Tereza this is so awesome, I was thinking of putting more connection to the Gaza situation in my post, you tied that in here beautifully. There is no question there is no neutral position; the willingness to stand strong for life comes from deep within us all. Action must happen.

Pacifism is a type of Violence our culture has become anesthetized into accepting.

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I love your last line, Nef. That's so well put. And yes, we're certainly finishing each other's thoughts here in the Synchron City ;-) Thank you for this beautiful article to play off of.

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Synchronicity is life's natural neural net. We are all part of the same fabric.

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"There is no question there is no neutral position; the willingness to stand strong for life comes from deep within us all."🎯

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I hope you don't mind me dropping this here. You complete my sentence ...

“On Resistance to Evil by Force” by Ivan Ilyin


“In fact, what would “non-resistance” [to evil] mean, in the sense of the absence of any resistance? This would mean accepting evil: letting it in and giving it freedom, scope and power. If under these conditions the uprising of evil occurred, and non-resistance continued, it would mean subordination to it, a surrender of the self to it, participation in it, and finally, turning oneself into its instrument, into its body, into its cesspool, its plaything, an absorbed element thereof.

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What an excellent quote! And only one of many on your stack. I also liked this one:

"… A strong man asserts his power precisely by the fact that he does not flee from the conflict into an allegedly virtuous passivity and does not close his eyes to his tragic nature, thus falling from cowardice into crookedness; a strong man sees the tragedy of his situation and goes out to meet it, enter it and eliminate it.”

I see some of Ilyin's philosophy as constrained by the Biblical belief in Evil, about which it says far more than about God. It seems that he sees it as an autonomous force, personifying it, and assigns it to some people as "a decomposition of spirituality in the soul," "a weak person in adulthood," or "spiritually defective since childhood." That doesn't fit my theology that rejects the idea of a malicious, capricious God who'd create Evil for His own sadistic amusement.

But his relevance goes far beyond Christian (Jesus-centric) thinking. This passage is so deep:

"In the West there's a tendency to believe that freedom refers to the ability to do whatever you want, that there is a lack of external restraint and so it comes down to being able to act arbitrarily, having no reason to act the way you do, because there can be no causality-[…] it's freedom to do whatever you want, and that's somehow a good thing.”

In a sense, my interpretation of the word 'forgiveness' in the Course is the assumption of causality. People do things for a reason. Those reasons may be mistaken, which is all the more reason we have to look for them and assume they're there.

In a comment alerting Vanessa to my article, I finally came to the phrase 'duty to defend others' rather than 'right to self-defense.' That was how I really meant to end this article but hadn't come to it yet. Ilyin does. Talk about finishing each others' sentences!

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The true Divine Self sits within the Human Persona and always Observes, it is never an instrument of one side of the perceived duality over the other, since it has no stake in the mental process and cannot become entangled in the dualistic mind sense. The outward Human Persona (Ego) appearance based identity, Individiates itself into one or the other, the true Self is always immune to this. From the view of One; all that IS, is an essential part of the Lila (Divine Play) and many will not be willing to accept this, a perception of the Vile brings forth a realization of the Perfect.

Here's why, (excerpt from a prior comment I made):

If there was never a darkness anywhere in the world, not in Human experience, how would Human Mind ever begin to see and experience Light?

Earth is the Chosen Place, a battlefield of the mightiest Warriors;

in which the Arch Mason shapes his Works.

A World of wonder and Beauty, not possible without the abominations of Time and Decay.

Wherever a Blue Lotus grows, so intoxicating and of heavenly scent, it is certain the swamp it grows in is Soiled with most Foul Sludge ever imaginable.

Sometimes it is necessary for there to be terrible things in order for people to realize wonderful things.

When we connect to the inner Self; the Knower, the Observer and sit with it in Stillness, we realize One. Then, no more need exists for the Sludge.

Human nature changes very slowly, unless there is a downward force. How could a tree grow a straight trunk if there was no gravity? I am not advocating for the enemy here, but I see them as odd and unwitting teachers, training us all to pay very close attention to the things we have taken for granted for so long.

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Yes and ... what the Course says is that darkness is simply the absence of light. It doesn't actually exist. I know many a permaculturalist who would celebrate that 'Foul Sludge' and see the Blue Lotus as a byproduct. I suspect a world of wonder and Beauty IS possible without the abominations of Time and Decay. And maybe only possible then. I notice that every time a friend complains about anything, they follow with "But other people have it so much worse!" So they can't even feel bad without feeling bad for others. How much harder is it to feel good? If our joy is always dampened down by the contrast with others who don't have what we do, is that really joy?

These are open-ended questions, without a right or wrong, just my thoughts and observations. Thanks for all your thoughts on the comment thread, it makes it so much richer as a collaborative venture.

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this infers that evil is stronger than that which is not evil. is there actually any long term tangible experiential evidence of that? certainly within the theme of the bhagavad-gita that is absolutely not the case. in a way, this quotation aligns with a freudian allopathic perception of the human experience as victim. and that is a huge psyop that has been used successfully to get people to swallow what ever swill is being sold as mana.

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Thank you for that thought-provoking response, Guy. I had been out all day but pondered on it from time to time. Here goes.

Speaking melancholically from the sludge, I don’t know what “freudian allopathic perception of the human experience as victim” means but the case for the inference “that evil is stronger than that which is not evil” can certainly be argued.

Think of evil not as a force but as an entropic state of disorder: all systems – material and spiritual, individual and collective - will tend towards chaos and disorder.

In a sense, laziness and complacency are ‘stronger’ than (self-)discipline.

A benevolent regime (for example a monarchy or tsarist autocracy) cannot IMPOSE goodwill (or “that which is not evil”) on the masses [see my afterthought below]. There will always be a malevolent minority seeking to destroy, kill and take power for its own ends.

The vast majority of people just live in a benign state of goodwill towards their fellow human beings – whether they be Inuit Eskimos, Kalahari Bushmen or Han Chinese. A very small minority is actively and malevolently trying to infuse hatred and conflict between all groups. So experientially, the ACTIVE (entropic) ‘force’ of evil will always prevail over the PASSIVE ‘force’ of “that which is not evil” not because it is stronger but because it is active (and purposefully focussed in secret).

The (tsarist) autocratic regime is not trying to murder or even tread down the masses, but small groups of (international) terrorists can organise and prevail, even to the point of assassination of the monarch (tsar). To prevent such malevolence requires a strong and disciplined (but costly) ‘police force’, which in turn is thereby labelled ‘fascist’.

Again, experientially, 320 Million United States citizens could not stop the destruction of the World Trade Centre (including and pointedly WT7) because they were benevolently and passively going about their business, never contemplating in a 320 million lifetimes the need for, or possibility of it occurring. Entropic evil prevailed – and got away with it.

I could ramble on in the same vein about the genocidal COVID project – who would have thought?

Afterthought: from my mention of Massie’s book on Catherine II:


[**emphasis is mine**]

In January 1765 Catherine began working on the Nakaz – the basis for a complete rewrite of the Russian legal code – political, judicial, social and economic. The document was published on 30 July 1767.

The Nakaz included sweeping social reforms and embedded in the original draft was her enlightened ideological view that serfdom should be abolished. Catherine didn’t actually achieve this in her reign because the socio-political inertia was just too strong. Nevertheless, she planted the seeds for thought and got the debate underway.

1. The Christian Law teaches us to **do mutual Good to one another**, as much as possibly we can.

2. Laying this down as a fundamental Rule prescribed by that Religion, which has taken, or ought to take Root in the Hearts of the whole People; we cannot but suppose that **every honest Man in the Community is, or will be, desirous of seeing his native Country at the very Summit of Happiness, Glory, Safety, and Tranquility**.

3. And that **every Individual Citizen in particular must wish to see himself protected by Laws, which should not distress him in his Circumstances, but, on the Contrary, should defend him from all Attempts of others that are repugnant to this fundamental Rule**.

These are the opening 3 of 526 articles in Catherine’s Nakaz (Instructions) to the Legislative Commissioners for Composing a New Code of Laws (1767)

Read on …


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hola, js.

this is too long for a single comment; so it is in two parts.

part 1

thank you for the consideration and for your detailed response. as is my own proclivity, i will respond in some detail to your argument. and with the word ‘argument’ i am going to the preferred definition of a cogently presented point of view about something, not a childlike emotional reactivity arising from being triggered by shadow elements in the psyche. now for my considered response, which i loved to meander through kicking at old believes or arguments i’ve made in my own journey.

i'll clarify my language a bit re ‘freudian allopathic perception of the human experience as victim'.

many years ago, while pondering the relative popularity of freud vs jung — i remember the early google searches: freud 100 million results, and jung 300 thousand, or some such ridiculous number. [note that there has been a reversal! and that i see as a great sign that allopathy in mind and body is being discarded! freud about 209,000,000 results (0.38 seconds); jung

about 905,000,000 results (0.30 seconds)]

at that time with thought it became clear to me that freud was popular, imo, because he took from the 'patient' the patient's responsibility for their own healing and took away the difficulty of a spiritual truth or the spiritual nature of life and the human place in this ostensibly easily dismissed by science metaphysical component of life. instead he offered a kind of psychiatric fellatio the contents of which when swallowed promised happiness: come to me, i have the answer, it is penis and sex. (the brilliant social critic morris berman argued against that simplification of freud, in a private communication in the 1990s. he emphasised freud's later senescence writings as having become wiser than his youthful penis fetish combined with the risible and downright evil ’seduction theory of female trauma’. i was not convinced by berman's arguments; nor was i persuaded by berman, in our personal communication, that berman hadn't ultimately misrepresented jung, too. we agreed to rest the argument there.)

ultimately freud’s approach was and is enervating and disempowering. (after a successful freudian analysis, for example, virginia woolf killed herself.) and that is exactly what allopathic medicine is also about: for the patient to hand over to the 'doctor' as the expert in the science that the patient can put their trust and responsibility into; and concomitantly to remove from consideration or even possibility the spiritual nature of human existence. and dis-ease as a physical manifestations of something we can loosely call 'soul' expressing discontent with rigidity of mind/ego/physical habit, in a crude paraphrase of william blake in the marriage of heaven and hell; swallow that pill, soul and body are shit, after you come to the science you can trust the science so without questions swallow those pills — one is not ever enough — and you will be able to continue to pursue being happy. and what i see now more clearly is that rockefeller medicine is actually about the deliberate creative act of physical enervation and sickness beyond crippling just the ego by trapping it as 'king' of the castle. in my youth i thought allopathic medicine was just stupid and blind, not a planned malevolence designed to weaken and kill which it is in actually. imo.

i love your entropy argument! in part because i wrestled with that with great passion many years ago. and i realised at that time that the entropy argument is predicated on, requires in fact, a closed energetic physical system that is uniformly moving in just one time direction. and so, very much how blake cautioned against newton’s single vision, it as an unprovable assumption about the nature of existence and time. and one that is easily disproved, actually, i realised even back then and more so now. it is fundamentally wrong by the so-called laws of quantum mechanics and the relatively of time and entanglement. more metaphysically it is wrong by the nature of this being a dream world, as tereza frequently cites from acim. and of course that is an idea of long antiquity that was less memory-holed in the east than it has been in the west. the life-energy that pe-exists physical existence, and is outside of physical existence, laughs at entropy and happily creates complex systems, such as human life, out of disorder all the time. and our purview of ‘life’ is beneath fractional! we see next to nothing of it with this jelly filled eyes and easily deluded thinking mind.

and your paraphrase of jung is great! “in a sense, laziness and complacency are ‘stronger’ than (self-)discipline.” no argument from me there, although it does not necessarily infer laziness’s successful extirpation of the unlazy. i do like how taoist thought addresses this, as well as the yoga sutras: to be aligned with laziness is to be moribund. that is, for sure, my paraphrase. more directly, the energy of stiffness is the lack of flexibility of which laziness is a particularly strong example of because it allows thought or behaviour to be stuck in a rut (samksara) that removes the need to consider the consequences of that stuckness as it leads us towards morbidity. again, blake puts this as good as i’ve read: ‘the man who never alters his opinion/ is like standing water,/ and breeds reptiles of the mind.’ what blake didn’t point out is that that is actually a form of weakness that does not sustain very well life. the cabal are all about fixing life like it is the silver turning black in the old development of photos: add chemical and everything can stop. life, or more specifically the energy of life (life-force energy) cares not a fig about anything trying to fix it.

as an odd example when i read gary snyder’s poem atomic dawn, about the bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki, the coming of death there had been predicted by ‘the scientists’ to have rendered the sites of those two cities as uninhabitable for 70 years. nope, life came back very quickly. chernobyl? - life returned quickly and is now considered one of the most richly diverse ecosystems on the planet.

oddly enough some samskaras are likely ‘good’; such as i don’t need to re-learn how to read each time i open a new book. on the other hand, if i have fixed ideas about the meaning of what i’m reading, then i am moribund.

back to laziness: laziness in the end is self-defeating and enervating. in a really harsh way the zombification of the community members we came to see in the time of covid was not actually anything new. it was new, in a sense, just because it became a visible manifestation of the zombies in our communities with the fanatical and pathological willingness they had to be killed with lazily trusting the science (of death) — and wanting others and children to be zombified too. okay, since zombies are technically already dead, the injections weren’t actually killing the ‘real’ zombies. by a possible measure, likely around 25% or so of the population i would consider real zombies. (this lines up with the estimates of the presence of ‘true’ narcissists in the community, oddly enough.) the others were lazy humans and complied with the authorities from a laziness that was unwilling to climb out of their social ruts (samskaras).

and yet, all that goes back to the eastern idea that that which is aligned with lack of change is already dead. the needle or its after affects are simply removing the illusion of life in the walking dead.

does that mean that evil is stronger than life? no. that which is alive continues, that which isn’t dies.

your argument that the active (malevolent) energy is stronger than the soft ‘nice’ human energy because it is is ultimately weak is an interesting one. lots there. i’ll begin by pointing out that the discussion of the bhagavad-gita here (and elsewhere, of course) is all about that! there is a difference between being nice in the co-dependent flaccid morality, enervating care-giving form we love to love, especially in our pop entertainments, even though it comes from a lack of centred grounded energy. that is what was represented by the question arjuna posed to himself and krshna about the immorality of killing his relatives. krshna is adamant that the evil energy cannot survive, although that is not actually explicitly stated within the bhagavad-gita itself. and that it is foolishness and moral weakness not to see the ‘bigger’ truth of the situation.

and this takes me to another eastern thought: the movement of water is stronger than stone. lol and yet, the strongest energies come from the still place. most ‘activists’ are coming from a place of imbalance that the ‘passive’ masters of aiko-do or tai-chi quickly defeat. miyamoto musashi similarly killed the unbalanced experts from any school because they had put themselves into ruts of practice that did not allow for eccentric spontaneous action and therefore their efforts were easily anticipated. (his book, the book of five rings, is really interesting.)

furthermore malevolent energies are quickly spent because they are not aligned with the energy of life. caregiver exhaustion being a great example of that. as are the countless failures of peace accords founded on war reparations and justice fail for that reason.

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hola, js.

this is too long for a single comment; so it is in two parts.

part 2

benevolent autocracies, in whatever form they take, allow for a continued infantile-hood of the members. that is also a form of stuckness that is, as you suggest, inherently unstable because it goes against the energy of life that seems to have the want to express creativity and newness or new awareness. this is a bit more subtle, perhaps, and points to the reality of the spiritual or metaphysical aspect of life. i’ll write from my own experience here after closely tracking synchronicities for many years in my life: the life-energy wants us to change, demands us to change or will arrange for great difficulty and often early death. the achievement of destiny is to have chosen to align with the energy of life; fate is to have chosen to remain stuck and fight the energy of life.

to change or die seems to be the motto of life-energy. the cabal are of the school, stop all change so we can be safe and so cannot in the long run succeed: it goes against life-energy. the other thing that this detailed synchronicity journaling made aware in me is that this life-energy exists outside of time, wants me to grow in some way, to change, it has seemingly infinite patience so along as i am changing and has an absolutely wicked and pointed sense of humour. by ‘pointed’ i mean the humour of life is specific to me and thus, by inference and by experience, it is specific with others who track synchronicities. we are each individuals! (the biblical sparrow allusion is suggestive of that.)

and your comment about law being an intention towards good (often) is a rephrasing of the problem of not growing up. jung put this really well:

‘we are still so uneducated that we actually need laws from without, and a task-master or father above, to show us what is good and the right thing to do. and because we are still such barbarians, any trust in the laws of human nature seems to us dangerous and unethical naturalism. why is this? because under the barbarian's thin veneer of culture the wild beast lurks in readiness, amply justifying his fear. but the beast is not tamed by locking it in a cage. there is no morality without freedom. when the barbarian lets loose the beast within, that is not freedom, but bondage.’ jung, c.g. psychological types. princeton: princeton university press, par 357.

I recently discovered Nietzsche’s arguments about how the fixation (stiffness) to the law of the written word actually was what ‘killed’ Rome and the Catholic Church. It is a fascinating argument well presented by uberboyo here: ‘Exploring Nietzsche's BRUTAL Criticism of Christianity’. https://youtu.be/8e9S5iOnVo8

and so your argument about the ‘need’ for laws does indeed point to the laziness of people who choose infantilism to adulthood because it is ‘easier’. dostoevsky put this really well too:

“receiving bread from us, they will see clearly, of course, that we take from them the bread they have procured with their own hands, in order to distribute it among them, without any miracle; they will see that we have not turned stones into bread; but, indeed, more than over the bread itself, they will rejoice over taking it from our hands! for they will remember only too well that before, without us, the very bread they procured for themselves turned to stones in their hands, and when they came back to us, the very stones in their hands turned to bread.” from the brothers karamazov, the inquisitors scene. see “dostoyevsky’s “grand inquisitor” scene” at https://www.stephenhicks.org/2016/11/27/dostoyevskys-grand-inquisitor-scene-text/.

and all of that has been re-enacted time and time again. is evil stronger? nope. life, because it comes from life-energy, just keeps on coming like the bodhidharma! pave paradise, and the grass and weeds and trees break it apart.

and yet… from my experience, the power of life as it has come to me to the extent it has and beyond, and my willingness to see it and to change with it, has seen unbelievable change and power. laziness is morbidity and will ultimately fail against the power of life which is outside of and beyond our scope. the energy of life is the energy of the entire universe from the smallest of the smallest so-called sub-atomic particle — misnamed, of course — and the expanse beyond vision and imagination.

imo. lol

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HOLA Guy!!

Thank you for all of that. Very erudite. What I didn’t comprehend I found agreeable, and not in any way offensive or threatening.

You have completed all of the sentences and opened several doors.

There is only one thing left for me to do – to consult the Al Bundy Compendium of Aphorisms

Back to you, TC ...


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rotfl - thank you for drawing my attention to the abcoa. i didn't know such a thing existed and now i'm surprised i've lived without it for this long.

and i do hope that my mind-prison sentences have all been served - now my servings can be food of the spirit only, and which can perhaps spirit us into the rooms or spaces on the other side of the open doors. buddhist scholar michael stone had a great comment on 'nirvana'. nirvana isn't an end point of achievement. it is seeing and moving through another door that will take you to another door, ad infinitum.

and maybe, just maybe, your sludge enmiration is lessoned. maybe even just a little.

thank you for your great reply. it really helped me to consolidate and clarify, release and renew old and new thoughts about 'all of this'. whatever 'this' is.

all the best.

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Tereza and Nefahotep - Two really great, important articles - I had been trying to find time to make an appropriate complimentary comment to Nefahotep.

And speaking of finishing each other's thought and sentences, I made a cursory reference to the Bhagavad Gita here and would encourage people to at least read and/or listen to Chapter 16 ...


Chapter 16 - read by Tessa Morgan


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That's beautiful, Julius, what a great reference! And how awesome (another hippy word like bliss, but we can't throw away power words even if they've been turned into pablum ;-) that you were also drawn to the Bhagavad Gita. I've had no experience of it before now but I'm glad you and Nef are pointing me to fertile sources. I'll listen to this later.

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Thanks Julius, I'll check that out. Its' great to see many people having these conversations. We are all approaching these insights from different walks of life, but no matter those differences everything is becoming more clear.

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You guys know A LLLOOOTTT more than I do on the subject but I still got here, just with intuition. To me, that means there is hope for us all.

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Love Nef's comment! And I've been waiting for Amy to reply so I could post what I wrote on her Casa Dei Portali Piano Competition:

"Oh we need a new word for your I Mage a Nation. Fertile doesn't begin to describe it. Teeming, fecund still fall short. Whizzbang popcorn explosions. Skydazzling cometstorm twinkling fireworks. Words fail." AND on This and That:

"I keep forgetting you are so many things. I went back twice to the top to check if this was really the Goddess of Gorgeous Artelligence turned poet? And can you really play a piece like that? Oh my. It was magical when it flipped between the bass and those trilling trebles. I have a disklovier (sp?) in my piano that doesn't work anymore but it was fun to see the ghost playing. I picture the tape feeding into it something like the animation."

Everyone, sub quick if you haven't yet!

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We are explorers in an Adventure of Consciousness, I'll speak for myself on that one, of course. I'm constantly learning more, if I can share it, that seems even better.

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Bhagavad Gita takes me back... I spent a good year attempting to let go of the fruits of my efforts. Was interesting and worthwhile. Love your pulling in the current genocide in Palestine and the insanity around how we talk about it - as if it's a reasonable thing. As if we can be neutral on atrocity.

Thanks Tereza, always appreciate your Big Mind and Heart reflecting on Big Topics.

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I'll share a personal story. I may have mentioned that my aerial class has an Israeli mom with 2 yr old twins in it. You'll appreciate the level of restraint I'm showing for the sake of my teacher. But today a song was playing and she said, "Oh nice Greek music," and I said, "Isn't that Arabic?" She said "yes, it is Arabic from Turkiye from the Sufis." So it's Israel's colleague in crime and not Muslims. Total bullshit. Fortunately I was too stunned by her obvious gaslighting to react. I'm glad I'll be gone for a month of Fridays because my restraint is wearing darn thin.

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"Those who sow in winter reap in summer.

Let us sow in the world to reap in summer.

Winter is the world, summer the other realm.

It is wrong to pray [for harvest] in winter.

From winter comes summer.

If you reap in winter, you will not reap.

You will pull up young plants.

At the wrong season no crop is yours.

Even on the days of the Sabbath, the field is barren."

Sometimes it seems like there is no movement and your work is for naught. Take heart! :)

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Oh I love that interpretation! There's another poem about sowing that I'll need to find when I respond to this passage. It's not that you're not allowed to harvest, it's just that the harvest is still underground where you can't see it. Yes!

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I have to stop opening your videos in YouTube. I watch them there and then realize that I can't comment. I will start making sure to check here instead because there is much more here than I saw initially!

I loved what Nefahotep shared about the Bhagavad Gita. " Everything is One. It's sometimes quite difficult to bring this type of realization to conflicts like we are actually observing today. So, what is the actual nature of this conflict? The "Force" that the Over Class represent don't want Man to achieve this realization, their goal is to Halt Spiritual Evolution, or at least slow it down."

"My sense is that the Parasitic Over Class are very similar to the Kuruvas in the story of the Mahabharata; they were the avaricious enemies of the Pandava brothers, who had suffered greatly because of their Kuru cousins. The key thing about the Kurus is their moves to divide the Pandavas from the rest of the world around them. To live life severed from Oneness, is to diminish Experience. That’s what duality does."

There is so much I don't know, but hearing that people have KNOWN what we are facing now is heartening!

"A Course in Miracles is not a belief system and only one form … of the universal course. There are many thousands of other forms, all with the same outcome.”

There IS a reason for that!

I agree with the things you said about pacifism. "There’s no neutrality under occupation. To defend yourself is just but to defend others is honorable. To be neutral is to side with the empire and is an act of violence (himsa) towards those being tyrannized, terrorized and murdered"

I was curious which image you might decide that you liked from the AI art I shared. I want you to know that at the end of the story when he is "looking for her everywhere" I threw in a lot of those on the off chance that YOU might like them. I will go back and look at the rest of this post, which I had not previously seen. Hence forth, I shall watch your videos on Substack rather than YouTube. Thank you for looking deeply into these things. I really enjoy watching you present them. I have learned a lot since I started following you.

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Ask me an easier question! Ask which ones I don't like--none! You saw the one above, yes, that I chose from 'he looked for her everywhere.' But as I just went back through, I transferred eight more portal pics to my desktop for easy access. Plus the dream of the komodo dragon. And I already had a staircase to heaven and the big blue whale and the grouper uber alles. Oh and the owl with upstretched wing. How's a girl to choose? I'm honored that those portals got slipped in on the off chance I might like them. You know I do!

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"Krishna, the Divine Charioteer then shows Arjuna a vision in which his cousins are already laying there dead; that the "action" that must be taken on this battlefield of Kurukshetra does not "belong" to him, the participant in the action does not have a choice. Fruits of that action are not the purpose of the fight."

Arjuna family members are the negative aspects of himself that must be destroyed and that he sees attached as his own, like negative Karma which must be released.

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You bring up an interesting point, Joseph. From your perspective, if I'm reading you correctly, all work is inner and to act in the world is wrong--at least to act in ways that are violent no matter how justified. Is that what you mean?

From a Course perspective, this world is our dream. If we refuse to play our role in the dream, we're giving it Reality. For me, living in the belly of the beast, my role isn't violence, for which I am grateful. My role, as I see it, is countering the violence of lies. One of those lies, I feel, is that only 'authorized' State violence, done for a paycheck and education, is justified.

In this article I didn't get into the zealots but I think they might have embodied this philosophy. The phrase 'If thy eye offends thee, pluck it out' may have referred to the eyes of Rome that were betraying colonized Judea into torture and enslavement. Assassinating these traitors was a refusal to collaborate in their imperial violence against the Judeans. Does that make sense?

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It seems to be about subconscious attachments and distractions to be avoided through meditation and "non thinking". Thoughts are created by the mind, which must be harnessed (yoga).

I spent much time with Gostic gospels and the Nag Hammadi Library.

Written texts can be not what we think. Luciferians can impose non Religious ideas as "gospel" with the written word of questionable origins. Followers of the Gita receive the profound message of thousands of years through the oral tradition. Zen followers say, One who thinks does not know, one who knows does not think."

Meditating on "I am That" will stop the turning washing machine of the mind.

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The concept of Lucifer is Biblical, yes? So if the Bible is upside-down and inside-out, turning heroes into villains, who does Lucifer represent? Rhonda and I have been speculating perhaps women, who are absent as people worthy of mention. All named women in the Bible, from my research, represent territories.

And I've always found that phrase "One who thinks does not know, one who knows does not think" to be part of the passive-aggressive violence of Zen. It essentially says "I know and you don't." If you claim to know anything, it shows you don't know. Shut up and obey the hierarchy. I'm not saying that you're saying that, Joseph, but I've talked about it on other threads, including Guy's. I think Buddhism has one of the most rigid forms of hierarchy because it has that subtle snobbery of who's holier than thou. Just my opinion.

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Yes, that's one aspect of this; there are others, such as the process to becoming aware of the innermost part of who you are, necessarily manifests as a rejection of those things you are not.

Spiritually this can be the Ego, the "Mental Self," which includes many of the "External" Identities from which the human persona habituates and attaches to. This can include the outward Human Social endeavors that are in pursuit of "power," like the Kuruvas were doing. There are subtle and nuanced parts to this great work, the Gita. Sometimes when I go back and revisit, it points to still MORE things that I had missed before.

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thank you tereza for putting together your exploration of ideas from your self and all about you.

yes, the bhagavad-gita has much wisdom. as i have mentioned, back in 2021 when i actually popped my head out of my delightful yoga-bliss hole, i recognised immediately that this is the living bhagavad-gita that we are in, and that there is no neutrality; are you with arjuna or not! i don't think that made many friends and likely further alienated the 'spiritual' pro-jabber-talkies who had some understanding of the gita. now with more clarity of seeing, i see that we have been living the gita for thousands of years! it is, effectively, situation normal.

and thank you for linking the equivalencies between the gita and acim. interesting to me for sure.

i'm not sure if it is possible to be without a belief though, even if that belief is a belief that i don't have a belief. one of those language issues we have with being born into a physical existence with spacial and logical constraints. as i mentioned in my comment in nefahotep's substack, i also am at a loss to understand how acim is not a system of thought. again, this a natural product of being physically alive in a language world. even if that system of thought is to question all systems of thought.

great stuff and more food for the curiosity energy demon asking me to peek into the rabbit holes, especially the disallowed disavowed(?) ones.

(note: jasun in children of job has boldly gone down the rabbit hole of the validity of the holocaust. his last two substacks have looked at the very deliberate misrepresentation of the wannsee conference of 1942 which has been built up into the cornerstone of the totality of nazi evil. another house of cards. you may find his research and ideas helpful in your deconstructing the myth of nazi germany and the 2nd world war. if curious with time i've supplied the links: "The Closing of the Collective Mind: Stories We Tell Ourselves, or Stories We Are Ourselves, Part Four" https://childrenofjob.substack.com/p/the-closing-of-the-collective-mind and "A Dictionary from Hell: Wicked Imaginations & False Witnessing: Stories We tell Ourselves or Stories We Are Ourselves, Part Five" https://childrenofjob.substack.com/p/a-dictionary-from-hell-wicked-imaginations.")

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Thanks for reading, Guy. I don't think it's possible to be without beliefs either. What I say is own your dogma, choose it consciously, don't let your dogma own you. My dogma is that I'm no better than anyone else, a belief in the innate and equal goodness of all people. So when people behave badly, I always look for why, what would make me behave like them in their circumstances. And that's led me to question the systems and stories that manipulate us.

In our conversation on Nef's article, I said that the Course is "not a religion but a system of thinking." You asked what the difference is and Mystic Williams wrote, "It changes HOW you perceive. It isn’t a closed loop thinking system. It changes your perception as to what you are thinking you are seeing. This then changes your thinking hugely."

I define belief as a decision you refuse to raise to question. Religions, as they're practiced (but don't need to be) are predetermined sets of beliefs. Science is a system of thinking in which a hypothesis draws on empirical data that went before, and goes through a rigorous process of testing it against perceptual evidence. At least that's supposed to be what it is.

The Course might be considered a scientific process of raising the perception that we're separate people to question through experiments that are conducted through your own experience. I don't have a belief that we're all One, only a belief that we're morally equal and whatever someone else has done, I would do in their shoes. With the obstacle of wanting to see myself as superior removed, the evidence that we're all connected keeps coming back to me in ways I can't deny to myself, this conversation not least among them.

Thanks for the links to Jasun's new work. That is very brave of him! I'll check it out with interest.

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hola, tereza.

thought initiating reply, especially in combination with nefahotep's concomitant and cogent response here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/bhagavad-gita-and-palestine/comment/48581831

between you two i had a kind of epiphany of sorts that connects back to my earlier substack exploration of the necessary requirement for the ego in our humanly expressed existence. people i highly respect for their integrity and for the quality of their examination into 'life' have argued both for and against an ego as a necessity in life: the whole 'build a strong ego' side and the 'ego is the source of all suffering' side. hmmmm

after my exploration and following my body centric PS-RAP process, i have concluded that the ego is not absolutely necessary and is in fact problematic in much the same way language is problematic: chuang-tsu put it well: words are for catching ideas - once the idea is caught words are no longer necessary. and he pondered, where can i found someone who has caught the idea so i can have a few words with him/her? (my paraphrase.)

well, with your and nefahotep's help i now know by the experience of my body awareness that the ego is that which requires belief to latch on to because it is something that is controllable by the mind/ego. experience is not. once even the smallest need to control anything has been removed, then absolute freedom from ego is possible.

at the gross level the 'official' traumatising agencies and their overlords, be it religion, economics, science, are all about constraint and control. (even einstein was upset with the lack of control, hence is cry to the universe, 'god does not play dice.' oops, mr. e, you got that one really wrong.)

when i explored the chomsky paradox and the chomsky effect — the action of descrying authoritarian structures while being authoritarian and how that tricks people into being authoritarian with being blind to it — is an ego structure of belief to belittle the expansive freedom of life.

at the highest level of 'enlightenment' is the 'trust fall into the universe'. no control. that is the place where ego has no place nor a belief to support it and from which the ego will get a heart beat. the process of experience, at least my experience, is not about killing the ego. it is about realising that it is like a word: filled with many meaning, many more possible meanings, and once the idea has been caught no longer necessary. it falls away like a worn out pair of underwear or perhaps the shedded dead skin from a lovely sauna.

I think i will write about this more in a substack. and i'll link this to nefahotep's comment that helped me clarify my understanding that my question about the inability to be extant without a belief system is false. lol! how the worm turns.

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About "Belief:" The mental system can exist without Belief, as long as one replaces that with the Quiet Observer. Many people and yes myself included, have exercised mind or mental intellect to a fine point, yet most people don't go past that mental sphere. Instead, the mind becomes their center point and their sense of who they are. People sometimes think they "Own" or "Create" their thoughts. The mind does not create thoughts, the person experiences them as a distillation of "Immediate Perceptual Insight" which must filter through the mind. When we start to develop a Silent Mind, the function changes, belief was only there because of the personal association and ownership of thoughts and mental constructs. The thoughts can still come, but the mind does not form attachments to them.

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hola, nefahotep.

truly a great comment! loved it and it helped me to clarify my thinking, perhaps even in an epiphanic way. i wrote out my clarified understanding, which opens more questions, within tereza's comment thread. here's the link.


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In regard to Jasun's Stack, and him mentioning "word spells," here's my eerie breakdown of certain words pertaining to the Balfour Declaration, Treaty of Versailles, Palestine, etc., for what it's worth: (Note: Some of this will be, no doubt, redundant, but it was meant to write to those who may not know certain things. Also, the "=" symbol denotes the original word/name can also be rearranged (removed the spell) to what follows the "=" symbol).

1. Moses led his people to the “promised land,” however it was Joshua that ultimately got them there, as Moses passed before their arrival. Joshua was the son of Nun, of the tribe of Ephraim, who was the son of Joseph and the daughter, Asenath, of the priest of On/Heliopolis (Pharisee). Joshua was also known as Yehoshua = Yah House (‘Yah’weh House). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joshua

Side Note: In this 1851 translation, from the Greek Septuagint, Joshua is called Jesus, which is important at #10. https://ebible.org/pdf/eng-Brenton/eng-Brenton_HAG.pdf

2. The first Rothschild shown on Wiki was Moses Kalman Rothschild (see under Amschel Moses Rothschild’s father), so he would be ascribed to eventually returning his people back to their “promised land,” via his descendants. Perhaps this is like Moses, the Levite, and Aurthur Balfour, as Joshua/Jesus as their temporal savior/tribe of Ephraim. Ephraim was born of biblical OT Joseph, and NT Joseph took on Jesus's temporal father-role. (Side note: Keep in mind that Rothschild’s name was originally Bauer): https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/20830886/mayer-amschel-rothschild

3. Palestine = Penalties. (We can clearly see today how the Palestinians have been, and are, penalized).

4. Arthur Balfour was responsible for the Balfour Declaration along with Lionel Walter Rothschild, which declared Palestine as the feudal home for ‘Lord’ Rothschild et al. This means it was ultimately a home for the priestly class of Levi, as biblical Moses was, and for the rebuilding of the “lord’s” temple. It would also be a home for the disbursed Israelites. Also, see where the word “declaration” is first mentioned in the book of Esther 10:2. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Esther%2010&version=KJV

Then take note, in the Greek Septuagint of 1851, instead of “declaration” it states: “And as for his strength and valour, and the wealth and glory of his kingdom, behold, they are written in the book of the Persians and Medes, for a memorial.” This is likened to the “hidden” Balfour Declaration, of 1917, being lawfully written several years before the Jews would gain Palestine.


5. Arthur Balfour = Futural Harbor (pertaining to future shelter in Palestine).

6. Balfour Declaration = Obtain Feudal Corral, (Obtain means to gain possession; Feudal is a hierarchical social structure reinforced by religion, wherein the vassal, or a subordinate to a superior’s land, is bound to be faithful to his lord or master, by way of homage, fidelity, and military service; Corral means an enclosure or area to concentrate a disbursed group).

7. Balfour Declaration = Bauer Dollar Faction, (Bauer was Rothschild’s original surname, as linked and shown above, and they are controlling the Dollar; Faction means a group working together where other outside groups are not included).

8. Adolf Hitler = Dollar Thief = Torah Filled, (The torah was fulfilled by bringing the priestly Levite class of Moses’ and his people back to the “promised land,” where these ‘feudal lords’ will rule over their faithful ‘vassals.’ There were also a lot of "dollars" stolen from Germany, and elsewhere).

9. Rothschild = Hold Christ or possessive pronoun “Rothschild’s = Holds Christ.”

10. Jerusalem’s (possessive pronoun) = Jesus Realm (Jesus is known as Christ) and as shown above Joshua was referred to as Jesus, in an older version of the Septuagint.

11. Jesus Christ = Jurist Chess (An expert of law who plans to checkmate the opposing king).

12. Lionel Walter Rothschild = His Law Controlled Hitler.

13. Chaim Azriel Weizmann was close friends with Lionel Rothschild, and they were both big proponents for a Palestinian state, during the signing of the Balfour Declaration.

14. Chaim Azriel Weizmann = Hew Criminal Nazi Maze (Hew is to shape or form; Maze is something made up of confused and conflicting elements. The story of Hitler, the Balfour Declaration, WW1 and 2, the Treaty of Versailles, could all be equated to confused elements).

15. Treaty of Versailles = Falsely Restorative = Restoratively False. (Restorative means serving to restore or bring back into existence something that is false or untrue, nonfactual).

16. Treaty of Versailles = Assert Realty of Levi (Moses/Levi. Assert means to vindicate or declare with assurance their claim/title to the land/realty of Palestine).

17. Treaty of Versailles = Realty Asset for Levi (Again, Moses/Levi; Asset means a thing or quality that has value, especially one that generates cash flow; and Realty means a piece of property or land that will generate those “dollars” of cash flow).

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Fascinating, Rhonda. I'm especially intrigued that Joshua was Yehoshua, which already seemed like Yeshua (doesn't that translate to Joshua?) even before the translation to Jesus. Keeping in mind that Josephus wrote the gospels and the Torah was 'preserved' at the exact same time under the same emperor, all the Josephs are particularly interesting.

It's said that the Jews, although I'd say the Shemites to distinguish the ruling class, always ally with power. Having a matriarchal lineage was very smart that way. Women could be married or concubines or one-night stands to ruling men and their offspring would inherit the right to rule from both. They weren't in competition like sons were. And they didn't want overt rule, they were aiming to be the power behind the throne.

I've been thinking about the Red Shield of Rothschild and Hitler's color choices for the Nazi flag, etc.

In the gospel of Philip it says that Joseph made the cross that would crucify Jesus. I've wondered if that's a hint toward Josephus being either the author or the traitor who caused the fall of Judea to Rome.

Jerusalem as Jesus Realm makes a lot of sense when you realize Jesus represents the Davidic dynasty's right to rule the world.

Thanks for all the word spells!

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You're so right about using the word, Jew, and whenever I type it, it doesn't feel right. For me, I should designate as the Levite/Pharisee "priestly class." Then, I'm still trying to wrap my own head around all of this, b/c the more I find the more I say to myself, WTH?!

We've both wondered how these word spells happen/ed. How can certain names, phrases, or words spell something that reveals a relevant and contextual underlying truth or meaning? You even mentioned if they came from Spirit, and I've wondered the same. And then I had an epiphany tonight!

This priestly class and their scribes have been working together for centuries, while meeting in their synagogues. As each generation passes, their texts are left to the next generation, over and over again. It's almost like reincarnation/resurrection, in a sense, and could pertain to what I recently stated about that (have to think on this more). As a child is born of the priestly class, or perhaps several children in different families of the same priestly tribe, they'll use specific coded names and then groom them to become what it is they are supposed to accomplish. They may even change their names, to fit that particular scenario, being done as a means of communication. Josephus was probably groomed for his role, as was Joseph Stalin, Joseph Goebbels, and perhaps even Joseph Biden (forbidden), and oddly Adolf Hitler. As for Josephus and Rome, the word "Apocalypse = Lose Papacy." Also, "Red Shield = Hid Elders = He's Riddle/He Riddles." Riddle can mean, "An ancient verbal, poetic, or literary form, in which, rather than a rhyme scheme, there are parallel opposing expressions with a hidden meaning."

As I previously showed the underlying meanings of the Federal Reserve and their Dollar bill, and by what Deut. 23:20 says, about usury and how to possess the land wherever they go, to how Joseph took over the land, money supply, and food in ancient Egypt, etc., we can see they have been behind running commerce and the money supply for a very long time. The word Corporation reveals Crop Ration, minus an "o," which shows another means of control via food. "Deuteronomy = Money Routed/Detour." Simeon and Levi are listed together as a single tribe in Deut. 49:5, and "Simeon = Monies" and Levi could be like Levy, with Levy meaning, to impose a tax or fine to collect monies due, or to confiscate property." Tithes could fall into that scenario, as well. Just think of all the transference of wealth via their money schemes. And I wonder what they will hide in their rebuilt temple, b/c over time, they've sure needed a lot of gold, even for their tabernacle tent. "In 'G'old, 'O'il, 'D'rugs We Trust," with trust from a financial sense.

What's also strange is Jesus is listed as descended from Joseph via David - Tribe of Judah, as they say, but Joseph was supposedly not the father. Jesus's earthly mother, Mary, however, was a cousin to Elisabeth, mother of John the Baptist, who was of the tribe of Levi/Aaron. Jesus was also called Rabbi John 1:38 "Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye? They said unto him, Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where dwellest thou?"

Ok, I have to stop now. My eyes are blurry, and my mind is shot. So much to think on. I'll come back tomorrow and revisit this. Thank you for the reply and more to think about:)

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And yes to Nef! The unraveling of Red Shield as He Riddles was especially significant to me. Just like the Harry Potter book on that theme. This group has had control of the money system through taxation and usury for 3500 yrs, since the invention of coinage for that purpose. And YES, the public king is the figurehead, controlled by the hidden figure behind the curtain. Explain what Bey is, Nef? This is giving me chills to have the two of you on this page with me.

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The term Bey was the Turkic people's term for sacred chieftain. Even the nomadic people's leader were known to use the term. From wiki:

"Bey, also spelled as Baig, Bayg, Beigh, Beig, Bek, Baeg or Beg, is a Turkic title for a chieftain, and an honorific title traditionally applied to people with special lineages to the leaders or rulers,,,"

This custom is followed through in almost every aspect of power structure everywhere; symbolized by the Double Headed Phoenix, but there's more.

Corporations "Crop Rations" have occupied the private side and Corporate Government has occupied the public side of the "Public / Private" arrangement.

Fiat (fake) Money is the Public facing side of the true Real Money held by a select few; this arrangement is managed by "Hypothecation" and "Re-- Hypothecation" using the financial instruments of Private Equities. This works through Trusts that I think are likely held by the various "Beys."

There could be some details that I'm missing, but I think I'm close because the Public facing is almost always controlled by the Occulted levers held by very few. Even within minor government agencies there are secret controllers who do the actual decision making, it's almost never the public figure.

Mayorkas of the DHS is being focused on for impeachment, but nobody really knows who the real controller actually is; it's NOT Mayorkas. DHS stands for "Dirty Hidden Secret."

There no worries, no reason for "chills" I think we are all friends here. LOL

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I think part of why using the word "Jews" feels wrong is conditioning. Was it Dave Chappelle who said there are two words that can never be uttered: The Jews. And how crazy is that? We can certainly talk about 'the Catholics' or 'the Chinese' or 'the Hindus.' And why Jew-ish? As if not really a Jew. It's all this shifting of meaning.

I prefer the term Shemitic dynasty because everything goes back to the Noahide Covenant giving Shem the right to rule the world. Every lineage traces back to that as their divine ordination.

On Revolutionary Mystics, margie pushed back against Max Igan's claim that the word Jew didn't appear in the Hebrew Bible. She says that's because the Hebrew word for Jew is Yehude. I asked for a reference and she cited, "'When Esav was forty years old, he took to wife Yehudit daughter of B’eri the Hittite and Ba’semat daughter of Elon the Hittite.' (genesis 26.34) yehudit means jewess; 'In the fortress Shushan lived a Jew by the name of Mordekhai' (Esther 2.7) the book of Esther is all about the Babylonian exile and the first Purim -"

In Genesis, it seems like Yehudit is a name like Ba'semat but maybe they're both tribes and women don't deserve names, only their dads? And I know you have a lot to say about Esther, is that right? Fill me in on your reading of this.

Unless there's carbon tracing to authentic ancient texts, I'm assuming all of the Torah and NT were written by the empire after 70CE. Both Josephus and the rabbi who 'preserved' the Hebrew scriptures may have both been inventions of a Roman named Piso. So it may all be a psyop within a psyop.

And Nef, my chills are from finding camaraderie on this journey. It can be a lonely one.

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Hey Tereza and Nef:) My apologies for the silence yesterday, and maybe mostly today, as well - a lot started happening yesterday and I'm hosting a family dinner tonight - so this will be short until tomorrow.

There is so much I don't know, compared to you both. I've done a good bit of studying but I'm still a toddler of knowledge:) What I ended up doing was to grapple through this darkness of lies, using the words, which have directed my learning process. I know that sounds weird, but I've felt led in this way.

Let me add, I don't know much about Josephus, so I'm learning from you, Tereza. What I have gotten the overall sense of is that ancient Phoenicia is the root of where the Bible, the Phoenix, and our language of commerce came out of - Byblos and Phonetics. I also think Noah was a Phoenician (ship and ark builders). It's further stated that Noah was of the Chaldeans = Hades Clan.

Then, the word, Phoenicia, conceals the names Enoch, Cain, and Noah. Both Seth and Cain had descendants named Lamech, father of Noah, so perhaps they did a bait and switch, making it appear that the alleged murderous Cain and his descendants were destroyed in a flood. Byblos also was known as Jebeil, Jbeil or Jubayl, and Cain's Lamech bore Jubal and Jabal, of which Jubal played the harp, like King David did in 1 Samuel 16:23, and Jabal tended cattle and lived in tents, like Jacob and his tribes were doing when arriving in Egypt, during the famine, and what Moses did when living in the Sinai desert.


Further, Jesus said something interesting when speaking to the Pharisees:

Matthew 23:35: "That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar."

The person we're told that killed Abel, was Cain, so Jesus can only be speaking to Cain's descendants and then we have this:

Numbers 24:17: "I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth."

The only people that can destroy Seth/Sheth are those descended from Cain, b/c Seth was the alleged third son of Adam and Eve. Also see 1 Chron. 1:1 listing Sheth's lineages:

"Adam, (Abel), Sheth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalaleel, Jered, Henoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah."

Then, Cain's descendants:

"Adam, (Abel), Cain, Enoch, Irad, Mehujael, Methusael, Lamech, (Jubal and Jabal).

Notice the similarities of some of the names, which I find very odd!

Anyway, I'm going to leave it there for now, until I can more focus on what else has been said in this very interesting thread! Thank you!!

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This conversation has been 2000 yrs in the making so take your time, Rhonda. Phoenicia and the two-headed phoenix that Nef talks about, very very interesting. And it being the language of commerce.

The ark of Noah and the arc of the covenant with Moses--curious, eh? I mentioned once to Nef that the exact dimensions of the arc in the Bible match precisely those found in an Egyptian pharaoh's tomb. I have to dig to remember which one but I have the book around here.

And I do have info on "the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar." That's how Bible scholars are able to date the gospels. This is the high priest killed by the zealots in exactly that place when they threw out the Romans and took over the Jerusalem temple. And you'll notice it's phrased in the past, not a prediction.

So those who Jesus is cursing are the zealots, the followers of Judas, pinning all the righteous blood ever spilled on them. They are called Jews. How could this not mean followers of Judas? The Torah goes from an anti-Canaanite polemic, and I think Cain is interjected backwards, to an anti-zealot Jew polemic. Certainly Josephus considers them one and the same.

I had noticed that similarity of names too, Rhonda. They stepladder, switching from one generation of Cain to the next of Seth. It made me think this was all reverse engineering to take the inheritance and then pretend all those other generations leading up to the firstborn son were counterfeit because they came from Cain.

Somewhere, someone stole an inheritance from the oldest son. It's such a repetitive theme, told again and again to justify it. Happy to pick up whenever you have time!

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Really, really fascinating Rhonda. I have questions for you and comments but I'll have to leave it for later today. I appreciate you!

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What you are describing is quite interesting. You have made many of the Linguistic connections that I have in the "Legal" System. This pattern of Linguistic Manipulation was always about imprisoning "Meaning" inside of "Definition," this provided ends that granted the Infiltrators of ancient cultures a form of occult control. Occult meaning "hidden," the system has always consisted of a Double Headed Phoenix symbolism, whereby the "Public King" was always controlled by the Bey who sat behind the curtain. Two heads equals double King, or Kheggan. This has been going on for an extremely long time, very well established in Khazaria.

I think you nailed a lot of those important points, one of which REALLY speaks to me: "The word Corporation reveals Crop Ration, minus an "o," which shows another means of control via food." Of course the rest does make sense too; so, I'm sensing this may be a manner wherein we can "Unravel" their "Magic Spells" inside of Language.

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Although I had mentioned below that I've been down the Khazar rabbi-t=('t'reasure) hole, I guess I didn't go down far enough. I just decoded these words: "Russian Ashkenazi = Uses in Khazarians = Khazarian Uses Sin." And, as a side note, "Protocol/s = Loot Crop/s." You're so right about imprisoning "Meaning" within "Definition," thereby enslaving us. Nef, did you see my comment a little while back to Tereza, as follows:

First, read Israel as a statement: Is Ra El. (Ra the Egyptian god and El the Canaanite god).

Then, on the back of the dollar bill, you'll see a pyramid with an all-seeing eye, which is "Pharaoh Sees" or really "Pharisees." And just as the pyramid has nothing to do with the U.S., neither do the 13 stars within the Star of Jacob, on the dollar's back, represent the 13 colonies. They represent the 13 Tribes of Jacob, with the 13th being Ephraim - the half Tribe of Joseph and the daughter of the priest of On aka Heliopolis.

Heliopolis On = In Holies' Loop/Pool. (Here's the 1743 map showing Heliopolis and On, as the same place: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/12/Tabulam_Hanc_Chorographicam_agri_Ditionis_de_Grand_Cairo_comprehenso_situ_urbis_memphiticae_praenobili_viro_DD_Gulielmo_-_Pococke_Richard_-_1743.jpg

Back to the dollar, and the story it tells.

"In God We Trust = Trusted Owing."

In 'G'od, 'O'il, 'D'rugs We Trust, with trust, and trusted from above, from a financial sense.

Federal = Fed Ra El.

Federal Reserve = Severe Deferral = Slave Erred Free.

Federal Reserve Note = Serve Freeloader Net (trap).

Lastly, Rameses is mentioned 5 times in the KJV Bible, where it's misspelled once, as Raamses, in Exo. 1, where it matters most. Exo. 1, is also about the alleged Israelite slaves building the "T"reasure cities of "Pithom and Rameses = "T"+ Ephraim and Moses." I used the correct "Rameses" spelling, but further, what are the statistical odds of that code? "Treasure = User Rate," and in Gen. 47, after Ephraim's father, Joseph, uses the famine, starvation, and the Egyptian's "crops" to take their land, this is when "usury" is enacted, as the Egyptians had to give up one-fifth of all they grew, to the Pharaoh, "unto this day," except to the land of the priests, who didn't give up anything, including their land.

Just thought I'd share, if you hadn't already seen this:)

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I'm going to make this a long reply, by pasting together some comments I posted on Nef's stack, that might interest you, Rhonda:

In the same vein, of figuring out what the truth is of the flood narrative (among other things), here's a post that Jack Sirius linked in a comment: https://www.thetorah.com/article/noah-ham-and-the-curse-of-canaan-who-did-what-to-whom-in-the-tent? It looks at the curse of Canaan, not Ham, as emphasizing that it was the Shemites who were masters, not Egypt, over the Canaanites. It's always curious to me how bold and undisguised is the assumption that the Shemites/ Hebrews/ Jews are to be masters and others to be their slaves. And the roundabout arguments for why, despite appearances, the cursed MUST have done something to deserve it. It could never be the guilt of the patriarchs.

I still wonder about the depictions of the Egyptian gods and the relationship to the stories of Genesis, particularly if we see them as a projection of guilt. First we have Cain killing Abel, presumably, so the 'blessing' or inheritance of the right to rule goes to Seth without any of the blame for fratricide. The Egyptian god of the underworld, Osiris, is killed and dismembered by his brother Seth but re-membered and resurrected by Isis to conceive the Falcon god Horus, who the current Pharaoh embodies.

Horus is most often pictured with Anubis, the jackal god. Anubis is who wraps the dead body of Osiris after being dismembered by Seth and re-membered by Isis. Curiously, there's no animal that Seth represents, and he's disappeared from memory. In the Amarna letters to the Pharaoh, the mercenary warlord Abdi-Ashirta is depicted as a jackal because he's poaching the lands under the vassal lords by ruthlessly putting down rebellions and then claiming them as his own. I think Abdi-Ashirta is really Abram, who travels with 3000 warriors.

That's why the question of who is master over Canaan--Shemites or Egypt?--is the point of the story of Noah's curse. And when Joseph 'interprets the Pharaoh's dream' to deliver all the self-reliant farmers into indebted serfs, he aligns with the Egyptian dynasty. Joseph's dynasty was the power behind the throne, intermarrying their women, who carried the priestly line, with the male Horus.

Among other insights, Nef replied: This makes the Neshua of Egypt (Pharaoh) a puppet. "One shall Rule behind; One shall Govern in front." So that really speaks to Yeshua, I think.

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I absolutely love how you put all that together Rhonda, perfectly connects with how the current English is and how it was carefully 'developed' into a double meaning system of interpretation.

There are some thoughts; however, about the name: Ramses, this name is a syllabic transliteration of what people thought his name sounded like, it was spoken like this: "Reia-ma-shis-amie-armana" full name pronunciation as contemporary in his life time. The original way Egyptology worked it out was "Rama-shis u meri amoyn." There were dozens of different dialects in the original language Medau Metr. There was never a correct spelling because the sounding was phonetic. So, what seems to have happened is, at some point either earliest in the middle ages or maybe a bit later, whoever tied Ramses to this meaning did so based on average public knowledge of his name.

Also, I think the original Egyptian culture got "infiltrated" by whoever the Shemite / Canaanite complex were; maybe Josephus was a Shemite master. It's also possible the vassal lords were like regents who were in effect just like governors today; resulting in the Neshu (King) needing administrative "services," from Joseph.

I am not very clear on the social political details that may have played out. I suspect the Canaanite were non Egyptian indentured servants. Please let me know if that makes sense to you; it's a grey area for me.

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I'll be back tomorrow, to discuss this further, as I haven't had time to really think, other than my reply above to you and Tereza, which didn't address most of the issues, but I was making a point about the Phoenix. You did mention Corporate and the public/private partnership, with "Corporate = Rate Crop +o." So, do they first "rate" the crop's value, to then decide on the fair "ration?"

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That could be the case. I just love the way you break into the roots of words, it's what I've been doing too. I thought the Corp Ration was to intentionally control how much food is available. I guess it could be either way. Shrink-flation is another part of that perhaps. I avoid processed food though.

The Double Headed Phoenix is found across so many coats of arms in the Heraldry of the Dragon and Order of the Garter, from Europe. The whole thing about the Bey has been around for thousands of years actually. It's the pattern that is used in nearly everything the Criminal Cabal does. The Occult is a real big deal to them.

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although this argument has a bit of a continuity problem if the arguments i've read about the ashkenazi jews being an artificial creation by the khazarian mafia or the babylonian rhadanite bankers is valid. the arguments presented here are interesting.

Douglas Gabriel

Michael McKibben

Part I

11/12/22: The Babylonian Cartel, Rhadanites & Stolen Identity: A Discussion W/AIM


Created social media patented stolen by Facebook; proof on blogspot.

11/12/22: As we contend with the Great Reset, we look back in history to understand how ancient Babylon plays a central part in the Globalist Agenda. Aim4Truth offers their deep research insight into the Babylonian Rhadanites, the stolen identity of H_brews, and an understanding of how the fake British Elite are bringing about the One World Slavery System.

Usury since Mesopotamia

Part 2:

11/22/22: Cartel Babylon, Part 2: Global Enslavement


11/22/22: The Globalists' War against Humanity and their plan for worldwide enslavement began 4000 years ago, and likely long before that time. Today's video deepens the discussion on how Babylonian merchants invaded the world by weaponizing usury to colonize humanity. We cover the Rhadanites, the banking cartels and move forward to the present day, as Cartel Babylon is attempting to collapse Western Christian Civilization and perfect their Prison Planet system. Humanity is Awakening en masse, and they will not succeed! God wins, Humanity wins and we will defeat them! You Are Free!

Part 3:

12/6/22: Cartel Babylon, Part 3: Mammon Prison Planet


12/6/22: Cartel Babylon is consolidating its stolen power over Humanity as Zelensky bans Ukraine's Orthodox Christian Church and attempts to ramp up WWIII with British controlled bombings of Russian airbases. The Plague of Mammon is losing ground, as Humanity Awakens, but the Rhadanite Global Cabal intends to continue stealing the world's resources en masse, persecute Christians, genocide as many humans as possible and parasitize the energy of as many Life and God Loving humans as possible in their attempt to False Flag a Wag-the-Dog AntiChrist Apocalypse... God Wins! Humanity wins!

clif high in his stack has made similar arguments. he doesn't refer to the rhadanite bankers; he argues that they are descendants of khazarian blood worshippers. also an interesting argument.

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I've been down the Khazar rabbit hole, but will read these links, and appreciate your reply and input. What I will say, however, is that it's clearly shown in their Bible, as to who they are, what they do, and what they're intentions are, and everything else is a diversion to look over here or there and take away our attention from the biggest mind-psyop of all time, the not-so-Holy Bible. Throughout their book, they've clearly shown themselves to have been, and still are, psychopathic murderers, rapists, child abductors and traffickers, thieves, pathological liars, etc. They've put it right under our noses, and yet people still can't believe how duped they've been. Bottom line, they have a god-complex, and think themselves gods to rule over us.

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yes. no argument there about all that blood. clif high has been filling us in on some of those details right down to the origins and purposes of circumcision. we are living a true apocalypse, the uncovering of all that is rotten in denmark, so to speak. thank you.

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Do you have a link to Clif High on circumcision, Guy? That sounds interesting.

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hola, tereza.

wow, i've been busy and so it took a bit of time to get here.

yes: "Untethered Heathers: It's here, it's creeping up into YOUR reality & freaking some people out already!"

https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/untethered-heathers at about 12:42 he talks about the bible as a record of having survived the space aliens looking to enslave(?) humanity. the practices of the bible are to a large extent the steps by which people took to survive. (he absolutely totally unequivocally and categorically dismisses the bible as anything of value - it is mistranslated survival anecdotes.)

i recommend this whole talk, which takes a look at Brett W as an example of the 'old cadre of experts' who have been displaced by the 'problem' of novelty. interesting discussion, imo.

in the smallest of synchronicities jeff childers in his post today includes a look at the disrobing of experts as a kind of retribution from empty experts being pushed down our throats and now being seen to have been not just wrong: they were horrifically and morally wrong as well.

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Guy, I wanted to point out one more thing. Look at the back of the dollar-bill, which tells the story of who's controlling the money. There's an Egyptian pyramid with an all-seeing eye, which represents Pharaoh Sees aka Pharisees. Also, there's the Star of Jacob, with 13 stars within. Just as the pyramid has nothing to do with the U.S., the 13 stars have nothing to do with the colonies. They represent the 13 Tribes of Jacob, with the 13th being Ephraim, who was a descendant from biblical Joseph and the daughter of the Priest of On/Heliopolis - a half Pharisee. Also, read Israel as a statement; Is Ra El - Ra the Egyptian god and El the Canaanite god. Federal = Fed Ra El.

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thank you.

yes, i'd come across these details in my past. at the time they were interesting without being quite so pointedly interesting as they have become with my own eyes having become more capable and me more willing to see with more open curiosity.

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Guy, I left a comment above, to Nef, but wanted you to see it, as well. Perhaps I didn't go down the Khazarian rabbit-hole enough.

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lol! i'm laughing at the image of all us really curious ones with our buts and butts in the air putting hearts minds and bodies deeper and deeper into the rabbit warren which now encompasses the whole world. and once in a while we have the joy of brushing the dirt from our eyes to see another rabbit hole seeker's face. well, a butt or two too, maybe.

it is kind of wonderful, in reality. gracias. all the best.

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LOL! I feel like I'm digging my hole to hell! What is wrong with me?! I guess I can dig better than flap my arms as wings so I can fly:) I tried that and it didn't work, but my husband had a dream he was flying that night. True story:)

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Nefahotep, when you wrote "we have never been born and have never died" you wrote of one of my two favorite quotes from the Gita: Krishna tells Arjuna, "There never was a time when I was not, nor you, nor these rulers of men. And there will never be a time when we cease to be."

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Lucifer is honored by the elites, secret societies, Freemasonry, etc. Ie. Non Christians.

Not a Buddhist, but there are many interesting ideas 🤔along with the oldest Hindu faiths. Humility and detachment seems to predominate. The ancient language of sanskrit has a vibration linked to the energy of the body which inspires chanting. Language also linked to Gaelic. Denial of the ego may be mistaken for hierarchy and patriarchy because of traditional misuse. Religion can be used to misuse power. The key is to seek simplicity, like the Quakers' song. "Its a gift to be simple its a gift to be free. It's a gift to come down where you out to be. The mind can be an obstacle to the spirit and all its attachments and compulsions. As in the Gita, Arjuna is told not to worry about killing is family members in battle (his compulsions and attachments).They are already dead.

The battle is for the soul.

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you may find exploring the ideas of 'morphic resonance' by rupert sheldrake interesting. he makes a strong, fascinating and beautiful connection to frequency, energy and life, with reference to how language is a frequency system with carrying power over time.

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i enjoyed it very much. added to my mantra list.

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Thanks Guy.

Even different languages carry different emotional traits.

Sanskrit may be the oldest language, just chanting or speaking it has meaning in each sound and syllable. Om.

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Agree with most things, disagree with some.

In particular, you express that the ideal state of being is to be completely detached from the events that happen around us, static and/or numb.

I disagree. If you stick your head into the sand, and there's nothing going on inside of you, then there's nothing to transmute either. How can you possibly expect something to change, for better or worse if nothing is happening on the inside?

Then the very disturbing quote "I suggest that we sell our bodies but keep our hearts and minds free"

Those are the words of someone who is probably a mass murderer and is making excuses for himself. It's savages like this, who are key instruments to the NWO. Karma will not look kindly upon this savage.

Then one last thing:"Arjuna a vision in which his cousins are already laying there dead; that the "action" that must be taken on this battlefield of Kurukshetra does not "belong" to him, the participant in the action does not have a choice. Fruits of that action are not the purpose of the fight."

Sure this world is mostly mechanical, ruled by Saturn, but here the concept of freewill is disregarded entirely. If you have no free will, then it means you are an NPC/Bot, and you are as far removed from an enlightened state as can be.

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I reread my post, skipping over the quotes, and couldn't find anywhere that I said, "the ideal state of being is to be completely detached from the events that happen around us, static and/or numb." Maybe you're responding to the Bhagavad Gita?

Your second quote is from the description of my video, "Is Our Love Being Pimped for Profit?" which I assume you didn't watch. But if you'd prefer to think I'm a mass murderer than understand my point by watching it, I'm not going to waste my time explaining here.

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"Maybe you're responding to the Bhagavad Gita?".

Yes, since it was included in the article I assumed it is a reflection of your own beliefs and I merely wanted to point out that I do not subscribe to the idea of being completely static, regardless of what is happening in the world.

That does not mean to be over-reactive either. There should be a balance between the two.

About the 2nd quote. That was not addressed to you. I am not saying YOU are a mass murderer. I am merely saying that the mindset that "they can have our bodies, but not our minds" is a very unhealthy mindset and it sounds like an attempt at absolving oneself of responsibility.

You are either sovereign, or you are not. You can't have the cake and eat it too.

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The point in my video was that whether you worked for McDonald's or McDonnell Douglas, you were selling your body, prostituting yourself for a paycheck. All jobs either serve 'investor' profits, aka the bankers who stole our labor in the first place with the mortgage, or they serve those who serve the corporations. There's no such thing as 'right livelihood.'

What matters is that you don't give in to cognitive dissonance and justify yourself as pure and thereby refuse to see how the system abuses all of us. If you think you're sovereign, give away all of your money. Until we reclaim sovereignty for all of us, we all serve the empire.

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