I loved this video, and thank you, new friend, for the "detective" mention! It's definitely a prerequisite for seeking Truth, isn't it. What you said about dogma vs. hypothecat made me laugh out loud. I've not heard that one before. Perhaps I'll further drag you into level 17, kicking and screaming, when I get more involved with telling you about the word "spells." Seriously, why do they call placing letter symbols together to form words, as to "spell," and then call formal writing "curs(e)ive? And, as we "write" the words, we're subliminally told we're "right," because it's a "rite" - a religious custom. All I really want to know is "What the heck is going on??" And, who turned the channel to crazy? Or perhaps I'm just realizing that I always was on that network. Thank you for just being genuine you! Happy holidays!!

P.S. I'd rather be a Conspiracy Theorist than a Complicity Theorist:)

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You don't need to drag me kicking and screaming, Wildrhody, unless it's in sheer joy! I'm SO excited about your word spells and haven't had a chance yet to respond fully. And for Anneke, I will certainly be posting more about this from Wildrhody, so stay tuned.

As someone mentioned, it's part of the superstition of the Shemitic rulers that they need to tell us what they're doing, in an encoded way, so that if we don't figure it out, we've acquiesced. That makes us a willing blood sacrifice, and I'm not going to mince words because this is too important given Lahaina and Palestine and everything else happening these days.

So your theory that the Bible is an encoded military strategy--remind me of your exact phrase--is brilliant. And Joe Atwill can tell you how much plays on words figure into Josephus and the gospels. He wanted to put in clues, prided himself on his cleverness, to make the psyops into a cipher, not an outright lie. A lie doesn't serve the purpose.

So this morning I woke up thinking that if you rearrange Josephus, you get 'of Jesus,' taking the pronunciation of 'ph' as 'f'. And I've already written about Judas the Sicariot, as the zealot leader known as the Nazarene, the Messiah and the Healer was called, transposing into Judas Iscariot.

Love 'Complicity Theorist'! Thanks and happy holidays back atcha!

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Glad, if you're kicking and screaming, it will be done joyfully, as it has been a lonely path, except for what I shared with AnnekeB. Also, you gave a great explanation of describing to AnnekeB of what's going on. I also loved that you found Josephus, as 'of Jesus,' and Sicariot as Iscariot. Btw, Judaism = I'm Judas - the betrayer. I've been apprehensive to share things, when using letters from sounds, like 'ph' to 'f,' b/c it's hard enough to explain this, when simply using the exact letters. When and if you have time, you may really like the link I shared, as well. His video even points out the words, gold and god, like you mentioned.

Something else to know and think about, before I later reveal more "spells" they've cast, is about the Jesuit symbol. The Jesuits (= It Jesus) are from their tribe of Asher, (see Numbers 26:44 and also Gen. 49:20 - "Out of Asher his bread shall be fat, and he shall yield royal dainties.")

If you look up the Jesuit symbol, it shows 4 letters: 'I' 'H' 'S' and 'T,' with the latter supposedly representing the cross, as we've been led to believe. (Funny how those letters spell "Shit.") Now look at the letter 'H.' I believe it represents two people facing one another, while 'H'andshaking,' as if in agreement of something. And the letter 'T' of their symbol comes down to either touch or 'cross' over the middle of that 'H' like it's an agreed upon 'T'reaty, between two factions. The 'T' also represents 'T'reasure, so this 'T'reaty gains them 'T'reasures. And, like I said, and we all know, follow the money.

The reason I bring that up is because the subliminal underpinning of the words, Holy Bible = 'H' Obey Bill, with "bill" meaning a formal statement or official memorandum but can also mean money or a banknote. While I'm at it, the 2 pillars of Solomon's temple were called Jachin and Boaz = 'H' Jacob and Nazi, which I have little doubt that some of the upper echelon Nazis worked with the tribal brethren to accomplish their goal of the takeover of Palestine = Penalties or Penal Ties. 'Penal' means serving as a place of punishment and 'ties' is to bind. Lastly, Adolf Hitler = Torah Filled and Dollar Thief, which both go hand in hand with what I showed.

I'll end on this note, and no need to reply, b/c we're probably all busy over this weekend:) Is this some kind of game we're playing with wizards/magicians/sorcerers, b/c if we were made in his 'Image' and that also spells 'I Game,' or 'I Mage' it would appear that it's quite possible:)

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Another OMG.

O M G.

Miles Mathis also emphasizes this point repeatedly and effectively.

"... plays on words figure into Josephus and the gospels. He wanted to put in clues, prided himself on his cleverness, to make the psyops into a cipher, not an outright lie. A lie doesn't serve the purpose."

"Word games" is a prominent characteristic of the clan's behavior. It's long been apparent that they pride themselves on the behavior.

“ It’s possible that I shall make an ass of myself. But in that case one can always get out of it with a little dialectic. I have, of course, so worded my proposition as to be right either way.”

Karl Marx, Letter to Friedrich Engels, dated 15 August 1857

Clicking on this link, https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/410.htm

offers this response,

Marx-Engels Archive

“File No Longer Available!”

How convnient!

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So interesting about Mathis. Yes, Joe Atwill's Caesar's Messiah is all about Josephus' word play. And I do think there's something more insidious to it than mere cleverness. I think it's the admonition that people needed to be warned, and became a willing blood sacrifice if they didn't figure it out.

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I should clarify about Mathis. The general concept is what he refers to a lot; I'm not aware that he mentions Joe Flavius specifically .


Anyway, I thought that Marx quote pretty telling.

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What is the difference between Semite and Shemite? Did I miss that somewhere?

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Hi, Anneke. Per my responses to Elizabeth, the important difference is between anti-ShemITE, as in against a race of people, and anti-ShemiTISM, against an ideology that's against other races of people. The ideology is that the sons of Shem were given the inheritance to rule the world, passed through Abram to David to whoever claims that right today. And I'm sure whoever that is, is the kingpin of the Pedo-Sadist Cult.

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Hi Tereza. I hope you are well. Sorry to add to your burden!

Is anti-shemite a neologism of yours, or have others used it in the past, please?

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Anti-shemite is certainly NOT a term of mine since it goes against everything I believe. It would also be nonsense. How could someone be against the descendants of the Biblical Shem which, according to it, encompass a third of the world?

It would also be grammatically incorrect for me to say I'm anti-Shemitism if I meant that I was FOR anti-Shemitism or anti-Semitism, in other words, in favor of being against a race of people. (sorry, please don't interpret my caps as yelling. After Elizabeth's 12 posts based on her misreading, and then Gary's note saying I'm egotistical based on his misreading, I'm just trying to make sure and not let the same mistake get slipped in again.)

The difficulty is that there's no word for the ideology of the Torah that there's a ruling class who owns the world and others are born to be their slaves. Semites are a race, several actually. Judaism is a religion but it was also several religions in the first century. I don't want to confirm that this theology of a ruling class was the real Judaism.

So in short, yes, Shemitism is my neologism for the ideology of the Noahite Agreement or Covenant giving ownership over the world. I think we need, Jews and Christians alike, to read that story of Noah past the rainbow.

And I'm glad you're reading Jonathan, I was just commending your Joy post to Geoff.

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Thanks for clarifying. Sorry to take up so much of your time!

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"...we're subliminally told we're "right," because it's a "rite" - a religious custom."

That is brilliant, especially when we consider the other uses of the word!





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Where can I find out more about “spells” in language?

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Maybe this is relevant (sorry, I haven't watched it yet)?

"Wield The Wizardry of Ordinary Words w/ Laurel Airica"

" Known for revealing the spells contained within our spelling, this conversation with Laurel illuminates the secret codes within language that we are constantly speaking and receiving, and the infinite possibilities that come from deepening our conscious understanding of this patterning."


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Laurel's great. I love her story and the light she's shining on this topic, giving us a look under the hood of language so to speak.

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Thank you, Tirion. I had not heard of Laurel before. I watched a good bit of your link, and I like what she had to say, which is somewhat similar to Chiron but definitely in a more poetic way, but I didn't resonate with the guy too much. So, I searched her channel, and am excited to hear more of what she has to say:)

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AnnekeB - That's a good question. Much of what I've found was on my own, with one exception. There was a YT channel that I feel I was guided to, from a higher plane, when I felt so alone in this endeavor, which was "Chiron Last." He was definitely on the same wavelength and was very good at teaching and breaking things down, like Tereza. I learned a lot from him. He has since shut down his channel, however, but there is a backup channel, where someone downloaded all of his videos, which are a treasure-trove of information. I'll link you to his "Golden Web" video series he did, to get you started. From there, you can decide if it's worthy of your attention. It's definitely a good place to start. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1gBj8CiKto&t=6s

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This is an amazing video 🤯 Thank you so much! If you have any books or other links on this topic please let me know!

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I'm glad it resonated with you:) I'm actually rewatching the series, as it's been around 8 years since I've seen it, so thank you for being curious enough to ask the question, for the reminder. As far as any other books or channels, none come to mind, hence why this has been a very lonely journey. I have been working on writing about what I've found, and hopefully soon will post on substack, as I cover each topic. The problem is that I'm not a writer, and it's a complicated subject to convey, especially if people don't understand the underlying manipulation, OR cryptography, of the English language and why it came about. Cryptography is "the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of adversarial behavior."

I believe the English language began and evolved as the universal language of commerce, and just as Chiron implied, it came through the Phoenicians. The words "English Language" also spells "Huge Angel Signal." Huge can mean powerful or strong - Angel can mean divine messenger - Signal can mean a sequence of states representing an encoded message in a communication channel (all Wiktionary). I find that very strange, especially from a cryptography point, as it's basically telling us that our language is being used as a "powerful divine message of coded communications."

John 1:1, specifically states that "God --->was<--- the Word." The word "WAS," in the past tense, is what's important. They have twisted so many things in this world, why not the language, as well. The thing is that whether purposefully done or not they can't actually hide anything without being found out, but only if people are really paying attention and not being hypnotized by their "spells." Here are a few examples: ("=" denotes what the word(s) actually say).

Gen. 23 is all about Abraham buying a parcel of land for a "Buryingplace = Buying Parcel."

Acts 16 speaks of a woman named Lydia whose heart was opened in the place called "Thyatira = Thy Atria," with atria being the upper chambers of the heart.

Acts 13 speaks of a Jewish sorcerer that went by two names, "Barjesus Elymas = Jerusalem Abyss." Abyss means hell, bottomless pit, primeval chaos.

Moshiach = Him Chaos. (Moshiach is the Jewish messiah).

Gen. 38 actually states that Judah turned into an "Adullamite = A Talmud Lie."

Talmudic = Amid Cult.

Rapture = Rue Trap (rue meaning sorrow, repentance).

Scripture = Rue Script (a document of repentance, like perhaps as one containing the dialogue and action of a drama).

Testament = Meant Test (perhaps this is all about being tested to learn lessons?).

As for more current codes:

Rockefeller Foundation = Felon Oil Founder Racket.

Coronavirus Pandemic = Our Mad Prion Vaccines (prion is a misfolded protein such as in "mad cow" disease).

Climate Change = Chemical Agent (think about how they're poisoning our skies/air, water, food, vaccines, etc. with chemicals, and I mustn't forget about their chemically made bombs they're almost always continuously dropping or detonating somewhere. If they really cared about saving this planet, they would first stop those destructive practices. When they use the word, Climate, they really mean the political and not the environmental one).

Globalist = All Bigots (meaning they are the god-complex racial supremacists that want to rule over the rest of us).

Anyway, I'll end it there. Have a wonderful holiday and thank you for the reply:)

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Oh you and Julius definitely have puzzles in common! I told my daughters about you this morning and how excited I was with the co-conspirators my stack has brought together. I mentioned the word spells and the daughter who studied Arabic in college said that's a big issue in their culture. The storyteller was a respected role and the written word destroyed it. More after the wholly daze. Oh but angel also meant messenger or spy, with archangel being the spy for the archons.

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Interesting about your daughter's perspective and the storytellers. I did not know that. Oh, and I love your "wholly daze." How fitting is that! I'll share something about Christmas, AFTER it's over. I do believe there is good and bad in everything, including the angels, and in the case of what I've presented, something "good" is working up yonder.

Btw, Lucifer was a comet. Lucifer = Ice Furl and comets are known as dirty snowballs/ice and Furl means to roll up compactly. And to further prove it, here's an old book, written about past weather events, where it shows how they called comets, Lucifer (pg 143, year 1239).


Hope you're enjoying your daughters:) Can't wait to hang with my daughter and son. Btw, my name is Rhonda.

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"I mentioned the word spells and the daughter who studied Arabic in college said that's a big issue in their culture. "

Didn't know that.

I know of somone else who is brilliant as heck, who wrote an excellent book, who quite cleverly plays with words in such a way that it never becomes corny or cringeworthy and who is "onto" the scam...


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🤯 I cannot thank you enough. All this is really fascinating and I think you could really start a unique substack! I really hope you can make all this available to us.

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Thank you so much, AnnekeB:) I must have thought it fascinating, as well, b/c I've become driven to figure it out, and it's a huge undertaking. Before my dad's passing, he would constantly interrupt our conversations to ask me what words meant, and it would drive me crazy, b/c it messed up the flow of the conversation. Now I'm driving myself insane. LOL! Perhaps he's somewhere I can't see, and is watching me and laughing his butt off, at the monster he helped create:) If I do write and post, it will definitely be for all to see. I just want people to fully awaken and realize everything has us under some kind of undefinable spell.

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Btw, and you may already know, but that Chiron channel has a lot of videos to watch for even more info:)

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Yes, I’ve started part 2 and I am looking forward to more. I think he also mentioned Manly P Hall so I ordered some of his books from the library.

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Oh, interesting about Manley P. Hall. Maybe I'm not to that part, or I wasn't thinking about Hall, in regard to reading his books. Thank you! I'll have to do the same.

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Thanks so much!

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This is a fascinating thread and am so glad we have Substack to thank for being able to have these discussions to find out "What the hell's going on?" on planet mind control. I'm just getting into word magic and the spells that have been cast on humanity for millennia. That's one of the main reasons why we're in the state we're in today; it's largely due to word magic. You folks have way more knowledge and experience than I do in these realms, but it's so great to be able to learn from you and the things your detective work is able to reveal. I'm trying to do this in my own way with/through poetry; to give poetry the power it should have in raising consciousness.

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Oh that's a wonderful goal, VP. Poetry has been turned into self-confessional nonsense when I should be a distillation of meaning that leads the poet into places unknown. It's why I have a fondness for rhyme and meter, even though I don't often use them. But I feel like it pushes me into uncharted territory, giving spirit a voice in the poem, that sometimes makes me step back and ask, "Who wrote that?"

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Oh, given the stuff you know Tereza, I'm sure you can write some awesome poems about the state of the world, the perps behind it, how we've got it all wrong re: history, etc.

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"I'm just getting into word magic and the spells that have been cast on humanity for millennia. "

You have me beat. This thread is my introduction to a topic I never heard of before. I have been aware that the BS has been piled on since forever and I knew it was deep, but I was never aware of this aspect of it.

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You're too kind, thank you. I'm just going with the flow, knowing what I come to know. If you have time, check out some of my poetry for examples.

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Yup and shall do. Many interesting folks here on TC's ss.

Bless you!

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As I wrote on your post, OMG this is gorgeous and enlightening as sharp as a tack! I'm so glad you kept pointing me here and Geoff finally got me to click. Amazing! Here's one of my favorite lines:

"I’m truly sorry

to deliver such unhappy news

when all you want is

to turn the celestial

music in your soul

into a light

to ignite

humanity’s hearts."

I will certainly be featuring this in a future post. I'm so honored to have you here!

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You know, this is excellent.:


Prior to this I used to think "poetry" was not only inscrutable but also abominable.

Now I'm sure that my suspicions were correct and now I know why. It's only taken me 3/4 of a century!

Many thanks!

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I don't think you're a conspiracy theorist, Tereza. The only people who call the conspiracies "theories" are the ones actually involved in them :)

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Wow, 72 comments by the time I woke up! A new record!

That is a good one, Tirion! And Christine posts a great rejoinder. My early video on Paul Kingsnorth that I linked makes the same point from Dr. Amishi Jha that everything's a theory and nothing is ever conclusive. Corbett's statement that he always leave a 5% chance he's wrong is wise. The only people to whom the conspiracy is NOT a theory are those involved in it, for whom it's knowledge. True to the nature of reversal, they then slap that label of theorist on others. But no one ever thought a scientific theorist or philosophical theorist was a crackpot. Thanks for reading!

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It's funny you should start out your thing today using the expression echo chamber. You need to do something about the achoustics in the room. Concrete walls are not good in that respect.

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Yes, you're absolutely right. But it won't be empty enough to be my recording studio for long. I might do one more recording in it before it fills up.

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Something simple like a colorful blanket hung on the wall would do the trick.

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Not on my newly painted iridescent rose-gold and yellow-gold wall, you don't! But the bedframe just arrived for it so the problem of empty space, sadly, won't last long.

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Yes, it seems that "theory/theorist" is a good example of a word whose meaning is in the process of evolving (or being engineered?) to change over time. Others might be nice, silly, unbelievable, dumb, awful, glamor, mad, gay, senile?

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I hope I'm not pointing out a point that's already been made, but "theo" is a greek word referring to god; I wonder if a the-ory is somehow associated with god's word...or something.

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I like this from Tirion's link: "theorical (n.), late 15c. Sense of "principles or methods of a science or art" (rather than its practice) is first recorded 1610s (as in music theory, which is the science of musical composition, apart from practice or performance). Sense of "an intelligible explanation based on observation and reasoning" is from 1630s."

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"Theo-ry" seems to fit with "an intelligible explanation based on observation but doesn't seem to fit well with " based on ... reasoning" but meanings do change.

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"...everything's a theory and nothing is ever conclusive."

For sure! ; )

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Notice their habit of changing definitions to suit their agendas?

Giggle says:

In everyday use, the word "theory" often means an untested hunch, or a guess without supporting evidence. But for scientists, a theory has nearly the opposite meaning. A theory is a well-substantiated explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can incorporate laws, hypotheses and facts.

https://www.amnh.org › darwin › w...

What Is a Theory? A Scientific Definition | AMNH


About featured snippets

People also ask

What are the main theories of science?

What are the 8 scientific theories?

What are some famous theories?

Theory of evolution by natural selection.

Plate tectonic theory.

Cell theory.

Atomic theory.

Einstein's theories of special and general relativity.

Electromagnetic theory.

Germ theory.

The big bang theory.

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"Notice their habit of changing definitions to suit their agendas?"

Yup, and it has long irritated me. Thanks for pointing that out.

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Can you clarify what Tereza is saying about anti-semitism? Is she actually saying she is anti anyone of Jewish heritage?

A whole massive group of people, some who are religious, some who are not. Some who believe in the right of Israel to exist, some who do not.

If so, she misunderstands Frances Leader's work and Nefahotep's as well.

I take your point a conspiracy is a conspiracy. A theory about a conspiracy is something else. We are way past theories with many pieces at this point.

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Thanks for the question, Elizabeth, and for clarifying that 'only Tereza can explain what Tereza means.' I always appreciate that instead of an interpretation.

The term I used intentionally was anti-Shemitism, referring to the Noahite Agreement that the right to rule over all the earth was bequeathed to the descendants of Shem with the Canaanites to be their perpetual slaves along with the descendants of Ham.

The exact Bible quotes are in my episode https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-devil-and-naomi-wolf. I renounce absolutely any belief system that some are born to rule both land and people and others are born to be slaves. And I think you should too along with anyone who identifies with Judaism or Christianity. This sentence alone tells me the Bible can't possibly be the word of God, unless I believe in an unfair, unjust God who gives land rights and creates slaves.

And Gary's exactly right, that the descendants of Shem are far more than the ruling class. After the Tower of Babel story, which justifies how the whole world could speak different languages if they all descended from Noah, it continues with the genealogy of which son gets the inheritance to rule the world. That goes to Abram and by the time of the siege of Jerusalem, is the Davidic dynasty, who 'Josephus' rescues and returns to their rightful role as rulers.

I might well misunderstand Frances and Nefahotep, but in conversations with the latter, we disagree respectfully on this point. They're much deeper in the secret societies than I am but my area of study, that isn't theirs, is Biblical analysis and comparison to the history of the time. No document is more anti-Jewish than the NT. While the OT is an anti-Canaanite polemic, the NT is an anti-Jewish polemic.

But I think we're misunderstanding both. I suspect that even the term Jew and Judean may have meant the followers of Judas the Galilean, who started the zealot movement or the political arm of the rejection of the Roman right to rule over them. The religious arm was the Fourth Philosophy, started by Saduc whose followers were the Sadducees who rejected the Torah or genealogy of the right of the Shemitic dynasty to rule over them.

So in rejecting Shemitism, I'm rejecting an ideology of some being born to rule over others. I think the true Judaism--followers of Judas--would have been exactly the same as the true Christians because the Christ was a movement, not a person. To believe in Shemitism is to believe that the Palestinians, Egyptians, Africans and some Asians are all lesser beings born to serve their masters.

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Wish I could give 10👍for your explanation. ❤️

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How sweet of you!

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Holy smokes, TC! Good stuff there.

Any word on Rabbi Hillel the Elder? Apparently he (paraphrased) said that the basic rule was to avoid doing to others what you would not have done to yourself, which resonates with me much more effectively with me than the ly stated Golden Rule.

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Yes and as I mentioned elsewhere here, the Golden Rule and its inverse were the basis of many robust moral codes predating 'Jesus' by many centuries.

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Thank you Tereza for weighing in and explaining this so steadily. I am not bible literate or have any education in any religions.

I don't disagree with Gary and have listened to some of Palestinian descent speak to what he wrote to.

And yes I don't believe anyone has a divine right to rule over anyone else. Or any right to subjugate another for any reason.

I have read some very concerning viewpoints on the stack and have been a bit concerned as to where you and also Nefahotep were heading in your work.

Mainly because of some of Nefahotep's followers and a misunderstanding he and I had on his feed that did not end well.

There are certain behaviors that I am not tolerant of and think it is important to tease them apart, speak to them gently.

Thank you again.

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Hi, Elizabeth. I'm glad that you did re-read my original phrase and see the difference between -ites as people and an -ism as a belief system. And you said something very important about not being tolerant of certain behaviors. Absolutely! The behaviors tolerated by Biblical Shemitism include slaveowning, subjugation of women, incest, rape, conquest, colonization and genocide, specifically. This is a belief system which you, based on what you've said, should be challenging on every front. To come down this hard on me, based on your misreading of anti-Shemitism as anti-shemites or anti-semites, is something you should consistently apply to anyone who espouses a doctrine of hate and superiority to other people. To do anything else would be hypocritical, and I only say that so strongly because you're challenging me when I'm defending the equal value of all people. So I'm challenging you that you're being tricked into defending a doctrine of superiority.

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No I am not being tricked into a doctrine of superiority. I simply did not understand the word you used. It was not something I had come across before. I had thought it was a play on words, that is why I was asking.

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Sorry, Elizabeth. I sent the last response before I read your note that you already got my point. Definitely a time lag in my responses!

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Tereza I understood you in your first response to me.

The rest was exhausting and unwelcome.

As to Gary, he is someone I knew a couple of years ago. He is not a friend of mine. Including him in responses to me was an odd thing to do and also not welcome.

I appreciate that many are finding clarity in your work. That's a wonderful thing.

I am going to step away now.


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"Can you clarify what Tereza is saying about anti-semitism?"

Why ask Trion to do that? Ask Tereza yourself.

I am not pretending to speak for her, although we have had many a back-and-forth on the subject. I agree with her that Israel never had a right to exist. I agree with her that Adolf Hitler was set up to be the fall guy/bad guy.

I also view the Holocaust™ as a thing that was supposed to give all of Europe in general, and Germany in particular, a guilty concience to pave the way for the illegitimate squatter state.

Please take a look at a post I published on 11 October this year. Four quotes from Winston Churchill included in that post really turns the two world wars right-side-up.

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Thanks. In Elizabeth's defense, I posted just before bed and didn't get online until mid-morning. So there was much discussion in those 72 comments without me. It is a difficult thing because the words have been taken from us and made to mean their opposite. Judaism has been made to mean following the Torah, with the Noahite agreement of ruling the world and having others as slaves. But when the word came into use was for the followers of Judas the Sicariot and Saduc the Pharisee, who rejected the Torah and the genealogy of rulers and the right of Rome to rule them. So I need to invent a new word, Shemitism, to represent the ideology of the Torah. That's definitely confusing but somewhat intentionally so, because I want to draw attention to the lineage of Shem being at the heart of the Torah, and that defending that is also defending the enslavement of the Canaanites, aka Palestinians, and all the rest of the hierarchy.

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Tereza...... I encourage you to make a post where you nail all of these points to make it comprehendable for the common john and Jane Q. Normie as James Corbet calls them.

Make a post with links to everything Shemite so we can have something to throw in their faces when they attack us for being anti- Shemites.

Keep fighting the good fight, and happy hollidays, Tereza. I love everything you post.

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Never anti-Shemites, GreaterIsrahell. I'm against no people, we're all either duped or confused. I'm against an ideology I call Shemitism after the original inheritors of the right to rule the world.

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Maybe I expressed my request the wrong way. I am regularly accused of anti-Semitism by Jews and Christians alike. I would like to be able to explain to them what Shem, Shemites and Shemitism is all about so that they understand what they're defending.

Then comes my request for a post with links to everything Shemite so we can have something to rebut their accusations. After all, who wants to support an evil ideology if one is not evil.

Can you do that for us, Tereza? Thank you in advance.

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Thank you for weighing in. I have since spoken to Tereza.

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"Is she actually saying she is anti anyone of Jewish heritage?"

Certainly not. Most of the people who employ the term as a defense mechanism are not even Semites. Palestine is apparently full of Semites of the Christian and Muslim varieties while their oppressors and torturers probably are not, yet they accuse others of being so.

As TC pointed out, there's a whole lot of inside out and topsy turvy stuff going on.

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But Geoff those were Tereza's words. And maybe she means something else.

And yes many who are accusing others of being antisemitic are confusing being antisemitic with being anti Zionist. Which are two very different things.

And the history of being Semitic belongs to many different groups.

I understand what you say.

Only Tereza can clarify what she means.

In the middle of inside out, topsy turvy, language is Very important.

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"In the middle of inside out, topsy turvy, language is Very important."

Yes, it is. It's what diferentiates us from the rest of the mamels here on earth. Unfortunately not very many understand its importance.

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Humans, in my personal experience don't understand themselves on many levels.

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By the looks of it I don't think it's even possible that people cold understand themselves and evidently most don't want to. We're obvioulsy even a mystery to whatever entity created us if that's what really occurred!

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The occupants of Palestine should at best rightly be called East European Ashkenazim Khazars. As of late I prefer the same label as Jesus Christ put on them in the Book of Revelations, Chapter 2, Verse 9.

"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

...., or if you like:

"I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan."

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Well, I'd have to go back to Josephus having written the story of Jesus to erase the religion that enabled them to revolt against Rome and the Davidic dynasty, their current iteration of the Shemitic right to rule the world.

As I talk about in this episode: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-devil-and-naomi-wolf, according to Elaine Pagels in The Origin of Satan, Satan represented the zealot leaders, particularly Judas the Nazarene. The Jews, I'm suspecting, were a name given to the followers of Judas and maybe even Judea being a description of the rebellious territory. Otherwise, it seems odd that Judas would be named for the place he lived, like naming your kid Guatemali.

So when Jesus/ Josephus talks about the Synagogue of Satan, he's talking about the Jerusalem temple after it had been taken back from the Romans as the place where they collected their tax and where the wealthy Shemites had individual chambers to store their stolen wealth, like bank vaults.

When you say 'the occupants of Palestine', do you mean the occupying force or those who lived there 70 yrs ago?

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a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs

I am anti zionist not anti semite. I am anti genocidal maniac, anti liar and anti Talmud and how it is actually interpreted by the rabbis (but don’t always make that known). It’s fascinating how people through that word around when anyone has questions about anything jew. How are people so comfortable with shaming others for simply trying to understand?

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And you're clear I think, Christine, that I'm not talking about people at all, or those who speak a Semitic language. I'm talking about an ideology that precedes Zionism and makes Zionism possible by its widespread acceptance in the Torah. In the Naomi Wolf essay that I link to here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-devil-and-naomi-wolf, she states that ideology of the Noahite Covenant so openly that any person should be shocked. It's not Zionist, it's the foundation on which it's built.

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Yes, I understand. It’s the people throwing the derogatory shaming word, “anti-Semite” around to shut any one curious. I’m sick of not being able to discuss this important “rabbit hole” of a subject. It’s amazing how smart the evil doers have played everyone, for centuries. Although, they’ve had centuries to fine tune their deceit. Our ancestors managed to figure it out time and again but here we “modern” dummies are just barely noticing. Or maybe that’s just me. They really have fine tuned social engineering.

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It's not just you. I, for one, and what it's worth, agree with everything you wrote there, to the degree that I have long had similar thoughts.

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I am anti zionist not anti semitic as well.

I don't know about the Talmud or how it's interpreted.

And yes anti genocidal mania or maniacs!

My father's family was Jewish. He was not religious and did not pass anything down to me of the culture. Just the heavy weight of his name.

I think in my grandparents eyes I was a half breed. My father was likely poking them by marrying my mother. I can't know.

At the beginning of these last four years there were some speaking about the similarity of what was happening to the holocaust. Many were calling those speaking out anti semitic. Or self hating Jews. One man who was a well known writer had his colleagues turn against him. People he regularly taught workshops with. His publisher also dropped him.

Yeah anti semitic is thrown around a lot. There is a lot of hereditary trauma built up around it. (no matter the actual history)

We are being pushed to be divided which makes it hard to hear each other.

We are being very badly used.

People are taught to judge each other, to be fearful of each other. (this is done in so many ways, on so many fronts)

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All 5 of my cousins have a Jewish father, from Argentina, not religious, but their parents divorced and mostly raised my cousins. My aunt is a born again Christian, none of her children respect her born again views. 1 of my cousins married an Israeli and converted and raised her children “orthodox”....but, I’m not sure how orthodox they really are.

To me, they are a “normal blue collar” family and although views don’t always align everyone tries to be a family. I’d love to bring up noahide laws, Kol Nidre, Talmud, why some Rabbis speak anti human philosophy. But, oy vey, I don’t dare.

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Yeah there are so many pieces here.

I'd be curious about what you have to share. But yeah maybe wait and speak to Tereza directly.

I really don't have any schooling in religion.

Which felt challenging at times when I was growing up because I was on the outside.

But it also gave me time and space to find my own way. Just feel what I felt without any indoctrination.

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“I conclude that Paul [Kingsnorth’s] example of a person changing their mind is one of the most powerful forces on earth, and hope that #IWasWrong goes viral.“ ~ Tereza Coraggio

Maybe Tereza will change her mind about “I am 100% anti-Shemitism…”, given history’s ignorance (and humanity’s ignorance) about the descendants of Noah’s son, Shem, and the descendants of one of Shem’s descendants, Eber, the patriarch of the Hebrews.

We ought to know that the descendants of Shem include many more peoples than those who are of the tribe of Judah. Right?

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Gary, I went back to look at your note. Doesn't it seem a mite cowardly for you to take one line of mine out of context and write a lengthy note berating me for my ego and hoping I learn some humility, rather than posting on the episode where others who've been reading my work and understand it might be able to discuss it?

You and Elizabeth spent long comments assuming that I was a moral reprobate who despised whole races of people, before I got online and pointed out that, in your rush to judgment, you hadn't read the word I wrote. You simply assumed that you were morally superior to me. And now that I point out that Shemitism is the right to rule over other people, enslaving them and taking their land, have you changed your mind? Do you care that Judaism and Christianity have this doctrine that's justified slavery and is now justifying the extermination of the Palestinians, aka Canaanites? Or are you okay with that as long as we don't question Jesus?

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"And now that I point out that Shemitism is the right to rule over other people, enslaving them and taking their land, have you changed your mind? Do you care that Judaism and Christianity have this doctrine that's justified slavery and is now justifying the extermination of the Palestinians, aka Canaanites?"

Where can I find documentation of this, Thereza. IT IS THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU HAVE WRITTEN THAT I KNOW OF. It blows the all the anti-Semitism bovine fecal matter away permanently.

Please provide a reference.

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It's in Genesis in the story of Noah. I quote it in this episode: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-devil-and-naomi-wolf

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I know the request was addressed to TC, but may I offer a contribution?

Ideas such as that are Talmudic. The Talmud is one huge refernce in that regard.

This may offer you a substantial start.

"Hate the Gentile!" Israel’s Racist Rabbis, by JONATHAN COOK

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”

Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat.”According to Yosef, death has “no dominion” over non-Jews in Israel.

"Hate the Gentile!" Israel’s Racist Rabbis, by JONATHAN COOK



The above is from an old article and I wouldn't be surprised if the link no longer works.

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Thank you, Goeff! I will take that ball and run with it. I will find the text in the Bible, I will look at what you have linked to, and I will make a post about Shem.

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Did I really assume that you were a moral reprobate?

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Perhaps it would help for you to explain this further, "Maybe Tereza will change her mind about “I am 100% anti-Shemitism…”, given history’s ignorance (and humanity’s ignorance) about the descendants of Noah’s son, Shem, and the descendants of one of Shem’s descendants, Eber, the patriarch of the Hebrews."

Am I mistaken that you assumed I was 100% against people of Semitic descent? What did you mean? Had I been, I would consider that position immoral. And I'm not sure what you meant about the descendants of Eber changing that.

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What’s the difference between someone of Semitic descent and someone of Shemitic descent?

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I’m grateful for your explanation of “Shemitism”. It cleared a lot of things up.

Edited to add: “And now that I point out that Shemitism is the right to rule over other people, enslaving them and taking their land, have you changed your mind?” I think that you know what you mean by “Shemitism”, but you seem to have coined another term, not unlike “tonic masculinity”. As was already asked: “Where can I find documentation of this, Thereza… Please provide a reference.”

Tereza, you ask “Do you care that Judaism and Christianity have this doctrine that's justified slavery and is now justifying the extermination of the Palestinians, aka Canaanites?” There are malignant and depraved doctrines. I am only interested in the doctrine of… well… you know.

Tereza, you conclude with the question “Or are you okay with that as long as we don't question Jesus?” Go ahead and question this (so-called) “Jesus” all you want to. Didn’t you write somewhere else that you state that “Jesus” is a movement and is not a person. I presume that you are questioning the Jesus movement and that you are receiving the answers that make the most sense to you.

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Thanks for that, Gary. I did just post that in answer to GreaterIsrahell but let me know if it makes sense to you.

What I've written before is that propaganda is the interweaving of truth and lies into a seamless cloth. If you recognize the truth and accept the lies, they win. If you recognize the lies and reject the truth, they win.

If the doctrine of Jesus is one that you accept as dogma, it makes those malignant and depraved doctrines in the Bible also sacrosanct. They have a power that can't be questioned. If I were to call the doctrine I'm questioning Judaism, I would be attacked as anti-semitic, yes? And if I call it Christianity, I'm seen as anti-Christian. But once there's one line in the Bible where you say, I can't possibly accept that as the word of God, it's like finding one lie. You have to start from scratch and be willing to question everything because now you know it's possible.

No, I said the opposite. I said that the Christ was a movement, specifically a revolution against the right of anyone to rule over others. Jesus is the story of a person who demands to be worshipped as a deity. They're exactly opposite. So instead of an empowering movement in which the Christ was an idea that removed fear and gave courage, it became just another God competing to be praised and 'believed in' or another form of both servitude to those above in the hierarchy and superiority to those below, like the indigenous of every continent, Africans, Asians, Indians, and especially the Arabs.

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“What I've written before is that propaganda is the interweaving of truth and lies into a seamless cloth. If you recognize the truth and accept the lies, they win. If you recognize the lies and reject the truth, they win.” I presume that your statement that Josephus created Jesus is propagating a falsehood.

“You have to start from scratch and be willing to question everything because now you know it's possible.” Scholars talk about this, but they don’t do it. Everyone has assumptions which they don’t question. I think that working about “question everything” is a form of virtue signaling. False virtue. It’s like boasting “Look at how open minded I am.” If you closely self-examined, I suspect that you could find malignant dogmas and hypothecats that you believe. On the other hand, perhaps you see yourself as so completely mature (spiritually, psychologically, emotionally, intellectually) so as to be a paragon of virtue.

“Jesus is the story of a person who demands to be worshipped as a deity.” How did you come to this conclusion?

Regarding the Arabs and worship of a mortal man: why do they insist on writing "SAW" or "PBUH" after the name of their prophet? Do you have a special place in your heart for Arab Muslims?

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Do you know who the first conspiracy theorists were, Trion? They are/were the friends and relatives of the eye witnesses that stepped forward after 11/22/1963 claiming that what was being said in the news papers, on the radio and on TV was not what they in fact saw with their own eyes.

One by one the FBI made sure all these eye witnesses fell out of windows, jumped off of rooftops, got killed by hit and run or broad sided in an intersection, shot themselves in the head twice etc., etc. When all of them were dead, the only ones left were their friends and relatives who knew their stories. The CIA gave them the noun. The rest is, as they say, history.

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Yes, and in doing so, they engineered a change in the meaning of the words "theory" and "theorist" such that today exposing a conspiracy is treated as being weak minded. To paraphrase Ed Snowden, "When exposing a conspiracy is treated as being weak minded, you know you're being ruled by conspirators"?!

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Ooh, I'm liking your paraphrase better than the original, Tirion.

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Thank you, kind and inspirational lady. Merry Christmas to you and your family! 🎄

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I'm picking your nit now, Tirion, but I read a quote by him as follows: "When the authorities treat you as a criminal for exposing crimes, you know you are ruled by criminals."

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Good one!

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Is this a Helen-ism? One of my favorite Homer Simpson quotes is

"Facts are meaningless, they can be used to prove almost anything."

Well that is the quote I remember. The quote from the time-line we currently inhabit says this is the quote...

"Facts are meaningless. You can use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true."

Closer than lion/lamb changing to wolf/lamb in the book of Isaiah.

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Hahaha! I never thought Homer and my mom would have something in common, bless her conflict-avoidant heart ;-)

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“How much can be learnt from history has long been a matter of speculation. Much depends on the capacity of the pupil. There is probably no branch of learning, except economics, in which conjecture plays so large a part. ALMOST ANY SET OF FACTS CAN BE SELECTED, IN A PARTIAL FASHION, TO PROVE ANY THEORY, HOWEVER, ABSURD.” (emphasis added)

William Joyce – “Twilight Over England”

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Nice! Thank you for the quote. I figured Matt Groening had inspiration from somewhere.

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Woody Allen once said that he began to think someone was out to get him when a bomb blew up in his hat.

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Maybe they thought they were dong him a favor! Sometimes I get the impression that we think too much and I'd really begin to worry if a bomb went off in my shorts.


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I call your lampshades and soap and raise you a sausage

I call on my first star witness A:

• Rachel Hanan - Every Auschwitz Canard In 82 Seconds


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That's quite a compilation, I hadn't heard the sausages before. Are you okay Julius? I haven't heard from you and expected to on the Stacker Detractors & Nazis episode. I hope Julius' Book Mentions wasn't one of the five stacks shut down, none of which were monetized, with 100 or so readers between them. But you're probably among the remaining 75 raking in millions as a Nazi publication, yes?

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Hi Tereza - after my core day-to-day priorities I am only able to squeeze in limited time to look at all the articles I want to. I have even discovered that there is a limit to the number of email notifications I can have open - could be 100 or 150.

It's hard to rake in millions when you have configured your substack to 'free readers' only. As mentioned, it really is a repository for my reading journey (plus some notes and comments.

I don't expect you to open these, but this is what I have been listening to lately ...

(I can't recall ever having heard of John Kaminski)

• John Kaminski Interview – Zach - LogosRevealed


(In the following, I refer to the personal testimonies in the first hour from around 10:00 to 1:00:00)

• White Nationalist Round Table - National Socialism, Billy Roper, Karl Haemers, Tonitrus, NNR (Nick) – LogosRevealed


I don't identify and in fact refuse to accept any label - I am just stumbling across what is true and ruling out what is obviously NOT true ... Nein to raking in millions :-)

I really must spend time today on the Maria Romanov Diaries and Letters, Ja?

Then on to you latest articles ...

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I certainly get it. I was happy to realize that some of your links that I had open were less than 10 min. And well worth it! Once you recognize the dissembling of 'Holocaust survivors' it's easy to see in just their personal style, even without the changing of facts as was also pointed out.

Kaminski's name seems familiar from 9/11 days. But I wish he did a little less self-promotion/ whining and gave more new data. I agree with everything he said (in what I watched) but he didn't give me anything I could bring to that argument other than generalities.

Did you introduce me to The Fascifist? I've been reading a couple of theirs (is it a collective?) on the divide between two leaders in Spain, pre-Franco, and on National Socialism, pre-Hitler. Very astute observations. People once knew how to think, clearly. (punctuation optional)

Ruling out what is obviously NOT true is a great way to narrow things down ... eliminate all the innie-outtie pieces so you're down to the outtie-innies <grin>. Look forward to your thoughts when you get to them.

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"I agree with everything he said (in what I watched) but he didn't give me anything I could bring to that argument other than generalities." I love the way you too, discern, Tereza. That's precisely how I assess the merits of much that I listen to - am I confident in sharing this with family and friends as a statement of my own position? In many cases, no - but I DO like Zach (LogosRevealed)

I can't even remember the item that triggered this mini-conversation so I will have to revisit (when I can). Thank you for keeping in touch. I might turn the TV on to mute in the background now and see when Elena Rybakina is playing.

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Captain’s log, Stardate September 2015: the moon landing was real, 911 was carried out by 19 Muslims with boxcutters, the Port Arthur massacre was committed by a deranged nut job named Martin Bryant […] and the coalition of ‘good guys’ had fought the holy war against terror in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya and were in the throes of fighting a similar noble war Syria because Assad was gassing his own people – just like six million ‘Zionists’ decades earlier.

The bombing of the Hotel King David, attack on the USS Liberty and any other terrorist event you can think of over the last 100 to 150 years, including numerous assassinations of heads of state simply had not happened, because I was not aware of them. WWI and WWII were just ‘history’ – and who wants to study history anyway - especially when we have non-linear differential equations to solve? And of course nothing in the past affects the present or the future.

I (obsessively) went to bed for several decades (and into [semi-]retirement) listening on my Walkman to the (Australian) ABC which relayed the BBC World News overnight, so I was an extremely well informed, responsible keeper-upperer. I was up to speed on all the lunchroom current affairs topics.

Then in September 2015 President Assad (Syria) formally requested President Putin (Russia) to intervene in Syria. I was only just discovering the internet. I stumbled across Eva K Bartlett and Vanessa Beeley. I suddenly saw ‘ISIS’ for what it was, with all its Toyotas and US Apache helicopter escorts. Nothing made sense anymore. I needed to understand Putin, and Russia. What was Russia today? – where had they been? - how did they get here? – what had they gone through?

Wow, what a rabbit hole! – and what a thrilling ride – Rurik, Vladimir, Olga, Byzantium, Ivan (the not-so-terrible), the Romanovs, the Bolsheviks, the Bolsheviks … the Bolsheviks … Ulyanov, Bronstein, Dzhugashvili (why did they all change their names?) … blah … blah … blah … Putin.

Blah – blah – blah = WWI, the Federal Reserve, the ADL extremist Hate group, the Diktat of Versailles, WWII and all related topics.

I turned off the radio and TV (literally), put away my unfinished jigsaw puzzle and started reading and listening. (Note- it may have more than two shapes but none of the shapes are directional.)

And as for ego …

“Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one's self-esteem. That is why young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily; and why older persons, especially if vain or important, cannot learn at all.”

Thomas Szasz, author, professor of psychiatry (1920-2012)

September 2015 – I remember it vividly.

Captain’s log, December 2023: the moon landing was a hoax (I still remember where I was on July 20, 1969, despite what Wikipedophilia says, 911 was NOT carried out by 19 Muslims with boxcutters, and everything else from WWI to WWII is a Lie.

Tereza, I look forward to joining you at level 17 – whatever/wherever that is. :-)

176 = 4 * 44 – that has to mean something to a conspiracy gematrist.

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What a journey, Julius! I thought you must have grown up on truth-telling or been an early adopter. But you're coming up one mere decade, how can that be right? And there's a fragment of what you know that I've discovered, mostly thanks to you.

I adore that Szasz quote! I will need to keep it handy. And yes, I'm curious as to what Level 17 will be. Glad to be in your good company, along with our fine co-conspirators. The origin of that word is to 'breathe together.' And to share the same spirit. A fine thing, for the right purpose.

ps Glad also to get a response past my first paragraph ;-)

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"along with our fine co-conspirators. The origin of that word is to 'breathe together.'

OMG...how many times do I have to write OMG on this thread? I can't believe I must've read that word 10 trillion times and never saw that. WOW!

Now, i gotta figure out a way to lump the enemy, the confounders and confabulators, into the word coflatulators.

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It seems that anti semitism is the new variant of covid.

Even the ADL refers to it as "virulent" anti semitism, so maybe the idea is not racism but the new pandemic to keep everyone 6 ft apart.

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Haha, that's such an interesting observation! Censorship and shadow banning are the digital floor markers ;-)

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Fabulous conversation! Credit to you Teraza.

For those who question the authorship of Mein Kamp, please take into consideration the speech by Adolf Hitler on 12 April 1922, several years before his imprisonment and the publication of Mein Kamp …

• Adolf Hitler - Collection of Speeches - 1922-1945 (also available on Archive-org)


Here is a shortcut to that particular speech (1922)


… each in their own good time according to their own journey

(Yes, I took the time to read them all – just as I read Putin’s speeches and Xi’s speeches in the four-volume ‘Governance of China’ which I have on my shelf – still a WIP.)

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Indeed, his Sudetanland. Also part of Germany with a critical port was taken too by Poland.

AH made numerous approaches for Peace with FDR that were ignored. FDR was pushed by "the Bankers" to go to war. Churchill also received great benefits by a group of 40 Bankers and began bombing Germany to force a retaliation and claim that Britain was attacked. All wars are Bankers Wars.

Sound familiar. 9/11 Pearl Harbor, Palestine. Eventually AH was pushed by his military, who would have replaced him.

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Fascinating post! I was raised by an Army Intelligence father who spilled the beans to me before he died. I wrote about his tangental involvement in the JFK murder. Prior to that, he and my grandfather both had filled me in on central banking and the civil war. So I was actually a "conspiracy theorist" since high school. I identify with all the levels you mentioned, in a different order. I love that movie btw.

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Thanks so much, Heather. I might have read that post of yours but please link in case it was before I was reading you. You bring up an excellent point, that those who are 'in on this' may be the most eager for the truth to get out, freeing them. I think it was Anneke Lucus or someone interviewing her who said that 95% of the people involved in the pedo-sadist cults, as I call them, want out.

I loved that movie too and showed it to my daughters. I still have a soft spot for Kevin Costner in Dancing with Wolves and Bull Durham, one of my favorite silly movies. Even if he is a propaganda actor, he's not nearly as obvious as Tom Hanks.

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I love Kevin as an actor. No Way Out was an early movie of his that really showcases his range. Lately I love watching Yellowstone.

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Thanks, I've been hearing good things about Yellowstone, I think mostly from Catherine Austin Fitts.

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I'm jealous, but happy for you!

So, what's the word on the US "civil" war? Any good references? I call it the war of the northern bankers on the southern planters, but I realize there's a bit more to it than that and I can't quite put my finger on it.

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That's what we called it in my family. Also central bankers involved. You've got the gist of it.

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You have to be kidding! I thought the label was an original of mine. I thought I cooked it up myself.

Just goes to show, once again, that I have a whole ton of thoughts that I've come up with on my own, but not a one of them has ever turned out to be original!

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Great minds think alike.

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Speaking of thinking, I've modified "Cogito ergo sum" to "Feteo ergo sum!"

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The men in my family knew all about the central banks and how they work. I used to sit on my Father's lap at the family poker games where they discussed all of it. Another label was "the Northern war of Agression." My grandfather was the youngest of 12 kids on a plantation in Louisiana. He had older relatives who had been alive in the civil war. Many stories, most of them very sad.

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Unfortunately, my otherwise beautiful parents were both thoroughly brainwashed, bought the whole narrative, and woe to even think of daring to question it.

I'm still unlearning bits of the fantasies.

I hold no grudges, however, since they were sincere and did their best. I guess that's a huge part of the tregedy of all this. Fine folks get duped and suckered into doing Satan's work, then they get the blame too!

'Ol Luci sure has it all worked out but all the more fun to him 'im where it hurts!

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I am a big fan of Finkelstein's "Holocaust Industry" writings, but he isn't the only one to discuss it, nor does it take much examination to see how something stinks in what is done.

I am happily even more impressed in learning about your tertiary studies. All I know - besides what I have learned from you - is that Christian religion in the Roman territories - which informed nominal Christianity and practice broadly and continues to do - reduced profound questions of one versus one-plus nature, full human versus partly human versus fully Divine versus partly Divine - into a construct which served material power and institutions of material power, and those who would wield material power ill intention. This is what I understand.

Also an eternal +1 to the conspiracy ladder (which is excellent :)) : the malfeasant are not so clever as the malfeasant presume. [Neither am I so clever as I think either, but that's something different.]

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Christopher Jon Bjerknes is an interesting character. He mixes his message here but gives a good explanation of why it had to be 6 Million – not one more and not one less:

Go from around 12:00

• Warnings To The Jews! Premonitions Of The Holocaust


Bjerknes cites “The Secrets of Hebrew Words” by Benjamin Blech

Incidentally, was it Einstein who formulated the famous mathematical 'theory' that 6 Million MINUS 3 Million EQUALS Six Millions?

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Those pesky Russians - ‘coz I would never deny what the New York Times or Boston Sunday Globe published …

• 1906 – New York Times, 25 March 1906: “Startling reports of the condition and future of Russia’s 6,000,000 Jews were made on March 12 in Berlin to the annual meeting of the Central Jewish Relief League of Germany by Dr. Paul Nathan… He left St. Petersburg with the firm conviction that the Russian Government’s studied policy for the ‘solution’ of the Jewish question is systematic and murderous extermination.”

• 1915 – Jacob de Hass, The Boston Sunday Globe, 26 September 1915, page 46: “Indeed the only point that all warring elements are agreed upon is that at the end of the holocaust the Jews and Palestine will be more closely related than at present.”

• 1915 – New York Tribune, 14 October 1915: “What the Turks are doing to Armenians is child’s play compared to what Russia is doing to six million Jews, her own subjects.”

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You should see my little sweetheart assemble a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle in under 3 hours; she's amazing.

Thanks for all you're doing; yours is the most refreshing perspective.

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Smashing the matrix - nice work!

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Thanks so much, Philip!

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Saw a great quote this morning - might help some people here.

The Sane Person

December 23, 2023 by theupliftingcrane

“The sane person constantly analyses the world of reality and then changes what’s inside his or her head to fit the facts. That’s an awful lot of trouble for most people. Besides, how many people want to constantly change their opinions to fit the facts? It’s a whole lot easier to change the facts to fit your opinions. Insane people make up their minds and they find the facts to “verify” their options. Or even more commonly, they accept the option of the nearest “expert” and then they don’t have to bother about the facts at all.” ~ Jack Trout

I think he meant opinion in the last sentence.

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Great quote, Specie.

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