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Oh relaxing is much better than a Pavlov dog response of drooling ;-) My middle daughter's doing a deep breathwork meditation class where they burn sage. She has some by her chair at home and said it always puts her back in that frame of mind. I'm glad my intro can do that for you.

This is the third time that amaryllis has come back without me doing anything. And the shirt is actually an art deco dress I picked up at a clothing swap. Score!

Yes, I'm really enjoying Isaac's descriptions. Is Vedic astrology the subject you're interested in? His 90 pp reading plus personalized video came to $100US once the exchange rate was figured in, but that may have been a special he was running. In any case, it's affordable and definitely an education that I'm taking slow.

Isaac also was very interested in your art, I don't know if you saw his comment on it. And my friend Ernest just asked me which program you use, so he's learning from your prompts. Amy's magnanimous school of AI magnificence.

This may have been a mite more disjointed than usual but I figured people would be too busy looking at the pictures to care. I finally gave up my desktop 2D crush with the Celtic man reading runes (since I included him here and know where to find him again). Now my desktop is the spiderweb where every red-rimmed node is like a dragonfly eye. The bigger they get, the better they look.

And I'm doing a leisurely stroll through your latest. The one I keep chuckling about is "Hey, my eyes are up here!" Hahahaha!

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Oh! It IS the Isaac I thought it was. I didn't fully realize he was on here. Someone shared a video of his a while back and I subscribed to his you tube channel (under my super secret, not really a secret you tube name) I can't wait to look at his substack now! He is very knowledgeable. I also appreciate anyone who enjoys practicing music (or dancing to it :)

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Yes, I am interested in the skyclock and the ancient understandings. Here is Crow777's latest title, it's just funny because it rolled in just as I was seeing this comment. " When Sun- Based Calendars Replaced the Skyclock, Reality Receded" I didn't see Isaac's comment but I am going to check out his work. Maybe I already have.....I am wondering if maybe I have seen something of his. I will let you know after I seek it out. I saw a few good references here in your comment section that I want to look at as well. And to Ernest, I use Bing Image Creator. If you have a Microsoft account, you can use it for free. I don't consider having a Microsoft account true freedom, so I can't just say it's free. I don't feel like this presentation was disjointed at all. I found it highly enjoyable.

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Ooooh, I like that. Do you have a link?

Part of reclaiming the sky is reclaiming the calendar as moon-based, the one on the back of the turtle--13 months of 28 days. Yes, our current church-authority based calendar leaves us out of sync. The only downside of the turtle calendar is if you were born on a Monday, your birthday will always fall on a Monday, which doesn't seem fair. But when we reclaim our labor and all work for ourselves, that will be moot.

Glad you enjoyed it!

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https://www.crrow777radio.com/574-when-sun-based-calendars-replaced-the-skyclock-reality-receded-free/ I haven't listened to it yet. His opening song is in 432hz and was put together by a guy that does a lot of cool music, enjoy the intro :)

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I LOVED the intro music. A combination of HU, do you know the Mongolian throat singing band? and Celtic with pipes. Very masculine. I also loved the discussion, which hit on some of my favorite topics. I have it saved in a draft for a future episode.

I also have a secret new comment for you but I'm saving it for your next post, so it gets more eyeballs ;-)

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Oh, compelling. Your comments are already fun when they are NOT secret :) Haha. I am glad you liked the intro. I am very familiar with the Mongolian throat singing by HU. I am a subscriber :). I am glad you liked it, I haven't listened to the podcast yet. I shall. I used to have a subscription but I had to cancel when I "scaled back" and only hearing one hour rather than two makes me sad. :) I will get a new subscription soon. If I find out anything more in hour two, I will let you know.

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