Roman Emperors considered themselves God and that is why when Nero ordered Lucius Annaeus Seneca to kill himself, Seneca did so without question, severing many of his veins to bleed out. Not the smartest man around after all.
Woah, I didn't realize the connection between my quote and the psyop psycho. Although with the way things are going, maybe Nero's going to do a full reversal and I'll find out he was a champion of the people. That did happen when I read Michael Parenti's book on Julius Caesar.
Depends, doesn't it? Socrates drank the hemlock and for good reason, I say.
Then the physician, Rabelais', last words though spoken in French were along the lines of "close the curtain, the farce has ended." Who among us cannot relate to the sentiment?
Seneca was a stoic to a very high degree. I'm not sure that smart or not is primary here and a rather simplistic dismissal of a complex individual. Perhaps he wasn't the brightest lightbulb in box... and yet. It may very well be more like Geoff's reference to Rabelais, a recognition of the terminus of life today or tomorrow with little differential, and that the suicide by decree was actually an active choice Seneca made rather than it being the victim of a despotic ruler's decree.
And the story around Socrates is also much more complicated and nuanced than his having simply drank the hemlock. I found _The Trial of Socrates_ by I.F. Stone to be a fascinating 'behind the scenes' look of the myth of Socrates.
This is the apocalypse and all our myths of history are being unravelled. Fascinating time.
Well said, Guy. If you ever chose to write about this history in your 'stack, I'd be interested. I think an interest in the stoics was one of our first synchronicities. And I know very little about Seneca, Rabelais and Socrates. I'm finding the secondhand quote from Cicero in Hot & Cold Hatred fascinating also, that Roman statesmen were afraid to criticize the Jews for fear of retaliation and political ruin. I wonder if people being suicided by their own hand is related. Curious that they, by which I mean a tiny ruling class, were the power behind thrones and Caesars back then.
"... Roman statesmen were afraid to criticize the Jews for fear of retaliation and political ruin." This brought to mind the many times I would say, while reading the D~180AD amazing stoic Epictetus way back in the late '90s early '00s, 'OMG! He is writing about today!'
It seems that the 'real' ptb were manipulating these 'statesmen' then as well. That idea ties in well with those of Clif High and the KM overlaps with the argument being made by Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben about the Rhadanite Bankers. Gabriel and McKibbon don't equate the KM with the Rhadanites, although from my rather shallow knowledge, it sure looks like there is a significant overlap. If you haven't watched this, this was YouAreFree's introduction to them and the Rhadanites. It is interesting and fun.
I'm not the person to write the history of the Stoics. I was very informed by Epictetus, for me the best of the lot. Marcus Aurelius and Seneca didn't draw me in the same way. So, my exposure was to the philosophy, not the history. What was the standout to me was the equivalence to Taoism. Almost identical philosophies. So... this is one of the reasons that the mandated 'suicide' of Seneca is complex. At their core, life is a temporary expression of something. Why did Seneca go along is not easily assigned to 'stupid'. We can say that the plandemic is 'stupid' and it has no value despite (or because?) of that being true. It is a thrown away opportunity of expanding understanding of complexity, the complexity of the human individual pressured to be sheep, and the collective human expressing the collective, so-to-speak.
Well if he killed himself because Nero, who did think he was a God on Earth commanded himself to, then I would say it's unquestionable that he was dumb. That's just my take, maybe you think otherwise.
Had he not said things like this quote, likely Nero would never have ordered him to kill himself. So which is better, to have never expressed dangerous ideas that would outlive you?
I don't think it had anything to do with the quote. Nero thought Seneca was caught up in a conspiracy to kill him, but apparently that was not the case. Either way, Nero ordered him to kill himself and he did. I'm going to guess Seneca did it because he believed Nero was God on Earth as he proclaimed. Not that smart.
I plead ignorance here. DId he kill himself because he ws commanded to or, like Socrates, just wanted wanted a permanent escape from the madness? To end his participation in the eternal farce, or what?
But thanks, now I have another fascinating rabbit hole to tunnel!
"Without the values embedded in Christianity and other world religions, without the standards of morality that have taken shape over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity. We consider it natural and right to defend these values. One must respect every minority’s right to be different, but the rights of the majority must not be put into question.”
• President Vladimir Putin at the 10th anniversary meeting of Valdai International Discussion Club in the Novgorod Region, September 19, 2013.
Hmmm.. While I applaud the sentiment, I question it's validity. Not to be a wet blanket, but it's apparent to me that we are here for other reasons than to be happy.
As for Putin, I'll admit he plays the good cop well, but I wonder to what extent the following may apply despite the fact that he probably never claimed to want to save humanity but only to help make some happy.
"The urge to save humanity is almost always only a falseface for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve. This is true even of the pious brethren who carry the gospel to foreign parts. They are, with precious few exceptions, nonentities whose fate at home would scarcely carry them above the dignity of plowhands or garage attendants, but in the wilds of Africa they are important persons, not only in their own view but also in that of the circumambient savages. They represent a new, mysterious and apparently extra-potent kind of magic; they have alms to give out; there are battleships behind them to protect them when they are menaced. All this is very caressing to their shabby egos. They realize the dream of every fifth-rate man, and prove his faith— that a change of job would shake off all his inferiorities, and make him a personage of dignity and puissance.
Minority report: H.L. Mencken's notebooks : Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis), 1880-1956 : p 247. Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Thanks for that quote and link, Geoff. That is a Borrow-only item, but I found this on another favourite site. Not sure if Minority Report is in there yet.
(I have to figure out how this Archive Borrow function works)
“I'll admit he plays the good cop well,”
I cannot completely rule that out so I am all ears. If he is just playing the good cop then we know whose influence he is under and that Ukraine is undergoing a deslavification, not a denazification.
In the meantime, I’m holding Putin to his word:
“Every one of us, on New Year’s Eve [2017], can be a little bit magical ...
For this, all you need to do is treat your parents with love and gratefulness, give your children and families the utmost love and care, respect your work colleagues and your friendships.
Stand up for justice and the truth, be merciful to those who require your help – and that’s the secret to being magic.
May all your dreams come true – pure thoughts and kind intentions.
May every household be blessed with joy and love.”
I certainly like what he's saying better than ANY politician I can name at any level in my country. His speechwriter is brilliant! And he does back these sentiments with actual policies that support them. I think you were both reading back when I did this, but just in case:
I like what Putin appears to be but when I found out that he had been one of Klaus Schwab's Youg Leaders, or something, he lost a lot of his luster in my eyes. Anyway, if he is pro Russia and anti-global mafia, he has my support.
Thanks for sharing his NYE message; I call it beautiful!
Regarding Ukraine, I know nothing but I suspect it's the usual international criminals doing their thing, as always. As I understand it, Putin was protecting the long suffering Russian speakers in the East and for that I agree with him and do not blame him.
Oh, as for the borrowing thingy, it's pretty simple but I have donated to the archive site so maybe that makes a difference though I don't think it does.
“The Christianization was the initial stage of the development of Russia's statehood, of the true spiritual birth of our ancestors, of the definition of their identity and self-awareness, of the explosion of the national culture and education, of the development of multi-faceted connections with other countries"
Incidentally, Masha Gessen is one of Putin’s strongest critics … brrrhhhh!!
• The Putin Files: Masha Gessen - FRONTLINE PBS | Official
The stratified layers of control, of what we have called reality, are up for reclaiming. Religion, of course. (Assume you are familiar, Tereza, with the Naked Bible? Talk about a re-orienting of 'sacred' text. It syncs with my current understanding - which is subject to change - and opens up a stultifying subject that needs airing out. imo.)
As psyops, religion would have been both obvious and super-duper efficient. We can find whole universes in ancient texts and spend whole life-times deciphering.
As you note we've been living in an inverted, inside-out world. Text (however ancient, however hollowed and elevated) does not give us meaning and purpose, we extend that to text. We bestow, and extend, not the other way round.
So, we are quite free to decide again and perhaps that's where we are now, to forego those older, fixed reflections and reclaim them now, directly out our own sacredness as beings of meaning, choice, love and light. (There is nothing out there that confirms what I know of my self-sovereignty which is itself self-referential.) Hallelujah!
Direct unmediated connection with Source is the new terrain. Very exciting.
I know nothing about the Naked Bible, Kathleen, please tell me more!
What an excellent point you make, we're bestowing meaning and purpose on these texts that don't deserve it. That's the obstacle I often hit when discussing this with true, sincere believers, wonderful loving committed people. They've taken all those qualities they embody and projected them onto Jesus. So in showing him to be a fraud, I'm attacking the best of themselves. But in swallowing the truth-coated poison pill of the Jesus psyop, they also empower the belief in evil that the authorities need to save us from.
Yes to direct unmediated connection with Source! Yes to exciting!
Here is a discussion between the author of TNB with Graham Hancock. I downloaded a free pdf of the book but have read only bits here and there.
I heard about it from Clif High - who has read the book and agrees with it the premise, which is based on original Aramaic language - it has little to do with what they later interpreted using other languages. One example - it doesn't talk about God!.Elohim is not about God but about these being from another place who came here.
"Bigger is better for empire while smaller supports sovereignty."
That is not only brilliant, but you are in good company.
I beg yur indulgence if I've already posted this in any of your comment threads.
“…crimes are very rare among [the Indians]: insomuch that were it made a question, whether no law, as among the [Indian] Americans, or too much law, as among the civilized Europeans, submits man to the greatest evil, one who has seen both conditions of existence would pronounce it to be the last: and that the sheep are happier of themselves, than under care of the wolves. It will be said, that great societies cannot exist without government. [the Indians] therefore break them into small ones."
Thomas Jefferson, "Notes on the State of Virginia," Query XI, 1787
"Societies exist under three forms, sufficiently distinguishable: 1) without government, as among our Indians; 2) under governments wherein the will of everyone has a just influence, as is the case in England in a slight degree and in our States in a great one; 3) under governments of force, as is the case in all other monarchies and in most of the other republics ... It is a problem, not clear in my mind, that the first condition is not the best.
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to James Madison, Paris, January 30, 1787
The "anti-federalists" also made the point as well if I remember correctly.
What excellent quotes! Do you have a database at the ready for any circumstance? Or ARE you the database? It's much more convenient for me if the latter and I can just talk on any subject and have the perfect succinct quote pop up like magic.
This makes me proud to have soaked in the same hot springs as Jefferson, and come away without boils on both buns ;-)
Well, I read a lot and I keep a record of choice quotes. Hardly anyone ever expresses appreciation for them, so thank you for that and making me blush. (I'm a very shy person, as you can imagine!) Wink wink and a goofy grin.
I love hot springs but the only springs I know of that Jefferson likely soaked in are cold and there is a building built by Jefferson, of bricks reinforced with horsehair, at Sweet Chalybeate Springs in S W Virginia or N Virginia near the border. It was a pretty fascinating, though decrepit, place when I was there a couple of decades ago.
Good to know about the boils and doubly glad you probably didn't need to ride a horse for 50 miles to get home. Can you imagine? It would even be worse than arguing with people about religion or big government!
I checked your video and did not recognize the place you were at. Jefferson Springs appears to be Noth of I-64, while Sweet Chalybeate is South of it right on the border. I know of several springs in the area and of the town of Warm Springs, but I guess it depends on what's called warm. I've tasted the water in the aptly named White Sulfur Springs and at an acquaintance's farm a few miles West of there past Lewisburg, and I say once is enough! I do have a story about the latter which I cannot relate in polite company, though it isn't bad, just funny to an easily humored, simple minded old flatus like myself and my buddies.
“But veneration is inherent in the human breast. Presently mankind, emerging from intellectual infancy, began to detect absurdity in creation without a Creator, in effects without causes. As yet, however, they did not dare to throw upon a Single Being the whole onus of the world of matter, creation, preservation, and destruction. Man, instinctively impressed by a sense of his own unworthiness, would hopelessly have attempted to conceive the idea of a purely Spiritual Being, omnipotent and omnipresent.
Awestruck by the admirable phenomena and the stupendous powers of Nature, filled with a sentiment of individual weakness, he abandoned himself to a flood of superstitious fears, and prostrated himself before natural objects, inanimate as well as animate. Thus comforted by the sun and fire, benefited by wind and rain, improved by hero and sage, destroyed by wild beasts, dispersed by convulsions of Nature, he fell into a rude, degrading, and cowardly Fetissism, the faith of fear, and the transition state from utter savagery to barbarism.”
- "The Jew, The Gypsy and El Islam" by Richard Francis Burton
or to paraphrase … “The difference between a Savage and a Barbarian is Religion.”
Nice to meet you as well. In fact, one of the reasons I like TC's substack so much is that there are so many well informed and pleasant folks here. I hope that I'm contributing something of worth.
That's a great question, Tonika! It was interesting that the Hasidic rabbi mentioned Jewish mysticism, which seemed like a reference to the Kabbalah. I had thought before that the mystical traditions of every organized religion--like the Sufis to Islam, Zen to Buddhism--all tended towards the belief that we're all One. In other words, the imperial religion was hierarchical but the mystical version was inclusive. But with the Kabbalah coming out as part of the pedo-sadist cults with Madonna and Hollywood, I think maybe I was generalizing.
I’m fascinated with the topic. Anything that stems from the old gnostics, really. I have a friend who tells my his rabbi strongly forbids any talk of the Kabbalah and mysticism. I also know that the Rosicrucians (largely believed to be a manufactured cult by the Sir Francis Bacon lot) and Masonry borrowed from Jewish mysticism and usurped many religions by infiltrating them with gnostics wizards. Around that time they split up alchemy and science apart, fomenting the former to magick that happens behind closed doors and the latter what would become today’s scientism. If you go down that rabbit hole, I’d love to see what dots you connect with your knowledge of myth, psychology, and history. It’s quite possible we are still under the spell of these gnostic cults. They just function in more organized, covert, and powerful ways that we allow ourselves to believe. There’s a reason Scientology, Theosophy, Masonry Free and the like have nesting doll type of structures. The outer circles know very little about the inner circle’s function. Anyway, thanks for letting me rant here. Been so very behind on catching up on content and I’m glad I got to catch this post.
I always appreciate your explorations on this topic. The point about circular reasoning is vital. And I appreciate your takes on "anarchism," which has really gotten a long lasting bad rap that wasn't the case 100 years ago. I've often heard BLM denigrated as "anarchist." That's like denigrating the Democrats as "communists." They both have earned their denigration, but not for those reasons, in my opinion.
I'm so glad you're knowledgable about anarchy. The bad rap isn't accidental or the association with State-sponsored false flag destruction and chaos. Yes an- without, archons = rulers. Community self-governance, small scale sovereignty, local rule.
And that's a nuanced point about calling democrats socialists and communists. It's a trick to get you to argue about the wrong thing by throwing them together.
I believe, unfortunately, that a chunk of the "medical freedom" movement falls into the "they're anarchists, commies, TERRORISTS" regurgitation category. Including Trump, who isn't even a "medical freedom fighter." What's your take on Sacco and Vanzetti? Sincere and railroaded? Oswalds? Part of a false flag and left holding the bag? Have never looked into it.
Yes I agree completely with that. There are people I'm tracking with totally, and then they veer into that cul de sac. I don't know anything about Sacco and Vanzetti. Who are they?
Sacco was apparently a shoemaker. Vanzetti was apparently a fishmonger. Both Italian immigrants. Their death sentences were finalized after a special review in 1927 by "three of Massachusetts's most distinguished and respected citizens --President Lowell of Harvard, President Stratton of MIT and retired Judge Grant."
A striking element of the long article is how energetic and vital the workers, anarchist, and socialist movements were in the U..S. from 1877 through the outbreak of WW1 (the strongest they've ever been?) , BEFORE all those Biden Democrat commie bolsheviks came to power.
Thanks for telling me about them, Howard. What an amazing story and what great quotes! I've never heard of them before but when the Presidents of Harvard and MIT conspire with a retired judge to take you down, you know you're onto something dangerous.
I like how you worked in bolsheviks to the litany ;-)
• Adolf Hitler’s proclamation – February 1, 1933 (first radio broadcast 10:00 PM)
(**my emphasis added**)
“The inheritance we have taken on is a terrible one.
The task which we must accomplish is the most difficult ever posed to German statesmen within the memory of mankind. But our confidence is unbounded, for we believe in our Volk and in its imperishable virtues. Peasants, workers, and bourgeoisie must all join together to provide the building blocks for the new Reich.
The National Government will therefore regard it as its first and foremost duty to reestablish the unity of spirit and will of our Volk. It will preserve and defend the foundations upon which the power of our nation rests. **It will extend its strong, protecting hand over Christianity as the basis of our entire morality, and the family as the germ cell of the body of our Volk and State**. It will reawaken in our Volk, beyond the borders of rank and class, its sense of national and political unity and its resultant duties. It will establish reverence for our great past and pride in our old traditions as the basis for the education of our German youth. **Thus it will declare a merciless war against spiritual, political and cultural nihilism**. Germany must not and will not drown in anarchistic Communism.
It will replace turbulent instincts with national discipline as the guiding rule of our life. In doing so, it will devote great care to those institutions which constitute the true guarantors of the power and strength of our nation.
The National Government will perform the immense task of reorganizing the economy of our Volk with two great four-year plans: Salvation of the German peasant in order to maintain the food supply and thus the basis of life in our nation.
Salvation of the German worker in an enormous and all-embracing attack on unemployment.
In fourteen years, the November parties have ruined the German peasantry.”
And then less than two months later WWII was officially launched …
• “Judea Declares War on Germany” - Daily Express – Friday, March 24, 1933
Now when I read this, I have such a different sense of it than I would have a year ago. And I believe that's mostly thanks to you and the rabbit holes you threw me into ;-)
"Seneca indicates that religions emerge spontaneously from common people and that empires find them lying around and use them for their purposes."
The same goes for civil societies as well. I.e., people form societies then "messiahs" in the form of governments come along and exploit them under the pretext of protecting them. It should be clear that governments as we've experienced them over the millennia are, or soon devolve into, rackets.
“…but you understand the game behind the Curtain too well not to perceive the old trick of turning every contingency into a resource for accumulating force in the Government.”
-From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 14 March 1794
Rabbi states this: "Or Abimelech in the case of Abraham and Sarah and Isaac and Jacob, who was known to kill men and take their beautiful wives for his harem."
Bible states this (Deut 21) 10 When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and the Lord thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive, 11 And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife;
12 Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house, and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails;
13 And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife.
So, this beautiful woman had to shave her head and remove her clothes, in front of a complete stranger, which would cause great fear, humiliation, and vulnerability, along with leaving her in an unescapable nude situation. She also had to pare her nails, so she couldn't scratch her rapist. If I had to choose, it would be the harem! At least I'd have other women to talk with and calm my fears.
Then, keep in mind that the Bible and its ten commandments are written for the brethren, as their rules to follow amongst themselves. It does NOT apply to the Gentiles. That would be their hidden laws in our Education Act, called seven Noahide Laws, where Christians will have a rude awakening, when those come to fruition, seeing as belief in Jesus is idolatry, and from my understanding, punishable by death.
Oh I have so much to learn from you, and so much to share with you. It's such a gift, knowing there's someone as interested in analyzing this as I am.
I don't know if you read my theory that no women exist by name in the Bible. They all represent territories. Sometime soon I'll post my research that Abram is Abdi-Ashirta, the mercenary warlord represented as a jackal in the stone tablets sent by the vassal lords to the Pharaoh saying "Send archers! He's stealing all your lands!" He would put down rebellions (like the Sea of Saddim, aka Sodom and Gemorrah) and then claim that they were never his 'sister' but his wife, Sarah meaning princess, is that right?
What you've presented follows the exact formula of blame them for whatever you're doing, reverse the roles. I've never read this but it will fit perfectly in an episode I've been planning on Harlots & Concubines. Tell me more about the Noahide Laws, please!
I forgot to address what you said about "reverse the roles." That's absolutely correct. The most obvious one is that God didn't create them in His image, but rather, they created "LORD GOD" in theirs - their imagination - their projection. I also loved what you said, in another comment, about them incorporating reality:) So true!
Yes! Absolutely true. I think I've used those exact words.
There's so much I want to say in response to your other comment but I'm going to get another video recorded before the hordes of daughters descend tomorrow. More to come!
I watched the video about your neighbor's children, and with the evidence you were presenting, I could tell you had detective blood running through your veins, like me. Sometimes it's a curse, however, b/c it becomes all-consuming. Lol! You also have the wonderful gift of communicating your messages but that's my failing, as I have a hard time keeping all my thoughts organized and staying on topic, since there's so much wrong with so many issues. Anyway, your story about the children was a light shining in this darkness and it showed how much character you have:)
I did listen to your video, where you spoke about women's names in the Bible and who Abram was, which I had never heard before, so I'm learning a lot from you! The women's names issue did bring this to mind, however.
Because I'm heavily into breaking down the codes of the Bible, as well, (I define it as cryptography - code writing due to adversarial behavior, or covering up something is my thinking) I found one of these "spells" interesting. Joseph was given a wife, Asenath, the daughter of Potipherah, priest of On, who bore Ephraim (chosen son). If you take the "spell" off these words, they also spell the underlying meanings. "Asenath Potipherah On = Pharaoh Pantheon Site and also Pharaoh Atenist Pheon" perhaps to mark sites as a shrine for god(s) and the "Treasure cities," of Exodus 1. A "pheon" aka broad arrow, is used for marking gov't. property, and it was Akhenaten who abandoned the worship of polytheism and changed it to a type of monotheism, called Atenism. And, as soon as Joseph was given Asenath, he then "went out over all the land of Egypt," (Gen. 41).
I also found "Asenath = He Satan," interesting, and as a sidenote, "Ishmael = He Islam," "Judaism = I'm Judas," "Moshiach = Him Chaos," "Esau" = "A Use," and "Edom = Mode / Demo / Dome." Perhaps, Esau, or the Edomites, will be the scapegoat to bring down the Dome of the Rock?? This reminds me of the book, The Pet Goat, being read in the class to Pres. Bush, when one of the towers came down, on 9/11.
Those two Towers and bldg. 47, which also came down, represented their Solomon's temple in NYC, and its two chapiter towers, since bldg. 47, was called Salomon Brother's bldg., perhaps one of their "Treasure cities," since it was one of the five largest investment banking enterprises in the U.S. Further, the size of biblical Solomon's temple was 60 x 30 x 20 cubits = 110, and that was the number of stories of each Tower. They are very much into symbols and codes.
Anyway, see how I go off on a tangent. Ugh! It's all one big "Rabbi-t" hole, with that "T" representing their "T"reasures - follow the money. Btw, "Treasure = User Rate." I'll get back to you on the Noahide Laws, as there is a good video that I need to find.
I wanted to get back to you on this comment because you responded to the one about my neighbor's kids here. That was convenient, as you'll see. You're so right that having a detective mind is a mixed bag, in that you can't turn it off.
I've now gone through the case file with a fine tooth comb and made six copies that are organized by the date filed, in groups up to the hearings. They have color-coded post-its on the sides and bottom, and look like a hippy fringe jacket. Each of 12 groups has a sheet where I wrote the discrepancies and pointed out what the judge would have known at that point. It's absolutely clear that the husband and lawyer knowingly falsified and forged documents, and that the judge never verified that it was the wife on the phone or that she'd been notified of the proceedings. It's more than sloppy, it's a pattern of malicious bias against mothers, as shown in her 'robing room' comments.
But the mother doesn't seem to want to proceed. The 16 yr old daughter is pregnant from the boyfriend who has 5 mentally disabled siblings. They're already four people, none of whom work, in a slumlord house (that used to be my aunt's) with the ceiling falling in the kitchen and only three working outlets, etc. She's keeping the baby even though the boyfriend has shown signs of being abusive and controlling, and wouldn't be living in the same state.
The mom is very smart and I like her a lot but here's my guess. I think that she was fooled into signing the papers. It still wasn't legal, she wasn't given time to review, the process service was falsified, and the judge had already made it uncontested so it didn't matter whether she did or not. But I think she's lived with the shame of having done that for eleven years and is covering it up. And the daughter herself is being a little bratty. It just isn't as Hallmark-ready of a story.
I'm tucking the case files away in a drawer for now and adopting my oldest daughter's mantra of 'Not my problem,' the social-worker's refrain. Maybe there will come a time when it comes back into its own. But I wanted to send this to a fellow detective-mind that, yes, sometimes it can be, if not a curse, at least a mixed bag.
Wow, what a story! I thought my issues were terrible with my son's ex-wife (finalized a week ago, btw:).
There was an immediate red flag when you told me about the 16 yr. old daughter being impregnated by a man with 4 mentally disabled siblings. There are only a few families that I've personally read about this unfortunate happenstance, where, in one case, all three triplets became mentally disabled within a day of each other, and then another family who had 4 children, of which 3 were mentally disabled. Both families I speak of, and there are a whole lot more with less children affected, were all vaccine injured. Childhood vaccines can cause encephalopathy aka autism, and the former is listed on one of the vaccine inserts, whereas the latter was once listed but has since been removed. I can't remember which one, (maybe MMR of DTAP). So, if I'm not missing something like drug involvement on the mother's part or a longer lineage of mental illness, then that young man's family has a genetic predisposition to injuries from the vaccine contents/adjuvants.
Perhaps you have no choice but to move on from all the hard work you spent much time doing, as it sadly seems the mother just wants to put everything behind her, but please let her know about this linked video, as the info may possibly save her grandbaby from a lifetime of disabling injuries. It will be a fight on her part, to stop the hospital from administering the HepB vax, however, as it's given in the hospital on the first day of birth - a ridiculous shot given for a sexually transmitted disease.
Vaccines have been my hill to die on, since 1987, during or right after the passage of the Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which I'm sure you already know removes all liabilities from the pharma cartel, unless fraud is proven. If you haven't seen this, I highly recommend, as Atty. Aaron Siri does a great job breaking it down, for the AZ Senate. Perhaps this info will save you neighbor's grandchild.
Thanks for that info. In my heart of hearts, I'd like to see the 16 yr old move on with her life. I felt that her move away from the abusive dad and step was the first day of her new life, and this news was the last day of her new life. I'm hoping for genetic testing in vitro and maybe some reason not to go forward with it. I had been hoping the daughter would be a sorely-needed partner to the mom, who was already stretched thin, rather than another full dependent who's now home-schooling, which really means dropping out, with another full dependent and no source of income on the way.
If it comes to that, I'll definitely pass on the info. The mom is against the vaxx but I don't know if she's fully against all of them, as you and I are at this point. Thanks for your response!
I did not think deeply enough about it, as you have. My hate-vaccines-mind immediately got stuck in that mode of terror and then what it would be like to raise even 1 mentally disabled child. You're absolutely correct, however, as the 16 yr. old daughter has been through enough, as has the mom. Even raising a healthy baby would be difficult, given their past circumstances and the daughter's age. What a dilemma to witness and be a part of. One can only hope they are able to make the right decision, given their state of minds.
I also hear you about passing on the vaxx info, as you may have to fully step away, for self-preservation. You can only lead a horse to knowledge so many times, to find it just won't think.
This is hilarious, Mark. I'll certainly be quoting it. Here's the first thing I read on Noah:
"Humans were wicked, they had bad thoughts, and the whole earth was violent and corrupt. So what's a good God to do?
"Well, you might think he'd start a school to teach people how to behave, have them go to counseling, get them interested in other stuff -- like baseball or something. Anything to get their minds off their bad thoughts.
"But no. God decided to drown them all. It was the best he could think of at the time. The whole earth was filled with violence, so God killed everything on earth.
"But still, I don't quite get it. Did God drown the animals because they were too violent? Didn't he make them that way in the first place -- either at creation or after the fall of Adam?"
Dear Tereza! Thank you for your excellent video! You speak professionally! i do not know your profession or career but you videos are done in a great quality and with integrity!
What you are referring to is extremely relevant.
let me give you a recent example.
I was at a Baptist church last Sunday. The sweetest pastor was giving a sermon proclaiming that Israel should have all the Palestine, all the West Bank, All the Gaza strip (the congregation was cheering). It was promised by God to the God chosen people. We support Israel, we stand with Israel. We support our government. ...etc.
We were reading Genesis 17.
"7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God." (KJ Bible)
Who wrote Genesis? Was it translated many times, was it translated correctly from the ancient languages? Was it written much later after the encounter took place ? etc
We choose the verses from the Bible that fit our ideology and start supporting genocide.
After the sermon I came to talk to him about what he was proclaiming. Does he mean we need to kill all those who live on the land now? Children, women, civilians? Is he aware what Israili government did to their own people in the past three years (democide)? What does it mean "Stand with Israel" we support all the atrocities?
he did confess that his sermon was idealistic in view...
I sent him an email later in the week with links to Substacks, videos to trying to show the horrific reality that he promised to go through.
Pastors at churches have an immense influence on congregation. Sometimes, the congregation does not question what was being said by their beloved pastor... and it is wrong... we are loosing common sense and ability to think clearly... living in a delusion in a way... very sad...
Thank you so much for sharing that with me, Masha. And for telling me that what I'm saying is relevant. Sometimes it seems like it's too theoretical, what does theology have to do with this? But I agree that it's being used as justification. As you point out, it's not just Hebrews who believe in the Hebrew Bible but Christians too. I wish we had the kind of community found in churches, talking about those big questions and bringing in relevant perspectives. I'm glad you used your credibility with the pastor to get him to review the videos. Sometimes people change their minds!
Corrected! I think the first reference should be plural but I changed it in the later paragraph. Thanks for keeping me both honest and grammatically correct!
"gain, if the defining scripture of a religion provides a moral justification for the enslavement, colonization and land theft of others"
Can you give one example of any philosophical system, religion or political system that man hasn't re-interpreted to give them an advantage over others? Greed is a condition of man, not part of the religion itself.
Hindu scriptures have the caste system, Christians have "Go forth and subdue the nations." Definitely the Greek philosophers were pro-slavery. I quote Aristotle at the beginning of my book, "Humanity is divided into two: the masters and the slaves; or, if one prefers it, the Greeks and the Barbarians, those who have the right to command; and those who are born to obey." And certainly our whole monetary system has been built on slavery, which is the point of my book.
These things, which are the foundation of Western Civilization don't need to be re-interpreted, they blatantly say that colonization is, not just a right, but an obligation. I think this proves the opposite of your point. Without these authoritarian directives, we don't know if man would be greedy. Or women.
Roman Emperors considered themselves God and that is why when Nero ordered Lucius Annaeus Seneca to kill himself, Seneca did so without question, severing many of his veins to bleed out. Not the smartest man around after all.
Woah, I didn't realize the connection between my quote and the psyop psycho. Although with the way things are going, maybe Nero's going to do a full reversal and I'll find out he was a champion of the people. That did happen when I read Michael Parenti's book on Julius Caesar.
"Not the smartest man around after all."
Depends, doesn't it? Socrates drank the hemlock and for good reason, I say.
Then the physician, Rabelais', last words though spoken in French were along the lines of "close the curtain, the farce has ended." Who among us cannot relate to the sentiment?
Seneca was a stoic to a very high degree. I'm not sure that smart or not is primary here and a rather simplistic dismissal of a complex individual. Perhaps he wasn't the brightest lightbulb in box... and yet. It may very well be more like Geoff's reference to Rabelais, a recognition of the terminus of life today or tomorrow with little differential, and that the suicide by decree was actually an active choice Seneca made rather than it being the victim of a despotic ruler's decree.
And the story around Socrates is also much more complicated and nuanced than his having simply drank the hemlock. I found _The Trial of Socrates_ by I.F. Stone to be a fascinating 'behind the scenes' look of the myth of Socrates.
This is the apocalypse and all our myths of history are being unravelled. Fascinating time.
Well said, Guy. If you ever chose to write about this history in your 'stack, I'd be interested. I think an interest in the stoics was one of our first synchronicities. And I know very little about Seneca, Rabelais and Socrates. I'm finding the secondhand quote from Cicero in Hot & Cold Hatred fascinating also, that Roman statesmen were afraid to criticize the Jews for fear of retaliation and political ruin. I wonder if people being suicided by their own hand is related. Curious that they, by which I mean a tiny ruling class, were the power behind thrones and Caesars back then.
"... Roman statesmen were afraid to criticize the Jews for fear of retaliation and political ruin." This brought to mind the many times I would say, while reading the D~180AD amazing stoic Epictetus way back in the late '90s early '00s, 'OMG! He is writing about today!'
It seems that the 'real' ptb were manipulating these 'statesmen' then as well. That idea ties in well with those of Clif High and the KM overlaps with the argument being made by Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben about the Rhadanite Bankers. Gabriel and McKibbon don't equate the KM with the Rhadanites, although from my rather shallow knowledge, it sure looks like there is a significant overlap. If you haven't watched this, this was YouAreFree's introduction to them and the Rhadanites. It is interesting and fun.
Part 1
11/12/22: The Babylonian Cartel, Rhadanites & Stolen Identity: A Discussion
Part 2
Part 2:
11/22/22: Cartel Babylon, Part 2: Global Enslavement
I'm not the person to write the history of the Stoics. I was very informed by Epictetus, for me the best of the lot. Marcus Aurelius and Seneca didn't draw me in the same way. So, my exposure was to the philosophy, not the history. What was the standout to me was the equivalence to Taoism. Almost identical philosophies. So... this is one of the reasons that the mandated 'suicide' of Seneca is complex. At their core, life is a temporary expression of something. Why did Seneca go along is not easily assigned to 'stupid'. We can say that the plandemic is 'stupid' and it has no value despite (or because?) of that being true. It is a thrown away opportunity of expanding understanding of complexity, the complexity of the human individual pressured to be sheep, and the collective human expressing the collective, so-to-speak.
Thank you for another interesting post.
Well if he killed himself because Nero, who did think he was a God on Earth commanded himself to, then I would say it's unquestionable that he was dumb. That's just my take, maybe you think otherwise.
Had he not said things like this quote, likely Nero would never have ordered him to kill himself. So which is better, to have never expressed dangerous ideas that would outlive you?
I don't think it had anything to do with the quote. Nero thought Seneca was caught up in a conspiracy to kill him, but apparently that was not the case. Either way, Nero ordered him to kill himself and he did. I'm going to guess Seneca did it because he believed Nero was God on Earth as he proclaimed. Not that smart.
I plead ignorance here. DId he kill himself because he ws commanded to or, like Socrates, just wanted wanted a permanent escape from the madness? To end his participation in the eternal farce, or what?
But thanks, now I have another fascinating rabbit hole to tunnel!
Nero commanded him to and he obliged by severing several veins and bleeding out.
Understood. It may be correct.
If by “common” he meant people that are kept too busy to think
And from President Vladimir Putin
"Without the values embedded in Christianity and other world religions, without the standards of morality that have taken shape over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity. We consider it natural and right to defend these values. One must respect every minority’s right to be different, but the rights of the majority must not be put into question.”
• President Vladimir Putin at the 10th anniversary meeting of Valdai International Discussion Club in the Novgorod Region, September 19, 2013.
Curious, I wonder what values he means? I can't tell if I agree with him or not.
• Putin: "With the absence of values, society begins to decay"
“Conservatism is that which does not get in the way of moving forward and upward, but does prevent from sliding backwards and downwards.”
• "I work so that you could be happy" – Putin to a young couple in public Q&A
Hmmm.. While I applaud the sentiment, I question it's validity. Not to be a wet blanket, but it's apparent to me that we are here for other reasons than to be happy.
As for Putin, I'll admit he plays the good cop well, but I wonder to what extent the following may apply despite the fact that he probably never claimed to want to save humanity but only to help make some happy.
"The urge to save humanity is almost always only a falseface for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve. This is true even of the pious brethren who carry the gospel to foreign parts. They are, with precious few exceptions, nonentities whose fate at home would scarcely carry them above the dignity of plowhands or garage attendants, but in the wilds of Africa they are important persons, not only in their own view but also in that of the circumambient savages. They represent a new, mysterious and apparently extra-potent kind of magic; they have alms to give out; there are battleships behind them to protect them when they are menaced. All this is very caressing to their shabby egos. They realize the dream of every fifth-rate man, and prove his faith— that a change of job would shake off all his inferiorities, and make him a personage of dignity and puissance.
Minority report: H.L. Mencken's notebooks : Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis), 1880-1956 : p 247. Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Wow, great quote! And haha on Billy ;-)
Thanks for that quote and link, Geoff. That is a Borrow-only item, but I found this on another favourite site. Not sure if Minority Report is in there yet.
• H.L. Mencken - OceanofPDF
(I have to figure out how this Archive Borrow function works)
“I'll admit he plays the good cop well,”
I cannot completely rule that out so I am all ears. If he is just playing the good cop then we know whose influence he is under and that Ukraine is undergoing a deslavification, not a denazification.
In the meantime, I’m holding Putin to his word:
“Every one of us, on New Year’s Eve [2017], can be a little bit magical ...
For this, all you need to do is treat your parents with love and gratefulness, give your children and families the utmost love and care, respect your work colleagues and your friendships.
Stand up for justice and the truth, be merciful to those who require your help – and that’s the secret to being magic.
May all your dreams come true – pure thoughts and kind intentions.
May every household be blessed with joy and love.”
• Putin 2017 New Year’s Eve message
I certainly like what he's saying better than ANY politician I can name at any level in my country. His speechwriter is brilliant! And he does back these sentiments with actual policies that support them. I think you were both reading back when I did this, but just in case:
I like what Putin appears to be but when I found out that he had been one of Klaus Schwab's Youg Leaders, or something, he lost a lot of his luster in my eyes. Anyway, if he is pro Russia and anti-global mafia, he has my support.
Thanks for sharing his NYE message; I call it beautiful!
Regarding Ukraine, I know nothing but I suspect it's the usual international criminals doing their thing, as always. As I understand it, Putin was protecting the long suffering Russian speakers in the East and for that I agree with him and do not blame him.
Oh, as for the borrowing thingy, it's pretty simple but I have donated to the archive site so maybe that makes a difference though I don't think it does.
• Putin: "I am not your friend, I am the President of Russia" – Inessa S (Sinchougova)
Do visit Inessa S’ channel for many more short translations of Putin speaking. She is also on Odysee.
"...but in the wilds of Africa they are important persons,..."
How did he know about Billy Gates??? ; )
Here's a start. The video does not work in 'my country' - could be Vesti News. No matter as the transcript is published.
• VIDEO: Putin Publicly Reaffirms Russia’s Commitment To Defend Christianity
“The Christianization was the initial stage of the development of Russia's statehood, of the true spiritual birth of our ancestors, of the definition of their identity and self-awareness, of the explosion of the national culture and education, of the development of multi-faceted connections with other countries"
Incidentally, Masha Gessen is one of Putin’s strongest critics … brrrhhhh!!
• The Putin Files: Masha Gessen - FRONTLINE PBS | Official
• Masha Gessen admits the plan is to destroy marriage.
Appreciate this.
The stratified layers of control, of what we have called reality, are up for reclaiming. Religion, of course. (Assume you are familiar, Tereza, with the Naked Bible? Talk about a re-orienting of 'sacred' text. It syncs with my current understanding - which is subject to change - and opens up a stultifying subject that needs airing out. imo.)
As psyops, religion would have been both obvious and super-duper efficient. We can find whole universes in ancient texts and spend whole life-times deciphering.
As you note we've been living in an inverted, inside-out world. Text (however ancient, however hollowed and elevated) does not give us meaning and purpose, we extend that to text. We bestow, and extend, not the other way round.
So, we are quite free to decide again and perhaps that's where we are now, to forego those older, fixed reflections and reclaim them now, directly out our own sacredness as beings of meaning, choice, love and light. (There is nothing out there that confirms what I know of my self-sovereignty which is itself self-referential.) Hallelujah!
Direct unmediated connection with Source is the new terrain. Very exciting.
Best to you.
I know nothing about the Naked Bible, Kathleen, please tell me more!
What an excellent point you make, we're bestowing meaning and purpose on these texts that don't deserve it. That's the obstacle I often hit when discussing this with true, sincere believers, wonderful loving committed people. They've taken all those qualities they embody and projected them onto Jesus. So in showing him to be a fraud, I'm attacking the best of themselves. But in swallowing the truth-coated poison pill of the Jesus psyop, they also empower the belief in evil that the authorities need to save us from.
Yes to direct unmediated connection with Source! Yes to exciting!
Here is a discussion between the author of TNB with Graham Hancock. I downloaded a free pdf of the book but have read only bits here and there.
I heard about it from Clif High - who has read the book and agrees with it the premise, which is based on original Aramaic language - it has little to do with what they later interpreted using other languages. One example - it doesn't talk about God!.Elohim is not about God but about these being from another place who came here.
Fascinating discussion.
And I agree with you - a whole lotta projection going on!
So many spells being broken. Best.
"Bigger is better for empire while smaller supports sovereignty."
That is not only brilliant, but you are in good company.
I beg yur indulgence if I've already posted this in any of your comment threads.
“…crimes are very rare among [the Indians]: insomuch that were it made a question, whether no law, as among the [Indian] Americans, or too much law, as among the civilized Europeans, submits man to the greatest evil, one who has seen both conditions of existence would pronounce it to be the last: and that the sheep are happier of themselves, than under care of the wolves. It will be said, that great societies cannot exist without government. [the Indians] therefore break them into small ones."
Thomas Jefferson, "Notes on the State of Virginia," Query XI, 1787
"Societies exist under three forms, sufficiently distinguishable: 1) without government, as among our Indians; 2) under governments wherein the will of everyone has a just influence, as is the case in England in a slight degree and in our States in a great one; 3) under governments of force, as is the case in all other monarchies and in most of the other republics ... It is a problem, not clear in my mind, that the first condition is not the best.
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to James Madison, Paris, January 30, 1787
The "anti-federalists" also made the point as well if I remember correctly.
What excellent quotes! Do you have a database at the ready for any circumstance? Or ARE you the database? It's much more convenient for me if the latter and I can just talk on any subject and have the perfect succinct quote pop up like magic.
This makes me proud to have soaked in the same hot springs as Jefferson, and come away without boils on both buns ;-)
Well, I read a lot and I keep a record of choice quotes. Hardly anyone ever expresses appreciation for them, so thank you for that and making me blush. (I'm a very shy person, as you can imagine!) Wink wink and a goofy grin.
I love hot springs but the only springs I know of that Jefferson likely soaked in are cold and there is a building built by Jefferson, of bricks reinforced with horsehair, at Sweet Chalybeate Springs in S W Virginia or N Virginia near the border. It was a pretty fascinating, though decrepit, place when I was there a couple of decades ago.
Good to know about the boils and doubly glad you probably didn't need to ride a horse for 50 miles to get home. Can you imagine? It would even be worse than arguing with people about religion or big government!
Oh but look again at my intro into I was at the Jefferson Springs at the northern border of VA. They've been redone so no more horsehair, if those are the same.
I checked your video and did not recognize the place you were at. Jefferson Springs appears to be Noth of I-64, while Sweet Chalybeate is South of it right on the border. I know of several springs in the area and of the town of Warm Springs, but I guess it depends on what's called warm. I've tasted the water in the aptly named White Sulfur Springs and at an acquaintance's farm a few miles West of there past Lewisburg, and I say once is enough! I do have a story about the latter which I cannot relate in polite company, though it isn't bad, just funny to an easily humored, simple minded old flatus like myself and my buddies.
Yes, Warm Springs is where I was. Hot Springs was down the road but there didn't seem to be any springs there. Here from Garden & Gun:
A most fascinating area, for sure.
“But veneration is inherent in the human breast. Presently mankind, emerging from intellectual infancy, began to detect absurdity in creation without a Creator, in effects without causes. As yet, however, they did not dare to throw upon a Single Being the whole onus of the world of matter, creation, preservation, and destruction. Man, instinctively impressed by a sense of his own unworthiness, would hopelessly have attempted to conceive the idea of a purely Spiritual Being, omnipotent and omnipresent.
Awestruck by the admirable phenomena and the stupendous powers of Nature, filled with a sentiment of individual weakness, he abandoned himself to a flood of superstitious fears, and prostrated himself before natural objects, inanimate as well as animate. Thus comforted by the sun and fire, benefited by wind and rain, improved by hero and sage, destroyed by wild beasts, dispersed by convulsions of Nature, he fell into a rude, degrading, and cowardly Fetissism, the faith of fear, and the transition state from utter savagery to barbarism.”
- "The Jew, The Gypsy and El Islam" by Richard Francis Burton
or to paraphrase … “The difference between a Savage and a Barbarian is Religion.”
"I read a lot and I keep a record of choice quotes."
Good for you! Bravo! Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you as well. In fact, one of the reasons I like TC's substack so much is that there are so many well informed and pleasant folks here. I hope that I'm contributing something of worth.
If you revisit all this, I’d love to know your thoughts on how Jewish mysticism and the Kabbalah fit in all this.
That's a great question, Tonika! It was interesting that the Hasidic rabbi mentioned Jewish mysticism, which seemed like a reference to the Kabbalah. I had thought before that the mystical traditions of every organized religion--like the Sufis to Islam, Zen to Buddhism--all tended towards the belief that we're all One. In other words, the imperial religion was hierarchical but the mystical version was inclusive. But with the Kabbalah coming out as part of the pedo-sadist cults with Madonna and Hollywood, I think maybe I was generalizing.
I’m fascinated with the topic. Anything that stems from the old gnostics, really. I have a friend who tells my his rabbi strongly forbids any talk of the Kabbalah and mysticism. I also know that the Rosicrucians (largely believed to be a manufactured cult by the Sir Francis Bacon lot) and Masonry borrowed from Jewish mysticism and usurped many religions by infiltrating them with gnostics wizards. Around that time they split up alchemy and science apart, fomenting the former to magick that happens behind closed doors and the latter what would become today’s scientism. If you go down that rabbit hole, I’d love to see what dots you connect with your knowledge of myth, psychology, and history. It’s quite possible we are still under the spell of these gnostic cults. They just function in more organized, covert, and powerful ways that we allow ourselves to believe. There’s a reason Scientology, Theosophy, Masonry Free and the like have nesting doll type of structures. The outer circles know very little about the inner circle’s function. Anyway, thanks for letting me rant here. Been so very behind on catching up on content and I’m glad I got to catch this post.
I always appreciate your explorations on this topic. The point about circular reasoning is vital. And I appreciate your takes on "anarchism," which has really gotten a long lasting bad rap that wasn't the case 100 years ago. I've often heard BLM denigrated as "anarchist." That's like denigrating the Democrats as "communists." They both have earned their denigration, but not for those reasons, in my opinion.
I'm so glad you're knowledgable about anarchy. The bad rap isn't accidental or the association with State-sponsored false flag destruction and chaos. Yes an- without, archons = rulers. Community self-governance, small scale sovereignty, local rule.
And that's a nuanced point about calling democrats socialists and communists. It's a trick to get you to argue about the wrong thing by throwing them together.
I believe, unfortunately, that a chunk of the "medical freedom" movement falls into the "they're anarchists, commies, TERRORISTS" regurgitation category. Including Trump, who isn't even a "medical freedom fighter." What's your take on Sacco and Vanzetti? Sincere and railroaded? Oswalds? Part of a false flag and left holding the bag? Have never looked into it.
Yes I agree completely with that. There are people I'm tracking with totally, and then they veer into that cul de sac. I don't know anything about Sacco and Vanzetti. Who are they?
Here's a start. I'm sure there's a lot to chew on.
* From CIA Pedia:
*An abridged article by Howard Zinn:
*There's an excellent in-depth version of this article in "The Zinn Reader," the last chapter in the "Law" section.
Sacco was apparently a shoemaker. Vanzetti was apparently a fishmonger. Both Italian immigrants. Their death sentences were finalized after a special review in 1927 by "three of Massachusetts's most distinguished and respected citizens --President Lowell of Harvard, President Stratton of MIT and retired Judge Grant."
A striking element of the long article is how energetic and vital the workers, anarchist, and socialist movements were in the U..S. from 1877 through the outbreak of WW1 (the strongest they've ever been?) , BEFORE all those Biden Democrat commie bolsheviks came to power.
Thanks for telling me about them, Howard. What an amazing story and what great quotes! I've never heard of them before but when the Presidents of Harvard and MIT conspire with a retired judge to take you down, you know you're onto something dangerous.
I like how you worked in bolsheviks to the litany ;-)
My pleasure.
Actually meant Antifa more than BLM.
• Adolf Hitler’s proclamation – February 1, 1933 (first radio broadcast 10:00 PM)
(**my emphasis added**)
“The inheritance we have taken on is a terrible one.
The task which we must accomplish is the most difficult ever posed to German statesmen within the memory of mankind. But our confidence is unbounded, for we believe in our Volk and in its imperishable virtues. Peasants, workers, and bourgeoisie must all join together to provide the building blocks for the new Reich.
The National Government will therefore regard it as its first and foremost duty to reestablish the unity of spirit and will of our Volk. It will preserve and defend the foundations upon which the power of our nation rests. **It will extend its strong, protecting hand over Christianity as the basis of our entire morality, and the family as the germ cell of the body of our Volk and State**. It will reawaken in our Volk, beyond the borders of rank and class, its sense of national and political unity and its resultant duties. It will establish reverence for our great past and pride in our old traditions as the basis for the education of our German youth. **Thus it will declare a merciless war against spiritual, political and cultural nihilism**. Germany must not and will not drown in anarchistic Communism.
It will replace turbulent instincts with national discipline as the guiding rule of our life. In doing so, it will devote great care to those institutions which constitute the true guarantors of the power and strength of our nation.
The National Government will perform the immense task of reorganizing the economy of our Volk with two great four-year plans: Salvation of the German peasant in order to maintain the food supply and thus the basis of life in our nation.
Salvation of the German worker in an enormous and all-embracing attack on unemployment.
In fourteen years, the November parties have ruined the German peasantry.”
And then less than two months later WWII was officially launched …
• “Judea Declares War on Germany” - Daily Express – Friday, March 24, 1933
Now when I read this, I have such a different sense of it than I would have a year ago. And I believe that's mostly thanks to you and the rabbit holes you threw me into ;-)
"Every inclusion has intent, whether historical or not."
Bingo. And permit me to add, inter alia, so does every translation and interpretation.
I see you already did that!
"Now add 2000 years and change languages a couple times. "
"Seneca indicates that religions emerge spontaneously from common people and that empires find them lying around and use them for their purposes."
The same goes for civil societies as well. I.e., people form societies then "messiahs" in the form of governments come along and exploit them under the pretext of protecting them. It should be clear that governments as we've experienced them over the millennia are, or soon devolve into, rackets.
“…but you understand the game behind the Curtain too well not to perceive the old trick of turning every contingency into a resource for accumulating force in the Government.”
-From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 14 March 1794
Rabbi states this: "Or Abimelech in the case of Abraham and Sarah and Isaac and Jacob, who was known to kill men and take their beautiful wives for his harem."
Bible states this (Deut 21) 10 When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and the Lord thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive, 11 And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife;
12 Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house, and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails;
13 And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife.
So, this beautiful woman had to shave her head and remove her clothes, in front of a complete stranger, which would cause great fear, humiliation, and vulnerability, along with leaving her in an unescapable nude situation. She also had to pare her nails, so she couldn't scratch her rapist. If I had to choose, it would be the harem! At least I'd have other women to talk with and calm my fears.
Then, keep in mind that the Bible and its ten commandments are written for the brethren, as their rules to follow amongst themselves. It does NOT apply to the Gentiles. That would be their hidden laws in our Education Act, called seven Noahide Laws, where Christians will have a rude awakening, when those come to fruition, seeing as belief in Jesus is idolatry, and from my understanding, punishable by death.
Oh I have so much to learn from you, and so much to share with you. It's such a gift, knowing there's someone as interested in analyzing this as I am.
I don't know if you read my theory that no women exist by name in the Bible. They all represent territories. Sometime soon I'll post my research that Abram is Abdi-Ashirta, the mercenary warlord represented as a jackal in the stone tablets sent by the vassal lords to the Pharaoh saying "Send archers! He's stealing all your lands!" He would put down rebellions (like the Sea of Saddim, aka Sodom and Gemorrah) and then claim that they were never his 'sister' but his wife, Sarah meaning princess, is that right?
What you've presented follows the exact formula of blame them for whatever you're doing, reverse the roles. I've never read this but it will fit perfectly in an episode I've been planning on Harlots & Concubines. Tell me more about the Noahide Laws, please!
I forgot to address what you said about "reverse the roles." That's absolutely correct. The most obvious one is that God didn't create them in His image, but rather, they created "LORD GOD" in theirs - their imagination - their projection. I also loved what you said, in another comment, about them incorporating reality:) So true!
Yes! Absolutely true. I think I've used those exact words.
There's so much I want to say in response to your other comment but I'm going to get another video recorded before the hordes of daughters descend tomorrow. More to come!
I shouldn't be surprised that you said those words:) You and your family have a wonderful holiday season. It's going to get busy here, as well.
I watched the video about your neighbor's children, and with the evidence you were presenting, I could tell you had detective blood running through your veins, like me. Sometimes it's a curse, however, b/c it becomes all-consuming. Lol! You also have the wonderful gift of communicating your messages but that's my failing, as I have a hard time keeping all my thoughts organized and staying on topic, since there's so much wrong with so many issues. Anyway, your story about the children was a light shining in this darkness and it showed how much character you have:)
I did listen to your video, where you spoke about women's names in the Bible and who Abram was, which I had never heard before, so I'm learning a lot from you! The women's names issue did bring this to mind, however.
Because I'm heavily into breaking down the codes of the Bible, as well, (I define it as cryptography - code writing due to adversarial behavior, or covering up something is my thinking) I found one of these "spells" interesting. Joseph was given a wife, Asenath, the daughter of Potipherah, priest of On, who bore Ephraim (chosen son). If you take the "spell" off these words, they also spell the underlying meanings. "Asenath Potipherah On = Pharaoh Pantheon Site and also Pharaoh Atenist Pheon" perhaps to mark sites as a shrine for god(s) and the "Treasure cities," of Exodus 1. A "pheon" aka broad arrow, is used for marking gov't. property, and it was Akhenaten who abandoned the worship of polytheism and changed it to a type of monotheism, called Atenism. And, as soon as Joseph was given Asenath, he then "went out over all the land of Egypt," (Gen. 41).
I also found "Asenath = He Satan," interesting, and as a sidenote, "Ishmael = He Islam," "Judaism = I'm Judas," "Moshiach = Him Chaos," "Esau" = "A Use," and "Edom = Mode / Demo / Dome." Perhaps, Esau, or the Edomites, will be the scapegoat to bring down the Dome of the Rock?? This reminds me of the book, The Pet Goat, being read in the class to Pres. Bush, when one of the towers came down, on 9/11.
Those two Towers and bldg. 47, which also came down, represented their Solomon's temple in NYC, and its two chapiter towers, since bldg. 47, was called Salomon Brother's bldg., perhaps one of their "Treasure cities," since it was one of the five largest investment banking enterprises in the U.S. Further, the size of biblical Solomon's temple was 60 x 30 x 20 cubits = 110, and that was the number of stories of each Tower. They are very much into symbols and codes.
Anyway, see how I go off on a tangent. Ugh! It's all one big "Rabbi-t" hole, with that "T" representing their "T"reasures - follow the money. Btw, "Treasure = User Rate." I'll get back to you on the Noahide Laws, as there is a good video that I need to find.
I wanted to get back to you on this comment because you responded to the one about my neighbor's kids here. That was convenient, as you'll see. You're so right that having a detective mind is a mixed bag, in that you can't turn it off.
I've now gone through the case file with a fine tooth comb and made six copies that are organized by the date filed, in groups up to the hearings. They have color-coded post-its on the sides and bottom, and look like a hippy fringe jacket. Each of 12 groups has a sheet where I wrote the discrepancies and pointed out what the judge would have known at that point. It's absolutely clear that the husband and lawyer knowingly falsified and forged documents, and that the judge never verified that it was the wife on the phone or that she'd been notified of the proceedings. It's more than sloppy, it's a pattern of malicious bias against mothers, as shown in her 'robing room' comments.
But the mother doesn't seem to want to proceed. The 16 yr old daughter is pregnant from the boyfriend who has 5 mentally disabled siblings. They're already four people, none of whom work, in a slumlord house (that used to be my aunt's) with the ceiling falling in the kitchen and only three working outlets, etc. She's keeping the baby even though the boyfriend has shown signs of being abusive and controlling, and wouldn't be living in the same state.
The mom is very smart and I like her a lot but here's my guess. I think that she was fooled into signing the papers. It still wasn't legal, she wasn't given time to review, the process service was falsified, and the judge had already made it uncontested so it didn't matter whether she did or not. But I think she's lived with the shame of having done that for eleven years and is covering it up. And the daughter herself is being a little bratty. It just isn't as Hallmark-ready of a story.
I'm tucking the case files away in a drawer for now and adopting my oldest daughter's mantra of 'Not my problem,' the social-worker's refrain. Maybe there will come a time when it comes back into its own. But I wanted to send this to a fellow detective-mind that, yes, sometimes it can be, if not a curse, at least a mixed bag.
Wow, what a story! I thought my issues were terrible with my son's ex-wife (finalized a week ago, btw:).
There was an immediate red flag when you told me about the 16 yr. old daughter being impregnated by a man with 4 mentally disabled siblings. There are only a few families that I've personally read about this unfortunate happenstance, where, in one case, all three triplets became mentally disabled within a day of each other, and then another family who had 4 children, of which 3 were mentally disabled. Both families I speak of, and there are a whole lot more with less children affected, were all vaccine injured. Childhood vaccines can cause encephalopathy aka autism, and the former is listed on one of the vaccine inserts, whereas the latter was once listed but has since been removed. I can't remember which one, (maybe MMR of DTAP). So, if I'm not missing something like drug involvement on the mother's part or a longer lineage of mental illness, then that young man's family has a genetic predisposition to injuries from the vaccine contents/adjuvants.
Perhaps you have no choice but to move on from all the hard work you spent much time doing, as it sadly seems the mother just wants to put everything behind her, but please let her know about this linked video, as the info may possibly save her grandbaby from a lifetime of disabling injuries. It will be a fight on her part, to stop the hospital from administering the HepB vax, however, as it's given in the hospital on the first day of birth - a ridiculous shot given for a sexually transmitted disease.
Vaccines have been my hill to die on, since 1987, during or right after the passage of the Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which I'm sure you already know removes all liabilities from the pharma cartel, unless fraud is proven. If you haven't seen this, I highly recommend, as Atty. Aaron Siri does a great job breaking it down, for the AZ Senate. Perhaps this info will save you neighbor's grandchild.
Here's the video:
Here's Aaron's substack with links:
Anyway, I hope you and your family had a wonderful time together. We sure did:) Talk soon and thank you for responding.
Thanks for that info. In my heart of hearts, I'd like to see the 16 yr old move on with her life. I felt that her move away from the abusive dad and step was the first day of her new life, and this news was the last day of her new life. I'm hoping for genetic testing in vitro and maybe some reason not to go forward with it. I had been hoping the daughter would be a sorely-needed partner to the mom, who was already stretched thin, rather than another full dependent who's now home-schooling, which really means dropping out, with another full dependent and no source of income on the way.
If it comes to that, I'll definitely pass on the info. The mom is against the vaxx but I don't know if she's fully against all of them, as you and I are at this point. Thanks for your response!
I did not think deeply enough about it, as you have. My hate-vaccines-mind immediately got stuck in that mode of terror and then what it would be like to raise even 1 mentally disabled child. You're absolutely correct, however, as the 16 yr. old daughter has been through enough, as has the mom. Even raising a healthy baby would be difficult, given their past circumstances and the daughter's age. What a dilemma to witness and be a part of. One can only hope they are able to make the right decision, given their state of minds.
I also hear you about passing on the vaxx info, as you may have to fully step away, for self-preservation. You can only lead a horse to knowledge so many times, to find it just won't think.
There already is something that could be thought of as the People's Guide to the Bible (and the Quran and the Book of Mormon):
This is hilarious, Mark. I'll certainly be quoting it. Here's the first thing I read on Noah:
"Humans were wicked, they had bad thoughts, and the whole earth was violent and corrupt. So what's a good God to do?
"Well, you might think he'd start a school to teach people how to behave, have them go to counseling, get them interested in other stuff -- like baseball or something. Anything to get their minds off their bad thoughts.
"But no. God decided to drown them all. It was the best he could think of at the time. The whole earth was filled with violence, so God killed everything on earth.
"But still, I don't quite get it. Did God drown the animals because they were too violent? Didn't he make them that way in the first place -- either at creation or after the fall of Adam?"
Thanks for sending.
Cool. Where did you find that quote about Noah? I didn't see it in the commentary on the flood story.
Edit: never mind, I found it on his blog:
Oh it was also in the Drunk with Blood essay on the Skeptic's Bible:
Drunk With Blood is awesome, and as you say, it's hilarious.
Dear Tereza! Thank you for your excellent video! You speak professionally! i do not know your profession or career but you videos are done in a great quality and with integrity!
What you are referring to is extremely relevant.
let me give you a recent example.
I was at a Baptist church last Sunday. The sweetest pastor was giving a sermon proclaiming that Israel should have all the Palestine, all the West Bank, All the Gaza strip (the congregation was cheering). It was promised by God to the God chosen people. We support Israel, we stand with Israel. We support our government. ...etc.
We were reading Genesis 17.
"7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God." (KJ Bible)
Who wrote Genesis? Was it translated many times, was it translated correctly from the ancient languages? Was it written much later after the encounter took place ? etc
We choose the verses from the Bible that fit our ideology and start supporting genocide.
After the sermon I came to talk to him about what he was proclaiming. Does he mean we need to kill all those who live on the land now? Children, women, civilians? Is he aware what Israili government did to their own people in the past three years (democide)? What does it mean "Stand with Israel" we support all the atrocities?
he did confess that his sermon was idealistic in view...
I sent him an email later in the week with links to Substacks, videos to trying to show the horrific reality that he promised to go through.
Pastors at churches have an immense influence on congregation. Sometimes, the congregation does not question what was being said by their beloved pastor... and it is wrong... we are loosing common sense and ability to think clearly... living in a delusion in a way... very sad...
Thank you so much for sharing that with me, Masha. And for telling me that what I'm saying is relevant. Sometimes it seems like it's too theoretical, what does theology have to do with this? But I agree that it's being used as justification. As you point out, it's not just Hebrews who believe in the Hebrew Bible but Christians too. I wish we had the kind of community found in churches, talking about those big questions and bringing in relevant perspectives. I'm glad you used your credibility with the pastor to get him to review the videos. Sometimes people change their minds!
What a good essay topic. May I add Henry the VIII, Ivan the Terrible and Stalin to your list !? 🤩🥂
And the monsters have values? Pray-tell.
Another thought-provoking piece, Tereza. Thank you!
Isn't "Psyops" plural? Isn't "Psyop" military shorthand for "Psychological Operation"?
Corrected! I think the first reference should be plural but I changed it in the later paragraph. Thanks for keeping me both honest and grammatically correct!
Both of those duties are sinecures :)
And expanding my vocab! I remember looking that up before but I'm assuming it's ecclesiastical benefits you're getting since the income sucks.
I'm getting an education! Thank you, as always!
"gain, if the defining scripture of a religion provides a moral justification for the enslavement, colonization and land theft of others"
Can you give one example of any philosophical system, religion or political system that man hasn't re-interpreted to give them an advantage over others? Greed is a condition of man, not part of the religion itself.
Hindu scriptures have the caste system, Christians have "Go forth and subdue the nations." Definitely the Greek philosophers were pro-slavery. I quote Aristotle at the beginning of my book, "Humanity is divided into two: the masters and the slaves; or, if one prefers it, the Greeks and the Barbarians, those who have the right to command; and those who are born to obey." And certainly our whole monetary system has been built on slavery, which is the point of my book.
These things, which are the foundation of Western Civilization don't need to be re-interpreted, they blatantly say that colonization is, not just a right, but an obligation. I think this proves the opposite of your point. Without these authoritarian directives, we don't know if man would be greedy. Or women.
Is that all they say, or man said through them?