Much more to this than meets the eye. Being staged by the “oligarchs”

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I forgot to put in the text that Vanessa says she never expected to see this in her lifetime. No matter what, it's a change in 75 years of unbroken, brutal occupation. I keep saying the same for so many things. Even if this is a trap--like 911, like the CovidCon--it doesn't mean it will go the way the oligarchs plan. Palestine could be a bellwether for all of us. Thanks, KW.

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Yes I agree. I think - as horrid as it is - it represents an opportunity. We have gone so very wrong. I don’t believe in accidents or coincidences. I really believe we are all in this together. Much larger hands guide us all. We are our brothers and sisters keepers.

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It's horrifying, but Palestine and the Palestinians are not what this operation is about. The target of this operation is Iran, the same Iran that recently joined The Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

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I'm certain you're right about that, Tirion. I don't know about horrifying, though. I think more certain to fail, per my episode yesterday.

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Many thanks for doing the hard work I've neglected! I love your nuanced and informed approach.

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Thanks Tereza, I watched the Icke and Igan one's already and they did a great job.

Appreciate your pulling such relevant info. Oh, the tangled webs, the decades of weaving. Yes, we're all Palestinians, we're all pawns in a sick game. I'll listen as well. Best.

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Oh, I think you would really like each other, Specie. Kathleen writes very intuitive and contemplative essays with deep research. Both the hard look at the reality in the world and an open question on the reality of the world, as I describe socio-spirituality.

Specie, my words were immediately put to the test for whether I would bail on blogs around this issue or use my street cred with them to change minds. There really is no point. I'm going to bail and pare down my list of subs.

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Hi Kathleen,

I checked out your substack. I really like what i have read so far. (Of course part of it could be that I'm a real Hercule Poirot fan having read all the books 30-40 years ago as a young man. Oh, and i was one of Clif High's first subscriber back in the day of the old ALTA reports.... 1998 or so.

I may end up subscribing to your site too.

Thank you

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Thank you Specie. I will do the same with yours! Ongoing challenge on SS is keeping up with so many good stacks. You beat me to Clif by nearly a decade! And of course, we've both found ourselves on Tereza's so I suspect we share some similar ways of looking at the world and have mutually good taste when it comes to finding expansive minds. 😊Best.

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I pray for peace. Both Russia and China cited international law and did not choose sides. Let's hope the UN can do something or changes to be able to do so.

The security council veto power is ridiculous and needs to be gone.

Here's a great interview of Norman Finklestein on Jimmy Dore

"What were they supposed to do?"


Other ones of Norman on the channel are also worth watching.

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Love Norman! I don't know what to pray for, if I were a person who prayed for things. It always seems like telling God what to do, which is contradictory. I'm very glad to be not in charge right now. But I agree with KW that much larger hands are guiding us all. Like Covid, I don't want things to go back to the way they were. Peace without the slaves revolting is what all slaveowners and occupying forces want.

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You are the first person I've met who probably feels the way I do about praying. I have long said that praying is not about telling gawd what we want, (s)he no doubt already knows, supposedly, but praying should be all about remaining silent so we can hear what (s)he wants.

But then again, what do I know?

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I have a different take on prayer.

If you see god as everything, as nature , praying is sending a request.

It also has a really good placebo effect.

To be a wizard one must get wise of magic. What's magic? Psychological and archetypal analysis and communication.

That doesn't just mean out there, but in ourselves too.

I'm feeling a sea change coming on in society.

The truth is fighting through the oppressed. They were peaceful for so long and got screwed.. in Gaza, in the medical establishment and so on.

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Rob, forget the UN. It was created by the same folks who supported Communism and who were responsible for creating the US Federal Reserve which was used to provide funding for the wars they were about to impose on the rest of us. It is the basis for a global police state operating as a force for peace.

If you want to know who supported Communism, I've found no better source than Bella Dodd's, "School of Darkness." Hint: All wars ( and many "peace" organizations) are bankers' projects.

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Thanks for this recommendation. Considering the stack of unread books I have, is this better than A Sutton's books? Is Sutton her main source? (It's hard to imagine 2 people doing all that research). Does she have much to add to Sutton?

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I'm relying on you two, and Nefahotep and others, to bring the collective mind to this discussion. Like your recommendation that David Irving's books are on-line to go through in order, I must say in honesty it won't happen no matter how good they are. With a physical book I have a chance but my screen time quota is shot. I now have eight open browser pages, each with multiple tabs, and I'm making it my mission to close them all today. I know we're all in the same boat, one that's taking on water faster than we can bail ;-)

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I wouldn't say better or worse; I'd call it a supplement to Sutton's work. I read it and Sutton's at least 2 decades ago, but I don't think she used any sources other than her own experiences as a mid-high level Communist worker in New York City. She saw the hypocrisy within the Red movement first hand and saw how badly the "proles" were being used and described it excellently.

I would say she supplemented Sutton. I understand how busy folks are and I only offer suggestions when I think there's a very good chance people would spend their time looking into it. I myself just ordered 3 books in addition to the stack of unread ones I have already, and am hoping we have a good snowy winter so I'll plow through them. Besides that, I "discovered" Benjamin Rush's letters and they contain and express a treasure trove of first hand experiences that I'm dying to dig into.

Also, I got deeply into the world war history when I first picked up a copy of John Toland's work many decades ago. I've been meaning to reread him but always something new pops up.


I could not at that time know, as I did later, how men of wealth use the communist movement to bend workers to their will. So I quite willingly adopted the clichés about secrecy being necessary because of the brutality and savagery of the working-class enemies. I soon learned that the members exposed to the public were not the important Communists.

-Bella Dodd, School of Darkness, Ch 6

"... the Teachers Union in America was basically pro-socialist and supported an educational system intended to prepare children for the new economic collectivist system which we regarded as inevitable."

-Bella Dodd, School of Darkness, Chap 7

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Just as Bella wrote..,

"When looking at the organizational methods of the Criminal Cabal there is one specific pattern that is a celestial constant. They love to split the power structure into Public Facing vs Private Facing where the operators are hidden from the public awareness."

-Nefahotep, So, It's Israel's 9-11 Eh? There are some interesting parallels for sure


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We need a global system to rule on war crimes.

If not the UN, who would have that authority?

It's just not a democracy as long as the security council 5 members can veto things easily.

If it were up to the USA or other big nations they would hide their own war crimes or perpetuate was.

The UN is not communist, it's fascist... Even the who which is primarily funded by corporations.

FYI, the USSR wasn't communist either, but state corporatisr. Instead of corporations owning production and resources, it was the state. Still centralized and the working class were still wage slaves, like they are here in the West.

The definition of communism is where each worker shares ownership of production, not the state! An ideal of this is worker co ops.

Here's an interesting interview with former Greek finance minister Varoufakis on the current techno feudalism trend. Not communism or capitalism, but feudalism.


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Great conversation! I think this issue goes to the heart of the psyops. We're told that there are some problems too big that need a global gov't to solve: climate change, pandemics, economics and war crimes. In my Libya article, I show how the Hague has only charged two heads of state, both Africans they wanted to get out of the way. And the WHO on pandemics, CBDC on economics, and UN on climate change are already obvious. I agree, Rob, about veto power of 5 negating all the rest. At one time I thought that was the only problem with the UN. But now I think it's all a tool.

Going back to my position that there are only two sides, empire vs. sovereignty, how could it be different? Iceland has proven that one small country can stand up to the banks and tech censorship. Sweden showed the lockdowns weren't beneficial. One tiny community somewhere can give the lie to a global mandate.

As my book says, it takes a network to undermine an empire. If you have nested communities, where the only function of the larger is to protect the sovereignty of its constituent communities, you can isolate aggressor communities with trade policies and embargoes. That would be the opposite of the current use of embargoes to cripple communities who claim sovereign rights.

I'll elaborate on this sometime in the future. With Yanis, it seems like he's gone from being a sovereigntist to a centralist. His DiEM program for Europe is the opposite direction from returning countries to their sovereign currencies pre-Euro. And his military policy was certainly pro-NATO.

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Ideally we'd have an uncorruptible system to ruel on war crimes, I agree, but good luck with that. We "need" such a thing but we'll never get it in this life or on this planet.

Who would have the authority? That is an age old question, to which I reply, "Quis custodiet ipsos custodiet?" which is from Juvenal's "Satires," which itslef is welll worth studying in its entirety.

The UN is a step towards global dictatorship as obviously desired by the global banking mafia, and call it what you will but "Communism" and "Fascism" as well as "American" democracy are all tools of the same self styled "elite," and if we had the time and anyone had the interest, I could provide reams of evidnce for it. All forms of tyranny are imposed on us under feel-good pretexts.

You are correct the the USSR was not communist. It was, instead, another globalist, corporatist, bankster project and although labeled "Comunism," it was more fascist, than communist, as is the USSA. Please note that Communism (capital "C") is not communism (lower case "c") and that the distinction is critical.

I've been a huge fan of Varoufakis, at least until TZ set us straight about his current views, and his book, "Adults in the Room" is well worth a read.

As for the definition of communism, there is no "the" about it because everyone picks the definition he thinks will further his case or cause.

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Funny that TZ was my initials pre-marriage. I put the Z into my first name. But Coraggio was too good to give up with the divorce.

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Since I also made several other glaring errors in that comment I therefore conclude that I need a proof reader and an editor. I wonder if we could set up a worldwide commision of do-gooder "experts" to make promises as well as a show of taking care of such things for us. Blaaa!

BTW, I wonder if anyone here ever noticed the color of the UN flag, etc. I kid you not that it used to be called "smoke blue" which I find both hilarious and and revealing. Now Wiki claims it's called "sky blue." Also, the projected map of the world looks like the world is in someone's gunsights. As far as I know that hasn't changed.

Yeah, I know konspiracy theerist and all dat!

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Oh no, I liked the TZ. My ex is a TC and it never suited me. The Z is much more distinctive.

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Thank you so much for posting. I've always been a fan of Norman, but lost track of him. I'm only a few minutes in, but it's very powerful to hear him say that after spending 40 years of his adult life on this issue, even he gave up because he felt the situation was hopeless.

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I'm sure a strongly worded letter is already in the works at the UN.

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Thankyou for putting it altogether for us Tereza

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Great work, Tereza.

My extensive reading of Chomsky has elucidated much of what you have included. And you have given a lot beyond even that, thank you. Loved the shemitah links! Fascinating stuff!

Chomsky has made the same comment on the other side: we, each of us to the extent that we have said nothing of our country's involvements in the killing of likely hundreds of millions, if you include the CIA methodology for shock doctrine economic enforcements in various countries, have profited from those deaths. Full stop. And he accepted that he had also profited from them, so no hypocrisy there from him about that.

And I remember being surprised, shocked really, when a co-worker talked about the Palestinians as a kind of vile pestilence. She was open-minded, supposedly, big into Course in Miracles and Louise Hay and Caroline Myss, etc. And I have a friend here in Mexico who was invited by a Rabbi to go to Isreal. When the 'issue' of the Palestinians came up, the Rabbi said, from my recollection of his words, 'What? Why to you talk about them? They are just animals.' My friend was shocked and absolutely ashamed that his blood is Jewish.

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Wow, great article, Geoff. A friend sent a recent Counterpunch article by David Rovics that I may quote in a future piece: https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/10/09/the-gaza-ghetto-uprising/. And Guy, a lot of what I learned about Palestine was from Chomsky. But I've come to question him with his stance on unvaxxed quarantine, one-world gov't needed for climate change (after that we can be anarchists), and Ukraine. I now wonder if his 'we're all guilty' line is meant to paralyze us. Sure he's guilty too. We all are. Let he who hasn't sinned throw the first stone. Or condemn Israel.

You and I didn't make this world we're forced to live in and profit from. No one asked me if I wanted a global plantation rather than a chance to make an honest living. I think we need to reject that guilt because it's meant to keep us too weighed down to change things.

Great stories! I too am shocked by what reasonable people think in this topic.

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Thank you, Guy!

If anyone is not familiar with what you wrote, this article should serve as a decent basis. I just checked the link and much to my surprise it still works.

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”

"Hate the Gentile!" Israel’s Racist Rabbis, by JONATHAN COOK


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And this extends down to the Moslem's Bible too.

Here Mikhaila Peterson gets schooled about the text that directs the Moslems to kill the Jews even those hiding behind trees.


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Oh, Lord!

Glad I'm not a fan of any organized religion. In fact, there are not many organizations that I'm fond of. Man (and also woman) seems to be a definitely a flawed creature and I think organizations tend to magnify the flaws under the pretense of rectifying the situation. I'm open to evidence to the contrary, if any.


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Hi Tereza,

Thank you for posting this. I like the way you say that we are all Palestine. I think I had mentioned that i check and then read over 200 blogs daily. Yours is one of a very few blogs that i have subscribed to because i don't want to be on anybody's list. I'm so glad i wasn't disappointed.

I hate to see/hear of all these lives lost in such a terrible way. But I am using it to the best of my ability. I have been able to eliminate very quickly and easily over 30 other blogs based on their position on the Hamas/Israel violence, In much the same way i was able to turn off the noise from anybody that thought 911 was an attack by muslims in airplanes.

It is just so disappointing to listen to any of my friends or relatives talk about things like this. They really will never, ever wake up. And because they're vaxed, they probably don't have long anyway.

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I am honored, Specie. Palestine has been a litmus test for me for the last 20 yrs. But this will probably take it to a new level. I may follow your lead and see it as an opportunity to declutter. I might continue to comment where I've built some rapport and voice another pov. And then declutter. I'd rather be in a small room with people figuring it out than an auditorium trying to get people to change their minds. There's plenty of time for that ... or not, as you point out.

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" I'd rather be in a small room with people figuring it out than an auditorium trying to get people to change their minds."

You put so many of my thoughts into words better than i am able. I almost wish i could just channel my thoughts through you - but your volume of work is so great you'd probably never notice.

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Haha, I think that's already happening! OneMind dreaming, OneMind scheming!

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Agree, that's a great line.

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I've also cut off some based on this issue and I haven't done that with those same on the Ukraine or covid issues.

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Very comprehensive. I've seen the Max Igan and Icke videos. Beeley I've respected for years. Celia Farber posted another Icke video today. I think it was Rahm Immanuel's father, not grandfather.

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Thanks for that correction! In the video I even went the other direction and wondered if it was his great-grandfather. But things are happening so fast. It makes so much sense of Rahm's other actions and truly indicates how embedded this plot is in US politics.

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Netanyahu Bragged About Zionist Support for Hamas


Scott Horton, the editorial director of the Antiwar website, has found further evidence that Hamas is an Israeli-controlled terror organization. Horton points to a recent post at the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. The article is locked up behind a paywall. However, it is posted on the Archive.org website.

During Netanyahu’s fraud trial, writes Gidi Wewitz, the prime minister is quoted as declaring,

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy—to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” (Emphasis added.)


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Thank you, Sandra, I wanted a data point on that! I had anecdotal evidence from Palestinians but not something from the yahu's mouth.

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Israeli Intelligence Suddenly Knows Exactly Where Hamas Is

It’s interesting how last week Israel had no idea what Hamas was up to, and yet this week they know every mosque, school and hospital that Hamas is hiding in.


When you live under an empire of lies you’ll be asked to believe a lot of very stupid things. The dumbest thing we’re being asked to believe this week is that Israel’s intelligence services are simultaneously so incompetent that Saturday’s Hamas attack took them completely by surprise, but also so competent that all the buildings they’re destroying with their relentless bombing campaign on Gaza are directed solely at Hamas.

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I assumed it was the case, but as you said, good to have it from Natanyahu's mouth.

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Thanks for the info and the links.

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Please share!!!

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Shall do!

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TZ, you've done it again. Your work is astonishing for many reasons not the least of which is the research you put into the work but the way you connect the dots, the way you express yourself, and the conclusions you reach.

I have long ago concluded that we are all Palestinians though we cannot know the thousandth part of it and I was also disappointed in RFKjr but would never have thought of it as predictable, which it certainly is. Understandable, but disappointing as it is reprehensible. As for Brand, I was never impressed with him, but may need to revisit my ideas on him thanks to the points you make. I never knew that he expressed a pro-Palestinian attitude, and I tend to look favorably on anyone who does that. Thank you.

Your second paragraph strikes me as brilliant and I found myself rereading it several times. It is a gem and food for thought. Impressive. You are a true thinker and that is a rare phenomenon these days.

If you have the time and interest, I cannot recommend more strongly the work by the former IDF soldier, Yuri Avnery, who later founded a peace organization, Gush Shalom (The Peace Bloc). He constantly spoke out about the brutality and inhumanity of the Israeli invasion and occupation and I found his writing extremely sensitive and compelling. He passed on a few years ago (at age 91, or thereabouts) but fortunately and surprisingly, his website seems to be intact http://zope.gush-shalom.org/home/en/about/general_info/ where his articles can be found.

One of the finest books I’ve ever read on the roots of the problem and which I consider a basic textbook is the extremely sensitive, perceptive, and altogether masterfully written “The Controversy of Zion,” by Douglas Reed and, as if you have nothing else to do, I highly recommend it for the background to the outrageous and continuing terror which people like us are forced not only to suffer, but to witness and subsidize.

Tusand tak, (a thousand thanks)!

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Oh thanks for the kind words, Geoff. I had a draft titled "We Are All Palestine" because it's what I've long felt also. But I thought if I titled my video that, I'd get a second strike from YT.

I'm so pleased that I've induced you to reconsider Brand ;-) I didn't know he'd spoken out so early either until I did this episode: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/russell-brand-and-the-illuminati. In the second video, Kaveracle plays a clip of Russell talking about Gaza in 2009 and then is disappointed that he's not as outspoken in 2019, when he sees him as catering to right-wing conspiracy nuts. That's you and me, btw, who question vaccines.

I remember Yuri! I can't believe he was 91. I was listening to him over a decade ago. I'll keep the Douglas Reed in mind. Zionism is definitely a cornerstone of the edifice. Thanks for your insights and wisdom. And for appreciating that second paragraph! I quoted it myself in a couple of comments I've posted. Yes, we need to start at the beginning and learn how to think logically. The trivium!

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Once again, amazing. I know of no other person who's aware of Avnery and I used to refer to his works quite a bit. I would have loved to meet the man.

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Bravo very good comments.

Additionally you should read Albert Pike's predictions of 3 World Wars.

This one falls right into it.

And the Rothchilds like always pay the piper and select the tune.

The Rothchilds do anything to create WW3... if it is killing some Jews or sinking the Lusitania.

One connection of the Balfour declaration is the connection to Alistair Crowley... Freemasons... the Jewish Occult... the Bushes... and the Nazis.

Barbara Bush the Daughter of Aleister Crowley?


Alistar Crowley.

In the foreword of his novel "Moonchild" he boasted that this novel was written in the leisure time when he brought the Americans into the first world war on the side of Great Britain.

How did he do this?

He stuffed the Lusitania full with weapons so that Germany had to attack.


This attack on Israel plays into the Hands of the Globalists.

Ukrain failed... they put out the last dice.

Worse of all they pull out the same propaganda as they did in Kuwait and Nazi Germany.

Babies slaughtered by Hamas.

Max Blumenthal debunkt that one too.


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Thanks Fritz. Someone else recommended Pike, so I have it on an open tab somewhere. I knew about the Lusitania but not about Crowley and BBush. And I really appreciate the Max Blumenthal, I wanted some data to counter that. And I'll apologize to the person who recommended him earlier, to whom I expressed my reservations because of his questioning of David Irving as a holocaust denier. Maybe I misunderstood Max's intent.

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I have my reservations about Max too.

But on this one he made a good jobs.

The problem with Ideologists... and that involves all Religions and all believers is they put an ideology first and Truth second... They mold their Truth so it fits their Ideology.

That is always wrong.

Crowley... as many Freemasons... was a double agent a spy...

And this attack was pre planned for many reasons.

One is Ukraine failed.

Two is Israel and the Jews get a lot of bad publicity because they are bad actors and are acting bad with bad intentions throwing money around they don't own while the homeland goes up in tits.

How do you sell a billion spent on Ukraine and the USA is up in flames?

And it is of course people like Yellen Blinken Biden... Jews... spent all the money.

And Jews need to be seen as Victims... in order to control from behind the curtain.

So they play the biggest Victim Card of all... in comes Hamas.

But in order to let this attack happen they had to sabotage their own defense systems... which they did.

But then they blame it Immediately on Iran... which gives it away.

War with Iran was all the Jews ever want.

Israel was warned and they let it happen at best... if not Israel controls Hamas like they controlled ISIS through infiltration.

Which means the Israeli Government has sacrificed their own people and let them be killed because they want war with Iran.

Nethanyahoo is a Terrorist... and he most probably killed his own people.

If this comes out they hang him, that's for sure.

Motorized Gliders?

Why don't we give motorized gliders to Ukraine if a sophisticated Military can be so easily outdone.

They think we are stupid... may are... but not all.

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Astute comment, Fritz. Agreed on Max, that was an excellent piece of journalism. Very interesting observation that Ukraine failed. This is following quickly on the heels of that inescapable conclusion. And I just read Lee Fang interviewing a 'moderate' Congressman and he brought up that it was Iran's fault--out of the blue! Just like 9-11 meant invading Iraq.

The motorized glider comment made me laugh. Yes, the picture seemed like it was taken on a day at the beach. No one's shooting them down? It is so obvious when you put it that way.

A decade ago I wrote about Jews as The Victim Shield. More true than ever.

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This article I wrote a year ago... predicting the exact thing what happened now.

How come I am so spot on?

For quite some time I write about that a certain group of people... and I promise I don't mention the Jews... have the long standing plan to enslave all of Humanity.

Everybody always tells me how this is not possible and they are all conspiracy theories.

On contrary it is very easy to do it if you control the money like the Rothchilds do as you have infinite money yourself to spend on all things nefarious.

Of course these people have to hide behind lies smokescreens more lies.

deception and organizations so you don't get it.

They have to twist your words in such a way that you think you said it when you didn't.

They have to twist your mind in such a way that you believe their thoughts are yours when they clearly aren't.

This is all part of the Globalist Mind Melt MK Ultra programming Network that consists of Money Media Government run by them very people... them who must not be named.

In their dark underground Bunkers they listen to every word we speak to every conversation we have every idea we put forward only to subvert / pervert it so they can use it as a weapon against us.

Every step forward for us is a step towards insanity for them.

So they come up with ever greater plans to enslave Humanity increasing with their level of Insanity and pushing us all to a point of no return.

This point has now been reached.

After this year 2023 there will be no turning back, we will have a civil war against the Globalists as I predicted which control the Government Forces and there will be WW3 breaking out in the Middle East courtesy of Israel who will blame it on Iran but it will be Israeli forced dressed as Iranians who will do the deed.

It's a natural double con, same as it ever was.


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Thanks, Fritz, I'll read your article. I agree with most of what you're saying. I distinguish between Jews and Shemites because it was Judea who revolted against Rome. Logically the insurgent zealot Fourth Philosophy was the religion of Judeans or Jews. Of course, no one even knows about it now but that's the real heritage.

The Shemite religion, which was preserved with the permission of the Roman general who later became Caesar, is only about who God gave the right to rule over others. It's a genealogy of empire. To sully the religion of the Judeans that gave them the knowledge and courage to defeat Rome, is to fall for their psyops, which was meant to erase that religion.

And I think that the oligarch plots are backfiring, faster and faster. I don't know how this will go for them. I agree that Israelis are being sacrificed like Ukrainians were. Agreed that all roads lead to Rothschilds, for WWI and WWII, so why not this war? Some see them as puppets too but I'm not so sure. The money power all leads to them, with kings, queens and presidents deferential. To depotentate them by taking back the money power would do the same to anyone behind them.

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The Rothchilds date back to Nimrod... Nimrod was Anunaki... Draco... Children of the Sun.

The Tower of Babel is the point where all fits together... Nimrod... Talmud... Jews... Freemasons.

Religion is the God Race...Anunaki... Draco... Children of the Sun.... who to this day want to be worshiped as "Stars".

Cesar Napoleon Hitler Jesus Mohammed... all come from this Bloodline.

The Jews were created in their Image to serve them and they are the Devil in the scripture... and the scripture leads to armageddon.

For me you are either evil against life or good pro life.

God does not exist... it is them playing fools with us... they want to be God... this is the Origin of Religion.

"To depotentate them by taking back the money power would do the same to anyone behind them."


I made a plan how we can do it... here.


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Let me tell you this:

I was long time pro Jewish and pro Israel.

That was until I realized that Adolf Hitler himself was a Rothchild.

If the Jews or some of them sacrifize their own to get what they want... in that case Israel and now the whole world... we should all pay attention.

Research the Kol Nidre... it is an Absolution to lie.

The Jews are Predators... that is why they call us Gentiles...

They have to play the Victims in order to hide their racist Ideology.

But in Hollywood they gloat about their Jewish Supremacy.

There is a lot to learn from predictive programming... least of all what they plan.

It is after all the AI war... and this is only a diversion.

Putin has humiliated the West in Ukraine... make no mistake...

So they roll out the last dice... Israel and war with the Muslim world.

It is their own self fulfilling prophecy.

Meanwhile when everyone is distracted the EU under control of Hitler von der Leyen descends into a totalitarian Fascism like never before.

What Hitler started that bitch makes worse... without firing a shot.

And all of them Fascists are either Jews or Zionists... all of them Freemasons.

There is something more...

If Hamas fired Rockets from Gaza... and Gaza is under total control of Israel...

How did the Rockets come to Gaza?

How did Israel not see this?

Because Israel did this... using others as shield... playing the Victim card...

Same old same old.

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Hi Tereza! I saw a video somewhere in the last couple of days that said that Russian Foreign Ministry was in contact with both sides. Rick Wiles (Trunews.com) back in 2021 before the Special Military Operation SMO reported that an Israeli billionaire (I forget who) had wanted to make an industrial business district in Ukraine. I think the plan is to to flatten eastern Ukraine than flatten Gaza then have a New Israel (really a second Israel) in what was eastern Ukraine as the buffer between Western Europe and Russia.


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Oh good, thanks for giving me Kevin Barrett's take on this. Max Igan mentions the same thing, that he'd heard that Zelensky had offered Ukraine as the new homeland for the Jews. Originally Khazaria, is that right? It makes sense, in the twisted way any of this does.

I woke up wondering if Israel was the new Ukraine, the sacrificial bait to hook the biggest fish of all, world domination. Maybe it's 'just' the genocide of Gaza. I shuddered to write that. What we know is that there's no loyalty to anyone. So maybe Israel itself is being targeted, not by Hamas but by the overlords. A stepping stone to worldwide sympathy and carte blanche for whatever comes next.

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Tereza, This web page is one of the best. How Britain started Arab-Israeli Conflict deceives Arabs to attack Turks, destroy Ottoman Empire, control Arab Nation finance & carve Israel from Palestine 1917 with a small Jewish 8% 80,000 person minority of 700,000 population Geoffrey Stern Oct’21 52m35s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXfuqUhzESg

Humanity & such as Robert-F-Kennedy Jr. needs to know all our worldwide ancient 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') COUNCIL PROCESS along with a whole range of other human economy & political heritage, before the onslaught of colonialism began in Babylon 7000 years ago. Both-sided, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

Palestine-Israel with all its present & Nakba displaced people, can be the welcoming inclusive Land-bridge between the mega-continents of Eurasia & Africa, again. The only holiness of this place is the cultural obligation to act as welcoming stewards. Some 6,000,000,000 people on the earth owe their ancestry to those who have lived in or past through this Land-bridge according to the extensive 'Out-of-Africa' genetic studies performed by UNESCO over the past 50 years.

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Thanks Douglas, I'll check that out. Very interesting about the land-bridge and obligation as stewards. And I'll look at the dialogues also.

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My focus on Bramd at first was simply that I thought it was weird that he would receive such a royal defense by the alt media that blurred the questions of whether he committed crimes and whether he was targeted. Those are obviously mutually exclusive, but the alt media personalities closest to my orbit seemed to miss that, and obtusely.

But when I dug in, I found a world of new information that relates back to foundational questions about the entire pandemic.

And as I mentioned over the phone, I would encourage you or others to get on the phone amd talk to people until you get near his orbit to answer whether he is violent. I believe that a motivated person can answer that question in an afternoon without having to say what they think watching produced videos. That's my challenge.

I thought he was violent immediately because I have been around personalities like him, including my brother. But such instincts don't make good arguments, and probably also boil down to differences in the male/female brain.

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Hi, Mathew. Thanks for responding to my post. I've been reading your public posts on this and thinking about them. In the end, it doesn't really matter who RB is. But I know you, like me, are someone who can't sleep when they're in the middle of a good mystery. So I'm happy to have you present the other side and explore this.

I can only speak for myself and not the alt-media. Channel Four says that they solicited all of the women, none of them came forward spontaneously. Why didn't they do that 15 yrs ago when he was at the height of his celebrity? It seems like it would have made a better story. No matter what the truth is, the timing is utterly suspicious. And to have every media outlet and even Parliament involved in canceling him? That's not a sudden desire to stand up for women.

It was in thinking about your articles and preparing to write this one that a new 'why now?' occurred to me. Some have said it was the mortality spike in UK VAERS data they didn't want him to talk about. But that didn't seem right. Gaza was his most controversial position, when almost no one was defending it, even before his marriage to KP. So maybe this is what they wanted to shut him up about.

Zionist cabal is just my guess for the PTB. I know you haven't gotten to that part in your articles. I think Satanism is another psyops--in fact I know it is from my research on the Bible where it was made up to demonize the rebels against Roman rule. So whether it's Satanists or Illuminati or Black Nobility or Sabbateans, I meant whoever's pulling the strings. Miles Mathis does make that heritage argument for Russell but it didn't convince me.

If I had access to people who knew Russell, I would have used it long ago to try to get him to interview me. I'm celebrity-adverse so barely knew who he was in his hey-day, and would have had less than no interest in him. My daughters couldn't imagine a more unlikely match when I started listening to him. But the Russell I know, you know not at all. You're not interested in how he thinks, only the biographical data, while I'm the exact reverse.

I'm willing to be convinced that he's a violent psychopath, even if it would eliminate the person closest to understanding my ideas based on his current positions. But I think the burden of proof is for guilt. And the resemblance to your brother or others because Russell can be likable and charming seems like a projection, a reason to distrust anyone as not being what they seem. What do you think, does this make sense?

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I don't have time for a complete response, but I want to respond to your question about why the accusers did not previously come forward if they're telling the truth.

Understand that this is a difficult question to even read. Millions of women who have been raped would want to strangle you after reading that question. The question seems belittling amd offensive to each of us who grew up tortured in a cult. How could the answer not be obvious?


And fear is what governs the whole world. Fear is the substance of the Matrix.

Why did 20 women cover for Larry Nasser while he systematically molested young gymnasts? Because none of them ever wanted to come home to find...insert whatever gruesome imagery you can imagine regarding them or their loved ones.

Why has the lawsuit in Virginia Beach with the A.R.E. cult I grew up in grown from 6 to dozens over the past two years? Because it took each additional woman months or years of seeing the others not get tortured and killed to believe they were finally safe to come forward.

And they're only safe because the military mafia running that program was defunded and disbanded, and the ringleaders died in 2017 (Jim Channon and Albert Stubblebine).

There would be more on that case, but some of them disappeared over the years. Some likely while being trafficked and some died of drug addiction.

Why did 500 victims of Jimmy Savile not come forward until he was dead or almost dead?

Over the years, a few did. They were murdered or their lives were destroyed.

Why did Russell Brand cheer Savile on, rather than speak up about what was such an open secret that comedy skits were made about it by people Brand knew at tje BBC.

If you have to ask the question, the revelations of the Matrix are going to spin your head. Your worldview has a gaping hole in it that is too large to patch. Almost everyone you know is likely hiding gruesome secrets as large as what you discovered about your neighbor and her kids. Or larger.

Appreciate that you were lucky enough not to have to know.

As for Russell's violence. Did you read his book? Did you read his casual stories of animal torture? How does that fit?

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You misread my question, Mathew. I asked why Ch 4 and the media didn't solicit these stories 15 yrs ago if it was their intention to expose Brand as a sexual predator and protect future women. They're the ones who solicited them now. And I made my meaning clear by saying it made a better story when he was famous as a sex symbol, not as someone exposing political, economic, medical and media collusion in order to control the global population.

I find your voice extremely patronizing, Mathew. You say, "Almost everyone you know is likely hiding gruesome secrets as large as what you discovered about your neighbor and her kids. Or larger." Where does that leave you? I met my neighbor's daughter for first time yesterday since she'd been kidnapped by the abusive dad 11 yrs ago. I have no doubt that a pedo-sadism cult rules the world from my other research on Anneke Lucas, Whitney Webb, many revolting videos, and even the adrenachrome horror. I've felt like I'm wading neck-deep in the mire of this. But you're saying unless I dunk my head all the way under and assume the guilt of everyone without evidence, I'm just a naive innocent who you have to set straight about the big bad world. Is that not another example of patriarchy?

What you're contending is that Russell is a sexual predator and psychopath, if I understand that correctly. Fear kept his victims from coming forward and his crimes were covered up. Ch 4, the MSM and the UK Parliament are heroes, really, for exposing this and defending the victims. They're just good people who care about women, that's the only reason they've solicited these stories now.

Isn't that blaming the individual but assuming the innocence of the media, high tech and gov'ts?

I have no doubt whatsoever that Russell has been groomed as a tool of covert power, just as you were. But if you were able to walk away, why couldn't he? You already know my go-to question, what difference does it make? If Russell is a sexual predator, should I reject his views that I previously agreed with? Or be embarrassed that I ever found his ideas interesting? Should I make the equivalency between Russell the rapist and Hamas the baby-beheaders, and disavow both?

I missed the clues to the pandemic agenda in your articles, so maybe that wasn't in the public posts. For all of this research, what's your overall point for its importance? I really value your analytical abilities and integrity, Mathew, so I mean the question sincerely, not rhetorically. Thanks for the attention you've given to this.

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I didn't miss your question. I have only so much time, so I skipped answering the obvious question that I wrote about and answered by phone.

Don't take my tone as patronizing.

Whether Russell is a sexual predator is not the subject I'm writing about. It's an important question for some people, but not near the top in terms of World War E.

I've said many times in my article series so far that I don't know if he is a predator. Though I do have a subjective opinion.

Edit: I did misread your question, but perhaps at least partially because it doesn't make sense to me. Who cares why Chan 4 didn't come forward 15 years ago? It may be that they chose now because it's a new era and they have people there who care about pushing predators out of entertainment. It may be because in early 2019 Brand was identified as somebody who was antiestablishment (though I very much doubt that, and I doubt he is antiestablishment). Personally, I think that Brand was sent into the alt media as a time bomb of some sort, but I don't need to know that to know that he acts as a hypnotist whose reputation becomes intermingled with everything he touches.

I think asking the question seems like a short-circuiting of a critique of Brand, like, "See, they're out to get him." And they could be, but it's not relevant to any of the most important questions.

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Oct 13, 2023
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Thanks for watching this, Teresa. I talked about his Pied Piper book in the Russell Brand & the Illuminati episode. My current working hypothesis is that he was a tool of the Illuminati but walked away over a decade ago, when he left Hollywood. Certainly at the time he went back to college in religion and international politics. And more so when he was remarried and started having kids.

I'm commenting on a video of his in the episode I'm recording today on Profiteering & Propaganda in Israel/ Hamas. It's a clear and ethically consistent message, something that isn't common these days. But I'd love it if you could listen to his video directly and point out what I might be missing, what his hidden agenda might be if he is still part of that world. I don't see it but I respect your opinion and would like another view of what I'm missing.

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P.S. I'm not sure how my investigation into Brand became one about Zionism. I haven't written that word or felt that was clear in my reading. Perhaps your mixing up my thoughts with somebody else's? But now I'm curious who is making that argument and why.

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Fantastic...stunning observations - as we all fill in the blanks and strive for a measured response considering all angles - happy to see we've got all hands on deck for this one. And Thank you for the mention...XO

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Thank you for shining a light onto this dark situation.

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Thank you for that kind comment, Donna.

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As always of late, it is nearly impossible to know the truth about events.

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It's a start though, to know you don't know the truth.

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Yes, but only a start.

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