I think I might have seen this video before, but still nice to revisit. I love the notion of JOMO. When I was 15 I started sneaking into night clubs with a fake ID. By the time I was or age to actually go, I had zero interest in that meat market. My friends would spent all of their time on Friday and Saturday nights preparing and going and I’d be curled with a good book or a movie. Or I did theatre! lol.

I had a baby in 2019. I was already in nesting and incubating mode when the world shut down. I thought, ooo, lookie here, folks are doing my lifestyle and calling it pandemic. πŸ˜‚

Ive had so much excitement for a few lifetimes. Really prefer good conversations and quiet times now. And gosh, if I get an hour or two of solo time, it’s heaven! All about the JOMO, sister!

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Ooh, I like this: "bide our time while spirit does the heavy lifting." You've mentioned this before to me when I've agonized over "What am I doing?? Is it enough???" and now that I have the sniffles, I'm listening. πŸ˜‚

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Paracelsus: β€œHe who knows nothing, loves nothing. He who can do nothing understands nothing. He who understands nothing is worthless. But he who understands also loves, notices, sees….The more knowledge is inherent in a thing, the greater the love….Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as the strawberries knows nothing about grapes."

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Missing out is my normal mode of operation.

Though I should add that when I'm actually out in the world of other people, there are occasional, rare opportunities for joy. Yesterday I played "Peace Piece" by Bill Evans for my piano friend in the Bay Area, and that, along with meeting up after a long absence, give us both a considerable amount of joy.

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i'm totaly a jomo kinda guy and recently i miss on doge gain and it got me the fomo. so i appreciate this post about both expression. i didnt knew about the Joyfull one. its a must have in my brain dictionairy . so ty =)

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