"It’s not just that food and goods that go in one direction and money in the other; all three flow in the opposite direction of the weapons."
I'm directionally challenged by this passage :-) . Let's say food and goods are going east, and money is going west (the opposite direction). In what direction are weapons going, such that it would be the opposite direction from food and goods AND money?
You're right, Mark, as usual. And you're making more work for yourself ;-)
I think it could be fixed by taking out the word 'just'. It's really that food, goods and debt money flow from the global South to the global North. But weapons flow from the US to the south.
I understand now. What confused me was "money in the other [direction]" , but you're saying that it's DEBT money, and that it's actually going in the same direction as food and goods.
Quote: "Morgan created a third party, called the Progressive or Bull Moose Party, and ran Teddy Roosevelt to divert some of Taft’s votes"
I had seen it reported that Wilson was Jacob Henry Schiff. No contradiction here, both Morgan and Schiff were connected to the City of London
Quote: "Rice yields are down 10-20%, wheat production is down 3%, and corn crops have lost 13% of their yield. Scientists at Stanford and the University of Washington predict that by mid-century harvests will fall by 20-40% due to rising temperatures."
I believe that a major cause could be the fact that indigenous seeds which had adapted over the centuries to specific regions, soils and climate, have been replaced by GMO seeds and extensive use of pesticides which are detrimental to both health and soils.
Quote: "But there is one thing we do produce, which goes back to E.D. Morel’s clues to invisible slavery abroad: we produce weapons. Lots of weapons."
One of the few positives of neoliberalism's detrimental impact on society and particularly on education, is that the quality of these weapons is deteriorating irreversibly compared to Russia, China and even Iran in some weapon systems.
Quote: "the modern family needs both parents working, since they are bidding against other two-income families for a house"
Excellent way of explaining housing inflation.
Quote: "SubSaharan Africa, which is the poorest part of the world, is paying $25,000 every minute to northern creditors. Well, you could build a lot of schools, a lot of hospitals . . . you could make a lot of job creation if you were using $25,000 a minute differently from debt repayment. So there’s this drain and I think people don’t understand that it is actually the South that is financing the North . . . to the tune of about $200 billion every year."
Quote: "He compares the American people to the children of a Mafia boss who don’t know what their father does, nor do they want to know, but are shocked that someone would throw a firebomb through their window."
Can’t wait to read your book, Tereza. Swamped right now but soon! 🤓
you are asking the right questions...
"It’s not just that food and goods that go in one direction and money in the other; all three flow in the opposite direction of the weapons."
I'm directionally challenged by this passage :-) . Let's say food and goods are going east, and money is going west (the opposite direction). In what direction are weapons going, such that it would be the opposite direction from food and goods AND money?
You're right, Mark, as usual. And you're making more work for yourself ;-)
I think it could be fixed by taking out the word 'just'. It's really that food, goods and debt money flow from the global South to the global North. But weapons flow from the US to the south.
I understand now. What confused me was "money in the other [direction]" , but you're saying that it's DEBT money, and that it's actually going in the same direction as food and goods.
Quote: "Morgan created a third party, called the Progressive or Bull Moose Party, and ran Teddy Roosevelt to divert some of Taft’s votes"
I had seen it reported that Wilson was Jacob Henry Schiff. No contradiction here, both Morgan and Schiff were connected to the City of London
Quote: "Rice yields are down 10-20%, wheat production is down 3%, and corn crops have lost 13% of their yield. Scientists at Stanford and the University of Washington predict that by mid-century harvests will fall by 20-40% due to rising temperatures."
I believe that a major cause could be the fact that indigenous seeds which had adapted over the centuries to specific regions, soils and climate, have been replaced by GMO seeds and extensive use of pesticides which are detrimental to both health and soils.
Quote: "But there is one thing we do produce, which goes back to E.D. Morel’s clues to invisible slavery abroad: we produce weapons. Lots of weapons."
One of the few positives of neoliberalism's detrimental impact on society and particularly on education, is that the quality of these weapons is deteriorating irreversibly compared to Russia, China and even Iran in some weapon systems.
Quote: "the modern family needs both parents working, since they are bidding against other two-income families for a house"
Excellent way of explaining housing inflation.
Quote: "SubSaharan Africa, which is the poorest part of the world, is paying $25,000 every minute to northern creditors. Well, you could build a lot of schools, a lot of hospitals . . . you could make a lot of job creation if you were using $25,000 a minute differently from debt repayment. So there’s this drain and I think people don’t understand that it is actually the South that is financing the North . . . to the tune of about $200 billion every year."
Quote: "He compares the American people to the children of a Mafia boss who don’t know what their father does, nor do they want to know, but are shocked that someone would throw a firebomb through their window."
Lovely analogy
Another great chapter - very well researched and enlightening. Thanks.