so I knew who they were talking about. As for NYE: I told myself that NYE day, I will not talk about Ukraine/Russian or the in your face climate tampering or covid vaccine stuff etc.... and everyone else just brought it up and I was so ecstatic that they are paying attention and have disgust for our corrupt gov't system as I do. For the next get together I will have more info to share from my arsenal of learning. Thank you for contributing to my arsenal.
<smile> glad to be in the company of another methodical learner. I feel like that's my only superweapon, I'm ploddingly, step-by-step logical. Everything follows.
And yes, now even when my daughters don't listen to me, their friends watch my videos. It's sweet revenge! Wait, did I say that?
And think about how many more cases of skin cancer we have now. Realizing sun block is poison. But sun seems less friendly now.
The weather in California sounds a lot like the weather we experienced on the east coast of Australia last winter. With the same terminology. Couldn’t grow a thing
That's really interesting, Darren. Did they call them bomb cyclones and atmospheric rivers?
Back in the sixties
“He who controls the weather controls the world”
Now :
“You will own nothing and you will be happy”
I saw a clip of LBJ saying that and he looked and sounded absolutely crazed. Thanks for the reminder.
25:00 He who controls the weather can control the world
At least more and more people are taking notice and many groups are trying to take action now. One has to wonder what those involved at all levels believe they have some exception to the effects of the chemicals involved?
That's a great point, Kelly. It does seem like a lot of people who are complicit.
Hi, I have some comments about the video I sent. First thing comes to mind is it is funny. 2nd thing that comes to mind is I can think of a more current women to blame for regime change these days. 3rd thing is why are we blaming just a woman or women. 4th thing I think of is masculine toxicity of throwing a woman under the bus. 5th thing I think of is the feminine toxicity. 6th thing is this is all done to perpetuate the system of slavery. Good golly how you have made me think. I guess its not as funny as I thought. :)
I did think it was pretty funny ;-) I actually thought it did a good job of outlining the steps within a feminine framework of baking a cake, but without being particularly targeted at women. Who's your woman de jour for regime change? There are so many to choose from.
Victoria Nuland is who came to mind. Hillary has been beat to death by the right and rightly so. The only thing I am currently watching regularly on TV is the 3 stogies and leave it to beaver so has Hillary surfaced again? I thought she was out to pasture. I watched your interview today. I was intrigued by the twelve thing. I had not heard that before. I always wondered about the teen thing and why it starts at thirteen. Also does the 12" equals a foot fit in there? I think Tereza you are right to have an plan and talk about it now of how we can make system changes because as we have seen with the covid assault the system can implode overnight. If we wait until it happens just to discuss ideas that's not smart. There was alot of good info in the interview. You always bring so much to the table. Thank you for doing it.
I agree. Victoria Nuland is who came to my mind too. Have you been watching long enough to see my episode comparing her to Dolores Umbridge of Harry Potter? The similarities are uncanny: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/victoria-nuland-is-dolores-umbridge.
Yes if I was czarina of my fiefdom, I'd teach a new generation the dozenals system, as I'm told it's called, and to use a keyboard not based on typewriter keys sticking together, and to devise a calendar based on moon cycles with 13 months of 28 days--as each turtle demonstrates on its shell. And yes, carpenters know that a foot is easier to divide than the metric system. And then regions could get together in groups of 2, 3, 4 or 6 and have no one bigger or left out.
And yes, controlling the narrative has a negative connotation but we need stories to make sense of things. I'd love to have some sci-fi writer develop my plan into how it would look and feel to live in it, 30 yrs hence. Thank you for watching and engaging with it!
No, I haven't seen the episode but I will. That is a fantastic idea about the sci fi. Its what they do, the soft kill only this story will be for the good of humanity. Once the idea is out there..... I am so excited. And video games too.
The online game is how I've wanted to test out models using my caret system. I think it would be so fun to develop our own fiefdoms based on the places we live and try out different ways to distribute the community carets and scenarios for what that could make happen. Extra points given for kludging someone else's ideas or having your own stolen!
Maybe you could speak about the idea of this game development whenever you get the chance with the angle of getting the economic idea out quicker and practice for real life so people can test it out virtually, because you never know who knows someone with the software capabilities. I just read in your book last night about the Pennsylvania script being tied to land value. I don't ever remember hearing about paper money being tied to land value ever before. Being finite in the land, reminded me of the Bitcoin finiteness that my son told me about. Also when I heard Franklin wrote the pamphlet I wondered if Cotton Mather helped him out with that. I read Franklin was his protégé. I personally think the bitcoin can be manipulated by the archons and it makes me fearful to buy into it. Oh and one more thing, you said that by a certain date the archons will own 40% of the land. Is there anyway that they will want to tie money to the land at that point without some of the good parameter's that the PA govt put on their script?? The land value thing didn't sound complicated and I really liked the idea, but I am a land lover, so I am biased.
Good Morning Tereza, My husband's friend just sent this to us and I had to share with you. Copy and paste, I guess. It's a spoof on empire.
Mischa Paullin (@mickmackpaullin) tweeted at 11:58 AM on Thu, Apr 27, 2023:
Baking with Hillary Clinton! https://t.co/pKDX1uuLdY
What the heck is going on here,
I didn't know about the dispute between Mathew Crawford and Sage Hana:
I've just posted this comment there:
I'm going to give an honest comment here to do with what you will. An obvious pseudonym, like A Midwestern Doctor, is different than a pseudo-name. When this first came up, I just dropped out. And then I came back, I think led by Heidi in her response to Meryl. You continue to do the best work on Malone (and is he actually suing you?)
But I find myself having difficulty when I credit your work. I don't want to use a pronoun that's false, or to use Sage Hana as a name. It feels like 'the male author who writes as Sage Hana' is a slight but that's the most honest. I get caught in either perpetuating an identity and image I know isn't true, or feeling that I need to clarify privately, which I don't want to do.
There is a difference in how people read women. Before this came out, I wrote without mentioning names about female bloggers who had masculine styles--and who I meant was you, Caitlin Johnstone and Guttermouth. FWIW, I've dropped a lot of my subs by anonymous authors like AMD and 'John Carter' (see how awkward that reference is?) but I keep reading you and being reluctant to lose your great information and style.
For the last month, because I wanted to work with you on helping the Breggins, I've been sitting on a draft email suggesting that perhaps there was a compromise between full disclosure and taking on a woman's persona. Maybe using your first name instead of Sage's Newsletter but still posting as Sage Hana Substack?
In full disclosure, I did talk with Mathew Crawford yesterday in preparation for an interview Mon. Although irrelevant to our topic, I asked him privately if he was sure he had the right person. He told me that he has 'face blindness,' a condition I've heard of before, so can't be sure but when he saw the photo of Derrick Blanton, it seemed like who he'd talked with.
But whether or not he does still leaves open that Sage Hana is a male author and leaves me in a position of needing to continue that wrong impression of a woman in my references or say things in private or public that will correct it but feel like perpetuating a betrayal. I don't know what to do with that.