Nov 30, 2022Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Sobering video, Tereza. I feel like I'm hearing about cancer everywhere. So far, no one close to me, but many many tangentially, and all middle age, healthy people.

I've been thinking about your statements about convincing no one, not even your children. I am the same - I've convinced no one. The closest for me is that my husband has decided not to get any more shots for the moment, but of course reserves the right to get more if he so chooses. We don't talk about it too much, but it seems that he sees the fear provocations from the news media more now.

Change is so hard for people, including me. I hate being forced or pressured to change. I am certain that trying to force other people to change is actually detrimental. The counter force is to dig in heels and determine to not give in. What is the best way to get people to change? Often it seems - crisis. Maybe that's what's under way?

I am relieved that my son is 7 and I get to make decisions for his health, for now. But I think about how to best prepare him. I pushed back hard against my mom and her natural health ways for many years. Now I connect with holistic health views and practices very strongly, but if the covid pandemic had hit while I was in my 20s or 30s, I would certainly have shrugged off her concerns and gotten the shots myself.

Thanks for your courage and kindness, Tereza.

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A close friend who took very good care of her health died a couple weeks ago of aggressive cancer, in her early 60's. Many years ago, we had an argument about chemtrails. I pointed out a grid of them in the sky, saying something like, "There they go again, spraying us." It was a casual remark because I thought she must have known about them or if not, would simply ask for more information about them. But she had a strong adverse reaction to my statement. Her avoidance and denial took me by surprise, because she was a scientist like myself. (We're supposed to be truth seekers.) What really shocked me was when I asked her the question, "Don't you think it is important to investigate something potentially very harmful even if the odds that it might be so are very small?" Her reply was that the odds were not very small but exactly zero, and therefore no scientific investigation was warranted. I didn't know what more to say, so we agreed to disagree.

Fortunately, our friendship survived this argument and we went on to make many wonderful memories during the following years. When COVID came along, I resolved not to initiate a conversation with her about it or about "vaccines". I would have been happy to share with her the results of hundreds of hours of research if she had asked, but she didn't. First and foremost, I had come to respect her sovereignty as a matter of principle. It wasn't my job to impose my beliefs on her or to save her from herself. And on a practical level I knew I wouldn't be able to overcome her wall of denial in any case. What I could do is to accept and love her right to the end and beyond.

One thing we always did agree on was that our immortal souls exist in a greater reality and that our lives here are about loving and learning and not much else. As it turned out, she exited this plane in a very elegant way after a beautiful life, full of loving and learning, on her sovereign terms. I only hope I can do as well as she did. We were in close touch right until the end, solidifying our bond that now transcends realities. I feel no sense of failing my friend; on the contrary, I feel very blessed. I don't know if she was vaccinated and I don't need to know.

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What a nice conversation here. I echo Lisa's warm acknowledgment of your wisdom about friendships and also marta's chagrin that chemtrails are one of those things (along with flouride and, formerly, vaccines) that I've left at the edges of my awareness. If I'm honest with myself, there are even some reactions to people who tried to tell me, that maybe I expressed or maybe just thought, that now make me cringe.

It's been a journey, for me, to come to that place of recognizing that everyone has a role in this awakening, and it's not the same as mine. That's especially hard to let go of with my daughters. A lot of trust in the universal plan required. Thanks for being a pioneer on the way!

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Beautiful, and respectful, sharing. I admire your dedication to each person's sovereignty. Makes me wonder if I should investigate chemtrails...on that one I've chosen to keep my head in the sand. Which perhaps is a great equalizer - perhaps I am no different than those who don't want to investigate the possible harms of the covid injections.

I'm curious about what compels me to research some things, and consequently go against the norm, and accept other tragedies and horrors. Maybe a fear of more powerlessness. Definitely a fear of overwhelm and more ostracization.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Tereza Coraggio

What a beautiful way to come to terms with friendships and knowledge and disagreements about knowledge.

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Tereza Coraggio

I just stumbled upon your stack for the first time. Must say, I'm particularly impressed with your reporting and your well-reasoned sentiments.

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Thank you so much, Katherine!

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Tereza, I agree with the unspoken fear you mention about this train wreck needing to run its course. the perpetrators depended upon all of this dissonance as a near perfect shield of invinceability through the "the science" and the "scientific community" that acts as a verification device. Its a total diabolical scheme perhaps even greater than any of the James Bond, Die Hard villians could have ever cooked up.

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