That YouTube video was truly awesome. It vindicated everything that I've been writing about the infiltrations and dual ruler ship.

Seems that the "guests" have a culture of forming a Government inside the Government. So that one governs in front, while another rules from behind.

I offer my thanks to Winston for bringing it to everyone's attention.

It's almost like Germany was experiencing the Woke culture back then. I will download it to save it.

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Wasn't that great? But now I'm more confused. I had been leaning 70% towards your theory that Hitler was an agent of Rothschild/ London. But the clarity with which he speaks about the techniques of the 'guests' seems to be a warning. It's not just rhetoric but pointing to strategy. I don't think a Rothschild secret agent would do that. So now I'm 50/50. But the account of him going to his death with absolute calm, like it was any other day, seems fishy. That seems like an arranged hand-off.

I've just gotten to the part about the Rothschilds in the Guyenot book. SO much history I didn't know.

Nef, would you repost your excellent comment on the YT version here? I think your understanding of the trust system is really important.

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Yes, I'll post the comment here, with pleasure.

About my sense about Hitler, I have been 50 / 50 all along, personally.

I view him as an Individual, my sense is he was a man in a circumstance that he really wanted to control his way, but couldn't. I have always tried to be agnostic and neutral, I think there were a lot of terrible things that may have been pinned on him.

In sorting through all the fine details, the trap is in taking sides. Our stories about things have become inverted on purpose; when thinking of culture, our stories can form habits. As we Re Member our language, rehabilitation of our words and stories can heal the culture.

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But did he intentionally sabotage the German military? The fact that he stayed up until four and wouldn't let anyone wake him before noon seems like a spoilt art student, not a principled leader. And that he wouldn't allow military decisions to be made by anyone else. Given what happened to the Germans due to those blunders, it's hard to respect that.

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Yes you are right. There's one piece to the puzzle that may allow these estranged facts to come together; Hitler was taking certain types of drugs, they may have been mind altering. I don't have any materials on this one in specific, I know I have come across it somewhere, long ago.

It wouldn't surprise me about there being some type of mind altering substance involved to anesthetize him, make him "more disposed" to the Zionist controllers, that may have been part of the mechanism for Zionist to "use" the Nazis that weren't "in on it."

The Heka Khasut had a way to drug the Egyptians, it worked for them then so why not do it again. Khazarians were also known to drug their victims too.

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Interesting line of thinking there my friend...

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I'm not certain what was really going on with Hitler. In my above comment, I am only able to offer speculation based off of things I have seen in the past. As we know, there are many ways that stories can be inverted. As we piece these things together, it's good to be neutral and cautious.

My line of thinking is that there were no drugs in the beginning, such as when he gave the speeches, but as his tenure in office progressed, especially later there may have been. I'll dig around and see if there are any materials that corroborate this.

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Not paying Taxes in both the USA and UK.

In the UK it has been illegal to pay taxes that contribute to a foreign war since 1928 and this applies to most of the western countries under International Law.

See ProbityCo.com https://www.probityco.com/ for more details.

Kellogg–Briand Pact. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kellogg%E2%80%93Briand_Pact

"It is a criminal offence in this country to pay tax if any of it is used to fund genocide, murder or any criminal activity as per the 1945 UN Charter, Terrorism Act 2000 & The Nuremberg Code. "

Also see latest tax case in the USA . https://t.me/QJulianAssange/572

Income means Corporate gains. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNNeVu8wUak&t=1597s


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Hi Tereza,

Haven't finished getting through this post, but I love the boots!

Also, I just wanted to drop a couple of links for you that I thought you might appreciate:

This first one has screen shot of Rabbi letter from 6/27/37, telling Jews to support the war, but not to worry they won't have to serve because it's against Judaism, and they have doctors to help if the religious exception doesn't work. Calls non-Jews "dumb Goyim," and says they will stay home and "profit"


Netanyahu’s statements made me sick- “no nation came to our aid against the Nazi’s” he said. While 17.8 million Americans were deployed to fight in World War 2- leaving over 400k dead.

During that time , the ADL and Israeli interest groups were holding secret conferences in the U.S., calling us “dumb” and laughing at us as they sent our people to the slaughter for their interests.

FOIA requests reveal exactly what the ADL thinks of us, and they still to this day retain a huge and powerful stronghold over the United States and our politicians.

I just found out this is real and I’m sick to my stomach over it.


(at this bottom of this post, there's a screen shot of a document from Allied Military Police HQ saying no poison gas was used to kill prisoners and it lists a number of camps


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That's amazing that they let this come out. I was thinking along the same lines as Nef and tried to download it, but it only allows me to share with the same link:


And the Allied investigation into the poison gas is irrefutable. I just received the books The Myth of German Villainy, The Six Million: Fact or Fiction? and Hellstorm. I'm hoping some of these might be in there, in a permanent form.

With Palsvig, I wish he didn't tie refuting the holocaust to accepting Christianity. The Torah is an anti-Canaanite polemic and the NT is an anti-Judean polemic, which didn't mean the Jews but the anti-imperial rebels. As I commented on Kevin Barrett's stack, you can't refute one psyops of superiority/ hate with another psyops of superiority/ hate.

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Actually, if you go to the link; then left click, it should show an option to "save image as" there may be some differences in computers though. Mine is an Imac, using an outdated version of the OS. I saved mine as JPG.

If you want, I can send you a copy of what I got, so you can archive. ;-)

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A reader sent a link to another post by Lauren Witzke forwarded from Israel (does the country itself have a twitter account?) saying "We Will Dance Again." A commenter notes that a dancing Israelis reference is pretty brazen as a threat, even for Israel. Sorry I can't get the link.

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follow up on the Rabbi letter- it's posted here pg 119


(I haven't read through the rest of the documents)

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Great documentation, thanks!

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Oh, yes, I saw that too. Everyone who knows the truth about 9/11 was calling that a threat- yes brazen, but that's how they operate.


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Actually looking this over, I am floored. There are no words....

This needs to go completely viral, especially with all the genocide going on right now. Maybe make 10,000 copies of this notice and put it on every street lamp in the United States of Israel. ;-)

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Yes, I was thinking the same thing, but I don't know enough people to make anything go viral.

I'd love to see that dropped over at the Christian Zio sites like conservativetreehouse where I've been banned (my comments go immediately to moderation, never to be seen again)

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That's why I thought of the lamp posts. On another thought:

I wonder if Ben Shapiro (Ben's Hapiru) site, The Daily Wire wouldn't mind getting a code virus that causes this to spread every time people click on his site? I was thinking like "teddy bear" cactus, where it just can't be removed. These are all just ideas until we can find the right people skilled and willing. Just a funny thought.

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Ben's Hapiru site!!! Wow!

And leave it to you to come up with a landscaper's nightmare analogy ;-) I was just trimming some red trumpet flowers out of my Palestine sweet lime tree while trying not to get on the bad side of the bees. It's in full flower and the best smell in the world, so hard to blame them. The upside and occupational hazard of gardening.

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Haha, yes indeed, cactus is only good to look at, but never touch ;-)

Well the real nightmare for all the whole Zionist World would be if there were some type of code or virus that they could not stop, no matter how hard they tried. Imagine if there was a viral ticker running on the bottom of every live screen News broadcast in the world continuously showing all the facts that are becoming revealed, completely contradicting the words of the news anchors. Totally hysterical to see them frantically try to block it.

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That's what gives me a lot of hope. To use another plant analogy, the Bible says the kingdom of god spreads like a mustard seed. Someone pointed out that mustard is a weed, that is tenacious and takes over. So I think the truth is like a weed and is blowing in the wind, taking root and propagating like crazy. Everywhere I turn new facts are being revealed. It might as well be a ticker under the news. And these heavy-handed attempts to block it are just drawing more attention to them.

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Thank you for this. The more we can collate, organize and pass this info around the better.

It's time to let the truth shine; the darkness is it's natural food.

Is there anyway to get those if I don't have a Twitter acct? If they are a screen shot, you could save them as JPG or PDF, then email them? I like to archive this stuff for later use in posts.

Never mind, somehow I didn't get blocked by "X" this time; I just copied that excellent info ---- Thanks again.

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I'm really low tech--all I know how to do is create an account. I actually just got locked out of my original account for "unusual or suspicious activity"-(it must have been the posts on Zionist crimes and revisionist history). I managed to create another account--I'm actually seeing tons of new revisionist history info. So, I'll drop links here for you and Tereza.

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I look forward to more for sure. Isn't it amazing how much effort is being put forward to protect the Zionists? The harder they try, the more we see....

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I've never seen anything like it--feels like we are having a mask off moment. Like they are revealing themselves and how much power and control they have. It's undeniable for anyone with eyes to see that they have taken over the US govt .

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Those boots are awesome!

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Aren't they though? $11 at the Goodwill near my daughter's house, half-price and never been worn. I also got the sequin top there for $5, I think. I feel like a walking disco ball in it, sending sparkles everywhere!

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you most definitely sparkle - with our without the sequins!

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"And I’m picking on Bald Explorer’s economic plan but we really agree in principle: you are king and so am I and so is everyone else. And I do think we should dress like a king, whether that’s a cravat or hot pink velvet boots ;-)"

He doesn't have an economic plan... He was discussing ideas, not written a economic thesis.... The point you are agreeing with here was the reason I shared the video, I'm glad in that regard... He, like us is trying to move forward away from whatever bipolar flip flop bollocks we have right now....

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Thanks Winston. And yes, I was trying to get across here (which I didn't in the video) that I liked Richard and was in agreement with him in principle. It seemed to me that he was saying people shouldn't pay taxes unless they agree to them. Is that right? And I was suspecting that many of his 204K subs were people who resonated with that. So I was referring to that as his economic plan, something that individuals can enact.

I feel that not paying taxes, if you have an income, savings or assets, won't change the system but will disempower you. The IRS, in the US, will make an example out of you and if you have a job that requires withholding, I'm not sure how you'd even do it logistically--unless you're Trump or Soros or the others who pay no taxes because their lawyers know the loopholes.

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Money that we are familiar with in our current system, is only "Currency" and not Money. Trusts which are the actual source of hypotheticated value, are used to create and direct how currency can flow in our system. This is because of the structure found in the Private side of the Public / Private based banking system. Taxes we pay to the government are meant to pay for the Usury our government owes to the private Central Bank. Our Payment is actually a discharge of Debt because the Currency is only an IOU, not money.

Stakeholders are Stock Owners through Private Equity; which is held in Trusts, they can also be Retail Shareholders as well as be on the Board of Directors, they can be Selected for “public service” as Politicians in the Public Sector to hold office. Or they can apply influence through NGO’s and Campaign Finance either way, the Trustors are always getting what they want from the performance of the Trustees. The most powerful Trustors do not own anything in their name, they don’t use fiat money, they hold the power of “Paper” and they get their Trustees to do all the work for them. The purpose of the Beneficiary is to “benefit” the Trustor. These Trustors are the Owners of the Banks as well as holders in Allodium; these individuals NEVER pay taxes for anything, the taxes you pay is what they live off of.

Private Equity is the Trust held by the Trustors; they delegate how their “Property” is to be used by the Beneficiaries in the Trust arrangement. Through the Trust System, the Trustors can hold command of all Corporate policies and assets, this includes Banks and Mortgages. So, Private Equity doesn’t mean they privately Own something, it means they can privately Control it.

Mortgage backed Securities are the business end of the Trust connected to the Private side. This is the same arrangement in the Public Sector, where a Federal Corporate Franchise can also secretly Control the Dejure Instituted Government.

It's our own Sovereign Right to decide whether we choose to participate in their system or not. We have never had any obligation to use their Currency, we can change what we are doing; we need to be very clear about just how we do it.

I think Tereza's ideas here are excellent, replacing the Banks control.

There are a few other ideas that would have a huge impact on how the system functions:

Abolish the Legal Corporate Veil; Dissolve the DTC and DTCC; Revoke permission for the operation of Cede & Co here in the US; Abolish "Cestui Que Vie" Birth Certificate thus removing the Straw Man identity. Then, Abolish the Federal Reserve, Private Western Central Bank, Revoke permission for operation of International Finance Corporation, thus severing US from the IMF and BIS.

Wait..... I haven't even begun yet ;-)

Here's a post wherein I describe many of these structures:


I know many people have seen this before, but it also has many links that connects to other research materials that may help; most important to map out the Private Side of the System.

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Tereza! Happy belated birthday! You look alive and vibrant in your dancing photo! I love it!

The story about the chimney sweeps hurts. It touches that nerve of all the hurts that go on in our society that we avoid looking at. It's easy to pretend that my phone and computer and fine - I don't know about the child labor involved in producing it. Sheesh, how do we get out this mess where children and people are still exploited??? I know your plan is just for that - but at this moment it feels hard to get there.

In another topic, I started watching these dowsing videos and I find them so fun! It's like a ouija board but better. And I'm sharing because she asks "was jesus a real man" at 15:40 and the answer is NO! Haha, something about that tickles me so much! If you like watching this kind of thing, it might be fun for you too.


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I was just thinking about you, marta, and wondering how you were. Happy mother's day!

Yes, that story of the chimneysweeps has haunted me since I read it 20 yrs ago. I'm sorry to inflict that trauma on you, who didn't need the reminder of how complicit we all are. The person to whom I was trying to make the point still doesn't get it and sees evil acts as being done by evil people, who are certainly not like us.

For you and I and all the other mothers who read that story and weep, and extrapolate it to all the things we know are still happening out of sight, I have a more hopeful episode called Changing Our Story coming out in a bit. The video's posted but I'm still adding to the stack from all the other wonderful women in our momosphere ;-)

I will check out your dowsing video with zest! Somehow I already have a feeling it's going to find its way into a future piece ...

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Thanks for thinking of me Tereza! I feel honored!

I look forward to the installment of Changing Our Story coming soon. That sounds hopeful already.

I listened to another earlier dowsing session from Megan and in that one she asked if Jesus had a wife and kids and the answer was yes, so if there's truth in the dowsing, it's complicated. She says she's connecting with guides, spirits, archangels and so on. One of my teachers says that even guides and angels don't have all the answers, they are still limited in their vantage point. So while we humans are the blind people feeling the elephant and getting such different answers, perhaps even guides and angels are still blind somewhat too and giving the best info they can? That's how I'm piecing this together.

And a while back I asked your opinion about trans issues, and since then I've felt much more settled on the topic. It seems to me like a grand grappling with masculine and feminine energies. Similar to the blind people feeling the elephant, we're blind in feeling into divine masculine and feminine, and it's up for change, so there's a lot of turmoil as people grapple on many levels with these questions.

Haha, I'm all over the place today! Do you mind that I'm going off topic in your comment section?

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I never mind anything you do, marta. I listened to something about the problem of masculinity, which came up in my feed before I could change it. I was pleasantly surprised to find that men are talking about this problem without turning it into an anti-femininity thing. It wasn't offering deep enough solutions to save but it was refreshing to hear men say that there's a manosphere where the reaction is anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-women, anti-feminine aspects. And that's not their solution.

It made me realize that the guys who took my tonic masculinity phrase were representative of a particular mindset but that isn't the only one out there. Yes to there being a lot of turmoil! Yes to feeling more settled.

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Love this!

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I listened to the dowser and she was charming! So many topics and good questions. It is like a ouija board and I'm glad you spelled that before I had to try ;-)

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"While he balks at paying taxes, he doesn’t question the validity of his money, earned from making videos for corporations. His labor has made the rich richer, the same as all corporate jobs from McDonald’s to McDonnell-Douglas. It does nothing for those who make his cravats or computer or video equipment. ".....

He does question the money, just not do obvious nor blatant in this video.... It appears from your video response that you think Richard is somehow beneath you because he isn't at the same lever of questioning/knowledge/understanding as you are.... The reason I originally shared his video was because he has just awoken to the in the last few years to corruption, deception and scamming that goes on... From videos of his I've watched, he is also like you trying to find a different way forward,....

Please don't take this wrong way..... but I don't think it's conducive nor helpful to be so dismissive or deriding of those also trying figure this crazy world out... I get that you've likely put in some serious intellectual leg work into formulating your ideas and systems, but that doesn't mean someone else needs shot down because they aren't quite so far along on their journey... The only way for any change to occur is by us learning, formulating and debating ideas together. 🙏

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You've really gotten to the crux of the matter, Winston, and I'd appreciate your advice because it's not something I've ever figured out. My principle is to love the person without judgment, and relentlessly judge the ideas as closer or further from the truth. This is completely contrary to what we've been taught.

We've been taught to judge people as good or bad. If they're good, we shouldn't disagree with them, argue with them or embarrass them with facts and logic--even if they have 100X the followers that we do and don't know we exist. It's not polite.

If they're bad, we should disagree with everything they say and are associated with. If that's Trump, that means deriding and dismissing all of their followers and positions. That, I think, makes us pretty easy to manipulate as the last four years have shown.

If you look at what I've said about Richard, I've never said anything dismissive or derisive about him. I've challenged his ideas as not going deep enough in questioning the system, which isn't just about us being servants but whether other people have been made our slaves with our invisible consent. He provided me with the perfect example when he used chimneysweeps because there's nothing more extreme to show how the worst example of torturing and killing small children can be accepted in the midst of people who think of themselves as good and decent.

Since Richard is unlikely to see my video, I'm using this to illustrate a point for all of us. But if he did, I'd hope that he'd take it as another level of his awakening to the corruption, deception and scamming, and see that I'm not at all critical of who he is as a person.

I tried to include myself in this story, as someone who spent 40+ years blissfully unaware. And now I compromise my principles several times a day. I'm over that belief that there's anything we can do individually to change a damn thing--whether that's not paying taxes or not driving a car or buying fair trade or giving money to charity. These are all tricks to make us feel individually responsible for a system that none of us designed or agreed to or can escape.

But here's my paradox--once people are thinking within a paradigm of moral superiority, my statements that I don't see myself as morally superior are seen as trying to one-up the other person in moral superiority. I don't know how to get out of that. Suggestions?

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I just love how calm you stay as you disagree with someone Tereza. I learn from you every time.

So, for real, does buying fair trade or organic or from B Corps not help a damn thing? It's the thing I cling onto - at least I'm using my money with "integrity" I say to myself. Not compared to other people, but in integrity in me. But maybe I'm fooling myself?

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Thank you, marta. From my perspective now, I'd say it depends on whether someone is doing it out of judgment/ virtue signaling or love and joy. While I was waiting for my food at the Eritrean stand at the farmer's market, some hippie guy made a big point of asking if they could not use plastic. Of course Santa Cruz banned styrofoam and plastic long ago, and forces coffee shops to charge 25 cents for a paper cup and grocery stores to charge 25 cents per bag. The latter two irk me no end because I have to buy a paper bag to recycle all the junk mail I wish they would have outlawed. But this guy was going to make it as hard as possible on this sweet vendor so he could stay 'pure' and morally superior.

But this is certainly not you! I still buy fair trade and organic and B Corp because it makes me happy. Etsy is my new consumer crush. I just don't get dogmatic the way I once did. But again, I don't think you're prone to that.

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I like that distinction - between joy or virtue signaling.

I don't know if I've been dogmatic, but I've certainly been judgmental in the past about organic choices and such, but then I read Charles Eisenstein quoting studies that show that people who buy organic tend to be more judgmental! And then when covid happened, it became my long term project to root out judgmentalism in me, and to grow beyond the good/bad binary way of thinking.

Chicago tried to ban plastic bags a number of years ago and it backfired. There was some work-around, that if the plastic bags were heavy enough to be reusable, then the stores could use those. So pretty much all stores started charging 7 cents for heavier weight plastic bags instead of the cheap thin plastic bags. It was a lesson for me in how government regulations can backfire and make things worse.

Banning styrofoam seems like a reasonable idea though.

That moral superiority is so distasteful, and so not human connecting!!

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There's a difference in being judgmental of products and of people. Having grown daughters and being the holder of the prime Amazon account (that I almost never use) is really an exercise in letting go of judgment. Alka-Seltzer? Really? But they hate drug stores and who can blame them? In the end, it gives me a connection seeing their front door photos and products going back and forth (sometimes it feels like they return more than they order.) They're all in full-time jobs and if it makes their lives a little easier or more fun, I can't begrudge them. Even if it kills me a little inside.

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Funnily enough I too am like you, I try to judge or criticise the idea not the person, so I understand your way of thinking, I was never taught how think fortunatel, I didn't spend to much time in the indoctrination camps... Sorry school. Since the age of 12/13 I realised the whole gig was a scam designed to control and farm us in any way possible.... And like I said, I aim to judge, critique and question the idea or concept always, however I've noticed when discussing things with people they interject their emotions into the mix and usually become an impenetrable intellectual brick wall, this is where I would start to judge the person... You can forgive ignorance of a situation, but once someone is made aware of their behaviour or actions or lack there of and how this affects them and the world around them, them they become responsible for their actions or lack there of...

I believe you mentioned his subscriber number in a weird questioning and dismissive kinda way and the way you nailed these ideas to a cross as if they were Richards, were things I believe were unfair and not necessary to convey your point. My point of highlighting this to you in the first place, with what I would describe as a valid criticism in the sense that you were right in what you were saying, was that Richard wasn't actually presenting a well thought out plan or idea and it appeared like you had pinned onto him what he said as his idea, his plan, his stance, it isn't, as I noted, he is currently looking for alternatives and is open to ideas and change, just like we are.. If he presented you an Idea that he claimed to be his that you felt the need to criticise then of course criticism is valid, but claiming the idea as if it was Richards own, then criticising both the idea and the person in various different ways, doesn't seem helpful to me, particularly as I've said Richard is open to ideas and alternatives. In the example Richard gave of himself transacting with a chimney sweep, he wasn't referring to the chimney sweeps of old where children were used, so that's something you projected or prescribed onto his point..., he is referring to adults in the here and now that do this for a living on wood burning stoves. Anyone that thinks working children like that, isn't entirely moral or principled if you ask me... Video here on that... 😮.


No if they are bad ideas or people doing bad things I think criticism is absolutely valid and interests of balance we should look for points of agreement if possible, because that's the only way divisions are bridged.. I'm a third paradigm/option thinker just like you ( at least I believe we are anyway ), but what I came to realise is, it's not binary, it's a spectrum, everything exists or can be caterigised on a spectrum... But certain things are also verifiably accurate when assessing groups of people or human psychology, that doesn't mean things are changeable, it means that the individuals in the group must change within themselves to overcome what our human nature does naturally.... Take a group of monkeys for example... Obviously we evolved way beyond that, but you wouldn't think so looking at the shit we do sometimes....

What he was trying to convey is that we need out of the system, the monetary system, the tax system and the government system.... The thing I think you maybe missed about the example is, if you aren't physically able or otherwise to do something then you will of course require someones help and by using the example of peer to peer bartering as way to show one way of doing that. Can re-roof your house? Or install a new heating system in your house? If not how do you propose to achieve this without money or some form of compensation or otherwise to the people with the materials and labour to do it for you... Will these people just do it for the love?

You're absolutely right there is very little we can do as individuals to change the system as a whole, but as I noted, since a young age, I've always thought about and lived in ways that help me do what I feel is right on my own personal level.... We aren't individually responsible for the system and institutions we see around us, we are individually responsible for how WE personally interact, transact or take part in them though... We only have control over ourselves, nobody else and nobody actually does over us, we've just allowed ourselves to think that they do.... Again kinda another reason why I shared that particular video of Richards... We are king's or queens, as in all of us, if we want to be, not kings and queens lording it over others, but king's and queens of our own minds, our own domains, sovereign with no worldly authority over us.... As I said, I realised at young age it's all a scam, so I just don't play along in their theatrics. I do my thing living in a way were I try to have as little negative impact in other peoples lives and don't allow them to have an impact in mine... A little example of what I mean... Weed is "illegal" were I live... That doesn't stop me, and never would... My smoking doesn't hurt others, then fuck them and their laws of control...

Everyone is a judge, it's human nature.... If you or I are criticising an idea, I think by not using language like "you", "your idea", "insert names idea" or stating clearly what it is we are criticising may help somewhat, as I've said I'm like you in this regard and I rarely get it completely right myself....

On my last note there.... Human nature, the soul/spirit and economic system... These things are all real and they all have impact on each other and on us..... I think creating a economic system to incorporate souls is an oxymoron, ideas diametric on the spectrum of being.... In a economic model, souls/spirits rarely, if ever count in the equation... Because maximising production is the aim the majority of the time..... Not enriching the souls of the economic system... The point where I'm struggling, is bridging the divides between the three above and making it actually work... Because from what I've witnessed of humans in my life time, is we generally always revert to our human nature and some out there absolutely love it...

Hope you had a nice weekend... We've had some awesome weather where I am, it's been fantastic.

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Really, Winston? You think I'm saying that Richard forces young boys to climb up his chimney and clean it? Of course not. He was trying to posit an example from an earlier time when barter or trade in untaxed money seemed simpler to him. I did listen to his talk again before the Substack version and he specifically says, "And he agrees to go up my chimney."

He just happened to choose an example that proved my point better than any other, that our lives exist on top of a pyramid of slavery. He and you and I are in the top 10% of that global pyramid. He's complaining about the people above him in governments who take his money but is oblivious to the 90% of people below him who serve his interests. You can't dismantle an empire from the top. You can't complain about taxes but accept that other people's labor serves you without giving them anything in return.

I only EVER criticize one idea, which is superiority. It's the hidden assumption that's integral to our money system, which I'm exposing using Richard as an example. When is there enough disparity in audience that I'm allowed to criticize someone's ideas without it being seen as a personal attack? If 100X isn't enough, 1000X? A million times?

Please point out where I've critiqued Richard as a person or you as a person and I will be ready to apologize. It would completely contradict my belief (and only belief) that we're morally equal. Within your belief that people are better or worse than others, you're also criticizing the character of someone when you point out their behavior or words. You think that they're responsible for their bad behaviors. I believe in consequences but not blame. So it would be a projection of your belief system to interpret my critique of an idea, an argument or a behavior as a criticism of the person.

You bring up an interesting point, that I've given much thought to, with your "Ignorance is innocence" argument: "You can forgive ignorance of a situation, but once someone is made aware of their behaviour or actions or lack there of and how this affects them and the world around them, them they become responsible for their actions or lack there of..."

For many years, child slavery on cocoa plantations was a major issue for me. When I would make someone aware of what was happening, their reaction was hostile. Why? Because as long as they didn't know, they were innocent. Once I made them aware, they were guilty. To the child on the cocoa plantation, it made no difference whether they felt guilty or not. Only their actions mattered. But it showed me that the mechanism of blame and underlying belief that "What I don't know can't hurt me ... or my character" creates the resistance to understanding things like how our money system works.

My system, btw, does leave taxation up to the discretion of the commonwealth except for the public pension plan, which is what capitalizes it, known as Social Security here. Since the caret is backed by local housing, goods and services, that's legally possible because it isn't a currency. In your commonwealth, however, you could tax it to provide services for those who can't work.

And I think we're responsible for what our money does to the seventh generation of trading hands. To limit my responsibility to how I treat my friends and neighbors but not the slaves that serve us in other countries may make us feel innocent but we're still slaveowners.

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I'm writing a longer reply, but I'd like to say and ask you this....

I never said "ignorance is innocence" this is your words and your interpretation of what I said, adding your own interpretation to my words and claiming it as "your argument" is exactly what you did to both Richard and I.... I said it can be forgiven, and then went on to say if you then continue to ignore the information, you are absolutely responsible for the harm... In reality of course the harm still existed.... But if someone doesn't know something, how on God's green earth can you hold them responsible for it... Shall we make everyone responsible and guilty of everything that has ever occurred, that is what it seems like you're suggesting... I distinctly remember you taking unbridged ( rightly so ) with your response on Shemite video if remember correctly regarding the collective punishment of German after war, for things they didn't know... This seem logically inconsistent to me...

As someone who says superiority is the only idea you criticise, are you aware that you're acting superior by not meeting people where they are? Their life experiences aren't the same as yours, to think they should feel like you and being unhappy when they don't, is a form of superior moral thinking....

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Let's go back to the beginning and state my position. I believe that we are born innocent and remain innocent. I neither hold people responsible nor judge them guilty but forgive them because 'they know not what they do.'

You're saying that if people don't know, they can be forgiven, which can only be done from a position of superiority. Who are you to forgive or withhold forgiveness? But if they continue to ignore the information, they're 'responsible for the harm.' So now that I've told you about child slavery in chocolate, any chocolate you buy that pays to kidnap a child from Mali into slavery in the Ivory Coast is your fault. There's lot of other information I have on other products, if you don't want to be ignorant. By your logic, knowing then makes you guilty. But ignoring what you could know makes you also guilty.

You're saying that the only way I could make my point that people are morally equal is by not arguing with people who think some are superior. If I challenge the superiority implicit in their arguments, then I'm acting superior.

You confuse the equality of people, from my position, with the equality of thinking. I would never say that all ideas are equally true. That's the literal definition of non-sense, sense being the discernment of what's true from what's not true. If everything was equally true, then the innate superiority of some people over others would be just as true as the moral equality of everyone.

If it made me unhappy when people didn't agree with me, I'd be a pretty miserable person. This has nothing to do with my emotions. It has nothing to do with how I feel. If you're reading this as emotional rant and not a rational argument, it's a way of dismissing my logic. And yes, of course I believe my thinking is superior. If I didn't, I'd change my mind. So would you, I hope.

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In simple terms... Your premise ( all people are morally equal ) is flawed and you don't actually believe it to be true for yourself....

I'm certain that's called hypocrisy.


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So the people doing this to other people are innocent?


Again you are projecting your interpretation of what I said on what I said.... You are trying strawman everything I say....

Your words.... "I neither hold people responsible nor judge them guilty but forgive them because" they know not what they do"

You have literally just said you forgive them for the same reason I would forgive them and then went on to berate me for offering my forgiveness.... Are you serious here? Who am I to offer forgiveness, I'm a human just like you... Why do you feel like you're allowed to offer forgiveness but I am not? You seem to think your forgiveness is superior to mine for some reason.... Do you think you are superior to me? Do you think because you claim not to judge, you are somehow better than I am?

Again you're projecting your interpretation of what I'm saying onto me or my words... Now that you've told me that about coca slavery, if I continue buying chocolate im not at fault, but I do bare responsibility for it's continuation.... That is logically correct and consistent....

"You're saying that the only way I could my point the people are morally equal is by not arguing" again, I'm not saying that, you said that..... Every point I make, you are adding your own interpretation over it and trying to use your interpretation as if it's my stance or argument...

I think this might help, your premise is absolutely wrong, people are not morally equal, they have the capacity to be, but many choose to act with superiority for tribal reasons, for selfish reasons, for survival or whatever... You've tried to make a claim that just doesn't bare out in reality.... Human nature is flawed....

I'm not claiming this is an emotional rant, I'm claim you logically inconsistent and you proved it at the end by saying of you "of course I believe my thinking is superior, if I didn't I'd change my mind.... " So you are arguing that people are equal on one hand and claiming yourself to be superior on the other.... Can't you see the issue here?

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OK, this doesn't isomorphically map onto the economic questions, but Eddie is kinda brassy, ain't s/he. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siBX0i1EIWk

Flags? French? Empire & tribes? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siBX0i1EIWk

Like Doctors, some clerics are still baffled... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0oIkZGMsEo&t=1s

De-Disney? De lady sez drop DeWalt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMkVd7IgJh0

Not Grace Kelly, but she brasses her Police... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uw7nj4s5hmY

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Eddie is hilarious even if I'm not always in agreement with his/her his/herstory.

Nice Roxanne rendition. There's a funny couple in my dance class, a geology professor and the head of social services. I hear that he randomly says to her, out of the blue, "You don't have to put on the red dress." Shrugs and walks away.

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Could their 'funny' behavior be a coping mechanism for papering over grievances? Maybe he's just stretching out 'redress'. Extra points if her name is Emmylou...or his is Graham. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JL4EQBygypE

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haha! very punny. I'll check out Emmylou.

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"I asked Winston why he thought that, even though he cared about disabled children, other people needed to be forced to. Is it not human nature to care for one another, especially in small groups where we know the people? I think this hidden belief that we are good but other people have to be forced is the trick behind wokism, socialism, communism, Marxism and democracy. It prevents small scale sovereignty because we don’t trust others to be as compassionate as we are unless they’re forced."

You've made a few assumptions here....

1. I never said I thought people needed to be forced to care for disabled children....

2. It is human nature to care for another especially in small groups.... However people just don't live that way now... So any system put in place has to fragment what exists just now or be able to transition over to what exists...

3. It's not a hidden belief that we are good and others aren't... It's verifiable on many different levels and if you assess yourself and your behaviour against a vast array of other humans I'm certain you yourself would say I'm not like that.... So there is a moral level within us all, things or behaviours that repulse us, we are judging to be bad, things we enjoy we are judging as good...

4. Most people individually on a one to one basis are good.... However nobody is an island, when people are in social groups they can and do change in various ways. The Milgram experiment being a great example of how easy good people can do bad things ( the story as you'd put it ). If people can be swayed to participate in the death of others then the don't really have morals or principles, they have convenient ways of behaving... Morals and principles don't change because of the person you're dealing with or situation you're dealing with changes...

5. You'd be rudely surprised at just how bad some people will get without a sense of consequence or restriction.....


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Hello again, Winston. I know you're busy today so I won't repeat what I've said in other replies. The linked video I put in quotes Ivan Illich, who developed liberation theology, saying that social welfare takes away what makes us most human--our generosity. We don't take care of each other right now because we have a system that keeps us all one step from disaster. We have no community to depend on in retirement so we need to hoard as much as possible. We can barely take care of ourselves and our loved ones, much less others.

At the same time, we feel we don't need to because there's a social welfare system we're already paying into. So it takes away the personal relationships.

I agree that people on a one-to-one basis are good. If they behave badly in social groups, then it's something about the design of the societies that makes them that way. Milgram showed our vulnerability to authority and how authority has been substituted for morality, knowing right and wrong for ourselves. I think decentralized systems where we're discussing policies and principles is the answer.

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