It's been interesting to hear the kids' chatter. My kids aren't in school, so they are less of a source.

But I hear it from my clients. Apparently, being "for Israel" or "for Palestine" is a hot topic.

It turns my stomach a bit, to be honest...and I realize that this doesn't necessary relate directly to your post. What I mean is, this is a deep, nuanced issue, that is being philosophically discussed by extremely bright minds...who haven't "solved" it. Yet, the younger generation has boiled it down to a popularity contest. A friend just told me that his son's girlfriend is converting to judaism in solidarity (🤯). But that's the new generation. Binaries.

And it makes me feel disappointed in parents - LARGELY DISAPPOINTED. Because this is not the way out. Choose a side. And then shoot your mouth off, with little to no understanding, of ANYTHING. And I'm sorry to say that the adults are hardly much better.

All that to say...that I appreciate you, Tereza. I wish more people would take the time to look at all the angles. Because there are rarely ever two.

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Great comment, that the youth are into binaries ;-) in everything but gender.

I'm thinking, though, perhaps there are only two sides: empire vs. sovereignty. We're always on the defensive or fighting among ourselves, and perhaps we need to think through the rules (nomos) that we'd implement for our purpose (logos).

My book does that for existing communities but doesn't look at this thorny question of displacement through aggression. The short answer is that it's like my daycare person had for toys: it doesn't matter if the rule is that it belongs to the person who brought it or the person who has it now, it just has to be the same rule no matter who it applies to. I think she ended up with a hybrid where new toys belonged to the one who brought it and old toys belonged to whoever was playing with it at the time. Maybe something like that would work ;-)

I can see another episode in the works ...

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That made me laugh, Tereza...so true...binaries everywhere, except gender 🙌🏼

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LoL! The total denial of reality is the final step of control. Woke is a key weapon in the ptb's goal for ultimate control. Fortunately the woke world is crumbling at an accelerating rate. Fascinating times.

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There is a problem with even that binary! I examine that in my series on 'Obediene to Authority'. Binary thinking is the means to controlling the narrative by creating a deserving and undeserving. THAT is the ground level of all binary because it gives authority and acquiescence to killing the undeserving.

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Well stated, especially this.

"And then shoot your mouth off, with little to no understanding, of ANYTHING. And I'm sorry to say that the adults are hardly much better."

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'Taking sides' is so childish. How dumbed down we have become as a society? I have realised all wars/conflicts are orchestrated by a small minority in order for them to fulfill an agenda. Everyone else is a pawn in a game, (unless they refuse to be one).

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At what point does occupation of America become ownership? Are we about to find out? Operation Paperclip was in progress (and the National Security Act of 1947 was being passed) at the same time that the state of Israel was being created. Are today's Americans and Palestinians in strikingly similar positions?

At least the European colonizers of America had the (albeit disgusting and fraudulent) fig leaf of the legal doctrine of terra nullius behind which to hide; but is that any more valid or legitimate than a UN resolution?

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I have been struck by the constant use on Fox news of the word "surgical strikes", with the repeated imagery of a building or buildings being obliterated. It is reminiscent of the Covid gene manipulation called a vaccine that is resulting in an epidemic of "died suddenly" and extreme ongoing excess mortality particularly among the young. Modernism is increasingly deadly, in the name of progress.

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That's very interesting, glad you can be my Fox News spy and report back ;-) Pretty soon they'll be calling them mRNA strikes, only targeting the rogue cells ... oh with turbo cancer but don't mind that!

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This was very interesting, Tereza. And it has again given me quite a bit to think about. I'll be writing about some of it for my next essay. It has made some things very clear to me, connected several dots.

As to your take on my take on how words are taken (or given), you are sort of correct. I hope to examine that more closely at some time. For example, in dream interpretation Jung often looked deeply into the etymology of words to eke out meanings. And yet the contemporary usage was also important. And do words such as 'paedophile' have validity because those who originated it were loving to children? Or even words like democracy whose etymology is not as people think and its adoption by the wealthy was either a condescending joke, an insider joke, or a kind of psyop similar to the names of the various so-called corona viruses. A complex discussion, this challenge of the spell of words and their origin, history, and usage. Sorry I'm not in position right now to elaborate more fully here. Some will show up in the next essay!

Good night.

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Totally on democracy! And yes I do wonder whether its adoption by the wealthy was a condescending joke.

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You know I take pleasure in taking the argument of my opponent and use it against them.

Biological Warfare is old... it was used by the Jews who gave infested blankets (pox) to Native American tribes who had no way of defeating against this.

The Jews also brought the Slaves to Jamaica for their sugar cane plantations which they used to brew Rum.

And you can research this the first 5 Rum Brewers who were Jewish did just that.

They then used the Rum (and Weapons another Jewish trade) that they gave to the Native Americans to further decimate their Numbers.

Which leads me to the original sin and Authority.

The Jews are not stupid, they are highly educated and knowledgeable.

Many of them are Lawyers... which means they know the System inside out.

But that is even worse.

A) they don't share their Knowledge because they claim Authority over us

B) The Jews are deeply Racist and treat us all as slaves.

Slaves to a system that is controlled by Money which is controlled by Jews because it is a Private System that rules the world in private Rothchild Hands.

The Ring of Power.


Which leads me to the "Original Sin".

What is our Original sin?

To be alive.

I wrote this before and I say it again.

The Jews are the Offspring of the Anunaki... Nephilim... Nimrod... Draco.

The Anunaki created us as a Vessel / Vassal to carry their spirit.

The Anunaki are a Dragon / Demon / Angel Race of Energy beings that exist as pure living Energy alone.

That is why the Jews / Freemasons (their servants) are creating all this shit.

Nothing of it is necessary and it don't hold up to their own Arguments.

So they become Aggressive.

Our sin in their view is that we been created for them to use.

So they claim Authority which they don't have and become very aggressive.

Their Arguments don't hold up.

They failed.

The Human Race is beautiful... they are ugly... because they have ugly minds that don't appreciate Human Values.

We have not become yet... but we will.

The Jews represent an Alien Race that has become Alien Nazis.

The Enemy within Humanity we fail to see.


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Thanks for the comment, Fritz. Interesting link. Is there a reference to Jews giving the smallpox-laden blankets to native Americans? I've heard of the incident but not that link. Julius Skoolafish, who I know is on the same page as you in many things, has a link to a documentary on the 13 Sugar Colonies. I haven't watched it yet.

It's interesting to me that you reject the Bible for what it says about God giving the right to rule over the world to the Hebrews (as do I) and about Jesus, yet you use its language to describe the 'enemy' as Satan. Isn't Satan a Biblical construct? Why would it tell the truth about that, rather than being a way to literally demonize the anti-imperial insurgents, as Biblical scholar Elaine Pagels points out?

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My friend this is a difficult question and the answer might as well be difficult to understand.

When i was 12 Christmas I tried to kill myself for all those Bullshit Lies.

All year we fight and suddenly we are all friends?


Have you ever seen the Truth?

If you never seen the truth, how can you recognize it when you see it?

Does one not need one to compare?

I been blessed I have seen the Truth and it opened my eye.

I see water burning when I was 15.

I researched it.

I put down the formula to my Chemical teacher a few years later and he could only look into my eyes and smiled.

At 18 again Christmas I had a terrible Car accident and was dead for 4 days.

Somehow today I feel this was connected to a US Weapons test as we are here in a region of few people and lots of US Military.

Also there was a Nuclear Missile station i passed that day... and near that was where my accident happened.. Charlie Battery.

I never been the same since.

I question everything... including me.

I study what interests me... the Occult... Mysteries... tales... The Nordic Gods... Ygdrasil... Loki...

I was a punk then became a Goth.

I was a great beatles fan... John Lennon in particular.

I knew every song by heart.

I went to work... it was a lie... it hurt me physically.

I can't lie... it hurts me.

Why do we have to give our life to others?

Why are we not taught to become the best what we can become?

The Nazis I hate with every cell in my Body.

When i found out that Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild I became very angry... to this day.

How evil must one be to create such a monster only to create the state of Israel?

But the state of Israel was created with the Balfour declaration... 1WW.

So the Rothschild created that monster to bring the jews to israel.

If you understand the wickedness and evilness of this plan you understand.

And now they are doing it again.

Only someone so evil can come up with a plan so wicked.

And once you understand the evil behind their doing you see them by their actions.

I learned when i researched my patent how to siff out Truth from dare.

There was no room for error then and there is none now.

What they did to the Native Americans they did to us with the Covid Vaxx...


Same shit.

Then they sell us STARLINK as the great Internet from the sky... Hallelujah!

And the people fall for this shit.

As if Elon Musk was the Great Messiah... what a crap.

If he was so great, why did he steal my patent?

Just like Hitler... Musk is a false Prophet.

That is how evil these scumbags are...

Have you seen Lucifer?

I did.

I do, every day and so do you.

Lucifer is the sun, the bringer of light... every day the sun brings us the light.

Yet inside the sun lives a race... Draco... Angels... demons... Anunaki... all the same.

Light beings, energy beings.

I seen them... I fought them... I felt them.

They could not handle me for I learn Qi Gung... everyone should... it is the only weapon against them.

They created us now they want to destroy us because they fear what we can become... more than them.

Worse if we become what we ought to become they will be trapped forever in their Phantom zone of existenz for all of eternity... and we be aware of them.

For them it is a war for existenz as it is for us.

Only we don't know it.

Because we never been told.

They hide it well.

Only the leaders of man, easily possessed by them are allowed to rule over us.

Once Humanity is Free it will be curtains for them.

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NOT taking a "side."

I am against BOTH sides, because the SAME evil forces are training, funding, and arming, BOTH "sides" the same as in ALL wars for the past 150 years.

We should mind our OWN business. OUR Nation is presently collapsing while our tax dollars fund BOTH sides and supply both sides with weapons. Ever heard of the CIA? THEY trained the enemies of Israel and caused them to attack. And Israel is also funded and armed by the U.S.

ENOUGH. It's not my circus, and those are not MY monkeys.

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The IDF and Hamas are certainly both funded by Israel and Israel certainly gets more foreign aid, by a long shot, than any other country. So in that sense it's funded by the US. According to Whitney Webb, the CIA and Mossad work hand in glove in the pedo-sadist blackmail cult. Who do they both answer to? I'm not sure. It's definitely not Biden, who's a sock puppet with a hole in the toe. I don't see anyone in the US who's strong enough to be pulling the strings, although I may be wrong. I think it's more like to be the WEF answering to the Rothschilds or Black Nobility or Sabbateans. We agree that the US should not be funding or arming Israel, for all the good that our disapproval does.

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Tereza, are you familiar with Dr John Coleman's Book, "The Committee of 300"?:


Frances Leader has published a useful post on The Black Nobility:


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Thanks for the link, Tirion, I've heard of the book but haven't read it.

And sometime I need to do an episode on Frances' research on the Black Nobility and Nefahotep's on the Sabbateans.

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Excellent! Perhaps a look at the Name Stealers would also fit in the same episode? I think the Name Stealers described by Clif High are key to clearing the fog: one group of people masquerading as another - or even several others, even their own enemies. The Sabbateans are notorious for it. People pretending to be Jews, Christians, Moslems and who knows who/what else?!:


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That's an excellent suggestion. And congrats, you're the first email that came through on my retrometro account in a week. I'm changing hosting services because none of my websites are working and I'm down to one functional email but it has been less distracting, I must admit.

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I'm honored :)

It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world, Tereza!

Edit: actually, no. It's "The Truman Show," which is another example of a masquerade. Hmmmm.......

Is anything real? Where does reality end and the masquerade begin? The only "thing" real in this "reality" is our souls?

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Oct 28, 2023
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I think the download from the Universe was in that leaf that clunked down on my head ;-) Happy to be on the same wavelength as you, Ratio. Spill, friend, are you now a married man?

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